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   CSPICE_KPLFRM returns a SPICE set containing the frame IDs of all
   reference frames of a given class having specifications in the kernel



      frmcls   an integer code specifying the frame class or classes for
               which frame ID codes are requested.

               [1,1] = size(frmcls); int32 = class(frmcls)

               The applicable reference frames are those having
               specifications present in the kernel pool.

               `frmcls' may designate a single class or "all

               The Mice parameter definitions file MiceFrm.m declares
               parameters identifying frame classes. The supported values
               and corresponding meanings of `frmcls' are

                  Parameter            Value   Meaning
                  ===================  =====   ====================
                  SPICE_FRMTYP_ALL       -1    All frame classes
                                               specified in the
                                               kernel pool. Class 1
                                               is not included.

                  SPICE_FRMTYP_INERTL     1    Built-in inertial.
                                               No frames will be
                                               returned in the
                                               output set.

                  SPICE_FRMTYP_PCK        2    PCK-based frame.

                  SPICE_FRMTYP_CK         3    CK-based frame.

                  SPICE_FRMTYP_TK         4    Fixed rotational
                                               offset ("text
                                               kernel") frame.

                  SPICE_FRMTYP_DYN        5    Dynamic frame.

                  SPICE_FRMTYP_SWTCH      6    Switch frame.

      room     a parameter specifying the maximum number of elements that
               can be accommodated by the dynamically allocated workspace
               cell used internally by this routine.

               [1,1] = size(room); int32 = class(room)

               It's not necessary to compute an accurate estimate of how
               many elements will be returned in `idset'; rather, the
               user can pick a size considerably larger than what's
               really required.

   the call:

      [idset] = cspice_kplfrm( frmcls, room )


      idset    a SPICE set containing the ID codes of all reference frames
               having specifications present in the kernel pool and
               belonging to the specified class or classes.

               [r,1] = size(idset); int32 = class(idset)

               Note that if `frmcls' is set to SPICE_FRMTYP_INERTL, `idset'
               will be empty on output.


   See the Mice parameter definitions file MiceFrm.m.


   Any numerical results shown for this example may differ between
   platforms as the results depend on the SPICE kernels used as input
   and the machine specific arithmetic implementation.

   1) Display the IDs and names of all reference frames having
      specifications present in the kernel pool. Group the outputs
      by frame class. Also fetch and display the entire set of IDs
      and names using the parameter SPICE_FRMTYP_ALL.

      Use the meta-kernel shown below to load the required SPICE



         This meta-kernel is intended to support operation of SPICE
         example programs. The kernels shown here should not be
         assumed to contain adequate or correct versions of data
         required by SPICE-based user applications.

         In order for an application to use this meta-kernel, the
         kernels referenced here must be present in the user's
         current working directory.

         The names and contents of the kernels referenced
         by this meta-kernel are as follows:

            File name            Contents
            --------------       --------------------------
            Clementine FK
         Generic Lunar SPICE frames


            KERNELS_TO_LOAD = ( ''
                                '' )

         End of meta-kernel

      Example code begins here.

      function kplfrm_ex1()

         % MiceUser is a file that makes certain variables global.
         % You must call MiceUser to have access to the parameters used
         % in this example.

         % Local parameters
         META   = '';
         NFRAME = 1000;

         % Load kernels that contain frame specifications.
         cspice_furnsh( META );

         % Fetch and display the frames of each class.
         for i=1:7

            if ( i < 7 )

               % Fetch the frames of class i.
               [idset] = cspice_kplfrm( i, NFRAME );

               outlin  = sprintf( 'Number of frames of class %d: %d', ...
                                                  i, size( idset )(1) );


               % Fetch IDs of all frames specified in the kernel pool.
               [idset] = cspice_kplfrm( SPICE_FRMTYP_ALL, NFRAME );

               outlin  = sprintf( [ 'Number of frames in the kernel', ...
                                    ' pool: %d' ], size( idset )(1)   );


            % Display the fetched frame IDs and corresponding names.
            fprintf( '\n' )
            fprintf( '%s\n', outlin )
            fprintf( '   Frame IDs and names\n' )

            for j=1:size( idset )(1)

               [frname] = cspice_frmnam( idset(j) );

               fprintf( '%12d   %s\n', idset(j), frname )



         % It's always good form to unload kernels after use,
         % particularly in Matlab due to data persistence.

      When this program was executed on a Mac/Intel/Octave6.x/64-bit
      platform, the output was:

      Number of frames of class 1: 0
         Frame IDs and names

      Number of frames of class 2: 1
         Frame IDs and names
             31002   MOON_PA_DE403

      Number of frames of class 3: 1
         Frame IDs and names
            -40000   CLEM_SC_BUS

      Number of frames of class 4: 11
         Frame IDs and names
            -40008   CLEM_CPT
            -40007   CLEM_BSTAR
            -40006   CLEM_ASTAR
            -40005   CLEM_LIDAR
            -40004   CLEM_LWIR
            -40003   CLEM_NIR
            -40002   CLEM_UVVIS
            -40001   CLEM_HIRES
             31000   MOON_PA
             31001   MOON_ME
             31003   MOON_ME_DE403

      Number of frames of class 5: 0
         Frame IDs and names

      Number of frames of class 6: 0
         Frame IDs and names

      Number of frames in the kernel pool: 13
         Frame IDs and names
            -40008   CLEM_CPT
            -40007   CLEM_BSTAR
            -40006   CLEM_ASTAR
            -40005   CLEM_LIDAR
            -40004   CLEM_LWIR
            -40003   CLEM_NIR
            -40002   CLEM_UVVIS
            -40001   CLEM_HIRES
            -40000   CLEM_SC_BUS
             31000   MOON_PA
             31001   MOON_ME
             31002   MOON_PA_DE403
             31003   MOON_ME_DE403


   This routine enables SPICE-based applications to conveniently
   find the frame ID codes of reference frames having specifications
   present in the kernel pool. Such frame specifications are
   introduced into the kernel pool either by loading frame kernels
   or by means of calls to the kernel pool 'put' API routines


   Given a reference frame's ID code, other attributes of the
   frame can be obtained via calls to the Mice APIs

      cspice_frmnam {Return a frame's name}
      cspice_frinfo {Return a frame's center, class, and class ID}

   This routine has a counterpart


   which fetches the frame IDs of all built-in reference frames.


   1)  If the input frame class argument is not defined in
       MiceFrm.m, the error SPICE(BADFRAMECLASS) is signaled by a
       routine in the call tree of this routine.

   2)  If the size of `idset' is too small to hold the requested frame
       ID set, the error SPICE(SETTOOSMALL) is signaled by a routine
       in the call tree of this routine.

   3)  Frames of class 1 may not be specified in the kernel pool.
       However, for the convenience of users, this routine does not
       signal an error if the input class is set to SPICE_FRMTYP_INERTL.
       In this case the output set will be empty.

   4)  This routine relies on the presence of just three kernel
       variable assignments for a reference frame in order to
       determine that that reference frame has been specified:

          FRAME_<frame name>       = <ID code>
          FRAME_<ID code>_NAME     = <frame name>

       and either

          FRAME_<ID code>_CLASS    = <class>


          FRAME_<frame name>_CLASS = <class>

       It is possible for the presence of an incomplete frame
       specification to trick this routine into incorrectly
       deciding that a frame has been specified. This routine
       does not attempt to diagnose this problem.

   5)  If any of the input arguments, `frmcls' or `room', is
       undefined, an error is signaled by the Matlab error handling

   6)  If any of the input arguments, `frmcls' or `room', is not of
       the expected type, or it does not have the expected dimensions
       and size, an error is signaled by the Mice interface.


   Reference frame specifications for frames that are not
   built in are typically established by loading frame kernels.


   1)  This routine will work correctly if the kernel pool
       contains no invalid frame specifications. See the
       description of exception 4 above. Users must ensure
       that no invalid frame specifications are introduced
       into the kernel pool, either by loaded kernels or
       by means of the kernel pool "put" APIs.






   J. Diaz del Rio     (ODC Space)


   -Mice Version 1.0.0, 08-AUG-2021 (JDR)


   fetch IDs of reference_frames from the kernel_pool

Fri Dec 31 18:44:25 2021