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   CSPICE_XF2EUL converts a state transformation matrix to Euler angles and
   their derivatives, given a specified set of axes.



      xform    a state transformation matri(x|ces) from some frame FRAME1
               to another frame FRAME2.

               Either [6,6]   = size(xform); double = class(xform)
               or     [6,6,n] = size(xform); double = class(xform)

               Pictorially, `xform' has the structure shown here.

                  .-             -.
                  |       |       |
                  |   r   |   0   |
                  |       |       |
                  |       |       |
                  | dr/dt |   r   |
                  |       |       |
                  `-             -'

               where `r' is a rotation matrix that varies with respect to
               time and dr/dt is its time derivative.

               More specifically, if `s1' is the state of some object
               in FRAME1, then `s2', the state of the same object
               relative to FRAME2 is given by

                  s2 = xform * s1

               where "*" denotes the matrix vector product.

      axisc    the axes desired for the factorization of `r'.

               [1,1] = size(axisa); int32 = class(axisa)
               [1,1] = size(axisb); int32 = class(axisb)
               [1,1] = size(axisc); int32 = class(axisc)

               All must be in the range from 1 to 3. Moreover
               it must be the case that `axisa' and `axisb' are distinct
               and that `axisb' and `axisc' are distinct.

               Every rotation matrix can be represented as a product
               of three rotation matrices about the principal axes
               of a reference frame.

                  r =  [ alpha ]      [ beta ]      [ gamma ]
                                axisa         axisb          axisc

               The value 1 corresponds to the X axis.
               The value 2 corresponds to the Y axis.
               The value 3 corresponds to the Z axis.

   the call:

      [eulang, unique] = cspice_xf2eul( xform, axisa, axisb, axisc )


      eulang   the vector(s) of Euler angles corresponding to the
               specified factorization.

               Either [6,1] = size(eulang); double = class(eulang)
               or     [6,n] = size(eulang); double = class(eulang)

               If we represent `r' as shown here:

                  r =  [ alpha ]      [ beta ]      [ gamma ]
                                axisa         axisb          axisc


                  eulang(1) = alpha
                  eulang(2) = beta
                  eulang(3) = gamma
                  eulang(4) = dalpha/dt
                  eulang(5) = dbeta/dt
                  eulang(6) = dgamma/dt

               or (6xN)

                  eulang(1,N) = alpha_N
                  eulang(2,N) = beta_N
                  eulang(3,N) = gamma_N
                  eulang(4,N) = dalpha_N/dt
                  eulang(5,N) = dbeta_N/dt
                  eulang(6,N) = dgamma_N/dt

               The range of `alpha' and `gamma' is (-pi, pi].

               The range of `beta' depends on the exact set of
               axes used for the factorization. For
               factorizations in which the first and third axes
               are the same, the range of `beta' is [0, pi].

               For factorizations in which the first and third
               axes are different, the range of `beta' is
               [-pi/2, pi/2].

               For rotations such that `alpha' and `gamma' are not
               uniquely determined, `alpha' and dalpha/dt will
               always be set to zero; `gamma' and dgamma/dt are
               then uniquely determined.

      unique   a logical flag(s) that indicates whether or not the values in
               `eulang' are uniquely determined.

               Either [1,1] = size(unique); logical = class(unique)
               or     [1,n] = size(unique); logical = class(unique)

               If the values are unique then `unique' will be set to true.
               If the values are not unique and some components ( eulang(1)
               and eulang(4) ) have been set to zero, then `unique' will
               have the value false.

               `eulang' and `unique' return with the same vectorization
               measure, N, as `xform'.




   Any numerical results shown for this example may differ between
   platforms as the results depend on the SPICE kernels used as input
   and the machine specific arithmetic implementation.

   1) Determine the rate of change of the right ascension and
      declination of the pole of the moon, from the state
      transformation matrix that transforms J2000 states to object
      fixed states.

      Recall that the rotation component of the state transformation
      matrix is given by

         [w]  [halfpi_c-dec] [ra+halfpi_c]
            3               1             3

      Use the meta-kernel shown below to load the required SPICE


         File name:

         This meta-kernel is intended to support operation of SPICE
         example programs. The kernels shown here should not be
         assumed to contain adequate or correct versions of data
         required by SPICE-based user applications.

         In order for an application to use this meta-kernel, the
         kernels referenced here must be present in the user's
         current working directory.

         The names and contents of the kernels referenced
         by this meta-kernel are as follows:

            File name                     Contents
            ---------                     --------
            pck00010.tpc                  Planet orientation and
            naif0012.tls                  Leapseconds


            KERNELS_TO_LOAD = ( 'pck00010.tpc',
                                'naif0012.tls'  )


         End of meta-kernel

      Example code begins here.

      function xf2eul_ex1()

         % Load the kernels.
         cspice_furnsh( '' )

         % Define the number of ephemeris times to perform the calculation.
         N = 6;

         % Calculate the separation of each ephemeris time, in seconds,
         % over an eighteen year span.
         STEP = 18 * 365 * cspice_spd/N;

         % Base the ephemeris time set at May 15, 2007.
         et = [0:N]*STEP +  cspice_str2et( 'May 15, 2007' );

         % Calculate the state transformation matrices corresponding
         % to 'et', then convert those matrices to Euler angles (3-1-3).
         tsipm              = cspice_sxform( 'J2000', 'IAU_MOON', et );
         [ eulang, unique ] = cspice_xf2eul( tsipm , 3, 1, 3 );

         % From the Euler angles, calculate right ascension and declination.
         % Form the UTC time string from 'et' (for output purposes).
         ra  = eulang(3,:) - cspice_halfpi;
         dec = cspice_halfpi - eulang(2,:);
         utc = cspice_et2utc( et, 'c', 3 );

         % As a convenience, output in a loop.
         for m=1:N+1

            if( unique(m) )
               fprintf( 'UTC: %s\n', utc(m,:)                 )
               fprintf( 'w        = %12.6f\n'  , eulang(1,m)  )
               fprintf( 'dec      = %12.6f\n'  , dec(m)       )
               fprintf( 'ra       = %12.6f\n'  , ra(m)        )
               fprintf( 'd w/dt   = %14.9f\n'  , eulang(4,m)  )
               fprintf( 'd dec/dt = %14.9f\n'  ,-eulang(5,m)  )
               fprintf( 'd ra/dt  = %14.9f\n\n', eulang(6,m)  )
               disp( 'The values in ''eulang'' not uniquely determined.' )


         % It's always good form to unload kernels after use,
         % particularly in MATLAB due to data persistence.

      When this program was executed on a Mac/Intel/Octave6.x/64-bit
      platform, the output was:

      UTC: 2007 MAY 15 00:00:00.000
      w        =    -2.649088
      dec      =     1.186911
      ra       =    -1.549644
      d w/dt   =    0.000002658
      d dec/dt =   -0.000000000
      d ra/dt  =    0.000000004

      UTC: 2010 MAY 13 23:59:59.000
      w        =    -2.199870
      dec      =     1.168228
      ra       =    -1.504392
      d w/dt   =    0.000002665
      d dec/dt =   -0.000000000
      d ra/dt  =   -0.000000004

      UTC: 2013 MAY 12 23:59:58.000
      w        =    -1.691639
      dec      =     1.142338
      ra       =    -1.523436
      d w/dt   =    0.000002659
      d dec/dt =    0.000000000
      d ra/dt  =    0.000000003

      UTC: 2016 MAY 11 23:59:57.000
      w        =    -1.145062
      dec      =     1.135591
      ra       =    -1.584588
      d w/dt   =    0.000002663
      d dec/dt =   -0.000000001
      d ra/dt  =   -0.000000002

      UTC: 2019 MAY 11 23:59:56.000
      w        =    -0.611122
      dec      =     1.151760
      ra       =    -1.631740
      d w/dt   =    0.000002662
      d dec/dt =    0.000000002
      d ra/dt  =   -0.000000001

      UTC: 2022 MAY 10 23:59:56.000
      w        =    -0.123811
      dec      =     1.177463
      ra       =    -1.627743
      d w/dt   =    0.000002660
      d dec/dt =   -0.000000001
      d ra/dt  =    0.000000002

      UTC: 2025 MAY 09 23:59:56.000
      w        =     0.307001
      dec      =     1.188934
      ra       =    -1.562882
      d w/dt   =    0.000002663
      d dec/dt =    0.000000001
      d ra/dt  =   -0.000000001


   A word about notation: the symbol

      [ x ]

   indicates a coordinate system rotation of x radians about the
   ith coordinate axis. To be specific, the symbol

      [ x ]

   indicates a coordinate system rotation of x radians about the
   first, or x-, axis; the corresponding matrix is

      .-                    -.
      |  1    0        0     |
      |                      |
      |  0    cos(x)  sin(x) |
      |                      |
      |  0   -sin(x)  cos(x) |
      `-                    -'

   Remember, this is a COORDINATE SYSTEM rotation by x radians; this
   matrix, when applied to a vector, rotates the vector by -x
   radians, not x radians. Applying the matrix to a vector yields
   the vector's representation relative to the rotated coordinate

   The analogous rotation about the second, or y-, axis is
   represented by

      [ x ]

   which symbolizes the matrix

      .-                    -.
      | cos(x)   0   -sin(x) |
      |                      |
      |  0       1    0      |
      |                      |
      | sin(x)   0    cos(x) |
      `-                    -'

   and the analogous rotation about the third, or z-, axis is
   represented by

      [ x ]

   which symbolizes the matrix

      .-                    -.
      |  cos(x)  sin(x)   0  |
      |                      |
      | -sin(x)  cos(x)   0  |
      |                      |
      |  0        0       1  |
      `-                    -'

   The input matrix is assumed to be the product of three
   rotation matrices, each one of the form

      .-                    -.
      |  1      0       0    |
      |                      |
      |  0    cos(r)  sin(r) |     (rotation of r radians about the
      |                      |      x-axis),
      |  0   -sin(r)  cos(r) |
      `-                    -'

      .-                    -.
      | cos(s)   0   -sin(s) |
      |                      |
      |  0       1      0    |     (rotation of s radians about the
      |                      |      y-axis),
      | sin(s)   0    cos(s) |
      `-                    -'


      .-                    -.
      |  cos(t)  sin(t)   0  |
      |                      |
      | -sin(t)  cos(t)   0  |     (rotation of t radians about the
      |                      |      z-axis),
      |  0        0       1  |
      `-                    -'

   where the second rotation axis is not equal to the first or
   third. Any rotation matrix can be factored as a sequence of
   three such rotations, provided that this last criterion is met.

   This routine is related to the routine cspice_eul2xf which produces
   a state transformation from an input set of axes, Euler angles
   and derivatives.

   The two function calls shown here will not change
   `xform' except for round off errors.

      [eulang, unique] = cspice_xf2eul( xform,  axisa, axisb, axisc );
      [xform]          = cspice_eul2xf( eulang, axisa, axisb, axisc );

   On the other hand the two calls

      [xform]          = cspice_eul2xf( eulang, axisa, axisb, axisc );
      [eulang, unique] = cspice_xf2eul( xform,  axisa, axisb, axisc );

   will leave `eulang' unchanged only if the components of `eulang'
   are in the range produced by cspice_xf2eul and the Euler representation
   of the rotation component of `xform' is unique within that range.


   1)  If any of `axisa', `axisb', or `axisc' do not have values in

          { 1, 2, 3 }

       an error is signaled by a routine in the call tree of this

   2)  If `axisb' is equal to `axisc' or `axisa', an error is signaled by a
       routine in the call tree of this routine. An arbitrary
       rotation matrix cannot be expressed using a sequence of Euler
       angles unless the second rotation axis differs from the other

   3)  If the input matrix `xform' is not a rotation matrix, an error
       is signaled by a routine in the call tree of this routine.

   4)  If eulang(1) and eulang(3) are not uniquely determined,
       eulang(1) is set to zero, and eulang(3) is determined.

   5)  If any of the input arguments, `xform', `axisa', `axisb' or
       `axisc', is undefined, an error is signaled by the Matlab
       error handling system.

   6)  If any of the input arguments, `xform', `axisa', `axisb' or
       `axisc', is not of the expected type, or it does not have the
       expected dimensions and size, an error is signaled by the Mice










   J. Diaz del Rio     (ODC Space)
   E.D. Wright         (JPL)


   -Mice Version 1.3.0, 01-NOV-2021 (EDW) (JDR)

       Edited header to comply with NAIF standard. Reduced the number of
       ephemeris epochs used as input in code example.

       Added -Parameters, -Exceptions, -Files, -Restrictions,
       -Literature_References and -Author_and_Institution sections, and
       completed -Particulars section. Added pck.req and rotation.req
       required readings.

       Eliminated use of "lasterror" in rethrow.

       Removed reference to the function's corresponding CSPICE header from
       -Required_Reading section.

   -Mice Version 1.2.1, 19-SEP-2016 (EDW)

       Corrected usage string typo, 'xform' should show dimension as (6,6).

       Edited -I/O section to conform to NAIF standard for Mice

   -Mice Version 1.2.0, 10-MAY-2011 (EDW)

       "logical" call replaced with "zzmice_logical."

   -Mice Version 1.0.1, 06-MAY-2009 (EDW)

       Added mice.req reference to the Required Reading section.

   -Mice Version 1.0.0, 02-APR-2007 (EDW)


   Euler angles and derivatives from state transformation

Fri Dec 31 18:44:28 2021