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   CSPICE_SURFPT determines the intersection of a line-of-sight vector with
   the surface of an ellipsoid.



      positn   the position of an observer with respect to the center
               of an ellipsoid expressed in the body fixed coordinates of
               the ellipsoid

               [3,1] = size(positn); double = class(positn)

      u        the direction vector emanating from 'positn'.

               [3,1] = size(u); double = class(u)

      a,       the ellipsoid's triaxial radii, where:
                  'a' is length in kilometers of the semi-axis of the
                   ellipsoid parallel to the x-axis of the body-fixed
                   reference frame

                  [1,1] = size(a); double = class(a)

                  'b' is length in kilometers of the semi-axis of the
                   ellipsoid parallel to the y-axis of the body-fixed
                   reference frame

                  [1,1] = size(b); double = class(b)

                  'c' is length in kilometers of the semi-axis of the
                   ellipsoid parallel to the z-axis of the body-fixed
                   reference frame

                  [1,1] = size(c); double = class(c)

   the call:

      [point, found] = cspice_surfpt ( positn, u, a, b, c )


      point   the location on the ellipsoid at which the 'u' intercepts
              the ellipsoid if the interception exists, 'point' returns
              (0.d, 0.d, 0.d) if 'u' does not intersect the ellipsoid

              [3,1] = size(point); double = class(point)

      found   a flag indicating whether the intersection between the
              ellipse and 'u' exists (TRUE) or not (FALSE).

              [1,1] = size(found); logical = class(found)




   Any numerical results shown for this example may differ between
   platforms as the results depend on the SPICE kernels used as input
   and the machine specific arithmetic implementation.

   1) Suppose that MGS has taken a picture of Mars at time 'etrec' with
      the MOC narrow angle camera. We want to know the latitude and
      longitude associated with two pixels projected to Mars'
      surface: the boresight and one along the boundary of the
      field of view (FOV). Due to light time, the photons taken in
      the picture left Mars at time 'etemit', when Mars was at a
      different state than at time 'etrec'.

      In order to solve this problem, we could use the 'cspice_sincpt'
      routine for both pixels, but this would be slow. Instead, we
      will assume that the light time for each pixel is the same. We
      will call 'cspice_sincpt' once to get the light time and surface point
      associated with the boresight. Then, we will rotate the first
      FOV boundary vector from the camera frame at 'etrec' to the
      body-fixed Mars frame at 'etemit', and call the faster routine
      'cspice_surfpt' to retrieve the surface point for the FOV boundary

      This example problem could be extended to find the latitude
      and longitude associated with every pixel in an instrument's
      field of view, but this example is simplified to only solve
      for two pixels: the boresight and one along the boundary of
      the field of view.


         1)  The light times from the surface points in the camera's
             field of view to the camera are equal.

         2)  The camera offset from the center of gravity of the
             spacecraft is zero. If the data are more accurate
             and precise, this assumption can be easily discarded.

         3)  An ellipsoid shape model for the target body is

         4)  The boundary field of view vector returned from 'cspice_getfov'
             is associated with a boundary field of view pixel. If
             this example were extended to include a geometric camera
             model, this assumption would not be needed since the
             direction vectors associated with each pixel would be
             calculated from the geometric camera model.

      Use the meta-kernel shown below to load the required SPICE



         This meta-kernel is intended to support operation of SPICE
         example programs. The kernels shown here should not be
         assumed to contain adequate or correct versions of data
         required by SPICE-based user applications.

         In order for an application to use this meta-kernel, the
         kernels referenced here must be present in the user's
         current working directory.

         The names and contents of the kernels referenced
         by this meta-kernel are as follows:

            File name                        Contents
            ---------                        --------
            de430.bsp                        Planetary ephemeris
            mar097.bsp                       Mars satellite ephemeris
            pck00010.tpc                     Planet orientation and
            naif0011.tls                     Leapseconds
            mgs_moc_v20.ti                   MGS MOC instrument
            mgs_sclkscet_00061.tsc           MGS SCLK coefficients
            mgs_sc_ext12.bc                  MGS s/c bus attitude
            mgs_ext12_ipng_mgs95j.bsp        MGS ephemeris


            KERNELS_TO_LOAD = ( 'de430.bsp',
                                'mgs_ext12_ipng_mgs95j.bsp' )


         End of meta-kernel

      Example code begins here.

      function surfpt_ex1()

         metakr = '';
         camera = 'MGS_MOC_NA';
         NCORNR = 4;
         ABCORR = 'CN+S';

         % Load kernels
         cspice_furnsh( metakr );

         % Convert the time the picture was taken from a
         % UTC time string to seconds past J2000, TDB.
         etrec = cspice_str2et( '2003 OCT 13 06:00:00 UTC' );

         % Assume the one-way light times from different
         % surface points on Mars to MGS within the camera's
         % FOV are equal. This means the photons that make
         % up different pixels were all emitted from Mars at
         % 'etemit' and received by MGS at 'etrec'.  It would be
         % slow to process images using 'cspice_sincpt' for every
         % pixel.  Instead, we will use 'cspice_sincpt' on the
         % boresight pixel and use 'cspice_surfpt' for the first FOV
         % boundary pixel.  If this example program were extended
         % to include all of the camera's pixels, 'cspice_surfpt' would
         % be used for the remaining pixels.
         % Get the MGS MOC Narrow angle camera (MGS_MOC_NA)
         % ID code. Then look up the field of view (FOV)
         % parameters by calling 'cspice_getfov'.
         [camid, found] = cspice_bodn2c( camera );

         if ( ~found )
             txt = sprintf( ['SPICE(NOTRANSLATION) Could not find ', ...
                             'ID code for instrument %s.'], camera );
             error( txt )

         % 'cspice_getfov' will return the name of the camera-fixed frame
         % in the string 'obsref', the camera boresight vector in
         % the array 'bsight', and the FOV corner vectors in the
         % array 'bounds'.
         [shape, obsref, bsight, bounds] = cspice_getfov( camid, NCORNR);

         fprintf( '\nObservation Reference Frame:  %s\n', obsref );

         % ----------- Boresight Surface Intercept -----------
         % Retrieve the time, surface intercept point, and vector
         % from MGS to the boresight surface intercept point
         % in IAU_MARS coordinates.
         [ spoint, etemit, srfvec, found ] = ...
                 cspice_sincpt( 'Ellipsoid', 'Mars', etrec,  'IAU_MARS', ...
                                 ABCORR,     'MGS' , obsref,  bsight );

         if ( ~found )
             txt = sprintf(['SPICE(NOINTERCEPT)' ...
                            'Intercept not found for boresight vector.']);
             error( txt )

         % Convert the intersection point of the boresight
         % vector and Mars from rectangular into latitudinal
         % coordinates. Convert radians to degrees.
         [ radius, lon, lat ] = cspice_reclat( spoint );

         lon = lon * cspice_dpr;
         lat = lat * cspice_dpr;

         fprintf( ['\n'                                         ...
                   'Boresight surface intercept coordinates:\n' ...
                   '    Radius    (km) :  %f\n'                 ...
                   '    Latitude  (deg):  %f\n'                 ...
                   '    Longitude (deg):  %f\n' ],              ...
                    radius, lat, lon );

         % ------ 1st Boundary FOV Surface Intercept (cspice_surfpt) -----
         % Now we will transform the first FOV corner vector into the
         % IAU_MARS frame so the surface intercept point can be
         % calculated using cspice_surfpt, which is faster than
         % cspice_subpnt.
         % If this example program were extended to include all
         % of the pixels in the camera's FOV, a few steps, such as
         % finding the rotation matrix from the camera frame to the
         % IAU_MARS frame, looking up the semi-axis values for Mars,
         % and finding the position of MGS with respect to Mars could
         % be done once and used for every pixel.
         % Find the rotation matrix from the ray's reference
         % frame at the time the photons were received (etrec)
         % to IAU_MARS at the time the photons were emitted
         % (etemit).
         [rotate] = cspice_pxfrm2( obsref, 'IAU_MARS', etrec, etemit );

         % Look up the semi-axis values for Mars.
         radii = cspice_bodvrd( 'MARS', 'RADII', 3 );

         % Find the position of the center of Mars with respect
         % to MGS.  The position of the observer with respect
         % to Mars is required for the call to 'cspice_surfpt'.  Note:
         % the apparent position of MGS with respect to Mars is
         % not the same as the negative of Mars with respect to MGS.
         pos_mgs_wrt_mars = spoint - srfvec;

         % The first boundary FOV pixel must be rotated into the
         % IAU_MARS reference frame.
         bndvec = rotate * bounds(:,1);

         % Calculate the surface point of the boundary FOV
         % vector.
         [surface_point, found] = cspice_surfpt ( pos_mgs_wrt_mars, ...
                                                  bndvec, radii(1), ...
                                                  radii(2), radii(3) );

         if ( ~found )
             txt = 'SPICE(NOTFOUND)Could not calculate surface point.';
             error( txt )

         surf_point_using_surfpt = surface_point;

         % Convert the intersection point of the boundary
         % FOV vector and Mars from rectangular into
         % latitudinal coordinates. Convert radians
         % to degrees.
         [ radius, lon, lat ] = cspice_reclat( surface_point );

         lon = lon * cspice_dpr;
         lat = lat * cspice_dpr;

         fprintf( ['\n'                                        ...
                   'Boundary vector surface intercept\n'       ...
                   'coordinates using cspice_surfpt:\n'        ...
                   '    Radius    (km) :  %f\n'                ...
                   '    Latitude  (deg):  %f\n'                ...
                   '    Longitude (deg):  %f\n'                ...
                   '    Emit time using boresight LT (s):  %10.9f\n'], ...
                    radius, lat, lon, etemit );

         % ------ 1st Boundary FOV Surface Intercept Verification ----
         % For verification only, we will calculate the surface
         % intercept coordinates for the first boundary vector
         % using 'cspice_sincpt' and compare to the faster
         % 'cspice_surfpt' method.
         [ surface_point, etemit, srfvec, found ] = ...
                  cspice_sincpt( 'Ellipsoid', 'Mars', etrec,  'IAU_MARS', ...
                                  ABCORR,     'MGS' , obsref,  bounds(:,1) );

         if ( ~found )
             txt = sprintf( ['SPICE(NOTFOUND)' ...
                             'Intercept not found for the boundary ' ...
                             'FOV vector.'] );
             error( txt )

         % Convert the intersection point of the first boundary
         % vector and Mars from rectangular into latitudinal
         % coordinates. Convert radians to degrees.
         [ radius, lon, lat ] = cspice_reclat( surface_point );

         lon = lon * cspice_dpr;
         lat = lat * cspice_dpr;

         fprintf( ['\n'                                              ...
                   'Boundary vector surface intercept\n'             ...
                   'coordinates using cspice_sincpt:\n'              ...
                   '    Radius    (km) :  %f\n'                      ...
                   '    Latitude  (deg):  %f\n'                      ...
                   '    Longitude (deg):  %f\n'                      ...
                   '    Emit time using boresight LT (s):  %10.9f\n\n'], ...
                    radius, lat, lon, etemit );

         distance = cspice_vdist ( surf_point_using_surfpt, surface_point );

         fprintf( [ 'Distance between surface points of the first\n' ...
                    'boundary vector using cspice_surfpt and\n'      ...
                    'cspice_sincpt:\n'                               ...
                    '    Distance (mm):   %f\n' ],                   ...
                    distance*10^6 );

         % It's always good form to unload kernels after use,
         % particularly in MATLAB due to data persistence.

      When this program was executed on a Mac/Intel/Octave6.x/64-bit
      platform, the output was:

      Observation Reference Frame:  MGS_MOC_NA

      Boresight surface intercept coordinates:
          Radius    (km) :  3384.940410
          Latitude  (deg):  -48.479580
          Longitude (deg):  -123.436450

      Boundary vector surface intercept
      coordinates using cspice_surfpt:
          Radius    (km) :  3384.941136
          Latitude  (deg):  -48.477482
          Longitude (deg):  -123.474076
          Emit time using boresight LT (s):  119296864.181059480

      Boundary vector surface intercept
      coordinates using cspice_sincpt:
          Radius    (km) :  3384.941136
          Latitude  (deg):  -48.477482
          Longitude (deg):  -123.474075
          Emit time using boresight LT (s):  119296864.181059465

      Distance between surface points of the first
      boundary vector using cspice_surfpt and
          Distance (mm):   32.154698


   This routine assumes that an ellipsoid having semi-axes of length `a',
   `b' and `c' is given. Moreover, it is assumed that these axes are
   parallel to the x-, y-, and z-axes of a coordinate system whose
   origin is the geometric center of the ellipsoid---this is called the
   body-fixed coordinate frame.


   1)  If the input vector is the zero vector, the error
       SPICE(ZEROVECTOR) is signaled by a routine in the call tree of
       this routine.

   2)  If any of the body's axes is zero, the error
       SPICE(BADAXISLENGTH) is signaled by a routine in the call tree
       of this routine.

   3)  If any of the input arguments, `positn', `u', `a', `b' or `c',
       is undefined, an error is signaled by the Matlab error
       handling system.

   4)  If any of the input arguments, `positn', `u', `a', `b' or `c',
       is not of the expected type, or it does not have the expected
       dimensions and size, an error is signaled by the Mice










   J. Diaz del Rio     (ODC Space)
   S.C. Krening        (JPL)
   E.D. Wright         (JPL)


   -Mice Version 1.1.0, 10-AUG-2021 (EDW) (JDR)

       Edited the -Examples section to comply with NAIF standard. Added
       example's meta-kernel.

       Added -Parameters, -Exceptions, -Files, -Restrictions,
       -Literature_References and -Author_and_Institution sections, and
       completed -Particulars section.

       Eliminated use of "lasterror" in rethrow.

       Removed reference to the function's corresponding CSPICE header from
       -Required_Reading section.

   -Mice Version 1.0.1, 05-NOV-2015 (EDW)

       Corrected -Index_Entries and Usage string.

       Edited -I/O section to conform to NAIF standard for Mice

   -Mice Version 1.0.0, 24-OCT-2011 (SCK)


   line of sight intercept with body
   point of intersection between ray and ellipsoid
   surface point of intersection of ray and ellipsoid

Fri Dec 31 18:44:27 2021