Index typography for arguments - `name` : a string variable of dimension 1xL with L the string length
- _name_ : a vectorizable variable
- name(N) : an N-vector (Nx1)
- name(N,M) : an NxM array
- _name(N)_ : a vectorized N-vector with dimension (NxS) where S represents the measure of vectorization
- _name(N,M)_ : a vectorized NxM array with dimension (NxMxS) where S represents the measure of vectorization
- name() : an output vector of unknown dimension
- _`name`_ : a vector of strings with dimension SxL with L the string lengths and S the measure of vectorization
- [name] : when used to delimit an input argument (rhs), indicates an optional input argument
- AXISAR: [r(3,3)] = cspice_axisar( axis(3), angle)
- AZLCPO: [azlsta(6), lt] = cspice_azlcpo( `method`, `target`, et, `abcorr`, azccw, elplsz, obspos(3), `obsctr`, `obsref` )
- AZLREC: [rectan(3)] = cspice_azlrec( range, az, el, azccw, elplsz )
- B1900: [b1900] = cspice_b1900
- B1950: [b1950] = cspice_b1950
- BADKPV: cspice_badkpv( `caller`, `name`, `comp`, size, divby, `type` )
- BLTFRM: [idset] = cspice_bltfrm( frmcls, room )
- BODC2N: [_`name`_, _found_] = cspice_bodc2n(_code_)
- BODC2N: [_`name`_] = mice_bodc2n(_code_)
- BODC2S: [_`name`_] = cspice_bodc2s(_code_)
- BODDEF: cspice_boddef(`name`, code)
- BODFND: [bodfnd] = cspice_bodfnd( body, `item` )
- BODN2C: [_code_, _found_] = cspice_bodn2c(_`name`_)
- BODN2C: [_code_] = mice_bodn2c(_`name`_)
- BODS2C: [_code_, _found_] = cspice_bods2c(_`name`_)
- BODS2C: [_code_] = mice_bods2c(_`name`_)
- BODVCD: [values] = cspice_bodvcd(bodyid, `item`, maxn)
- BODVRD: [values] = cspice_bodvrd( `bodynm`, ', ...
'`item`, ', ...
'maxn )
- CCIFRM: [ frcode, `frname`, cent, found] = cspice_ccifrm( frclss, clssid)
- CGV2EL: [ellips] = cspice_cgv2el( center(3), vec1(3), vec2(3) )
- CHBDER: [dpdxs(nderiv+1)] = cspice_chbder( cp(degp+1), degp, x2s(2), x, nderiv )
- CHBIGR: [p, itgrlp] = cspice_chbigr( degp, cp(degp+1), x2s(2), x )
- CHBINT: [p, dpdx] = cspice_chbint( cp(degp+1), degp, x2s(2), x )
- CHBVAL: [p] = cspice_chbval( cp(degp+1), degp, x2s(2), x )
- CIDFRM: [_frcode_, _`frname`_, _found_] = cspice_cidfrm(_cent_)
- CKCLS: cspice_ckcls(handle)
- CKCOV: [cover] = cspice_ckcov( _`ckfnm`_, idcode, needav, level, tol, timsys, room, [cover_i] )
- CKFROT: [rotate(3,3), ref, found] = cspice_ckfrot( inst, et )
- CKFXFM: [xform(6,6), ref, found] = cspice_ckfxfm( inst, et )
- CKGP: [_cmat(3,3)_, _clkout_, _found_] = cspice_ckgp(inst, _sclkdp_, tol, `ref`)
- CKGPAV: [_cmat(3,3)_, _av(3)_, _clkout_, _found_] = cspice_ckgpav(inst, _sclkdp_, tol, `ref`)
- CKGR02: [record(10)] = cspice_ckgr02( handle, descr(5), recno )
- CKGR03: [record(8)] = cspice_ckgr03( handle, descr(5), recno )
- CKLPF: [handle] = cspice_cklpf( `fname` )
- CKMETA: [idcode] = cspice_ckmeta( ckid, `meta` )
- CKNR02: [nrec] = cspice_cknr02( handle, descr(5) )
- CKNR03: [nrec] = cspice_cknr03( handle, descr(5) )
- CKOBJ: [ids] = cspice_ckobj( _`ckfnm`_, room, [ids_i])
- CKOPN: [handle] = cspice_ckopn(`fname`, `ifname`, ncomch)
- CKUPF: cspice_ckupf( handle )
- CKW01: cspice_ckw01( handle, begtim, endtim, inst, ref, avflag, segid, sclkdp(N), quats(4,N), avvs(3,N))
- CKW02: cspice_ckw02( handle, begtim, endtim, inst, ref, segid, start(N), stop(N), quats(4,N), avvs(3,N)) rates(N)
- CKW03: cspice_ckw03( handle, begtim, endtim, inst, ref, avflag, segid, sclkdp(N), quats(4,N), avvs(3,N), starts(M))
- CLIGHT: [clight] = cspice_clight
- CLPOOL: cspice_clpool
- CNMFRM: [_frcode_, _`frname`_, _found_] = cspice_cnmfrm(_`cname`_)
- CONICS: [_state(6)_] = cspice_conics( _elts(8)_, _et_ )
- CONVRT: [_y_] = cspice_convrt( _x_, `in`, `out`)
- CYLLAT: [_radius_, _lon_, _lat_] = cspice_cyllat(_r_, _clon_, _z_)
- CYLREC: [_rectan(3)_] = cspice_cylrec(_r_, _clon_, _z_)
- CYLSPH: [_radius_, _colat_, _slon_] = cspice_cylsph(_r_, _clon_, _z_)
- DAFAC: cspice_dafac( handle, buffer )
- DAFBBS: cspice_dafbbs(handle)
- DAFBFS: cspice_dafbfs(handle)
- DAFCLS: cspice_dafcls(handle)
- DAFCS: cspice_dafcs(handle)
- DAFDC: cspice_dafdc(handle)
- DAFEC: [buffer, done] = cspice_dafec( handle, bufsiz, buffln )
- DAFFNA: [found] = cspice_daffna
- DAFFPA: [found] = cspice_daffpa
- DAFGDA: data = cspice_dafgda( handle, baddr, eaddr)
- DAFGN: [`name`] = cspice_dafgn
- DAFGS: [dc, ic] = cspice_dafgs( nd, ni)
- DAFHSF: [nd, ni] = cspice_dafhsf( handle )
- DAFOPR: [handle] = cspice_dafopr(`fname`)
- DAFOPW: [handle] = cspice_dafopw(`fname`)
- DAFPS: [sum()] = cspice_dafps( dc(nd), ic(ni) )
- DAFRS: cspice_dafrs( dc(nd), ic(ni) )
- DAFUS: [dc(nd), ic(ni)] = cspice_dafus( sum(N), nd, ni )
- DASADC: cspice_dasadc( handle, n, bpos, epos, data(n,m) )
- DASADD: cspice_dasadd( handle, data(n) )
- DASADI: cspice_dasadi( handle, data(n) )
- DASCLS: cspice_dascls( handle )
- DASEC: [buffer, done] = cspice_dasec( handle, bufsiz, buffln )
- DASHFS: [nresvr, nresvc, ncomr, ncomc, free, lastla(3), lastrc(3), lastwd(3)] = cspice_dashfs( handle )
- DASLLA: [lastc, lastd, lasti] = cspice_daslla( handle )
- DASLLC: cspice_dasllc( handle )
- DASONW: [handle] = cspice_dasonw( `fname`, `ftype`, `ifname`, ncomr )
- DASOPR: [handle] = cspice_dafopr(`fname`)
- DASOPS: [handle] = cspice_dasops
- DASOPW: [handle] = cspice_dasopw( `fname` )
- DASRDC: [data(n,m)] = cspice_dasrdc( handle, first, last, bpos, epos, data(n,m)
- DASRDD: [data] = cspice_dasrdd( handle, first, last )
- DASRDI: [data] = cspice_dasrdi( handle, first, last )
- DASUDC: cspice_dasudc( handle, first, last, bpos, epos, data(n,m) )
- DASUDD: cspice_dasudd( handle, first, last, data(N) )
- DASUDI: cspice_dasudi( handle, first, last, data )
- DASWBR: cspice_daswbr( handle )
- DAZLDR: [jacobi(3,3)] = cspice_dazldr( x, y, z, azccw, elplsz )
- DCYLDR: [_jacobi(3,3)_] = cspice_dcyldr( _x_, _y_, _z_)
- DELTET: [_delta_] = cspice_deltet( _epoch_, `eptype`)
- DGEODR: [_jacobi(3,3)_] = cspice_dgeodr( _x_, _y_, _z_, re, f )
- DLABBS: [dladsc(SPICE_DLA_DSCSIZ), found] = cspice_dlabbs( handle )
- DLABFS: [dladsc(SPICE_DLA_DSCSIZ), found] = cspice_dlabfs( handle )
- DLABNS: cspice_dlabns( handle )
- DLAENS: cspice_dlaens( handle )
- DLAFNS: [nxtdsc(SPICE_DLA_DSCSIZ), found] = cspice_dlafns( handle, dladsc(SPICE_DLA_DSCSIZ) )
- DLAFPS: [prvdsc(SPICE_DLA_DSCSIZ), found] = cspice_dlafps( handle, dladsc(SPICE_DLA_DSCSIZ) )
- DLAOPN: [handle] = cspice_dlaopn( `fname`, `ftype`, `ifname`, ncomch )
- DLATDR: [_jacobi(3,3)_] = cspice_dlatdr( _x_, _y_, _z_)
- DNEARP: [dnear(6), dalt(2), found] = cspice_dnearp( state(6), a, b, c )
- DPGRDR: [_jacobi(3,3)_] = cspice_dpgrdr( `body`, _x_, _y_, _z_, re, f)
- DPMAX: [dpmax] = cspice_dpmax
- DPMIN: [dpmin] = cspice_dpmin
- DPR: [dpr] = cspice_dpr
- DRDAZL: [jacobi(3,3)] = cspice_drdazl( range, az, el, azccw, elplsz )
- DRDCYL: [_jacobi(3,3)_] = cspice_drdcyl( _r_, _clon_, _z_)
- DRDGEO: [_jacobi(3,3)_] = cspice_drdgeo( _lon_, _lat_, _alt_, re, f)
- DRDLAT: [_jacobi(3,3)_] = cspice_drdlat( _r_, _lon_, _lat_)
- DRDPGR: [_jacobi(3,3)_] = cspice_drdpgr( `body`, _lon_, _lat_, _alt_, re, f)
- DRDSPH: [_jacobi(3,3)_] = cspice_drdsph( _r_, _colat_, _slon_ )
- DSKB02: [nv, np, nvxtot, vtxbds(2,3), voxsiz, voxori(3,1), vgrext(3,1), cgscal, vtxnpl, voxnpt, voxnpl] = cspice_dskb02( handle, dladsc )
- DSKCLS: cspice_dskcls( handle, optmiz )
- DSKD02: [values] = cspice_dskd02( handle, dladsc, item, start, room )
- DSKGD: [dskdsc(24)] = cspice_dskgd( handle, dladsc )
- DSKGTL: [dpval] = cspice_dskgtl( keywrd )
- DSKI02: [values(n)] = cspice_dski02( handle, dladsc(SPICE_DLA_DSCSIZ), item, start, room )
- DSKMI2: [ spaixd(SPICE_DSK02_IXDFIX), spaixi(spxisz)] = cspice_dskmi2( vrtces(3,m), plates(3,n), finscl, corscl, worksz, voxpsz, voxlsz, makvtl, spxisz)
- DSKN02: [normal(3)] = cspice_dskn02( handle, dladsc, plid );
- DSKOBJ: [bodids] = cspice_dskobj( _`dskfnm`_, room, [bodids_i])
- DSKOPN: [handle] = cspice_dskopn( `fname`, ',
'`ifname`, ncomch )
- DSKP02: [plates(3)] = cspice_dskp02( handle, dladsc, start, room )
- DSKRB2: [mncor3, mxcor3] = cspice_dskrb2( vrtces(3,m), plates(3,n), corsys, corpar(SPICE_DSK_NSYPAR) )
- DSKSRF: [srfids] = cspice_dsksrf( _`dskfnm`_, bodyid, room, [srfids_i])
- DSKSTL: cspice_dskstl( keywrd, dpval )
- DSKV02: [vrtces] = cspice_dskv02( handle, dladsc, start, room )
- DSKW02: cspice_dskw02( handle, center, surfid, dclass, `frame`, corsys, corpar(2), mncor1, mxcor1, mncor2, mxcor2, mncor3, mxcor3, first, last, vrtces(3,m), plates(3,n), spaixd(p), spaixi(q) )
- DSKX02: [ plid, xpt, found] = cspice_dskx02( handle, dladsc, vertex, raydir)
- DSKXSI: [ xpt(3), handle, dladsc(SPICE_DLA_DSCSIZ), dskdsc(SPICE_DSK_DSCSIZ), dc(SPICE_DSKXSI_DCSIZE), ic(SPICE_DSKXSI_ICSIZE), found] = cspice_dskxsi( pri, `target`, nsurf, srflst(nsurf), et, `fixref`, vertex(3), raydir(3) )
- DSKXV: [ xptarr(3,n), fndarr(n)] = cspice_dskxv( pri, `target`, nsurf, srflst(nsurf), et, `fixref`, vtxarr(3,n), dirarr(3,n) )
- DSKZ02: [nv, np] = cspice_dskz02( handle, dladsc )
- DSPHDR: [_jacobi(3,3)_] = cspice_dsphdr( _x_, _y_, _z_)
- DTPOOL: [_found_, _n_, _`type`_] = cspice_dtpool(_`name`_)
- DTPOOL: [_value_] = mice_dtpool(_`name`_)
- DUCRSS: [_sout(6)_] = cspice_ducrss(_s1(6)_, _s2(6)_)
- DVCRSS: [_sout(6)_] = cspice_dvcrss(_s1(6)_, _s2(6)_)
- DVDOT: [_dvdot_] = cspice_dvdot(_s1(6)_, _s2(6)_)
- DVHAT: [_sout(6)_] = cspice_dvhat( _s1(6)_ )
- DVNORM: [_dvnorm_] = cspice_dvnorm(_state(6)_)
- DVPOOL: cspice_dvpool(_`name`_)
- DVSEP: [_dvsep_] = cspice_dvsep(_s1(6)_, _s2(6)_)
- EDLIMB: [ limb ] = cspice_edlimb( a, b, c, viewpt )
- EDNMPT: [point(3)] = cspice_ednmpt( a, b, c, normal(3) )
- EDPNT: [ep(3)] = cspice_edpnt( p(3), a, b, c )
- EDTERM: [trgepc, obspos(3), trmpts(3,npts)] = cspice_edterm( `trmtyp`, `source`, `target`, et, `fixref`, `abcorr`, `obsrvr`, npts)
- EKFIND: [nmrows, error, `errmsg`] = cspice_ekfind( `query` )
- EKGC: [ `cdata`, null, found] = cspice_ekgc( selidx, row, elment, cdatln )
- EKGD: [ ddata, null, found] = cspice_ekgd( selidx, row, elment )
- EKGI: [ idata, null, found] = cspice_ekgi( selidx, row, elment )
- EKNELT: [nelt] = cspice_eknelt( selidx, row )
- EL2CGV: [center(3), smajor(3), sminor(3)] = cspice_el2cgv( ellips )
- ET2LST: [ _hr_, _mn_, _sc_, _`time`_, _`ampm`_] = cspice_et2lst( _et_, body, lon, `type`)
- ET2UTC: [_`utcstr`_] = cspice_et2utc(_et_, `format`, prec)
- ETCAL: [_`calstr`_] = cspice_etcal(_et_)
- EUL2M: [_r(3,3)_] = cspice_eul2m(_angle3_, _angle2_, _angle1_, axis3, axis2, axis1)
- EUL2XF: [_xform(6,6)_] = cspice_eul2xf(_eulang(6)_, axisa, axisb, axisc)
- EVSGP4: [_starg(6)_] = cspice_spkezr( et, _geophs(8)_, _elems(10_) )
- EXPOOL: [found] = cspice_expool( `name` )
- FOVRAY: [_visibl_] = cspice_xfmsta( `inst`, _raydir[6]_, `rframe`, `abcorr`, `obsrvr`, _et_]
- FOVTRG: [_visibl_] = cspice_fovtrg( `inst`, `target`, `tshape`, `tframe`, `abcorr`, `obsrvr`, _et_]
- FRAME: [x(3), y(3), z(3)] = cspice_frame( x(3) )
- FRINFO: [_cent_, _frclss_, _clssid_, _found_] = cspice_frinfo(_frcode_)
- FRMNAM: [_`frname`_] = cspice_frmnam(_frcode_)
- FURNSH: cspice_furnsh(_`file`_)
- GCPOOL: [cvals(), found] = cspice_gcpool( `name`, start, room)
- GDPOOL: [values(), found] = cspice_gdpool( `name`, start, room)
- GEOREC: [_rectan(3)_] = cspice_georec( _lon_, _lat_, _alt_, re, f)
- GETELM: [epoch, elems(10) ] = cspice_getelm( frstyr, `lines(2)` )
- GETFAT: [`arch`, `kertyp`] = cspice_getfat( `file` )
- GETFOV: [`shape`, `frame`, bsight(3), bounds(3,N)] = cspice_getfov( instid, room )
- GETFVN: [`shape`, `frame`, bsight(3), bounds(3,N)] = cspice_getfvn( `inst`, room )
- GFDIST: [result] = cspice_gfdist( `target`, `abcorr`, `obsrvr`, `relate`, refval, adjust, step, nintvls, cnfine )
- GFILUM: [result] = cspice_gfilum( `method`, `angtyp`, `target`, `illmn`, `fixref`, `abcorr`, `obsrvr`, spoint[3], `relate`, refval, adjust, step, nintvls, cnfine, )
- GFOCLT: [result] = cspice_gfoclt( `occtyp`, `front`, `fshape`, `fframe`, `back`, `bshape`, `bframe`, `abcorr`, `obsrvr`, step, cnfine, nintvls )
- GFPA: [result] = cspice_gfpa( `target`, `illmn`, `abcorr, obsrvr`, `relate`, refval, adjust, step, nintvls, cnfine )
- GFPOSC: [result] = cspice_gfposc( `target`, `frame`, `abcorr`, `obsrvr`, `crdsys`, `coord`, `relate`, refval, adjust, step, nintvls, cnfine )
- GFRFOV: [result] = cspice_gfrfov( `inst`, raydir[3], `rframe` `abcorr`, `obsrvr`, step, cnfine, nintvls)
- GFRR: [result] = cspice_gfrr( `target`, `abcorr`, `obsrvr`, `relate`, refval, adjust, step, nintvls, cnfine )
- GFSEP: [result] = cspice_gfsep( `targ1`, `shape1`, `frame1`, `targ2`, `shape2`, `frame2`, `abcorr`, `obsrvr`, `relate`, refval, adjust, step, nintvls, cnfine )
- GFSNTC: [result] = cspice_gfsntc( `target`, `fixref`, `method`, `abcorr`, `obsrvr`, `dref`, dvec[3], `crdsys`, `coord`, `relate`, refval, adjust, step, nintvls, cnfine )
- GFSTOL: cspice_gfstol(value)
- GFSUBC: [result] = cspice_gfsubc( `target`, `fixref`, `method`, `abcorr`, `obsrvr`, `crdsys`, `coord`, `relate`, refval, adjust, step, nintvls, cnfine )
- GFTFOV: [result] = cspice_gftfov( `inst`, `target`, `tshape`, `tframe` `abcorr`, `obsrvr`, step, cnfine, nintvls )
- GIPOOL: [ivals(), found] = cspice_gipool( `name`, start, room )
- GNPOOL: [cvals(), found] = cspice_gnpool( `name`, start, room )
- HALFPI: [halfpi] = cspice_halfpi
- HRMESP: [f, df] = cspice_hrmesp( n, first, step, yvals(n), x )
- HRMINT: [f, df] = cspice_hrmint( n, xvals(n), yvals(n+1), x )
- ILLUM: [_phase_, _solar_, _emissn_] = cspice_illum( `target`, _et_, `abcorr`, `obsrvr`, _spoint(3)_)
- ILLUM_PL02: [phase, solar, emissn] = cspice_illum_pl02( handle, dladsc(SPICE_DLA_DSCSIZ), `target`, et, `abcorr`, `obsrvr`, spoint(3) )
- ILLUM_PLID_PL02: [trgepc, srfvec(3), phase, solar, emissn, visibl, lit] = cspice_illum_plid_pl02( handle, dladsc(SPICE_DLA_DSCSIZ), `target`, et, `abcorr`, `obsrvr`, spoint(3), plid )
- ILLUMF: ( ...
[ '[trgepc, srfvec(3), phase, incdnc, emissn, visibl, lit] = cspice_ilumin( `method`, `target`, `ilusrc`, et, `fixref`, `abcorr`, `obsrvr`, spoint(3))
- ILLUMG: [trgepc, srfvec(3), phase, incdnc, emissn] = cspice_ilumin( `method`, `target`, `ilusrc`, et, `fixref`, `abcorr`, `obsrvr`, spoint(3))
- ILUMIN: [trgepc, srfvec(3), phase, incdnc, emissn] = cspice_ilumin( `method`, `target`, et, `fixref`, `abcorr`, `obsrvr`, spoint(3))
- INEDPL: [ellips, found] = cspice_inedpl( a, b, c, plane )
- INELPL: [ nxpts, xpt1, xpt2] = cspice_inelpl( ellips, plane )
- INRYPL: [nxpts, xpt] = cspice_inrypl( vertex, dir, plane )
- INTMAX: [intmax] = cspice_intmax
- INTMIN: [intmin] = cspice_intmin
- INVORT: [mit(3,3)] = cspice_rotmat( m(3,3) )
- INVSTM: [invmat(6,6)] = cspice_invstm( mat(6,6) )
- J1900: [j1900] = cspice_j1900
- J1950: [j1950] = cspice_j1950
- J2000: [j2000] = cspice_j2000
- J2100: [j2100] = cspice_j21000
- JYEAR: [jyear] = cspice_jyear
- KCLEAR: cspice_kclear
- KDATA: [ `file`, `filtyp`, `srcfil`, handle, found ] = cspice_kdata( which, `kind` )
- KINFO: [ `filtyp`, `srcfil`, handle, found ] = cspice_kinfo( `file` )
- KPLFRM: [idset] = cspice_kplfrm( frmcls, room )
- KTOTAL: count = cspice_ktotal(`kind`)
- LATCYL: [ _r_, _clon_, _z_] = cspice_latcyl( _radius_, _lon_, _lat_)
- LATREC: [_rectan(3)_] = cspice_latrec(_radius_, _lon_, _lat_)
- LATSPH: [_rho_, _colat_, _slon_] = cspice_latsph( _radius_, _lon_, _lat_)
- LATSRF: [srfpts] = cspice_latsrf( `method`, `target`, et, `fixref`, lonlat )
- LDPOOL: cspice_ldpool( `fname` )
- LGRESP: [lgresp] = cspice_lgresp( n, first, step, yvals(n), x )
- LGRIND: [p, dp] = cspice_lgrind( n, xvals(n), yvals(n), x )
- LGRINT: [lgrint] = cspice_lgrint( n, xvals(n), yvals(n), x )
- LIMB_PL02: [trgepc, obspos(3), lmbpts(3,npts), pltids(npts)] = cspice_limb_pl02( handle, dladsc(SPICE_DLA_DSCSIZ), `target`, et, `fixref`, `abcorr`, `obsrvr`, npts )
- LIMBPT: [npts(n), pointa(3,m), epochs(m), tangts(3,m)] = cspice_limbpt( `method`, `target`, et, `fixref`, `abcorr`, `corloc`, `obsrvr`, refvec, rolstp, ncuts, schstp, soltol, maxn )
- LLGRID_PL02: [srfpts(3), pltids] = cspice_llgrid_pl02( handle, dladsc(SPICE_DLA_DSCSIZ), grid )
- LMPOOL: cspice_lmpool( _`cvals`_ )
- LSPCN: [_lspcn_] = cspice_lspcn( `body`, _et_, `abcorr`)
- LTIME: [_ettarg_, _elapsd_] = cspice_ltime( _etobs_, obs, `dir`, targ)
- M2EUL: [_angle3_, _angle2_, _angle1_] = cspice_m2eul( _r(3,3)_, axis3, axis2, axis1)
- M2Q: [_q(4)_] = cspice_m2q( _r(3,3)_ )
- MICE: [`value`] = cspice_mice( `item` )
- NAMFRM: [_frcode_] = cspice_namfrm(_`frname`_)
- NEARPT: [_npoint(3)_, _alt_] = cspice_nearpt( _positn(3)_, a, b, c )
- NEARPT: [_npoint_] = mice_nearpt( _positn(3)_, a, b, c )
- NEXTWD: [`next`, `rest`] = cspice_nextwd( `string` )
- NPEDLN: [ pnear(3), dist] = cspice_npedln( a, b, c, linept(3), linedr(3) )
- NPELPT: [pnear, dist] = cspice_npelpt( point, ellips )
- NPLNPT: [pnear(3), dist] = cspice_nplnpt( linpt(3), lindir(3), point(3) )
- NTHWD: [`word`, loc] = cspice_nthwd( `string`, nth )
- NVC2PL: [plane] = cspice_nvc2pl( normal(3), konst )
- NVP2PL: [plane] = cspice_nvp2pl( normal(3), point(3) )
- OCCULT: [_output_state_] = cspice_occult( `targ1`, `shape1`, `frame1`,`targ2`, `shape2`, `frame2`, `abcorr`, `obsrvr`, _et_)
- OSCELT: [_elts(8)_] = cspice_oscelt( _state(6)_, _et_, mu )
- OSCLTX: [elts(SPICE_OSCLTX_NELTS)] = ', ...
'cspice_oscltx( state(6), et, mu )
- PCKCOV: [cover] = cspice_pckcov( _`pckfnm`_, idcode, room, [cover_i] )
- PCKFRM: [ids] = cspice_pckfrm( _`pckfnm`_, room, [ids_i] )
- PCPOOL: cspice_pcpool( `name`, `cvals(n)` )
- PDPOOL: cspice_pdpool( `name`, values(n) )
- PGRREC: [_rectan(3)_] = cspice_pgrrec( body, _lon_, _lat_, _alt_, re, f)
- PHASEQ: [_phaseq_] = cspice_phaseq( _et_, `target`, `illmn`, `obsrvr`, `abcorr` )
- PI: [onepi] = cspice_pi
- PIPOOL: cspice_pipool( `name`, ivals(n))
- PJELPL: [elout] = cspice_pjelpl( elin, plane )
- PL2NVC: [normal(3), konst] = cspice_pl2nvc( plane )
- PL2NVP: [normal(3), point(3)] = cspice_pl2nvp( plane )
- PL2PSV: [point(3), span1(3), span2(3)] = cspice_pl2psv( plane )
- PLTAR: [pltar] = cspice_pltar( vrtces, plates )
- PLTEXP: [overts(3,3)] = cspice_pltexp( iverts(3,3), delta)
- PLTNP: [pnear, dist] = cspice_pltnp(point, v1, v2, v3)
- PLTNRM: [normal] = cspice_pltnrm( v1, v2, v3)
- PLTVOL: [pltvol] = cspice_pltvol( vrtces, plates )
- POLYDS: [p(nderiv+1)] = cspice_polyds( coeffs(deg+1), deg, nderiv, t )
- PROP2B: [pvprop(6)] = cspice_prop2b( gm, pvinit(6), dt )
- PSV2PL: [plane] = cspice_psv2pl( point(3), span1(3), span2(3) )
- PXFORM: [_rotate(3,3)_] = cspice_pxform( `from`, `to`, _et_ )
- PXFRM2: [_rotate(3,3)_] = cspice_pxfrm2( `from`, `to`, _etfrom_, _etto_ )
- Q2M: [_r(3,3)_] = cspice_q2m( _q(4)_ )
- QDERIV: [dfdt(N)] = cspice_qderiv( f0(N), f2(N), delta )
- QDQ2AV: [av(3)] = cspice_qdq2av( q(4), dq(4) )
- QXQ: [qout(4)] = cspice_qxq( q1(4), q2(4) )
- RADREC: [_rectan(3)_] = cspice_radrec( _range_, ', ...
'_ra_, _dec_ )
- RAV2XF: [_xform(6,6)_] = cspice_rav2xf(_rot(3,3)_, _av(3)_)
- RAXISA: [ axis(3), angle] = cspice_raxisa( matrix(3,3) )
- RECAZL: [range, az, el] = cspice_recazl( rectan(3), azccw, elplsz )
- RECCYL: [_r_, _clon_, _z_] = cspice_reccyl(_rectan(3)_)
- RECGEO: [_lon_, _lat_, _alt_] = cspice_recgeo(_rectan(3)_, re, f)
- RECLAT: [_radius_, _lon_, _lat_] = cspice_reclat(_rectan(3)_)
- RECPGR: [_lon_, _lat_, _alt_] = cspice_recpgr( body, _rectan(3)_, re, f)
- RECRAD: [_range_, _ra_, _dec_] = cspice_recrad(_rectan(3)_)
- RECSPH: [_r_, _colat_, _slon_] = cspice_recsph( _rectan(3)_ )
- REPMC: [`out`] = cspice_repmc( `in`, `marker`, `value` )
- REPMCT: [`out`] = cspice_repmct( `in`, `marker`, value, `rtcase` )
- REPMD: [`out`] = cspice_repmd( `in`, `marker`, value, sigdig )
- REPMF: [`out`] = cspice_repmf( `in`, `marker`, value, sigdig, `format` )
- REPMI: [`out`] = cspice_repmi( `in`, `marker`, value )
- REPML: [`out`] = cspice_repml( `in`, `marker`, value, `rtcase` )
- REPMOT: [`out`] = cspice_repmot( `in`, `marker`, value, `rtcase` )
- ROTATE: [_mout(3,3)_] = cspice_rotate( _angle_, iaxis )
- ROTMAT: [mout(3,3)] = cspice_rotmat( m1(3,3), angle, iaxis )
- ROTVEC: [vout(3)] = cspice_rotvec( v1(3), angle, iaxis )
- RPD: [rpd] = cspice_rpd
- SAELGV: [ smajor(3), sminor(3) ] = cspice_saelgv( vec1(3), vec2(3) )
- SCDECD: [_`sclkch`_] = cspice_scdecd(sc, _sclkdp_)
- SCE2C: [_sclkdp_] = cspice_sce2c(sc, _et_)
- SCE2S: [_`sclkch`_] = cspice_sce2s(sc, _et_)
- SCENCD: [_sclkdp_] = cspice_scencd(sc, _`sclkch`_)
- SCFMT: [`clkstr`] = cspice_scfmt( sc, ticks )
- SCPART: [pstart(nparts), pstop(nparts)] = cspice_scpart( sc )
- SCS2E: [_et_] = cspice_scs2e(sc, _`sclkch`_)
- SCT2E: [_et_] = cspice_sct2e(sc, _sclkdp_)
- SCTIKS: [_ticks_] = cspice_sctiks(sc, _`clkstr`_)
- SINCPT: [ spoint, trgepc, srfvec, found] = cspice_sincpt( `method`, `target`, et, `fixref`, `abcorr`, `obsrvr`, `dref`, dvec)
- SPD: [spd] = cspice_spd
- SPHCYL: [ _r_, _clon_, _z_] = cspice_sphcyl(_radius_, _colat_, _slon_)
- SPHLAT: [_radius_, _lon_, _lat_] = cspice_sphlat(_r_, _colat_, _slon_)
- SPHREC: [_rectan(3)_] = cspice_sphrec( _r_, _colat_, _slon_ )
- SPKAPO: [ptarg(3), lt] = ', ...
'cspice_spkapo( targ, et, `ref`, sobs(6), `abcorr` )
- SPKCLS: cspice_spkcls(handle)
- SPKCOV: [cover] = cspice_spkcov( _`spkfnm`_, idcode, room, [cover_i] )
- SPKCPO: [ state(6), lt] = cspice_spkcpo( `target`, et, `outref`, `refloc`, `abcorr`, obspos(3), `obsctr`, `obsref` )
- SPKCPT: [ state(6), lt] = cspice_spkcpt( trgpos(3), `trgctr`, `trgref`, et, `outref`, `refloc`, `abcorr`, `obsrvr` )
- SPKCVO: [ state(6), lt] = cspice_spkcvo( `target`, et, `outref`, `refloc`, `abcorr`, obssta(6), obsepc, `obsctr`, `obsref` )
- SPKCVT: [state(6), lt] = cspice_spkcvt( trgsta(6), trgepc, `trgctr`, `trgref`, et, `outref`, `refloc`, `abcorr`, `obsrvr` )
- SPKEZ: [starg(6), lt] = cspice_spkez( targ, et, `ref`, `abcorr`, obs )
- SPKEZR: [_starg(6)_, _lt_] = cspice_spkezr( `targ`, _et_, `ref`, `abcorr`, `obs`)
- SPKEZR: [_starg_] = mice_spkezr( `targ`, _et_, `ref`, `abcorr`, `obs`)
- SPKGEO: [state(6), lt] = ', ...
'cspice_spkgeo( targ, et, `ref`, obs )
- SPKLEF: [handle] = cspice_spklef( `fname` )
- SPKOBJ: [ids] = cspice_spkobj( _`spkfnm`_, room, [ids_i])
- SPKOPN: [handle] = cspice_spkopn(`fname`, `ifname`, ncomch)
- SPKPOS: [_ptarg(3)_, _lt_] = cspice_spkpos( `targ`, _et_, `ref`, `abcorr`, `obs`)
- SPKPOS: [_ptarg_] = mice_spkpos( `targ`, _et_, `ref`, `abcorr`, `obs`)
- SPKPVN: [ref, state(6), center] = cspice_spkpvn( handle, descr(5), et)
- SPKSFS: [handle, descr(5), `ident`, found] = cspice_spksfs( body, et)
- SPKSSB: [starg(6)] = cspice_spkssb( targ, et, `ref` )
- SPKUEF: cspice_spkuef( handle )
- SPKW08: cspice_spkw08( handle, body, center, frame, first, last, segid, degree, states, begtim, step )
- SPKW09: cspice_spkw09( handle, body, center, `frame`, first, last, `segid`, degree, states(6,n), epochs(n) )
- SPKW10: cspice_spkw10( handle, body, center, `frame`, first, last, `segid`, consts(8), n, elems(10*n), epochs(n) )=
- SPKW13: cspice_spkw13( handle, body, center, `frame`, first, last, `segid`, degree, states(6,n), epochs(n) )
- SRFC2S: [`srfstr`, found] = cspice_srfc2s(code, bodyid)
- SRFCSS: [`srfstr`, isname] = cspice_srfcss(code, `bodstr`)
- SRFNRM: [normls] = cspice_srfnrm( `method`, `target`, et, `fixref`, srfpts )
- SRFREC: [_rectan(3)_] = cspice_srfrec(body, _lon_, _lat_)
- SRFS2C: [ code, found] = cspice_srfs2c( `srfstr`, `bodstr`)
- SRFSCC: [ code, found] = cspice_srfscc( `srfstr`, bodyid )
- SRFXPT: [_spoint(3)_, _dist_, _trgepc_, _obspos(3)_, _found_ ] = cspice_srfxpt( `method`, `target`, _et_, `abcorr`, `obsrvr`, `dref`, dvec(3))
- SRFXPT: [_surf_ ] = mice_srfxpt( `method`, `target`, _et_, `abcorr`, `obsrvr`, `dref`, dvec(6))
- STELAB: [appobj(3)] = cspice_stelab( pobj(3), vobs(3) )
- STLABX: [corpos(3)] = cspice_stlabx( pobj(3), vobs(3) )
- STPOOL: [`nthstr`, found] = cspice_stpool( `item`, nth, `contin` )
- STR2ET: [_et_] = cspice_str2et(_`timstr`_)
- SUBPNT: [_spoint_, _trgepc_, _srfvec_] = cspice_subpnt( `method`, `target`, _et_, `fixref`, `abcorr`, `obsrvr`)
- SUBPNT: [_subnt_] = mice_subpnt( `method`, `target`, _et_, `fixref`, `abcorr`, `obsrvr`)
- SUBPT: [_spoint(3)_, _alt_] = cspice_subpt( `method`, `target`, _et_, `abcorr`, `obsrvr`)
- SUBPT: [_spoint_] = mice_subpt( `method`, `target`, _et_, `abcorr`, `obsrvr`)
- SUBPT_PL02: [spoint(3), alt, pltid] = cspice_subpt_pl02( handle, dladsc(SPICE_DLA_DSCSIZ), `method`, `target`, et, `abcorr`, `obsrvr` )
- SUBSLR: [_spoint_, _trgepc_, _srfvec_] = cspice_subslr( `method`, `target`, _et_, `fixref`, `abcorr`, `obsrvr` )
- SUBSLR: [_subslr_] = mice_subslr( `method`, `target`, _et_, `fixref`, `abcorr`, `obsrvr` )
- SUBSOL: [_spoint(3)_ ] = cspice_subsol( `method`, `target`, _et_, `abcorr`, `obsrvr`)
- SUBSOL_PL02: [spoint(3), dist, pltid] = cspice_subsol_pl02( handle, dladsc(SPICE_DLA_DSCSIZ), `method`, `target`, et, `abcorr`, `obsrvr` )
- SURFNM: [_normal(3)_] = cspice_surfnm( a, b, c, _point(3)_ )
- SURFPT: [point(3), found] = cspice_surfpt( positn(3), u(3), a, b, c )
- SURFPV: [stx(6), found] = cspice_surfpv( stvrtx(6), stdir(6), a, b, c )
- SXFORM: [_xform(6,6)_] = cspice_sxform, ...
'`from`, `to`, _et_ )
- SZPOOL: [n, found] = cspice_szpool( `name` )
- TANGPT: [tanpt(3), alt, range, srfpt(3), trgepc, srfvec(3)] = cspice_tangpt( `method`, `target`, et, `fixref`, `abcorr`, `corloc`, `obsrvr`, `dref`, dvec(3) )
- TERM_PL02: [trgepc, obspos(3), trmpts(3,npts), pltids(npts)] = cspice_term_pl02( handle, dladsc(SPICE_DLA_DSCSIZ), `trmtyp`, `source`, `target`, et, `fixref`, `abcorr`, `obsrvr`, npts )
- TERMPT: [npts, points, epochs, trmvcs] = cspice_termpt( `method`, `ilusrc`, `target`, et, `fixref`, `abcorr`, `corloc`, `obsrvr`, refvec, rolstp, ncuts, schstp, soltol, maxn )
- TIMDEF_GET: [value] = cspice_timdef_get( `item` )
- TIMDEF_SET: cspice_timdef_set( `item`, `value`)
- TIMOUT: [_`output`_] = cspice_timout( _et_, `pictur` )
- TIPBOD: [tipm(3,3)] = cspice_tipbod( `ref`, body, et )
- TISBOD: [tsipm(6,6)] = cspice_tisbod( `ref`, body, et )
- TKFRAM: [rot(3,3), frame, found] = cspice_tkfram( frcode )
- TKVRSN: [`verstr`] = cspice_tkvrsn( `item` )
- TPARCH: cspice_tparch( `type` )
- TPARSE: [sp2000, `errmsg`] = cspice_tparse( `string` )
- TPICTR: [`pictur`, ok, `errmsg`] = ', ...
'cspice_tpictr( `sample` )
- TRGSEP: [trgsep] = cspice_trgsep( et, `targ1`, `shape1`, `frame1`, `targ2`, `shape2`, `frame2`, `obsrvr`, `abcorr` )
- TSETYR: cspice_tsetyr( year )
- TWOPI: [twopi] = cspice_twopi
- TWOVEC: [mout(3,3)] = cspice_twovec( axdef(3), indexa, plndef(3), indexp)
- TWOVXF: [xform(6,6)] = cspice_twovxf( axdef(6), indexa, plndef(6), indexp )
- TYEAR: [tyear] = cspice_tyear
- UNITIM: [_unitim_] = cspice_unitim( _epoch_, `insys`, `outsys` )
- UNLOAD: cspice_unload(_`file`_)
- UNORM: [_vout(3)_, _vmag_] = cspice_unorm(_v1(3)_)
- VDIST: [_vdist_] = cspice_vdist( _v1(3)_, _v2(3)_ )
- VHAT: [_vout(3)_] = cspice_vhat(_v1(3)_)
- VNORM: [_vnorm_] = cspice_vnorm(_v1(3)_)
- VPERP: [_p(3)_] = cspice_vperp(_a(3)_, _b(3)_)
- VPRJP: [vout(3)] = cspice_vprjp( vin(3), plane )
- VPRJPI: [vout(3), found] = cspice_vprjpi( vin(3), projpl, invpl )
- VPROJ: [_p(3)_] = cspice_vproj(_a(3)_, _b(3)_)
- VPROJG: [p(n)] = cspice_vprojg( a(n), b(n) )
- VROTV: [r(3)] = cspice_vrotv( v(3), axis(3), theta)
- VSEP: [_vsep_] = cspice_vsep(_v1(3)_, _v2(3)_)
- VUPACK: [x, y, z] = cspice_vupack( v(3) )
- WNCARD: [wncard] = cspice_wncard( window )
- WNCOMD: [result] = cspice_wncomd( left, right, window)
- WNCOND: [window_f] = cspice_wncond( left, right, window)
- WNDIFD: [c] = cspice_wndifd( a, b )
- WNELMD: [wnelmd] = cspice_wnelmd( point, window )
- WNEXPD: [window_f] = cspice_wnexpd( left, right, window)
- WNEXTD: [window_f] = cspice_wnextd( side, window )
- WNFETD: [left, right] = cspice_wnfetd( window, n )
- WNFILD: [window_f] = cspice_wnfild( smlgap, window_i )
- WNFLTD: [window_f] = cspice_wnfltd( smlint, window_i )
- WNINCD: [wnincd] = cspice_wnincd( left, right, window )
- WNINSD: [window_f] = cspice_wninsd( left, right, ', ...
'[window_i] )
- WNINTD: [c] = cspice_wnintd( a, b )
- WNRELD: [wnreld] = cspice_wnreld( a, `op`, b )
- WNSUMD: [meas, avg, stddev, idxsml, idxlon] = cspice_wnsumd( window )
- WNUNID: [c] = cspice_wnunid( a, b )
- WNVALD: [window_f] = cspice_wnvald( window_i )
- XF2EUL: [_eulang(6)_, _unique_] = cspice_xf2eul(_xform(6,6)_, axisa, axisb, axisc)
- XF2RAV: [_rot(3,3)_, _av(3)_] = cspice_xf2rav(_xform(6,6)_)
- XFMSTA: [_ostate(6)_] = cspice_xfmsta( `_istate(6)_`, `icosys`, `ocosys`, `body`)