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   CSPICE_SCFMT converts encoded spacecraft clock ticks to character clock



      sc       the NAIF ID number for the spacecraft whose clock's time is
               being decoded.

               [1,1] = size(sc); int32 = class(sc)

      ticks    the double precision encoding of a clock time in units of

               [1,1] = size(ticks); double = class(ticks)

               Partition information is not reflected in this value.

               An analogy may be drawn between a spacecraft clock and
               a standard wall clock. The number of ticks
               corresponding to the wall clock string


               would be the number of seconds represented by that

               For example,

                  Clock string    Number of ticks
                  ------------    ---------------
                    00:00:10             10
                    00:01:00             60
                    00:10:00            600
                    01:00:00           3600
                    01:01:00           3660

               If `ticks' contains a fractional part the result is the
               same as if `ticks' had been rounded to the nearest whole

               See the -Examples section below for examples of
               actual spacecraft clock conversions.

   the call:

      [clkstr] = cspice_scfmt( sc, ticks )


      clkstr   the spacecraft clock character string corresponding to

               [1,c1] = size(clkstr); char = class(clkstr)


               [1,1] = size(clkstr); cell = class(clkstr)

               Partition information is not included in `clkstr'.

               Using Galileo as an example, the full format clock
               string is


               where z is a mod-8 counter (values 0-7) which
               increments approximately once every 8 1/3 ms., y is a
               mod-10 counter (values 0-9) which increments once
               every time z turns over, i.e., approximately once every
               66 2/3 ms., xx is a mod-91 (values 0-90) counter
               which increments once every time y turns over, i.e.,
               once every 2/3 seconds. wwwwwwww is the Real-Time Image
               Count (RIM), which increments once every time xx turns
               over, i.e., once every 60 2/3 seconds. The roll-over
               expression for the RIM is 16777215, which corresponds
               to approximately 32 years.

               wwwwwwww, xx, y, and z are referred to interchangeably
               as the fields or components of the spacecraft clock.
               SCLK components may be separated by any of these five
               characters: ' '  ':'  ','  '-'  '.'
               The delimiter used is determined by a kernel pool
               variable and can be adjusted by the user.

               Some spacecraft clock components have offset, or
               starting, values different from zero. For example,
               with an offset value of 1, a mod 20 counter would
               cycle from 1 to 20 instead of from 0 to 19.

               See the SCLK required reading for a detailed
               description of the Voyager and Mars Observer clock




   Any numerical results shown for these examples may differ between
   platforms as the results depend on the SPICE kernels used as input
   and the machine specific arithmetic implementation.

   1) The following code example finds partition start and stop
      times for the Stardust spacecraft from a spacecraft clock
      kernel file. Since those times are always returned in units
      of ticks, the program uses cspice_scfmt to print the times in
      Stardust clock format.

      Use the SCLK kernel below to load the Stardust time
      correlation data and spacecraft clock partition information.


      Example code begins here.

      function scfmt_ex1()

         % Assign the value for the Stardust spacecraft ID.
         sc = -29;

         % Load the SCLK file.
         cspice_furnsh( 'sdu_sclkscet_00074.tsc' );

         % Retrieve the arrays for `pstart' and `pstop' and the
         % number of partitions within the SCLK.
         [pstart, pstop] = cspice_scpart( sc );

         % Loop over each array value.
         nparts = size(pstart,1);
         for i=1:nparts

            [start] = cspice_scfmt( sc, pstart(i) );
            [stop]  = cspice_scfmt( sc, pstop(i) );

            fprintf( '\n' )
            fprintf( 'Partition: %d\n', i )
            fprintf( '   Start : %s\n', start )
            fprintf( '   Stop  : %s\n', stop )


         % It's always good form to unload kernels after use,
         % particularly in Matlab due to data persistence.

      When this program was executed on a Mac/Intel/Octave5.x/64-bit
      platform, the output was:

      Partition: 1
         Start : 0000000000.000
         Stop  : 0602741011.080

      Partition: 2
         Start : 0602741014.217
         Stop  : 0605660648.173

      Partition: 3
         Start : 0605660649.000
         Stop  : 0631375256.224

      Partition: 4
         Start : 0631375257.000
         Stop  : 0633545577.218

      Partition: 5
         Start : 0633545578.000
         Stop  : 0644853954.043

      Partition: 6
         Start : 0644853954.000
         Stop  : 0655316480.089

      Partition: 7
         Start : 0655316480.000
         Stop  : 0660405279.066

      Partition: 8
         Start : 0660405279.000
         Stop  : 0670256568.229

      Partition: 9
         Start : 0670256569.000
         Stop  : 0674564039.091

      Partition: 10
         Start : 0674564040.000
         Stop  : 4294537252.255

   2) Below are some examples illustrating various input numbers of
      ticks and the resulting clock string outputs for the Galileo

         ticks                clkstr
         ----------------     --------------------
         -1                   Error: Ticks must be a positive number
         0                    '00000000:00:0:0'
         1                    '00000000:00:0:1'
         1.3                  '00000000:00:0:1'
         1.5                  '00000000:00:0:2'
         2                    '00000000:00:0:2'
         7                    '00000000:00:0:7'
         8                    '00000000:00:1:0'
         80                   '00000000:01:0:0'
         88                   '00000000:01:1:0'
         7279                 '00000000:90:9:7'
         7280                 '00000001:00:0:0'
         1234567890           '00169583:45:6:2'

      The following examples are for the Voyager 2 spacecraft.
      Note that the third component of the Voyager clock has an
      offset value of one.

         ticks                clkstr
         ----------------     --------------------
         -1                   Error: Ticks must be a positive number
         0                    '00000:00:001'
         1                    '00000:00:002'
         1.3                  '00000:00:002'
         1.5                  '00000:00:003'
         2                    '00000:00:003'
         799                  '00000:00:800'
         800                  '00000:01:001'
         47999                '00000:59:800'
         48000                '00001:00:001'
         3145727999           '65535:59:800'


   The routine cspice_sctiks performs the inverse operation to cspice_scfmt,
   converting from clock format to number of ticks.

   Note the important difference between cspice_scfmt and cspice_scdecd.
   cspice_scdecd converts some number of ticks since the spacecraft clock
   start time to a character string which includes a partition number.
   cspice_scfmt, which is called by cspice_scdecd, does not make use of
   partition information.


   1)  If the data type for the spacecraft is not supported, the
       error SPICE(NOTSUPPORTED) is signaled by a routine in the call
       tree of this routine.

   2)  If the value for `ticks' is negative, an error is signaled
       by a routine in the call tree of this routine.

   3)  If the SCLK kernel file does not contain data for the
       spacecraft specified by `sc', an error is signaled by a routine
       in the call tree of this routine.

   4)  If any of the input arguments, `sc' or `ticks', is undefined,
       an error is signaled by the Matlab error handling system.

   5)  If any of the input arguments, `sc' or `ticks', is not of the
       expected type, or it does not have the expected dimensions and
       size, an error is signaled by the Mice interface.










   J. Diaz del Rio     (ODC Space)


   -Mice Version 1.0.0, 07-SEP-2020 (JDR)


   convert spacecraft_clock ticks to character clock format

Fri Dec 31 18:44:26 2021