Table of contents
Deprecated: This routine has been superseded by the Mice routine
cspice_sincpt. This routine is supported for purposes of
backward compatibility only.
CSPICE_SRFXPT computes the surface intercept point of a specified ray
on a target body at a specified epoch, optionally corrected for light
time and stellar aberration, given an observer and a direction vector
defining a ray.
method a string providing parameters defining
the computation method to use.
[1,c1] = size(method); char = class(method)
[1,1] = size(method); cell = class(method)
The only currently supported choice:
"Ellipsoid" The intercept computation uses
a triaxial ellipsoid to model
the surface of the target body.
The ellipsoid's radii must be
available in the kernel pool.
Neither case nor white space are significant in
target the name of the target body. The target body is an
ephemeris object (its trajectory is given by SPK data),
and is an extended object. Optionally, you may supply the
integer ID code for the object as an integer string, i.e.
both 'MOON' and '301' are legitimate strings that indicate
the Moon is the target body.
[1,c2] = size(target); char = class(target)
[1,1] = size(target); cell = class(target)
et the ephemeris time(s), expressed as seconds past J2000
TDB, at which to compute the surface intercept point on
the target body (this epoch represents either the time of
signal reception, or transmission, depending on the
selected 'abcorr')
[1,n] = size(et); double = class(et)
abcorr the aberration correction to apply when computing the
observer-target state and the target body orientation.
[1,c3] = size(abcorr); char = class(abcorr)
[1,1] = size(abcorr); cell = class(abcorr)
For practical purposes, 'CN' (converged Newtonian)
represents the best correction choice.
'abcorr' may be any of the following:
'NONE' Apply no correction. Return the
geometric surface intercept point on the
target body.
Let 'lt' represent the one-way light time between the
observer and the surface intercept point (note: NOT
between the observer and the target body's center).
The following values of 'abcorr' apply to the
"reception" case in which photons depart from the
intercept point's location at the light-time
corrected epoch et-lt and *arrive* at the observer's
location at 'et':
'LT' Correct for one-way light time (also
called "planetary aberration") using a
Newtonian formulation. This correction
yields the location of the surface
intercept point at the moment it
emitted photons arriving at the
observer at 'et'.
The light time correction uses an
iterative solution of the light time
equation. The solution invoked by the
'LT' option uses one iteration.
Both the target state as seen by the
observer, and rotation of the target
body, are corrected for light time.
'LT+S' Correct for one-way light time and
stellar aberration using a Newtonian
formulation. This option modifies the
state obtained with the 'LT' option to
account for the observer's velocity
relative to the solar system
barycenter. The result is the apparent
surface intercept point as seen by the
'CN' Converged Newtonian light time
correction. In solving the light time
equation, the 'CN' correction iterates
until the solution converges. Both the
state and rotation of the target body
are corrected for light time.
'CN+S' Converged Newtonian light time
and stellar aberration corrections.
The following values of 'abcorr' apply to the
"transmission" case in which photons *depart* from
the observer's location at 'et' and arrive at the
intercept point at the light-time corrected epoch
'XLT' "Transmission" case: correct for
one-way light time using a Newtonian
formulation. This correction yields the
intercept location at the moment it
receives photons emitted from the
observer's location at 'et'.
The light time correction uses an
iterative solution of the light time
equation. The solution invoked by the
'LT' option uses one iteration.
Both the target state as seen by the
observer, and rotation of the target
body, are corrected for light time.
'XLT+S' "Transmission" case: correct for
one-way light time and stellar
aberration using a Newtonian
formulation This option modifies the
intercept obtained with the 'XLT'
option to account for the observer's
velocity relative to the solar system
'XCN' Converged Newtonian light time
correction. This is the same as 'XLT'
correction but with further iterations
to a converged Newtonian light time
'XCN+S' "Transmission" case: converged
Newtonian light time and stellar
aberration corrections.
obsrvr the name of a observing body. Optionally, you may supply
the integer ID code for the object as an integer string,
i.e. both 'MOON' and '301' are legitimate strings that
indicate the Moon is the observing body.
[1,c4] = size(obsrvr); char = class(obsrvr)
[1,1] = size(obsrvr); cell = class(obsrvr)
dref the name of the reference frame relative to which the
input direction vector is expressed. This may be any
frame supported by the SPICE system, including built-in
frames (documented in the Frames Required Reading) and
frames defined by a loaded frame kernel (FK).
[1,c5] = size(dref); char = class(dref)
[1,1] = size(dref); cell = class(dref)
When 'dref' designates a non-inertial frame, the
orientation of the frame is evaluated at an epoch
dependent on the frame's center and, if the center is
not the observer, on the selected aberration
correction. See the description of the direction
vector 'dvec' for details.
dvec Pointing vector emanating from the observer. The
intercept with the target body's surface of the ray
defined by the observer and 'dvec' is sought.
[3,1] = size(dvec); double = class(dvec)
'dvec' is specified relative to the reference frame
designated by 'dref'.
Non-inertial reference frames are treated as follows:
if the center of the frame is at the observer's
location, the frame is evaluated at 'et'. If the
frame's center is located elsewhere, then letting
'ltcent' be the one-way light time between the observer
and the central body associated with the frame, the
orientation of the frame is evaluated at et-ltcent,
et+ltcent, or 'et' depending on whether the requested
aberration correction is, respectively, for received
radiation, transmitted radiation, or is omitted.
'ltcent' is computed using the method indicated by
the call:
[ spoint, dist, trgepc, obspos, found ] = ...
cspice_srfxpt( method, target, et, abcorr, obsrvr, dref, dvec)
spoint the surface intercept point on the target body of
the ray defined by the observer and the direction
vector. If the ray intersects the target body in
multiple points, the selected intersection point is
the one closest to the observer. The output
argument 'found' (see below) indicates whether an
intercept was found.
[3,1] = size(spoint); double = class(spoint)
'spoint' is expressed in Cartesian coordinates,
relative to the body-fixed frame associated with the
target body. The body-fixed target frame is
evaluated at the intercept epoch 'trgepc' (see
description below).
When light time correction is used, the duration of
light travel between 'spoint' to the observer is
considered to be the one way light time. When both
light time and stellar aberration corrections are
used, 'spoint' is selected such that, when 'spoint'
is corrected for light time and the vector from the
observer to the light-time corrected location of
'spoint' is corrected for stellar aberration, the
resulting vector is parallel to the ray defined by
the observer's location and 'dvec'.
The components of 'spoint' are given in units of km.
dist the distance between the observer and the surface
intercept on the target body. 'dist' is given in
units of km.
[1,1] = size(dist); double = class(dist)
trgepc the "intercept epoch." This is the epoch at which
the ray defined by 'obsrvr' and 'dvec' intercepts the
target surface at 'spoint'. 'trgepc' is defined as
follows: letting 'lt' be the one-way light time
between the observer and the intercept point,
'trgepc' is the epoch et-lt, et+lt, or 'et' depending
on whether the requested aberration correction is,
respectively, for received radiation, transmitted
radiation, or omitted. 'lt' is computed using the
method indicated by 'abcorr'.
[1,1] = size(trgepc); double = class(trgepc)
'trgepc' is expressed as seconds past J2000 TDB.
obspos the vector from the center of the target body at
epoch 'trgepc' to the observer at epoch 'et'.
'obspos' is expressed in the target body-fixed
reference frame evaluated at 'trgepc'. (This is
the frame relative to which 'spoint' is given.)
[3,1] = size(obspos); double = class(obspos)
'obspos' is returned to simplify various related
computations that would otherwise be cumbersome. For
example, the vector 'xvec' from the observer to
'spoint' can be calculated via
xvec = spoint - obspos
The components of 'obspos' are given in units of km.
found the logical flag indicating whether or not the ray
intersects the target. If an intersection exists
'found' will be returned as true. If the ray misses
the target, 'found' will return as false.
[1,1] = size(found); logical = class(found)
'spoint', 'dist', 'trgepc', 'obspos(3)', and 'found' return with the
same vectorization measure (N) as 'et'.
Any numerical results shown for this example may differ between
platforms as the results depend on the SPICE kernels used as input
and the machine specific arithmetic implementation.
1) The following program computes surface intercept points on
Mars for the boresight and FOV boundary vectors of the MGS MOC
narrow angle camera. The intercepts are computed for a single
observation epoch. Light time and stellar aberration
corrections are used. For simplicity, camera distortion is
Use the meta-kernel shown below to load the required SPICE
This meta-kernel is intended to support operation of SPICE
example programs. The kernels shown here should not be
assumed to contain adequate or correct versions of data
required by SPICE-based user applications.
In order for an application to use this meta-kernel, the
kernels referenced here must be present in the user's
current working directory.
The names and contents of the kernels referenced
by this meta-kernel are as follows:
File name Contents
--------- --------
de405s.bsp Planetary ephemeris
mars_iau2000_v0.tpc Planet orientation and
naif0011.tls Leapseconds
mgs_moc_v20.ti MGS MOC instrument
mgs_sclkscet_00061.tsc MGS SCLK coefficients
mgs_sc_ext12.bc MGS s/c bus attitude
mgs_ext12_ipng_mgs95j.bsp MGS ephemeris
KERNELS_TO_LOAD = ( 'de405s.bsp',
'mgs_ext12_ipng_mgs95j.bsp' )
End of meta-kernel
Example code begins here.
function srfxpt_ex1()
% Assign needed constants.
BUSID = -94000;
MGS = -94;
DREF = 'J2000';
UTC = '2003 OCT 13 06:00:00 UTC';
% Load kernel files:
% - Leapseconds kernel
% - MGS SCLK kernel
% - Text PCK file
% - Planetary SPK file
% - MGS I-kernel
% - MGS spacecraft bus C-kernel
% - MGS SPK file
cspice_furnsh( '' )
% Convert the UTC request time to ET (seconds past
% J2000, TDB).
et = cspice_str2et( UTC );
% Get the MGS MOC Narrow angle camera (MGS_MOC_NA)
% ID code. Then look up the field of view (FOV)
% parameters.
[camid, found] = cspice_bodn2c( CAMERA );
[shape, dref, bsight, bounds] = cspice_getfov( camid, NCORNR);
disp( ' ' )
disp( 'Surface Intercept Locations for Camera' )
disp( 'FOV Boundary and Boresight Vectors' )
disp( ' ' )
txt = sprintf( ' Instrument: %s', CAMERA);
disp( txt )
txt = sprintf( ' Epoch: %s', UTC);
disp( txt )
txt = sprintf( ' Aberration correction: %s', ABCORR);
disp( txt )
disp( ' ' )
% Now compute and display the surface intercepts for the
% boresight and all of the FOV boundary vectors.
for i=1:NCORNR+1
if( i <= NCORNR )
% 'bounds' represents a 3 X NCORNR array with each row
% a bounds vector. Extract the vectors from 'bounds'
% using as a vector segment.
% corner vector 0: bounds(:,1)
% corner vector 1: bounds(:,2)
% corner vector 2: bounds(:,3)
% corner vector 3: bounds(:,4)
title = sprintf( 'Corner vector %d', i );
dvec = bounds(:,i);
title = sprintf( 'Boresight vector' );
dvec = bsight;
% Compute the surface intercept point using
% the specified aberration corrections.
[spoint, dist, trgepc, obspos, found] = ...
cspice_srfxpt( METHOD, TARGET, et, ABCORR, OBSRVR, ...
dref, dvec );
if( found )
% Convert rectangular coordinates to planetocentric
% latitude and longitude. Convert radians to degrees.
[ radius, lon, lat ] = cspice_reclat( spoint );
lon = lon * cspice_dpr;
lat = lat * cspice_dpr;
% Display the results.
disp( title )
disp( ' ' )
txt = sprintf( ' Vector in %s frame = ', dref );
disp( txt )
txt = sprintf( ' %18.10e%18.10e%18.10e', dvec );
disp( txt )
disp( ' ' )
disp( ' Intercept:' )
disp( ' ' )
txt = sprintf([' Radius (km)' ...
' = %18.10e'], radius);
disp( txt )
txt = sprintf([' Planetocentric Latitude (deg)' ...
' = %18.10e'], lat);
disp( txt )
txt = sprintf([' Planetocentric Longitude (deg)' ...
' = %18.10e'], lon);
disp( txt )
txt = sprintf([' Range (km)' ...
' = %18.10e'], dist);
disp( txt )
disp( ' ' )
disp( 'Intercept not found.' )
% It's always good form to unload kernels after use,
% particularly in MATLAB due to data persistence.
When this program was executed on a Mac/Intel/Octave6.x/64-bit
platform, the output was:
Surface Intercept Locations for Camera
FOV Boundary and Boresight Vectors
Instrument: MGS_MOC_NA
Epoch: 2003 OCT 13 06:00:00 UTC
Aberration correction: LT+S
Corner vector 1
Vector in MGS_MOC_NA frame =
1.8571383810e-06 -3.8015622659e-03 9.9999277403e-01
Radius (km) = 3.3849411359e+03
Planetocentric Latitude (deg) = -4.8477481852e+01
Planetocentric Longitude (deg) = -1.2347407883e+02
Range (km) = 3.8898310725e+02
Corner vector 2
Vector in MGS_MOC_NA frame =
1.8571383810e-06 3.8015622659e-03 9.9999277403e-01
Radius (km) = 3.3849396988e+03
Planetocentric Latitude (deg) = -4.8481636267e+01
Planetocentric Longitude (deg) = -1.2339882275e+02
Range (km) = 3.8897512490e+02
Corner vector 3
Vector in MGS_MOC_NA frame =
-1.8571383810e-06 3.8015622659e-03 9.9999277403e-01
Radius (km) = 3.3849396899e+03
Planetocentric Latitude (deg) = -4.8481661837e+01
Planetocentric Longitude (deg) = -1.2339882596e+02
Range (km) = 3.8897466598e+02
Corner vector 4
Vector in MGS_MOC_NA frame =
-1.8571383810e-06 -3.8015622659e-03 9.9999277403e-01
Radius (km) = 3.3849411271e+03
Planetocentric Latitude (deg) = -4.8477507428e+01
Planetocentric Longitude (deg) = -1.2347408199e+02
Range (km) = 3.8898264817e+02
Boresight vector
Vector in MGS_MOC_NA frame =
0.0000000000e+00 0.0000000000e+00 1.0000000000e+00
Radius (km) = 3.3849404102e+03
Planetocentric Latitude (deg) = -4.8479579751e+01
Planetocentric Longitude (deg) = -1.2343645375e+02
Range (km) = 3.8897573918e+02
A sister version of this routine exists named mice_srfxpt that returns
the output arguments as fields in a single structure.
Given a ray defined by a direction vector and the location of an
observer, cspice_srfxpt computes the surface intercept point of the ray
on a specified target body. cspice_srfxpt also determines the distance
between the observer and the surface intercept point.
When aberration corrections are used, this routine finds the
value of `spoint' such that, if `spoint' is regarded as an ephemeris
object, after the selected aberration corrections are applied to
the vector from the observer to `spoint', the resulting vector is
parallel to the direction vector `dvec'.
This routine computes light time corrections using light time
between the observer and the surface intercept point, as opposed
to the center of the target. Similarly, stellar aberration
corrections done by this routine are based on the direction of
the vector from the observer to the light-time corrected
intercept point, not to the target center. This technique avoids
errors due to the differential between aberration corrections
across the target body. Therefore it's valid to use aberration
corrections with this routine even when the observer is very
close to the intercept point, in particular when the
observer-intercept point distance is much less than the
observer-target center distance. It's also valid to use stellar
aberration corrections even when the intercept point is near or
on the limb (as may occur in occultation computations using a
point target).
When comparing surface intercept point computations with results
from sources other than SPICE, it's essential to make sure the
same geometric definitions are used.
If any of the listed errors occur, the output arguments are
left unchanged.
1) If the input argument `method' is not recognized, an error
is signaled by a routine in the call tree of this
2) If `target' cannot be mapped to an ID code, the error
SPICE(IDCODENOTFOUND) is signaled by a routine in the call
tree of this routine.
3) If `obsrvr' cannot be mapped to an ID code, an error is signaled
by a routine in the call tree of this routine.
4) If the input argument `abcorr' is invalid, an error
is signaled by a routine in the call tree of this
5) If a body-fixed reference frame associated with the target
cannot be found, the error SPICE(NOFRAME) is signaled by a
routine in the call tree of this routine.
6) If `obsrvr' and `target' map to the same NAIF integer ID codes, an
error is signaled by a routine in the call tree of this
7) If frame definition data enabling the evaluation of the state
of the target relative to the observer in target body-fixed
coordinates have not been loaded prior to calling cspice_srfxpt, an
error is signaled by a routine in the call tree of this
8) If the specified aberration correction is not recognized, an
error is signaled by a routine in the call tree of this
9) If insufficient ephemeris data have been loaded prior to
calling cspice_srfxpt, an error is signaled by a
routine in the call tree of this routine. Note that when
light time correction is used, sufficient ephemeris data
must be available to propagate the states of both observer
and target to the solar system barycenter.
10) If the computation method has been specified as "Ellipsoid"
and triaxial radii of the target body have not been loaded
into the kernel pool prior to calling cspice_srfxpt, an error is
signaled by a routine in the call tree of this routine.
11) If PCK data needed to define the target body-fixed frame have
not been loaded prior to calling cspice_srfxpt, an error is signaled
by a routine in the call tree of this routine.
12) If the reference frame designated by `dref' is not recognized
by the SPICE frame subsystem, an error is signaled
by a routine in the call tree of this routine.
13) If the direction vector `dvec' is the zero vector, an error
is signaled by a routine in the call tree of this routine.
14) If radii for `target' are not found in the kernel pool, an error
is signaled by a routine in the call tree of this routine.
15) If the size of the `target' body radii kernel variable is not
three, an error is signaled by a routine in the call tree of
this routine.
16) If any of the three `target' body radii is less-than or equal to
zero, an error is signaled by a routine in the call tree of
this routine.
17) If any of the input arguments, `method', `target', `et',
`abcorr', `obsrvr', `dref' or `dvec', is undefined, an error
is signaled by the Matlab error handling system.
18) If any of the input arguments, `method', `target', `et',
`abcorr', `obsrvr', `dref' or `dvec', is not of the expected
type, or it does not have the expected dimensions and size, an
error is signaled by the Mice interface.
Appropriate SPK, PCK, and frame kernels must be loaded by the
calling program before this routine is called. CK, SCLK, and
IK kernels may be required as well.
The following data are required:
- SPK data: ephemeris data for target and observer must be
loaded. If aberration corrections are used, the states of
target and observer relative to the solar system barycenter
must be calculable from the available ephemeris data.
Typically ephemeris data are made available by loading one
or more SPK files via cspice_furnsh.
- PCK data: if the computation method is specified as
"Ellipsoid," triaxial radii for the target body must be
loaded into the kernel pool. Typically this is done by
loading a text PCK file via cspice_furnsh.
- Further PCK data: rotation data for the target body must
be loaded. These may be provided in a text or binary PCK
- Frame data: if a frame definition is required to convert
the observer and target states to the body-fixed frame of
the target, that definition must be available in the kernel
pool. Similarly, the frame definition required to map
between the frame designated by `dref' and the target
body-fixed frame must be available. Typically the
definitions of frames not already built-in to SPICE are
supplied by loading a frame kernel.
The following data may be required:
- CK data: if the frame to which `dref' refers is fixed to a
spacecraft instrument or structure, at least one CK file
will be needed to permit transformation of vectors between
that frame and both J2000 and the target body-fixed frame.
- SCLK data: if a CK file is needed, an associated SCLK
kernel is required to enable conversion between encoded SCLK
(used to time-tag CK data) and barycentric dynamical time
- IK data: one or more I-kernels may be required to enable
transformation of vectors from an instrument-fixed frame to
a spacecraft-fixed frame whose attitude is given by a
In all cases, kernel data are normally loaded once per program
run, NOT every time this routine is called.
1) A cautionary note: if aberration corrections are used, and if
`dref' is the target body-fixed frame, the epoch at which that
frame is evaluated is offset from `et' by the light time between
the observer and the *center* of the target body. This light
time normally will differ from the light time between the
observer and intercept point. Consequently the orientation of
the target body-fixed frame at `trgepc' will not match that of
the target body-fixed frame at the epoch associated with `dref'.
As a result, various derived quantities may not be as
expected: for example, `obspos' would not be the inverse of the
aberration-corrected position of the target as seen by the
In many applications the errors arising from this frame
discrepancy may be insignificant; however a safe approach is
to always use as `dref' a frame other than the target body-fixed
J. Diaz del Rio (ODC Space)
B.V. Semenov (JPL)
E.D. Wright (JPL)
-Mice Version 1.1.0, 01-NOV-2021 (EDW) (JDR)
Edited the -Examples section to comply with NAIF standard.
Modified example to load the required data via a meta-kernel.
Added example's meta-kernel.
Added -Parameters, -Exceptions, -Files, -Restrictions,
-Literature_References and -Author_and_Institution sections, and
completed -Particulars section.
Eliminated use of "lasterror" in rethrow.
Removed reference to the function's corresponding CSPICE header from
-Required_Reading section.
-Mice Version 1.0.3, 12-FEB-2015 (EDW)
Edited -I/O section to conform to NAIF standard for Mice
-Mice Version 1.0.2, 18-MAY-2010 (BVS)
Index line now states that this routine is deprecated.
-Mice Version 1.0.1, 11-NOV-2008 (EDW)
Edits to header; -Abstract now states that this routine is
-Mice Version 1.0.0, 03-JAN-2006 (EDW)
DEPRECATED surface intercept point