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   CSPICE_EKOPN creates, then opens a new E-kernel file and
   prepares the file for writing.



      fname    the name of a new E-kernel file to be created.

               help, fname
                  STRING = Scalar

      ifname   the internal file name of a new E-kernel.

               help, ifname
                  STRING = Scalar

               The internal file name may be up to 60 characters in length.

      ncomch   the amount of space, measured in characters, to be allocated in
               the comment area when the new EK file is created.

               help, ncomch
                  LONG = Scalar

               It is not necessary to allocate space in advance in order to
               add comments, but doing so may greatly increase the efficiency
               with which comments may be added. Making room for comments after
               data has already been added to the file involves moving the
               data, and thus is slower.

               `ncomch' must be greater than or equal to zero.

   the call:

      cspice_ekopn, fname, ifname, ncomch, handle


      handle   the EK handle of the file designated by `fname'.

               help, handle
                  LONG = Scalar

               This handle is used to identify the file to other EK routines.



               is the maximum number of DAS files that a user can
               have open simultaneously. This includes any files used
               by the DAS system.

               See the parameter definitions file for the actual
               value of this parameter.


   Any numerical results shown for this example may differ between
   platforms as the results depend on the SPICE kernels used as input
   and the machine specific arithmetic implementation.

   1) This example demonstrates how to open a new EK file, creating
      the two segments described below, without any records.

      The EK file will contain two segments, the first containing
      the DATAORDERS table and the second containing the DATAITEMS

      The E-kernel DATAORDERS table called consists of the set of
      columns listed below:


            Column Name     Data Type
            -----------     ---------
            ORDER_ID        INTEGER
            CUSTOMER_ID     INTEGER
            LAST_NAME       CHARACTER*(*)
            FIRST_NAME      CHARACTER*(*)
            ORDER_DATE      TIME
            COST            DOUBLE PRECISION

      The columns of the DATAITEMS table are shown below:


            Column Name     Data Type
            -----------     ---------
            ITEM_ID         INTEGER
            ORDER_ID        INTEGER
            ITEM_NAME       CHARACTER*(*)
            DESCRIPTION     CHARACTER*(*)
            PRICE           DOUBLE PRECISION

      Note that it is not necessary to populate the first segment
      with data before starting the second segment, or before
      closing the EK.

      Example code begins here.

      PRO ekopn_ex1

         ;; Local parameters
         EKNAME = 'ekopn_ex1.bdb'
         NCOLS  = 6

         ;; Local variables
         cnames = strarr( NCOLS )
         cdecls = strarr( NCOLS )

         ;; Open a new EK file.  For simplicity, we will not
         ;; reserve any space for the comment area, so the
         ;; number of reserved comment characters is zero.
         ;; The variable `ifname' is the internal file name.
         nresvc  =  0
         ifname  =  'Test EK/Created 01-JUN-2019'

         cspice_ekopn, EKNAME, ifname, nresvc, handle

         ;; Set up the table and column names and declarations
         ;; for the DATAORDERS segment.  We'll index all of
         ;; the columns.  All columns are scalar, so we omit
         ;; the size declaration.  Only the COST column may take
         ;; null values.
         cnames[0] = 'ORDER_ID'
         cdecls[0] = 'DATATYPE = INTEGER, INDEXED = TRUE'

         cnames[1] = 'CUSTOMER_ID'
         cdecls[1] = 'DATATYPE = INTEGER, INDEXED = TRUE'

         cnames[2] = 'LAST_NAME'
         cdecls[2] = 'DATATYPE = CHARACTER*(*), INDEXED  = TRUE'

         cnames[3] = 'FIRST_NAME'
         cdecls[3] = 'DATATYPE = CHARACTER*(*), INDEXED  = TRUE'

         cnames[4] = 'ORDER_DATE'
         cdecls[4] = 'DATATYPE = TIME, INDEXED  = TRUE'

         cnames[5] = 'COST'
         cdecls[5] = 'DATATYPE = DOUBLE PRECISION, ' +                       $
                     'INDEXED  = TRUE, NULLS_OK = TRUE'

         ;; Start the first segment. Since we have no data for this
         ;; segment, start the segment by just defining the new
         ;; segment's schema.
         cspice_ekbseg, handle, 'DATAORDERS', NCOLS, cnames, cdecls, segno

         ;; At this point, the second segment could be
         ;; created by an analogous process.  In fact, the
         ;; second segment could be created at any time; it is
         ;; not necessary to populate the first segment with
         ;; data before starting the second segment.
         ;; Set up the table and column names and declarations
         ;; for the DATAITEMS segment.  We'll index all of
         ;; the columns.  All columns are scalar, so we omit
         ;; the size declaration.
         cnames[0] = 'ITEM_ID'
         cdecls[0] = 'DATATYPE = INTEGER, INDEXED = TRUE'

         cnames[1] = 'ORDER_ID'
         cdecls[1] = 'DATATYPE = INTEGER, INDEXED = TRUE'

         cnames[2] = 'ITEM_NAME'
         cdecls[2] = 'DATATYPE = CHARACTER*(*), INDEXED  = TRUE'

         cnames[3] = 'DESCRIPTION'
         cdecls[3] = 'DATATYPE = CHARACTER*(*), INDEXED  = TRUE'

         cnames[4] = 'PRICE'

         ;; Start the new segment. Since we have no data for this
         ;; segment, start the segment by just defining the new
         ;; segment's schema.
         cspice_ekbseg, handle, 'DATAITEMS', 5, cnames, cdecls, segno

         ;; Close the file by a call to cspice_ekcls.
         cspice_ekcls, handle


      When this program is executed, no output is presented on
      screen. After run completion, a new EK file exists in the
      output directory.


   This routine operates by side effects: it opens and prepares
   an EK for addition of data.


   1)  If `ncomch' is less than zero, the error SPICE(INVALIDCOUNT) is
       signaled by a routine in the call tree of this routine. No
       file will be created.

   2)  If `ifname' is invalid, an error is signaled by a routine in the
       call tree of this routine.

   3)  If the indicated file cannot be opened, an error is signaled
       by a routine in the call tree of this routine. The new file
       will be deleted.

   4)  If an i/o error occurs while reading or writing the indicated
       file, the error is signaled by a routine in the call tree of
       this routine.

   5)  If any of the input arguments, `fname', `ifname' or `ncomch',
       is undefined, an error is signaled by the IDL error handling

   6)  If any of the input arguments, `fname', `ifname' or `ncomch',
       is not of the expected type, or it does not have the expected
       dimensions and size, an error is signaled by the Icy

   7)  If the output argument `handle' is not a named variable, an
       error is signaled by the Icy interface.


   See the EK Required Reading ek.req for a discussion of the EK file


   1)  No more than SPICE_DAS_FTSIZE DAS files may be opened simultaneously.
       See the parameter definitions file for the value of






   J. Diaz del Rio     (ODC Space)
   E.D. Wright         (JPL)


   -Icy Version 1.0.3, 31-MAY-2021 (JDR)

       Edited the header to comply with NAIF standard. Added complete code

       Added -Parameters, -Exceptions, -Files, -Restrictions,
       -Literature_References and -Author_and_Institution sections, and
       completed -Particulars section.

       Removed reference to the routine's corresponding CSPICE header from
       -Abstract section.

       Added arguments' type and size information in the -I/O section.

   -Icy Version 1.0.2, 19-JAN-2009 (EDW)

       Edits to header text and spelling correction.

   -Icy Version 1.0.0, 16-JUN-2003 (EDW)


   open new E-kernel
   open new EK

Fri Dec 31 18:43:04 2021