Table of contents
CSPICE_LGRINT evaluates a Lagrange interpolating polynomial for a
specified set of coordinate pairs, at a specified abscissa value.
n the number of points defining the polynomial.
[1,1] = size(n); int32 = class(n)
The arrays `xvals' and `yvals' contain `n' elements.
yvals arrays of abscissa and ordinate values that together
define `n' ordered pairs.
[n,1] = size(xvals); double = class(xvals)
[n,1] = size(yvals); double = class(yvals)
The set of points
( xvals(i), yvals(i) )
define the Lagrange polynomial used for
interpolation. The elements of `xvals' must be
distinct and in increasing order.
x the abscissa value at which the interpolating polynomial is
to be evaluated.
[1,1] = size(x); double = class(x)
the call:
[lgrint] = cspice_lgrint( n, xvals, yvals, x )
lgrint the value at `x' of the unique polynomial of degree n-1 that
fits the points in the plane defined by `xvals' and `yvals'.
[1,1] = size(lgrint); double = class(lgrint)
Any numerical results shown for this example may differ between
platforms as the results depend on the SPICE kernels used as input
and the machine specific arithmetic implementation.
1) Fit a cubic polynomial through the points
( -1, -2 )
( 0, -7 )
( 1, -8 )
( 3, 26 )
and evaluate this polynomial at x = 2.
The returned value of cspice_lgrint should be 1.0, since the
unique cubic polynomial that fits these points is
3 2
f(x) = x + 2*x - 4*x - 7
Example code begins here.
function lgrint_ex1()
n = 4;
xvals = [ -1.0, 0.0, 1.0, 3.0 ]';
yvals = [ -2.0, -7.0, -8.0, 26.0 ]';
answer = cspice_lgrint( n, xvals, yvals, 2.0 );
fprintf( 'ANSWER = %f\n', answer )
When this program was executed on a Mac/Intel/Octave6.x/64-bit
platform, the output was:
ANSWER = 1.000000
Given a set of `n' distinct abscissa values and corresponding
ordinate values, there is a unique polynomial of degree n-1, often
called the "Lagrange polynomial", that fits the graph defined by
these values. The Lagrange polynomial can be used to interpolate
the value of a function at a specified point, given a discrete
set of values of the function.
Users of this routine must choose the number of points to use
in their interpolation method. The authors of Reference [1] have
this to say on the topic:
Unless there is solid evidence that the interpolating function
is close in form to the true function `f', it is a good idea to
be cautious about high-order interpolation. We
enthusiastically endorse interpolations with 3 or 4 points, we
are perhaps tolerant of 5 or 6; but we rarely go higher than
that unless there is quite rigorous monitoring of estimated
The same authors offer this warning on the use of the
interpolating function for extrapolation:
...the dangers of extrapolation cannot be overemphasized:
An interpolating function, which is perforce an extrapolating
function, will typically go berserk when the argument `x' is
outside the range of tabulated values by more than the typical
spacing of tabulated points.
1) If any two elements of the array `xvals' are equal, the error
SPICE(DIVIDEBYZERO) is signaled by a routine in the call tree
of this routine.
2) If `n' is less than 1, an error is signaled the Mice Interface.
3) This routine does not attempt to ward off or diagnose
arithmetic overflows.
4) If any of the input arguments, `n', `xvals', `yvals' or `x',
is undefined, an error is signaled by the Matlab error
handling system.
5) If any of the input arguments, `n', `xvals', `yvals' or `x',
is not of the expected type, or it does not have the expected
dimensions and size, an error is signaled by the Mice
6) If the number of elements in `xvals' or `yvals' is less than `n',
an error is signaled by the Mice interface.
[1] W. Press, B. Flannery, S. Teukolsky and W. Vetterling,
"Numerical Recipes -- The Art of Scientific Computing,"
chapters 3.0 and 3.1, Cambridge University Press, 1986.
J. Diaz del Rio (ODC Space)
-Mice Version 1.0.0, 24-JUN-2021 (JDR)
interpolate function using Lagrange polynomial
Lagrange interpolation