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   CSPICE_DAFBFS initiates a forward search for arrays in a DAF



      handle   the scalar integer file handle referring to a DAF.

               help, handle
                  LONG = Scalar

   the call:

      cspice_dafbfs, handle

   starts a forwards search, i.e. start of file to end of file,
   on a DAF.






   Any numerical results shown for this example may differ between
   platforms as the results depend on the SPICE kernels used as input
   and the machine specific arithmetic implementation.

   1) Create a simple program to output the double precision and integer
      values stored in an SPK's segments' descriptors. This program opens
      a DAF for read, performs a forward search for the DAF arrays,
      prints the segment descriptor for each array found, then closes
      the DAF.

      Use the SPK kernel below as input DAF file for the program.


      Example code begins here.

      PRO dafbfs_ex1

         ;; Local constants
         kernel = 'de421.bsp'

         ;; Open a DAF file for read. Return a 'handle' referring
         ;; to the file.
         cspice_dafopr, kernel, handle

         ;; Define the summary parameters appropriate
         ;; for an SPK file.
         ND = 2L
         NI = 6L

         ;; Begin a forward search on the file.
         cspice_dafbfs, handle

         ;; Search until a DAF array is found.
         cspice_daffna, found

         ;; Loop while the search finds subsequent DAF arrays.
         while found do begin

            cspice_dafgs, ND, NI, dc, ic

            print, 'Doubles:  ', dc

            print, FORMAT='(A,6I8)', 'Integers: ', ic
            print, ' '

            ;; Check for another segment.
            cspice_daffna, found


         ;; Safely close the DAF file.
         cspice_dafcls, handle


      When this program was executed on a Mac/Intel/IDL8.x/64-bit
      platform, the output was:

      Doubles:    -3.1691952e+09   1.6968528e+09
      Integers:        1       0       1       2     641  310404

      Doubles:    -3.1691952e+09   1.6968528e+09
      Integers:        2       0       1       2  310405  423048

      Doubles:    -3.1691952e+09   1.6968528e+09
      Integers:        3       0       1       2  423049  567372

      Doubles:    -3.1691952e+09   1.6968528e+09
      Integers:        4       0       1       2  567373  628976

      Doubles:    -3.1691952e+09   1.6968528e+09
      Integers:        5       0       1       2  628977  674740

      Doubles:    -3.1691952e+09   1.6968528e+09
      Integers:        6       0       1       2  674741  715224

      Doubles:    -3.1691952e+09   1.6968528e+09
      Integers:        7       0       1       2  715225  750428

      Doubles:    -3.1691952e+09   1.6968528e+09
      Integers:        8       0       1       2  750429  785632

      Doubles:    -3.1691952e+09   1.6968528e+09
      Integers:        9       0       1       2  785633  820836

      Doubles:    -3.1691952e+09   1.6968528e+09
      Integers:       10       0       1       2  820837  944040

      Doubles:    -3.1691952e+09   1.6968528e+09
      Integers:      301       3       1       2  944041 1521324

      Doubles:    -3.1691952e+09   1.6968528e+09
      Integers:      399       3       1       2 1521325 2098608

      Doubles:    -3.1691952e+09   1.6968528e+09
      Integers:      199       1       1       2 2098609 2098620

      Doubles:    -3.1691952e+09   1.6968528e+09
      Integers:      299       2       1       2 2098621 2098632

      Doubles:    -3.1691952e+09   1.6968528e+09
      Integers:      499       4       1       2 2098633 2098644

      Note, the specific contents of `ic' and `dc' depend on the
      type of DAF.

      Note, the final entries in the integer array contain the segment
      start/end indexes. The output indicates the search proceeded
      from the start of the file (low value index) towards the end
      (high value index).


   The DAF search routines are:

      cspice_dafbfs       Begin forward search.
      cspice_daffna       Find next array.

      cspice_dafbbs       Begin backward search.
      cspice_daffpa       Find previous array.

      cspice_dafgs        Get summary.
      cspice_dafgn        Get name.

      cspice_dafcs        Continue search.

   The main procedure of these entry points is to allow the
   contents of any DAF to be examined on an array-by-array

   Conceptually, the arrays in a DAF form a doubly linked list,
   which can be searched in either of two directions: forward or
   backward. It is possible to search multiple DAFs simultaneously.

   cspice_dafbfs (begin forward search) and daffna are used to search the
   arrays in a DAF in forward order. In applications that search a
   single DAF at a time, the normal usage is

      cspice_dafbfs, handle
      cspice_daffna, found

      while found do begin

         cspice_dafgs, ND, NI, dc, ic
         cspice_dafps, dc, ic, sum
         cspice_dafgn, name


         cspice_daffna, found


   cspice_dafbbs (begin backward search) and cspice_daffpa are used to
   search the arrays in a DAF in backward order. In applications that search
   a single DAF at a time, the normal usage is

      cspice_dafbbs, handle
      cspice_daffpa, found

      while found do begin

         cspice_dafgs, ND, NI, dc, ic
         cspice_dafps, dc, ic, sum
         cspice_dafgn, name


         cspice_daffpa, found


   In applications that conduct multiple searches simultaneously, the above
   usage must be modified to specify the handle of the file to operate on,
   in any case where the file may not be the last one specified by
   cspice_dafbfs or cspice_dafbbs. The routine cspice_dafcs (DAF, continue
   search) is used for this purpose. Below, we give an example of an
   interleaved search of two files specified by the handles handl1 and
   handl2. The directions of searches in different DAFs are independent;
   here we conduct a forward search on one file and a backward search on the
   other. Throughout, we use dafcs to specify which file to operate on,
   before calling cspice_daffna, cspice_daffpa, cspice_dafgs, or

      cspice_dafbfs, handl1
      cspice_dafbbs, handl2

      cspice_dafcs,  handl1
      cspice_daffna, found1

      cspice_dafcs,  handl2
      cspice_daffpa, found2

      while ( found1 || found2 ) do begin

         if ( found1 ) then begin

            cspice_dafcs, handl1
            cspice_dafgs, ND, NI, dc, ic
            cspice_dafps, dc, ic, sum
            cspice_dafgn, name


            cspice_dafcs,  handl1
            cspice_daffna, found1


         if ( found2 ) then begin

            cspice_dafcs, handl2
            cspice_dafgs, ND, NI, dc, ic
            cspice_dafps, dc, ic, sum
            cspice_dafgn, name


            cspice_dafcs,  handl2
            cspice_daffpa, found2



   At any time, the latest array found (whether by cspice_daffna or
   cspice_daffpa) is regarded as the 'current' array for the file in which
   the array was found. The last DAF in which a search was started,
   executed, or continued by any of cspice_dafbfs, cspice_dafbbs,
   cspice_daffna, cspice_daffpa or cspice_dafcs is regarded as the 'current'
   DAF. The summary and name for the current array in the current DAF can be
   obtained separately, as shown above, by calls to cspice_dafgs (get
   summary) and cspice_dafgn (get name).

   Once a search has been begun, it may be continued in either
   direction. That is, cspice_daffpa may be used to back up during a
   forward search, and cspice_daffna may be used to advance during a
   backward search.


   1)  If the input handle is invalid, an error is signaled by a
       routine in the call tree of this routine.

   2)  If the summary record of the first record in the DAF file
       cannot be read, the error SPICE(RECORDNOTFOUND) is signaled by
       a routine in the call tree of this routine.

   3)  If the input argument `handle' is undefined, an error is
       signaled by the IDL error handling system.

   4)  If the input argument `handle' is not of the expected type, or
       it does not have the expected dimensions and size, an error is
       signaled by the Icy interface.


   See argument `handle'.








   J. Diaz del Rio     (ODC Space)
   E.D. Wright         (JPL)


   -Icy Version 1.0.3, 25-AUG-2021 (JDR)

       Edited the -Examples section to comply with NAIF standard.
       Modified code example to hardcode the input DAF file.

       Added -Parameters, -Particulars, -Exceptions, -Files, -Restrictions,
       -Literature_References and -Author_and_Institution sections.

       Removed reference to the routine's corresponding CSPICE header from
       -Abstract section.

       Added argument's type and size information in the -I/O section.

   -Icy Version 1.0.2, 06-NOV-2013 (EDW)

      Minor edits and clean up to header text.

   -Icy Version 1.0.1, 08-AUG-2008 (EDW)

      Minor edits to header text.

   -Icy Version 1.0.0, 16-JUN-2003 (EDW)


   begin DAF forward search

Fri Dec 31 18:43:02 2021