Table of contents
CSPICE_BLTFRM returns a SPICE set containing the frame IDs of all built-
in frames of a specified class.
frmcls an integer code specifying the frame class or classes for
which built-in frame ID codes are requested.
[1,1] = size(frmcls); int32 = class(frmcls)
`frmcls' may designate a single class or "all classes."
The Mice parameter definitions file MiceFrm.m declares
parameters identifying frame classes. The supported values
and corresponding meanings of `frmcls' are
Parameter Value Meaning
=================== ===== ==================
SPICE_FRMTYP_ALL -1 All frame classes.
SPICE_FRMTYP_INERTL 1 Built-in inertial.
SPICE_FRMTYP_PCK 2 PCK-based frame.
SPICE_FRMTYP_CK 3 CK-based frame.
SPICE_FRMTYP_TK 4 Fixed offset ("text
kernel") frame.
SPICE_FRMTYP_DYN 5 Dynamic frame.
SPICE_FRMTYP_SWTCH 6 Switch frame.
room a parameter specifying the maximum number of elements that
can be accommodated by the dynamically allocated workspace
cell used internally by this routine.
[1,1] = size(room); int32 = class(room)
It's not necessary to compute an accurate estimate of how
many elements will be returned in `idset'; rather, the
user can pick a size considerably larger than what's
really required.
the call:
[idset] = cspice_bltfrm( frmcls, room )
idset a SPICE set containing the ID codes of all built-in reference
frames of the specified class or classes.
[r,1] = size(idset); int32 = class(idset)
See the Mice parameter definitions file MiceFrm.m.
Any numerical results shown for this example may differ between
platforms as the results depend on the SPICE kernels used as input
and the machine specific arithmetic implementation.
1) Display the IDs and names of all SPICE built-in frames.
Group the outputs by frame class. Also fetch and display
the entire set of IDs and names using the parameter
Example code begins here.
function bltfrm_ex1()
% MiceUser is a file that makes certain variables global.
% You must call MiceUser to have access to the parameters used
% in this example.
% Local parameters
% Get the Toolkit version number and display it.
fprintf( "Toolkit version: %s\n", cspice_tkvrsn( "TOOLKIT" ) );
% Fetch and display the frames of each class.
for i=1:7
if ( i < 7 )
% Fetch the frames of class i.
[idset] = cspice_bltfrm( i, NFRAME );
outlin = sprintf( 'Number of frames of class %d: %d', ...
i, size( idset )(1) );
% Fetch IDs of all built-in frames.
[idset] = cspice_bltfrm( SPICE_FRMTYP_ALL, NFRAME );
outlin = sprintf( 'Number of built-in frames: %d', ...
size( idset )(1) );
% Display the NAIF ID and name of a maximum of 5 frames
% per family.
fprintf( '\n' )
fprintf( '%s\n', outlin )
fprintf( ' Frame IDs and names\n' )
nfrms = min( [ 5, size( idset )(1) ] );
for j=1:nfrms
[frname] = cspice_frmnam( idset(j) );
fprintf( '%12d %s\n', idset(j), frname )
When this program was executed on a Mac/Intel/Octave6.x/64-bit
platform, the output was:
Toolkit version: CSPICE_N0067
Number of frames of class 1: 21
Frame IDs and names
1 J2000
2 B1950
3 FK4
4 DE-118
5 DE-96
Number of frames of class 2: 105
Frame IDs and names
Number of frames of class 3: 0
Frame IDs and names
Number of frames of class 4: 1
Frame IDs and names
Number of frames of class 5: 0
Frame IDs and names
Number of frames of class 6: 0
Frame IDs and names
Number of built-in frames: 145
Frame IDs and names
1 J2000
2 B1950
3 FK4
4 DE-118
5 DE-96
Note that the set of built-in frames, particularly the
non-inertial ones, will grow over time, so the output
shown here may be out of sync with that produced by a
current SPICE Toolkit. Only the first 5 frames of each
family are presented in the output.
This routine has a counterpart
which fetches the frame IDs of all frames specified in the kernel
1) If the input frame class argument is not defined in
MiceFrm.m, the error SPICE(BADFRAMECLASS) is signaled by a
routine in the call tree of this routine.
2) If the size of `idset' is too small to hold the requested frame
ID set, the error SPICE(SETTOOSMALL) is signaled by a routine
in the call tree of this routine.
3) If any of the input arguments, `frmcls' or `room', is
undefined, an error is signaled by the Matlab error handling
4) If any of the input arguments, `frmcls' or `room', is not of
the expected type, or it does not have the expected dimensions
and size, an error is signaled by the Mice interface.
J. Diaz del Rio (ODC Space)
-Mice Version 1.0.0, 26-AUG-2021 (JDR)
fetch IDs of built-in reference frames