Table of contents
CSPICE_DPMIN returns the value of the smallest (negative)
number representable in a double precision variable.
the call:
dpmin = cspice_dpmin( )
dpmin the value of the smallest (negative) number that can be
represented in a double precision variable.
help, dpmin
DOUBLE = Scalar
This varies from machine to machine.
Any numerical results shown for this example may differ between
platforms as the results depend on the SPICE kernels used as input
and the machine specific arithmetic implementation.
1) Return the value of the smallest negative number representable
in a double precision variable.
Example code begins here.
PRO dpmin_ex1
print, FORMAT='("Minimum Double Precision Number: ", E20.12)', $
When this program was executed on a Mac/Intel/IDL8.x/64-bit
platform, the output was:
Minimum Double Precision Number: -1.797693134862E+308
The function always returns a constant value, set by the user
prior to compilation.
Error free.
[1] "Programming in VAX FORTRAN", Digital Equipment Corporation,
September 1984, Appendix C, FORTRAN Data Representation,
page C-3.
[2] "Microsoft FORTRAN Reference", Microsoft Corporation
1989, Section 1.3.1, page 13.
[3] "Sun FORTRAN Programmer's Guide", Sun Microsystems,
Revision A of 6 May 1988, Appendix F, Manual Pages for
FORTRAN, page 306 (LIBM_DOUBLE). This routine includes
the function D_MAX_NORMAL.
[4] "FORTRAN Programmer's Guide for the Sun Workstation",
Sun Microsystems, Revision E of 17 February 1986,
Appendix E, Manual Pages for FORTRAN, page 184 (RANGE).
This routine includes the function DFLMAX.
[5] "Language Systems FORTRAN Reference Manual", Language Systems
Corporation, version 1.2.1, page 3-12.
[6] "Lahey F77L EM/32 Programmers Reference Manual", version 4.0,
page 95.
[7] "FORTRAN/9000 Reference HP 9000 Series 700 Computers",
First Edition, June 1991, Hewlett Packard Company, page 4-5.
[8] "SGI Fortran 77 Programmer's Guide", Document number
007-0711-030, page 2-2.
[9] "Language Reference Manual", Absoft Fortran V3.2, 1993,
page 3-16, section (for the NeXT)
[10] "Unix/VMS Compatibility Libraries", Absoft Fortran V3.2,
1993; Chapter 3, Support Libraries, page 3-5, dflmax. (for
the NeXT)
J. Diaz del Rio (ODC Space)
E.D. Wright (JPL)
-Icy Version 1.0.1, 25-AUG-2021 (JDR)
Edited the header to comply with NAIF standard. Added example's
problem statement and reformatted example's output.
Added -Parameters, -Particulars, -Exceptions, -Files, -Restrictions,
-Literature_References and -Author_and_Institution sections.
Removed reference to the routine's corresponding CSPICE header from
-Abstract section.
Added argument's type and size information in the -I/O section.
-Icy Version 1.0.0, 16-JUN-2003 (EDW)
smallest d.p. number