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   CSPICE_CKCOV finds the coverage window for a specified object in a
   specified CK file.



      ckfnm    the name(s) of SPICE CK files.

               [n,c1] = size(ckfnm); char = class(ck)


               [1,n] = size(ckfnm); cell = class(ck)

      idcode   the CK ID code of an object, normally a spacecraft
               structure or instrument, for which pointing data are expected
               to exist in the specified CK file.

               [1,1] = size(idcode); int32 = class(idcode)

      needav   a flag indicating whether only segments having
               angular velocity are to be considered when determining

               [1,1] = size(needav); logical = class(needav)

               When `needav' is true, segments without angular velocity
               don't contribute to the coverage window; when `needav' is
               false, all segments for `idcode' may contribute to the
               coverage window.

      level    the string defining the level (granularity) at which
               the coverage is examined.

               [1,c2] = size(level); char = class(level)


               [1,1] = size(level); cell = class(level)

               Allowed values and corresponding meanings are:

                  'SEGMENT'    The output coverage window contains
                               intervals defined by the start and stop
                               times of segments for the object
                               designated by `idcode'.

                  'INTERVAL'   The output coverage window contains
                               interpolation intervals of segments for
                               the object designated by `idcode'. For type
                               1 segments, which don't have
                               interpolation intervals, each epoch
                               associated with a pointing instance is
                               treated as a singleton interval; these
                               intervals are added to the coverage

                               All interpolation intervals are
                               considered to lie within the segment
                               bounds for the purpose of this summary:
                               if an interpolation interval extends
                               beyond the segment coverage interval,
                               only its intersection with the segment
                               coverage interval is considered to
                               contribute to the total coverage.

      tol      a tolerance value expressed in ticks of the spacecraft clock
               associated with `idcode'.

               [1,1] = size(tol); double = class(tol)

               Before each interval is inserted into the coverage window,
               the interval is intersected with the segment coverage
               interval, then if the intersection is non-empty, it is
               expanded by `tol': the left endpoint of the intersection
               interval is reduced by `tol' and the right endpoint is
               increased by `tol'. Adjusted interval endpoints, when
               expressed as encoded SCLK, never are less than zero ticks.
               Any intervals that overlap as a result of the expansion are

               The coverage window returned when tol > 0 indicates the
               coverage provided by the file to the CK readers cspice_ckgpav
               and cspice_ckgp when that value of `tol' is passed to them as
               an input.

      timsys   the name of the time system to use in the output coverage

               [1,c3] = size(timsys); char = class(timsys)


               [1,1] = size(timsys); cell = class(timsys)

               `timsys' may have the values:

                  'SCLK'    Elements of `cover' are expressed in encoded
                            SCLK ("ticks"), where the clock is associated
                            with the object designated by `idcode'.

                  'TDB'     Elements of `cover' are expressed as seconds
                            past J2000 TDB.

      room     a parameter specifying the maximum number of intervals that
               can be accommodated by the dynamically allocated workspace
               window used internally by this routine.

               [1,1] = size(room); int32 = class(room)

               It's not necessary to compute an accurate estimate of how
               many intervals will be returned in `cover'; rather, the
               user can pick a size considerably larger than what's
               really required.

      cover_i  an optional input describing a either an empty window or a
               window array created from a previous cspice_ckcov call.

               [2m,1] = size(cover_i), double = class(cover_i)


               [0,0] = size(cover_i), double = class(cover_i)

               Inclusion of this window argument results in an output window
               consisting of a union of the data retrieved from the `ck'
               kernels and the data in `cover_i'.

   the call:

      [cover] = cspice_ckcov( ckfmn, idcode, needav, level,               ...
                              tol,   timsys, room,   cover_i )


      [cover] = cspice_ckcov( ckfnm, idcode, needav, level,               ...
                              tol,   timsys, room           )


      cover    the window containing the coverage for `idcode' available
               from `ckfnm'.

               [2p,1] = size(cover), double = class(cover)


               [0,1] = size(cover), double = class(cover)

               When the coverage level is 'INTERVAL', this is the set
               of time intervals for which data for `idcode' are present
               in the file `ckfnm', merged with the set of time intervals
               present in `cover_i' if provided on input. The merged
               coverage is represented as the union of one or more
               disjoint time intervals. The array `cover' contains the
               pairs of endpoints of these intervals.

               Each window defined as a pair of endpoints such that:

                  window 1 = cover(1:2)
                  window 2 = cover(3:4)
                  window 3 = cover(5:6)
                  window p = cover(2p-1,2p)

               When the coverage level is 'SEGMENT', `cover' is computed
               in a manner similar to that described above, but the coverage
               intervals used in the computation are those of segments
               rather than interpolation intervals within segments.

               When `tol' is > 0, the intervals comprising the coverage
               window for `idcode' are expanded by `tol' and any intervals
               overlapping as a result are merged. The resulting window is
               returned in `cover'. The expanded window in no case
               extends beyond the segment bounds in either direction by
               more than `tol'.

               The interval endpoints contained in `cover' are encoded
               spacecraft clock times if `timsys' is 'SCLK'; otherwise the
               times are converted from encoded spacecraft clock to seconds
               past J2000 TDB.

               `cover' returns an empty set if `ckfnm' lacks coverage for
               `idcode' and `cover_i' is not provided on input. `cover'
               can overwrite `cover_i'.




   Any numerical results shown for this example may differ between
   platforms as the results depend on the SPICE kernels used as input
   and the machine specific arithmetic implementation.

   1) Display the interval-level coverage for each object in a
      specified CK file. Use tolerance of zero ticks. Do not
      request angular velocity. Express the results in the TDB time

      Find the set of objects in the file. Loop over the contents
      of the ID code set: find the coverage for each item in the
      set and display the coverage.

      Example code begins here.

      function ckcov_ex1( )

         % Local constants.
         MAXIV  = 100000;
         WINSIZ = 2 * MAXIV;
         MAXOBJ = 1000;
         LEVEL  = { 'SEGMENT', 'INTERVAL' };

         % Load a leapseconds kernel and the SCLK corresponding to the
         % input CK. Prompt the user for the file names.
         % Note, neither cspice_ckcov or cspice_ckobj require these
         % kernels to function. We need these data for output time
         % conversion.
         LSK  = input( 'Name of leapseconds kernel > ', 's' );
         SCLK = input( 'Name of SCLK kernel        > ', 's' );
         cspice_furnsh( LSK  )
         cspice_furnsh( SCLK )

         % Get the name of the CK file.
         CK   = input( 'Name of CK file            > ', 's' );

         % Find the set of objects in the CK file.
         ids = cspice_ckobj( CK, MAXOBJ );

         % Find the coverage for 'INTERVAL' and 'SEGMENT' levels.
         for l=1:numel(LEVEL)

            % We want to display the coverage for each object. Loop over
            % the contents of the ID code set, find the coverage for
            % each item in the set, and display the coverage.
            for i=1:numel(ids)

               % Extract the coverage data for object `ids(i)'.
               cover    = cspice_ckcov( CK,  ids(i), 0,     LEVEL(l), ...
                                        0.0, 'TDB',  WINSIZ         );
               [row,col]= size(cover);

               % Display a simple banner.
               fprintf( '========================================\n')
               fprintf( '%s level coverage for object %d\n', ...
                                             char(LEVEL(l)), ids(i) )

               %  `cover' has dimension 2Nx1, where 'row' has the value
               %  2N with each window defined as a pair of endpoints
               %  such that:
               %  window 1 = cover(1:2)
               %  window 2 = cover(3:4)
               %  window 3 = cover(5:6)
               %        ...
               %  window N = cover(2N-1,2N)
               % Loop from 1 to 1row' with stepsize 2.
               for j=1:2:row

                  % Convert the endpoints to TDB calendar format time
                  % strings and display them. Pass the endpoints in an
                  % array, so cspice_timout returns an array of time
                  % strings.
                  % Recall a vectorized input has dimension 1xM so
                  % transpose the `cover' slice.
                  timstr = cspice_timout( cover(j:j+1)', ...
                               'YYYY MON DD HR:MN:SC.### (TDB) ::TDB' );
                  fprintf('Interval: %d\n'  , (j+1)/2 )
                  fprintf('   Start: %s\n'  , timstr(1,:) )
                  fprintf('    Stop: %s\n\n', timstr(2,:) )




         % Empty the kernel pool.

      When this program was executed on a Mac/Intel/Octave6.x/64-bit
      platform, using the LSK file named naif0010.tls, the SCLK file
      named cas00145.tsc and the CK file named 08052_08057ra.bc, the
      output was:

      Name of leapseconds kernel > naif0010.tls
      Name of SCLK kernel        > cas00145.tsc
      Name of CK file            > 08052_08057ra.bc
      SEGMENT level coverage for object -82000
      Interval: 1
         Start: 2008 FEB 21 00:01:07.771 (TDB)
          Stop: 2008 FEB 26 00:01:04.752 (TDB)

      INTERVAL level coverage for object -82000
      Interval: 1
         Start: 2008 FEB 21 00:01:07.771 (TDB)
          Stop: 2008 FEB 23 22:53:30.001 (TDB)

      Interval: 2
         Start: 2008 FEB 23 22:58:13.999 (TDB)
          Stop: 2008 FEB 24 02:22:25.913 (TDB)

      Interval: 3
         Start: 2008 FEB 24 02:27:49.910 (TDB)
          Stop: 2008 FEB 24 19:46:33.470 (TDB)

      Interval: 4
         Start: 2008 FEB 24 19:49:33.469 (TDB)
          Stop: 2008 FEB 25 04:25:21.250 (TDB)

      Interval: 5
         Start: 2008 FEB 25 04:29:33.248 (TDB)
          Stop: 2008 FEB 25 15:23:44.971 (TDB)

      Interval: 6
         Start: 2008 FEB 25 15:24:12.971 (TDB)
          Stop: 2008 FEB 25 20:25:04.843 (TDB)

      Interval: 7
         Start: 2008 FEB 25 20:25:48.843 (TDB)
          Stop: 2008 FEB 26 00:01:04.752 (TDB)


   This routine provides an API via which applications can determine
   the coverage a specified CK file provides for a specified


   1)  If the input file has transfer format, the error
       SPICE(INVALIDFORMAT) is signaled by a routine in the call tree
       of this routine.

   2)  If the input file is not a transfer file but has architecture
       other than DAF, the error SPICE(INVALIDARCHTYPE) is signaled
       by a routine in the call tree of this routine.

   3)  If the input file is a binary DAF file of type other than CK,
       the error SPICE(INVALIDFILETYPE) is signaled by a routine in
       the call tree of this routine.

   4)  If the CK file cannot be opened or read, an error is signaled
       by a routine in the call tree of this routine. The output
       window will not be modified.

   5)  If the size of the output window argument `cover' is
       insufficient to contain the actual number of intervals in the
       coverage window for `idcode', an error is signaled by a
       routine in the call tree of this routine.

   6)  If `tol' is negative, the error SPICE(VALUEOUTOFRANGE) is
       signaled by a routine in the call tree of this routine.

   7)  If `level' is not recognized, the error SPICE(INVALIDOPTION)
       is signaled by a routine in the call tree of this routine.

   8)  If `timsys' is not recognized, the error SPICE(NOTSUPPORTED)
       is signaled by a routine in the call tree of this routine.

   9)  If a time conversion error occurs, the error is signaled by a
       routine in the call tree of this routine.

   10) If the output time system is TDB, the CK subsystem must be
       able to map `idcode' to the ID code of the associated spacecraft
       clock. If this mapping cannot be performed, an error is
       signaled by a routine in the call tree of this routine.

   11) If the input CK type is not one of the supported CK types, the
       error SPICE(NOTSUPPORTED) is signaled by a routine in the call
       tree of this routine. This problem may indicate the version of
       the SPICE Toolkit being used is outdated and a new version is

   12) If any of the input arguments, `ckfnm', `idcode', `needav',
       `level', `tol', `timsys', `room' or `cover_i', is undefined,
       an error is signaled by the Matlab error handling system.

   13) If any of the input arguments, `ckfnm', `idcode', `needav',
       `level', `tol', `timsys', `room' or `cover_i', is not of the
       expected type, or it does not have the expected dimensions and
       size, an error is signaled by the Mice interface.


   This routine reads a C-kernel.

   If the output time system is 'TDB', then a leapseconds kernel
   and an SCLK kernel for the spacecraft clock associated with
   `idcode' must be loaded before this routine is called.

   If the ID code of the clock associated with `idcode' is not
   equal to

      idcode / 1000

   then the kernel variable


   must be present in the kernel pool to identify the clock
   associated with `idcode'. This variable must contain the ID code
   to be used for conversion between SCLK and TDB. Normally this
   variable is provided in a text kernel loaded via cspice_furnsh.


   1)  When this routine is used to accumulate coverage for `idcode'
       provided by multiple CK files, the inputs `needav', `level', `tol',
       and `timsys'  must have the same values for all files in order
       for the result to be meaningful.






   J. Diaz del Rio     (ODC Space)
   E.D. Wright         (JPL)


   -Mice Version 1.3.0, 26-NOV-2021 (EDW) (JDR)

       Changed argument names "ck" and "cov" to "ckfnm" and "cover" for
       consistency with other routines.

       Edited the header to comply with NAIF standard. Modified existing
       example to prompt the user for the required input data and hardcoded
       the coverage levels within the code. Extended -Index_Entries.

       Added -Parameters, -Exceptions, -Files, -Restrictions,
       -Literature_References and -Author_and_Institution sections, and
       completed -Particulars section.

       Eliminated use of "lasterror" in rethrow.

       Removed reference to the function's corresponding CSPICE header from
       -Required_Reading section.

       Updated description of argument "room".

   -Mice Version 1.2.1, 10-MAR-2015 (EDW)

       Edited -I/O section to conform to NAIF standard for Mice

   -Mice Version 1.2.0, 03-APR-2012 (EDW)

       Edits to Example code and comments. No change to Example code

       Renamed the argument "size" to "room". "size" is a Matlab function
       name and it's seriously dumb to use a function name word as an
       argument name.

       Edited -I/O section to conform to NAIF standard for Mice

       Explicitly described ID variables as "CK IDs."

   -Mice Version 1.1.0, 29-DEC-2008 (EDW)

       Edited description of "size"; "size" now defines the maximum
       number of intervals for the internal workspace window.

       The "cover_i" argument may now have the empty array value, [],
       on input.

       Added range restriction on size.

       Corrected misspellings.

   -Mice Version 1.0.0, 18-JUN-2007 (EDW)


   get coverage window for ck_object
   get coverage start and stop time for ck_object
   get coverage start and stop time for CK frame
   get coverage start and stop time for CK instrument

Fri Dec 31 18:44:23 2021