Table of contents
CSPICE_TSETYR sets the lower bound on the 100 year range.
year the year associated with the lower bound on all year
expansions computed by the SPICELIB routine TEXPYR.
[1,1] = size(year); int32 = class(year)
For example if `year' is 1980, then the range of years that
can be abbreviated is from 1980 to 2079.
the call:
cspice_tsetyr( year )
sets the lower bound on the 100 year range.
Any numerical results shown for this example may differ between
platforms as the results depend on the SPICE kernels used as input
and the machine specific arithmetic implementation.
1) Suppose that you need to manipulate time strings and that
you want to treat years components in the range from 0 to 99
as being abbreviations for years in the range from
1980 to 2079 (provided that the years are not modified by
an ERA substring). The example code below shows how you
could go about this.
Use the LSK kernel below to load the leap seconds and time
constants required for the conversions.
Example code begins here.
function tsetyr_ex1()
% Local parameters.
% Assign an array of calendar dates.
date = { '00 JAN 21', '01 FEB 22', '48 MAR 23', '49 APR 24', ...
'79 JUL 14', '80 FEB 02', '99 DEC 31' };
% Load the required LSK.
cspice_furnsh( 'naif0012.tls' );
% Set up the lower bound for the
% expansion of abbreviated years.
cspice_tsetyr( 1980 );
% Expand the years in input time strings.
fprintf( 'Time string Expansion\n' )
fprintf( '----------- -----------\n' )
for i=1:NTSTRS
[et] = cspice_str2et( date(i) );
[timstr] = cspice_timout( et, 'YYYY MON DD' );
fprintf( '%s %s\n', char(date(i)), timstr )
% It's always good form to unload kernels after use,
% particularly in Matlab due to data persistence.
When this program was executed on a Mac/Intel/Octave6.x/64-bit
platform, the output was:
Time string Expansion
----------- -----------
00 JAN 21 2000 JAN 21
01 FEB 22 2001 FEB 22
48 MAR 23 2048 MAR 23
49 APR 24 2049 APR 24
79 JUL 14 2079 JUL 14
80 FEB 02 1980 FEB 02
99 DEC 31 1999 DEC 31
This routine is used to set the range to which years
abbreviated to the last two digits will be expanded, allowing all
of the SPICE time subsystem routines to handle uniformly the
expansion those "abbreviated" years (i.e. the remainder after
dividing the actual year by 100.) The input supplied to this
routine represents the lower bound of the expansion interval. The
upper bound of the expansion interval is year + 99.
The default expansion interval is from 1969 to 2068.
1) If `year' is less than 1, no action is taken.
2) If the input argument `year' is undefined, an error is
signaled by the Matlab error handling system.
3) If the input argument `year' is not of the expected type, or
it does not have the expected dimensions and size, an error is
signaled by the Mice interface.
J. Diaz del Rio (ODC Space)
E.D. Wright (JPL)
-Mice Version 1.1.0, 10-AUG-2021 (EDW) (JDR)
Fixed bug: Added check in underlying code for "year" to be positive in
order to update the lower bound for the expansion.
Updated the header to comply with NAIF standard. Added
complete code example to -Examples section.
Added -Parameters, -Exceptions, -Files, -Restrictions,
-Literature_References and -Author_and_Institution sections, and
completed -Particulars section.
Eliminated use of "lasterror" in rethrow.
Removed reference to the function's corresponding CSPICE header from
-Required_Reading section.
-Mice Version 1.0.1, 13-FEB-2015 (EDW)
Edited -I/O section to conform to NAIF standard for Mice
-Mice Version 1.0.0, 12-JAN-2006 (EDW)
Set the interval of expansion for abbreviated years