Table of contents
CSPICE_DASUDC updates character data in a specified range of DAS logical
addresses with substrings of a character array.
handle a file handle of a DAS file opened for writing.
help, handle
LONG = Scalar
last the first and last of a range of DAS logical addresses of
help, first
LONG = Scalar
help, last
LONG = Scalar
These addresses satisfy the inequality
1 <= first <= last <= lastc
where `lastc' is the last character logical address
in use in the DAS file designated by `handle'.
epos the begin and end character positions that define the
substrings in each of the elements of the input array that are
to replace the data in the range of DAS character addresses
given by `first' and `last'.
help, bpos
LONG = Scalar
help, epos
LONG = Scalar
data a two-dimensional or one-dimensional array of bytes,
representing characters.
help, data
BYTE = Array[N,M] or BYTE = Array[N]
Note that, due to its internal implementation, IDL represents a
two-dimensional array where M=1 (single row) as a
one-dimensional array. Therefore, this routine makes no
difference between two- and one-dimensional arrays.
The contents of the specified substrings of the elements of
the array `data' will be written to the indicated DAS file in
order: data[bpos,0] will be written to character logical
address `first'; data[bpos+1,0] will be written to the
character logical address first+1, and so on; in this ordering
scheme, character `bpos' of data[*,i] is the successor of
character epos-1 of data[*,i-1].
`data' must be declared at least as
data = bytarr( epos, r )
with the dimension `r' being at least
r = LONG( ( last - first + sublen ) / sublen )
and `sublen', the length of each of the substrings in
the array to be written to the DAS file, being
sublen = epos - bpos + 1
the call:
cspice_dasudc, handle, first, last, bpos, epos, data
See -Particulars for a description of the effect of this routine.
Any numerical results shown for this example may differ between
platforms as the results depend on the SPICE kernels used as input
and the machine specific arithmetic implementation.
1) The following example demonstrates the capabilities of the
DAS character data routines. The reader should notice that
in these interfaces, the character data are treated not as
strings (or arrays of strings) but as a stream of single
characters: DAS character data are not limited to
human-readable text. For example, one can store images or
DEM data as DAS character data.
The example shows how to add a variable amount of character
data to a new DAS file, how to update some of the character
logical addresses within that file, and how to read that
data out to a different array.
Example code begins here.
PRO dasudc_ex1
;; Local parameters.
FNAME = 'dasudc_ex1.das'
cdatou = BYTE( [ '..............................', $
'..............................', $
'..............................', $
'..............................', $
'..............................', $
'..............................', $
'..............................', $
'..............................', $
' 1 2 3', $
'123456789012345678901234567890' ] )
;; Open a new DAS file. Use the file name as the internal
;; file name, and reserve no records for comments.
cspice_dasonw, FNAME, TYPE, FNAME, 0L, handle
;; Set the input data. Note that these data will be
;; considered as a binary data stream: DAS character data
;; are not limited to human-readable text. For example,
;; one can store images or DEM data as DAS character data.
cdatin = BYTE( [ '--F-345678901234567890', $
'--S-345678901234567890', $
'--T-IRDxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx' ] )
;; Add the last 20 characters of the first two elements
;; of `cdatin', and the 3rd character from the third one.
cspice_dasadc, handle, 41, 2, 21, cdatin
;; Update the 10th, 20th and 30th character in the DAS
;; file with a vertical bar.
for i=1L, 3L do begin
cspice_dasudc, handle, i*10L, i*10L, 0, 0, BYTE( '|' )
;; Close the file.
cspice_dascls, handle
;; Now verify the addition of data by opening the
;; file for read access and retrieving the data.
cspice_dasopr, FNAME, handle
;; Read the 41 characters that we stored on the DAS
;; file. Update the data on the `cdatou' array, placing
;; 6 characters on each element, starting from the
;; 10th position.
cspice_dasrdc, handle, 1L, 41L, 9L, 14L, cdatou
;; Dump the data to the screen. Note that the last
;; three lines should remain unmodified, and that
;; only 5 characters will be written on the 7th line.
print, 'Data from "', FNAME, '":'
for i=0L, 9L do begin
print, STRING(cdatou[*,i])
;; Close the file.
cspice_dascls, handle
When this program was executed on a Mac/Intel/IDL8.x/64-bit
platform, the output was:
Data from "dasudc_ex1.das":
1 2 3
Note that after run completion, a new DAS file exists in the
output directory.
DAS is a low-level format meant to store and transmit data. As
such, character data in DAS files are not interpreted by Icy
DAS input or output routines. There are no limits on which
character values may be placed in the virtual character array of a
DAS file.
This routine replaces the character data in the specified range
of logical addresses within a DAS file with the contents of the
specified substrings of the input array `data'.
The actual physical write operations that update the indicated
DAS file with the contents of the input array `data' may not take
place before this routine returns, since the DAS system buffers
data that are written as well as data that are read. In any case,
the data will be flushed to the file at the time the file is
closed, if not earlier. A physical write of all buffered
records can be forced by calling the Icy routine cspice_daswbr
(DAS, write buffered records).
In order to append character data to a DAS file, filling in a
range of character logical addresses that starts immediately
after the last character logical address currently in use, the
Icy routine cspice_dasadc (DAS add data, character) should be
1) If the input file handle is invalid, an error is signaled by
a routine in the call tree of this routine.
2) Only logical addresses that already contain data may be
updated: if either `first' or `last' are outside the range
[ 1, lastc ]
where `lastc' is the last character logical address that
currently contains data in the indicated DAS file, the error
SPICE(INVALIDADDRESS) is signaled by a routine in the call
tree of this routine. The DAS file will not be modified.
3) If `epos' or `bpos' are outside of the range
[ 0, n_elements(data[*,0]) - 1 ]
the error SPICE(INVALIDINDEX) is signaled by a routine in the
call tree of this routine.
4) If `bpos' is greater than `epos', the error
SPICE(INDICESOUTOFORDER) is signaled by a routine in the call
tree of this routine.
5) If first > last but both addresses are valid, this routine
will not modify the indicated DAS file. No error will be
6) If an I/O error occurs during the data update attempted
by this routine, the error is signaled by a routine in the
call tree of this routine. `first' and `last' will not be
7) If any of the input arguments, `handle', `first', `last',
`bpos', `epos' or `data', is undefined, an error is signaled
by the IDL error handling system.
8) If any of the input arguments, `handle', `first', `last',
`bpos', `epos' or `data', is not of the expected type, or it
does not have the expected dimensions and size, an error is
signaled by the Icy interface.
9) If the data provided in `data' is insufficient to update first-last+1
character addresses of the DAS file, an error is signaled by the Icy
See the description of the argument `handle' in -I/O.
J. Diaz del Rio (ODC Space)
-Icy Version 1.0.0, 19-JUL-2021 (JDR)
update a range of DAS logical addresses using substrings
write substrings to a range of DAS logical addresses