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   CSPICE_STLABX corrects the position of a target for the stellar
   aberration effect on radiation transmitted from a specified observer to
   the target.



      pobj     the cartesian position vector of an object with respect to the
               observer, possibly corrected for light time.

               help, pobj
                  DOUBLE = Array[3]

               Units are km.

      vobs     the cartesian velocity vector of the observer with respect to
               the Solar System barycenter.

               help, vobs
                  DOUBLE = Array[3]

               Units are km/s.

   the call:

      cspice_stlabx, pobj, vobs, corpos


      corpos   the position of the object relative to the observer, corrected
               for the stellar aberration effect on radiation directed toward
               the target.

               help, corpos
                  DOUBLE = Array[3]

               This correction is the inverse of the usual stellar aberration
               correction: the corrected vector indicates the direction in
               which radiation must be emitted from the observer, as seen in an
               inertial reference frame having velocity equal to that of the
               observer, in order to reach the position indicated by the input
               vector `pobj'.




   Any numerical results shown for this example may differ between
   platforms as the results depend on the SPICE kernels used as input
   and the machine specific arithmetic implementation.

   1) Compute the apparent position of the Moon relative to the
      Earth, corrected for one way light-time and stellar aberration
      effect on radiation transmitted from the Earth to the Moon,
      given the geometric state of the Earth relative to the Solar
      System Barycenter, and the difference between the stelar
      aberration corrected and uncorrected position vectors, taking
      several steps.

      First, compute the light-time corrected state of the Moon body
      as seen by the Earth, using its geometric state. Then apply
      the correction for stellar aberration to the light-time
      corrected state of the target body, both for the transmission

      The code in this example could be replaced by a single call
      to cspice_spkpos:

          cspice_spkpos, 'MOON', et, 'J2000', 'XLT+S', 'EARTH', pos, ltime

      Use the meta-kernel shown below to load the required SPICE


         File name:

         This meta-kernel is intended to support operation of SPICE
         example programs. The kernels shown here should not be
         assumed to contain adequate or correct versions of data
         required by SPICE-based user applications.

         In order for an application to use this meta-kernel, the
         kernels referenced here must be present in the user's
         current working directory.

         The names and contents of the kernels referenced
         by this meta-kernel are as follows:

            File name                     Contents
            ---------                     --------
            de418.bsp                     Planetary ephemeris
            naif0009.tls                  Leapseconds


            KERNELS_TO_LOAD = ( 'de418.bsp',
                                'naif0009.tls'  )


         End of meta-kernel

      Example code begins here.

      PRO stlabx_ex1

         ;; Assign an observer, Earth, target, Moon, time of interest
         ;; and reference frame for returned vectors.
         idobs  = 399
         idtarg = 301
         utcstr = 'July 4 2004'
         reffrm = 'J2000'

         ;; Load the needed kernels.
         cspice_furnsh, ''

         ;; Convert the time string to ephemeris time.
         cspice_str2et, utcstr, et

         ;; Get the state of the observer with respect to the solar
         ;; system barycenter.
         cspice_spkssb, idobs, et, reffrm, sobs

         ;; Get the light-time corrected position `pos' of the target
         ;; body `idtarg' as seen by the observer. Normally we would
         ;; call cspice_spkpos to obtain this vector, but we already have
         ;; the state of the observer relative to the solar system
         ;; barycenter, so we can avoid looking up that state twice
         ;; by calling cspice_spkapo.
         cspice_spkapo, idtarg, et, reffrm, sobs, 'XLT', pos, ltime

         ;; Output the uncorrected vector.
         print, 'Uncorrected position vector'
         print, format='(A,3F19.6)', '   ', pos[0], pos[1], pos[2]

         ;; Apply the correction for stellar aberration to the
         ;; light-time corrected position of the target body.
         cspice_stlabx, pos, sobs[3:5], pcorr

         ;; Output the corrected position vector and the apparent
         ;; difference from the uncorrected vector.
         print, ''
         print, 'Corrected position vector'
         print, format='(A,3F19.6)', '   ', pcorr[0], pcorr[1], pcorr[2]

         ;; Apparent difference.
         cspice_vsub, pos, pcorr, appdif
         print, ''
         print, 'Apparent difference'
         print, format='(A,3F19.6)', '   ', appdif[0], appdif[1], appdif[2]

         ;; It's always good form to unload kernels after use,
         ;; particularly in IDL due to data persistence.


      When this program was executed on a Mac/Intel/IDL8.x/64-bit
      platform, the output was:

      Uncorrected position vector
               201809.933536     -260878.049826     -147716.077987

      Corrected position vector
               201782.730972     -260894.375627     -147724.405897

      Apparent difference
                   27.202563          16.325802           8.327911


   In order to transmit radiation from an observer to a specified
   target, the emission direction must be corrected for one way
   light time and for the motion of the observer relative to the
   solar system barycenter. The correction for the observer's
   motion when transmitting to a target is the inverse of the
   usual stellar aberration correction applied to the light-time
   corrected position of the target as seen by the observer.

   Below is the description of the stellar aberration correction
   used in the Icy routine cspice_stelab (with the notation changed

      Let `r' be the vector from the observer to the object, and `v' be
      the velocity of the observer with respect to the Solar System
      barycenter. Let `w' be the angle between them. The aberration
      angle `phi' is given by

         sin(phi) = v * sin(w) / C

      Let `h' be the vector given by the cross product

         h = r x v

      Rotate `r' by `phi' radians about `h' to obtain the apparent position
      of the object.

   This routine applies the inverse correction, so here the rotation
   about `h' is by -phi radians.


   1)  If the velocity of the observer is greater than or equal to
       the speed of light, an error is signaled by a routine in the
       call tree of this routine. The outputs are undefined.

   2)  If any of the input arguments, `pobj' or `vobs', is undefined,
       an error is signaled by the IDL error handling system.

   3)  If any of the input arguments, `pobj' or `vobs', is not of the
       expected type, or it does not have the expected dimensions and
       size, an error is signaled by the Icy interface.

   4)  If the output argument `corpos' is not a named variable, an
       error is signaled by the Icy interface.








   [1]  W. Owen, "The Treatment of Aberration in Optical Navigation",
        JPL IOM #314.8-524, 8 February 1985.


   J. Diaz del Rio     (ODC Space)


   -Icy Version 1.0.0, 13-AUG-2021 (JDR)


   stellar aberration for transmission case

Fri Dec 31 18:43:08 2021