Table of contents
CSPICE_DLAFPS finds the segment preceding a specified segment in a DLA
handle the integer handle associated with the file to be searched.
[1,1] = size(handle); int32 = class(handle)
This handle is used to identify the file in subsequent
calls to other DLA or DAS routines.
dladsc the descriptor of a DLA segment in the file associated with
[SPICE_DLA_DSCSIZ,1] = size(dladsc); int32 = class(dladsc)
The descriptor of the segment preceding `dladsc' is sought.
The segment descriptor layout is:
| BACKWARD PTR | Linked list backward pointer
| FORWARD PTR | Linked list forward pointer
| BASE INT ADDR | Base DAS integer address
| INT COMP SIZE | size of integer segment component
| BASE DP ADDR | Base DAS d.p. address
| DP COMP SIZE | size of d.p. segment component
| BASE CHR ADDR | Base DAS character address
| CHR COMP SIZE | size of character segment component
the call:
[prvdsc, found] = cspice_dlafps( handle, dladsc )
prvdsc the descriptor of the DLA segment preceding the segment
associated with the input argument `dladsc'.
[SPICE_DLA_DSCSIZ,1] = size(prvdsc); int32 = class(prvdsc)
`prvdsc' is valid only if the output argument `found' is
found a logical flag indicating whether the previous segment was
[1,1] = size(found); logical = class(found)
`found' has the value true if the segment was found;
otherwise `found' is false.
is the size of a SPICELIB DLA descriptor, defined in
Any numerical results shown for this example may differ between
platforms as the results depend on the SPICE kernels used as input
and the machine specific arithmetic implementation.
1) Open a DLA file for read access, traverse the segment
list from back to front, and display segment address
and size attributes.
Example code begins here.
function dlafps_ex1()
% MiceUser is a file that makes certain variables global.
% You must call MiceUser to have access to the parameters used
% in this example.
% Prompt for the name of the file to search.
fname = input( 'Name of DLA file > ', 's' );
% Open the DLA file for read access. Since DLA
% files use the DAS architecture, we can use DAS
% routines to open and close the file.
[handle] = cspice_dasopr( fname );
% Count the segments in the file; this allows us
% to label the segments in our display.
nsegs = 0;
[dladsc, found] = cspice_dlabbs( handle );
while found
nsegs = nsegs + 1;
currnt = dladsc;
[dladsc, found] = cspice_dlafps( handle, currnt );
% Begin a backward search. Let `dladsc' contain
% the descriptor of the last segment.
segno = nsegs + 1;
[dladsc, found] = cspice_dlabbs( handle );
while found
% Display the contents of the current segment
% descriptor.
segno = segno - 1;
fprintf( '\n' )
fprintf( '\n' )
fprintf( 'Segment number = %d\n', segno )
fprintf( '\n' )
fprintf( 'Backward segment pointer = %d\n', ...
fprintf( 'Forward segment pointer = %d\n', ...
fprintf( 'Character component base address = %d\n', ...
fprintf( 'Character component size = %d\n', ...
fprintf( 'D.p. base address = %d\n', ...
fprintf( 'D.p. component size = %d\n', ...
fprintf( 'Integer base address = %d\n', ...
fprintf( 'Integer component size = %d\n', ...
fprintf( '\n' )
% Find the previous segment.
currnt = dladsc;
[dladsc, found] = cspice_dlafps( handle, currnt );
% Close the file using the DAS close routine.
cspice_dascls( handle );
When this program was executed on a Mac/Intel/Octave6.x/64-bit
platform, using the DSK file named phobos512.bds, the output
Name of DLA file > phobos512.bds
Segment number = 1
Backward segment pointer = -1
Forward segment pointer = -1
Character component base address = 0
Character component size = 0
D.p. base address = 0
D.p. component size = 4737076
Integer base address = 11
Integer component size = 29692614
DLA files are built using the DAS low-level format; DLA files are
a specialized type of DAS file in which data are organized as a
doubly linked list of segments. Each segment's data belong to
contiguous components of character, double precision, and integer
This routine supports backward traversal of a DLA file's segment
list. A backward traversal may be started from any segment in
the file; it is not necessary to call cspice_dlabbs first. The role of
cspice_dlabbs is simply to return the descriptor of the last segment in
the file.
1) If the input file handle is invalid, an error is
signaled by a routine in the call tree of this routine.
2) If a failure occurs while reading the DLA file, an error
is signaled by a routine in the call tree of this routine.
3) If any of the input arguments, `handle' or `dladsc', is
undefined, an error is signaled by the Matlab error handling
4) If any of the input arguments, `handle' or `dladsc', is not of
the expected type, or it does not have the expected dimensions
and size, an error is signaled by the Mice interface.
See description of input argument `handle'.
J. Diaz del Rio (ODC Space)
-Mice Version 1.0.0, 23-JUL-2021 (JDR)
find previous segment in DLA file