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   CSPICE_SCENCD encodes a character representation of spacecraft clock time
   into a double precision number.



      sc       the standard NAIF ID of the spacecraft whose clock's time is
               being encoded.

               [1,1] = size(sc); int32 = class(sc)

      sclkch   the character representation(s) of some spacecraft's clock

               [n,c1] = size(sclkch); char = class(sclkch)


               [1,n] = size(sclkch); cell = class(sclkch)

               `sclkch' will have the following general format:

                  'pp/sclk_string', or just

               'pp' is an integer greater than or equal to one
               and is called the partition number.

               Each mission is divided into some number of partitions.
               A new partition starts when the spacecraft clock
               resets, either to zero, or to some other
               value. Thus, the first partition for any mission
               starts with launch, and ends with the first clock
               reset. The second partition starts immediately when
               the first stopped, and so on.

               In order to be completely unambiguous about a
               particular time, you need to specify a partition number
               along with the standard clock string.

               Information about when partitions occur for different
               missions is contained in a spacecraft clock kernel
               file, which needs to be loaded into the kernel pool,
               using the routine cspice_furnsh.

               The routine cspice_scpart is used to read the partition
               start and stop times, in encoded units of SCLK (called
               "ticks" -- see `sclkdp' below) from the kernel file.

               If the partition number is included, it must be
               separated from the rest of the string by a '/'.
               Any number of spaces may separate the partition number,
               the '/', and the rest of the clock string.

               If the partition number is omitted, a default partition
               will be assumed. The default partition is the lowest-
               numbered partition that contains the given clock time.
               If the clock time does not fall in any of the
               partition boundaries then an error is signaled.

               'sclk_string' is a spacecraft specific clock string.
               Using Galileo as an example, the full format is


               where z is a mod-8 counter (values 0-7) which
               increments approximately once every 8 1/3 ms., y is a
               mod-10 counter (values 0-9) which increments once
               every time z turns over, i.e., approximately once every
               66 2/3 ms., xx is a mod-91 (values 0-90) counter
               which increments once every time y turns over, i.e.,
               once every 2/3 seconds. wwwwwwww is the Real-Time Image
               Count (RIM), which increments once every time xx turns
               over, i.e., once every 60 2/3 seconds. The roll-over
               expression for the RIM is 16777215, which corresponds
               to approximately 32 years.

               wwwwwwww, xx, y, and z are referred to interchangeably
               as the fields or components of the spacecraft clock.
               SCLK components may be separated by any of these
               five characters: ' '  ':'  ','  '-'  '.'
               Any number of spaces can separate the components and
               the delimiters. The presence of the RIM component
               is required. Successive components may be omitted, and
               in such cases are assumed to represent zero values.

               Values for the individual components may exceed the
               maximum expected values. For instance, '0:0:0:9' is
               an acceptable Galileo clock string, and will convert
               to the same number of ticks as '0:0:1:1'.

               Consecutive delimiters containing no intervening digits
               are treated as if they delimit zero components.

               Trailing zeros should always be included to match the
               length of the counter. For example, a Galileo clock
               count of '25684.90' should not be represented as

               Some spacecraft clock components have offset, or
               starting, values different from zero. For example,
               with an offset value of 1, a mod 20 counter would
               cycle from 1 to 20 instead of from 0 to 19.

               See the SCLK required reading for a detailed
               description of the Voyager and Mars Observer clock

   the call:

      [sclkdp] = cspice_scencd( sc, sclkch )


      sclkdp   the double precision encoding(s) of `sclkch'.

               [1,n] = size(sclkdp); double = class(sclkdp)

               The encoding is such that order and proximity will be
               preserved. That is, if t1, t2, and t3 are spacecraft
               clock times, and t1*, t2*, and t3* are their encodings,
               then if

                  t1 < t2 < t3, and

               t2 is closer to t1 than to t3, you will have the result

                  t1* < t2* < t3*, and

               t2* is closer to t1* than to t3*.

               The units of encoded SCLK are "ticks since the start of
               the mission", where a "tick" is defined to be the
               shortest time increment expressible by a particular
               spacecraft's clock.

               Each clock string without partition number represents
               a certain number of ticks, but you need to include
               partition information to determine the relative
               position of that time in relation to the start of the

               Since the end time of one partition is coincident
               with the begin time of the next, there are two
               different representations for this instant, and they
               will both yield the same encoding.

               For example, if partition 1 has an end time of t1, and
               partition 2 has a begin time of t2, then if we executed
               the code fragment

                  [x] = cspice_scencd( '1/t1', sc );
                  [y] = cspice_scencd( '2/t2', sc );

               we would obtain x = y.

               `sclkdp' returns with the same vectorization measure, N,
               as `sclkch'.


   MXPART      is the maximum number of spacecraft clock partitions
               expected in the kernel file for any one spacecraft.
               MXPART is currently set to 9999.


   Any numerical results shown for these examples may differ between
   platforms as the results depend on the SPICE kernels used as input
   and the machine specific arithmetic implementation.

   1) Double precision encodings of spacecraft clock counts are used
      to tag pointing data in the C-kernel.

      In the following example, pointing for a sequence of images
      from the CASSINI Imaging Science Subsystem (ISS) is requested
      from the C-kernel using an array of character spacecraft clock
      counts as input. The clock counts attached to the output are
      then decoded to character and compared with the input strings.

      Use the CK kernel below to load the CASSINI image navigated
      spacecraft pointing and orientation data.


      Use the SCLK kernel below to load the CASSINI spacecraft clock
      time correlation data required for the conversion between
      spacecraft clock string representation and double precision
      encoding of spacecraft clock counts.


      Example code begins here.

      function scencd_ex1()

         % Local parameters.
         % The instrument we want pointing for is the CASSINI
         % spacecraft. The reference frame we want is
         % J2000. The spacecraft is CASSINI.
         SC     =   -82;
         INST   =   -82000;
         REF    =   'J2000';
         CK     =   '04153_04182ca_ISS.bc';
         SCLK   =   'cas00071.tsc';
         NPICS  =   4;
         CLKTOL =   '1.0';

         % Set the input SCLK strings.
         sclkin = { '1/1465644279.0', '1/1465644281.0',                   ...
                    '1/1465644351.0', '1/1465644361.0' };

         % Load the appropriate files. We need
         %    1. CK file containing pointing data.
         %    2. Spacecraft clock kernel file.
         cspice_furnsh( CK   );
         cspice_furnsh( SCLK );

         % Convert the tolerance string to ticks.
         [tol] = cspice_sctiks( SC, CLKTOL );

         for i=1:NPICS

            [timein]  = cspice_scencd( SC, sclkin(i) );

            [cmat, timeout, found] = cspice_ckgp( INST, timein, tol, REF );

            fprintf( '\n' )
            fprintf( 'Input s/c clock count : %s\n', char(sclkin(i)) )

            if ( found )

               [sclkout] = cspice_scdecd( SC, timeout );

               fprintf( 'Output s/c clock count: %s\n', sclkout )
               fprintf( 'Output C-Matrix:\n' )
               fprintf( '%21.15f %20.15f %20.15f\n', cmat' );


               fprintf( 'No pointing found.\n' )



         % It's always good form to unload kernels after use,
         % particularly in Matlab due to data persistence.

      When this program was executed on a Mac/Intel/Octave6.x/64-bit
      platform, the output was:

      Input s/c clock count : 1/1465644279.0
      No pointing found.

      Input s/c clock count : 1/1465644281.0
      Output s/c clock count: 1/1465644281.171
      Output C-Matrix:
         -0.335351455948710    0.864374440205611    0.374694846658341
         -0.937887426812980   -0.343851965210223   -0.046184419961653
          0.088918927227039   -0.366909598048763    0.925997176691424

      Input s/c clock count : 1/1465644351.0
      Output s/c clock count: 1/1465644351.071
      Output C-Matrix:
         -0.335380929397586    0.864363638262230    0.374693385378623
         -0.937874292008090   -0.343889838107825   -0.046169163264003
          0.088946301703530   -0.366899550417080    0.925998528787713

      Input s/c clock count : 1/1465644361.0
      No pointing found.

   2) Convert a series of CASSINI encoded SCLK values to their
      corresponding character representation of spacecraft clock
      time, and convert back that SCLK string to double precision

      Use the SCLK kernel below to load the CASSINI spacecraft clock
      time correlation data required for the conversion between
      spacecraft clock string representation and double precision
      encoding of spacecraft clock counts.


      Example code begins here.

      function scencd_ex2()

         % Assign values for the spacecraft ID (CASSINI),
         % the SCLK kernel, and a double precision
         % encodings of SCLK strings
         SC     = -82;
         SCLK   = 'cas00071.tsc';
         timein = 197483587237.0;

         % Load the kernel file.
         cspice_furnsh( SCLK )

         % Convert the CASSINI encoded SCLK to an
         % SCLK string.
         sclkch = cspice_scdecd( SC, timein );

         % Convert the SCLK string to double precision form.
         % The output value should match the original.
         sclkdp = cspice_scencd( SC, sclkch );

         disp( 'Scalar:' )

         txt = sprintf( 'Original: %20.8f', timein );
         disp( txt )

         txt = sprintf( 'SCLKCH  : %s',     sclkch );
         disp( txt )

         txt = sprintf( 'Decoded : %20.8f', sclkdp );
         disp( txt )

         disp( ' ' )

         % Convert a vector of SCLK values.
         timein = [ 197483587237.0,                                       ...
                    197483587250.0,                                       ...
                    197485901583.201,                                     ...
                    197486447183.0,                                       ...
                    198136032015.400 ];

         % Convert the SCLK double precision values to the string
         % representation, then convert to the dp form. As before, the
         % output value should match the original.
         sclkch = cspice_scdecd( SC, timein );
         sclkdp = cspice_scencd( SC, sclkch );

         disp( 'Vector:' )
         for i=1:5

            txt = sprintf( 'Original: %20.8f', timein(i)   );
            disp( txt )

            txt = sprintf( 'SCLKCH  : %s',     sclkch(i,:) );
            disp( txt )

            txt = sprintf( 'Decoded : %20.8f', sclkdp(i)   );
            disp( txt )

            disp( ' ' )


         % It's always good form to unload kernels after use,
         % particularly in MATLAB due to data persistence.

      When this program was executed on a Mac/Intel/Octave6.x/64-bit
      platform, the output was:

      Original: 197483587237.00000000
      SCLKCH  : 1/1465644281.165
      Decoded : 197483587237.00000000

      Original: 197483587237.00000000
      SCLKCH  : 1/1465644281.165
      Decoded : 197483587237.00000000

      Original: 197483587250.00000000
      SCLKCH  : 1/1465644281.178
      Decoded : 197483587250.00000000

      Original: 197485901583.20098877
      SCLKCH  : 1/1465653322.015
      Decoded : 197485901583.00000000

      Original: 197486447183.00000000
      SCLKCH  : 1/1465655453.079
      Decoded : 197486447183.00000000

      Original: 198136032015.39999390
      SCLKCH  : 1/1468192894.015
      Decoded : 198136032015.00000000


   In general, it is difficult to compare spacecraft clock counts
   numerically since there are too many clock components for a
   single comparison. This routine provides a method of assigning a
   single double precision number to a spacecraft's clock count,
   given one of its character representations.

   The routine cspice_scdecd performs the inverse operation of
   cspice_scencd, converting an encoded double precision number to character

   To convert the string to ticks since the start of the mission,

      1) Converts the non-partition portion of the string to
         ticks, using the routine cspice_sctiks.

      2) Determines the partition number for the clock time,
         either by getting it directly from the input string, or
         determining the default partition if none was specified.

      3) Includes partition start and stop times, which are also
         measured in ticks, to compute the number of ticks
         from the beginning of the mission to the clock time.


   1)  If the number of partitions in the kernel file for spacecraft
       `sc' exceeds the parameter MXPART, the error SPICE(TOOMANYPARTS)
       is signaled by a routine in the call tree of this routine.

   2)  If any of the extracted clock components cannot be parsed as
       integers, or the string has too many components, or the value
       of one of the components is less than the offset value,
       an error is signaled by a routine in the call tree of this

   If a partition number is included in the SCLK string, the
   following exceptions may occur:

   3)  If the partition number cannot be parsed as an integer, the
       error SPICE(BADPARTNUMBER) is signaled by a routine in the
       call tree of this routine.

   4)  If the partition number is not in the range of the number of
       partitions found in the kernel pool, the error
       SPICE(BADPARTNUMBER) is signaled by a routine in the call tree
       of this routine.

   5)  If the clock count does not fall in the boundaries of the
       specified partition, the error SPICE(NOTINPART) is
       signaled by a routine in the call tree of this routine.

   If a partition number is not included in the SCLK string, the
   following exception may occur.

   6)  If the clock count does not fall in the boundaries of any
       partition found in the kernel pool, the error
       SPICE(NOPARTITION) is signaled by a routine in the call tree
       of this routine.

   7)  If the partition delimiter (slash) is first found in the last
       position of SCLKCH, the error SPICE(INVALIDSCLKSTRING) is
       signaled by a routine in the call tree of this routine.

   8)  If any of the input arguments, `sc' or `sclkch', is undefined,
       an error is signaled by the Matlab error handling system.

   9)  If any of the input arguments, `sc' or `sclkch', is not of the
       expected type, or it does not have the expected dimensions and
       size, an error is signaled by the Mice interface.


   A kernel file containing spacecraft clock partition information
   for the desired spacecraft must be loaded, using the routine
   cspice_furnsh, before calling this routine.








   J. Diaz del Rio     (ODC Space)
   E.D. Wright         (JPL)


   -Mice Version 1.1.0, 21-NOV-2021 (EDW) (JDR)

       Edited the header to comply with NAIF standard. Extended -I/O
       section to provide further description of arguments. Added
       complete examples; second one based on existing fragment using
       CASSINI PDS archived data.

       Added -Parameters, -Exceptions, -Files, -Restrictions,
       -Literature_References and -Author_and_Institution sections, and
       completed -Particulars section.

       Eliminated use of "lasterror" in rethrow.

       Removed reference to the function's corresponding CSPICE header from
       -Required_Reading section.

   -Mice Version 1.0.1, 06-JAN-2015 (EDW)

       Edited -I/O section to conform to NAIF standard for Mice

   -Mice Version 1.0.0, 18-APR-2006 (EDW)


   encode spacecraft_clock

Fri Dec 31 18:44:26 2021