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   CSPICE_SCE2S converts an ephemeris seconds past J2000 (ET)
   value describing a date to a character string representation
   of a spacecraft clock value (SCLK).



      sc       a NAIF ID code for a spacecraft clock whose reading at the epoch
               specified by `et' is desired.

               help, sc
                  LONG = Scalar

      et       an epoch, specified as ephemeris seconds past J2000.

               help, et
                  DOUBLE = Scalar

   the call:

      cspice_sce2s, sc, et, sclkch


      sclkch   a character string representation of the spacecraft clock value
               that corresponds to `et', for the spacecraft clock specified by
               the input argument `sc'.

               help, sclkch
                  STRING = Scalar

               `sclkch' is an absolute spacecraft clock value, so a partition
               number is included in the string. The format of `sclkch' is
               specified in the SCLK kernel for the clock `sc'. A general
               discussion of spacecraft clock string formats is available in
               the SCLK Required Reading.

               In order to choose an appropriate length for `sclkch', you can
               examine an SCLK kernel for the clock specified by `sc'. The
               format of string representations of the clock's values is
               specified by kernel variables associated with the clock. See
               -Examples below for further information.




   Any numerical results shown for this example may differ between
   platforms as the results depend on the SPICE kernels used as input
   and the machine specific arithmetic implementation.

   1) Convert a UTC time to the character string representation of
      the CASSINI spacecraft clock value.

      Use the meta-kernel shown below to load the required SPICE


         File name:

         This meta-kernel is intended to support operation of SPICE
         example programs. The kernels shown here should not be
         assumed to contain adequate or correct versions of data
         required by SPICE-based user applications.

         In order for an application to use this meta-kernel, the
         kernels referenced here must be present in the user's
         current working directory.

         The names and contents of the kernels referenced
         by this meta-kernel are as follows:

            File name                     Contents
            ---------                     --------
            naif0012.tls                  Leapseconds
            cas00071.tsc                  CASSINI SCLK


            KERNELS_TO_LOAD = ( 'naif0012.tls',
                                'cas00071.tsc' )


         End of meta-kernel

      Example code begins here.

      PRO sce2s_ex1

         ;; Load the kernels for time conversion.
         cspice_furnsh, ''

         ;; Assign values for the spacecraft ID (CASSINI).
         SC         = -82
         event_time = '2004 JUN 11 11:00:37.57200'

         ;; Convert the time string to ephemeris time.
         cspice_str2et, event_time, et

         ;; Convert the ephemeris time to the corresponding
         ;; s-clock string appropriate for this spacecraft
         cspice_sce2s, sc, et, sclkch

         print, '         UTC Time              SCLK string'
         print, '--------------------------   ----------------'
         print, event_time, '   ', sclkch

         ;; It's always good form to unload kernels after use,
         ;; particularly in IDL due to data persistence.


      When this program was executed on a Mac/Intel/IDL8.x/64-bit
      platform, the output was:

               UTC Time              SCLK string
      --------------------------   ----------------
      2004 JUN 11 11:00:37.57200   1/1465644305.079


   This routine is provided as a convenience; it is simply shorthand
   for the code fragment

      cspice_sce2t,  sc, et,     sclkdp
      cspice_scdecd, sc, sclkdp, sclkch


   1)  If an SCLK kernel has not been loaded, does not contain all of
       the required data, or contains invalid data, an error is
       signaled by a routine in the call tree of this routine. The
       output argument `sclkch' will not be modified. This routine
       assumes that an SCLK kernel appropriate to the spacecraft
       clock identified by the input argument `sc' has been loaded.

   2)  If a leapseconds kernel is required for conversion between
       SCLK and `et' but is not loaded, an error is signaled by a
       routine in the call tree of this routine. The output argument
       `sclkch' will not be modified. When using an SCLK kernel that
       maps SCLK to a time system other than `et' (also called
       barycentric dynamical time---`TDB'), it is necessary to have a
       leapseconds kernel loaded at the time this routine is called.

       The time system to which an SCLK kernel maps SCLK epochs is
       indicated by the variable SCLK_TIME_SYSTEM_nn in the kernel,
       where nn is the negative of the NAIF integer code for the
       spacecraft. The time system used in a kernel is TDB if and
       only if the variable is assigned the value 1.

   3)  If the input `et' value is not representable in the spacecraft
       clock string format for the spacecraft clock identified by `sc',
       an error is signaled by a routine in the call tree of this
       routine. The output argument `sclkch' will not be modified.

   4)  If any of the input arguments, `sc' or `et', is undefined, an
       error is signaled by the IDL error handling system.

   5)  If any of the input arguments, `sc' or `et', is not of the
       expected type, or it does not have the expected dimensions and
       size, an error is signaled by the Icy interface.

   6)  If the output argument `sclkch' is not a named variable, an
       error is signaled by the Icy interface.


   An SCLK kernel, appropriate to the spacecraft clock identified
   by `sc', must be loaded at the time this routine is called.

   If the SCLK kernel used with this routine does not map SCLK
   directly to barycentric dynamical time, a leapseconds kernel
   must be loaded at the time this routine is called.








   J. Diaz del Rio     (ODC Space)
   E.D. Wright         (JPL)


   -Icy Version 1.0.1, 01-JUN-2021 (JDR)

       Edited the header to comply with NAIF standard. Added example's
       problem statement and meta-kernel with CASSINI PDS archived data.
       Reformatted example's output and changed calls to "cspice_unload" by

       Added -Parameters, -Exceptions, -Files, -Restrictions,
       -Literature_References and -Author_and_Institution sections, and
       completed -Particulars section.

       Removed reference to the routine's corresponding CSPICE header from
       -Abstract section.

       Added arguments' type and size information in the -I/O section.

   -Icy Version 1.0.0, 16-JUN-2003 (EDW)


   ephemeris time to spacecraft_clock string

Fri Dec 31 18:43:07 2021