Table of contents
CSPICE_EKGC returns an element of string (character) data from a
specified row in a specified column of the set of rows matching
the previous cspice_ekfind SELECT query.
selidx the index for a column of interest satisfying the SELECT
clause, the column indices range from 1 to number of
columns in the SELECT clause.
[1,1] = size(selidx); int32 = class(selidx)
row the index for a row in the column identified by 'selidx',
the column indices range from 1 to 'nmrows' where 'nmrows'
equals the total number of rows satisfying the SELECT clause.
[1,1] = size(row); int32 = class(row)
elment the index for an element of the data at the 'selidx','row'
position; a scalar value at 'selidx', 'row' has 'elment'
value one.
[1,1] = size(elment); int32 = class(elment)
cdatln the maximum length of the `cdata' output string.
[1,1] = size(cdatln); int32 = class(cdatln)
the call:
[cdata, null, found] = cspice_ekgc( selidx, row, elment, cdatln )
cdata the string value of the requested element at data
location 'selidx', 'row', 'elment'.
[1,c2] = size(cdata); char = class(cdata)
null a boolean indicating if 'cdata' has a null value.
[1,1] = size(null); logical = class(null)
found a boolean indicating whether the specified value at
'selidx', 'row', 'elment' was found.
[1,1] = size(found); logical = class(found)
Any numerical results shown for this example may differ between
platforms as the results depend on the SPICE kernels used as input
and the machine specific arithmetic implementation.
1) Perform a query on an EK file that contains a database with
the Supplementary Engineering Data Records of the Viking Project
in order to retrieve the IMAGE_ID values (character strings)
that correspond to the images with IMAGE_NUMBER smaller than
a given value, ordered by IMAGE_NUMBER.
Use the EK kernel below to load the information from the
original Supplementary Engineering Data Record (SEDR) data
set generated by the Viking Project.
Example code begins here.
function ekgc_ex1()
% Assign an EK file to load and a max string size
% for the cspice_ekgc return string.
EK = 'vo_sedr.bdb';
MAXSTR = 1025;
% Load the EK.
cspice_furnsh( EK )
% The table 'VIKING_SEDR_DATA' has a column 'IMAGE_ID'
% of scalar strings.
% Define a set of constraints to perform a query on all
% loaded EK files (the SELECT clause). In this case select
% the column 'IMAGE_ID' from table 'VIKING_SEDR_DATA'
% sorted by 'IMAGE_NUMBER'.
query = ['Select IMAGE_ID from VIKING_SEDR_DATA ' ...
'where IMAGE_NUMBER < 25860000 order by IMAGE_NUMBER'];
% Query the EK system for data rows matching the
% SELECT constraints.
[nmrows, error, errmsg] = cspice_ekfind( query );
% Check whether an error occurred while processing the
% SELECT clause. If so, output the error message.
if ( error )
printf( 'SELECT clause error: %s\n', errmsg );
% Loop over each row found matching the query.
for rowno = 1:nmrows
% Fetch the character data. We know the query returned
% one column and the column contains only scalar data,
% so the index of all elements is 1.
selidx = 1;
eltidx = 1;
% Use cspice_ekgc to retrieve the string from
% row/column position.
[cdata, isnull, found] = cspice_ekgc( selidx, rowno, ...
eltidx, MAXSTR );
% Output the value, if non-null data exist at the
% requested position.
if ~isnull
fprintf( 'Row %3d: Character data: %s\n', rowno, cdata );
% Clear the kernel pool and database. Note, you don't normally
% unload an EK after a query, rather at the end of a program.
When this program was executed on a Mac/Intel/Octave6.x/64-bit
platform, the output was:
Row 1: Character data: 168C09
Row 2: Character data: 168C10
Row 3: Character data: 168C11
Row 4: Character data: 168C12
Row 5: Character data: 169C01
Row 6: Character data: 169C02
Row 7: Character data: 169C03
Row 8: Character data: 169C04
Row 9: Character data: 169C05
Row 10: Character data: 169C09
Row 11: Character data: 169C11
Row 12: Character data: 169C19
Row 13: Character data: 169C23
Row 14: Character data: 169C25
Row 15: Character data: 169C26
Row 16: Character data: 169C30
Row 17: Character data: 169C32
Row 18: Character data: 169C33
Row 19: Character data: 169C37
Row 20: Character data: 169C39
Row 21: Character data: 169C40
Row 22: Character data: 169C44
Row 23: Character data: 169C46
Row 24: Character data: 169C47
Row 25: Character data: 169C51
Row 26: Character data: 169C53
Suppose a SELECT clause return data consisting of three columns (N=3)
and four rows (M=4):
col 1 col 2 col 3
row 1 val_11 val_12 val_13
row 2 val_21 val_22 val_23
row 3 val_31 val_32 val_33
row 4 val_41 val_42 val_43
with "col 2" and "col 3" containing scalar string data and
"val_42" containing a vector of K strings.
Retrieving the data elements depends on the values for the index set
"selidx," "row," and "elment."
Use the set
'selidx' = 2, 'row' = 3, 'elment' = 1
to fetch scalar "val_32."
Use the set
'selidx' = 3, 'row' = 4, 'elment' = 1
to fetch scalar "val_43."
Use the set
'selidx' = 2, 'row' = 4, 'elment' = K
to fetch the final element of vector "val_42"
`elment' is allowed to exceed the number of elements in the column
entry; if it does, `found' returns as false. This allows the caller
to read data from the column entry in a loop without checking the
number of available elements first.
1) If the input argument `elment' is less than 1, the error
SPICE(INVALIDINDEX) is signaled by a routine in the call tree
of this routine and `found' is returned false. However, `elment'
is allowed to be greater than the number of elements in the
specified column entry; this allows the caller to read data
from the column entry in a loop without checking the number of
available elements first. If `elment' is greater than the number
of available elements, `found' is returned false.
2) If `selidx' is outside of the range established by the last query
passed to the EK search engine, the error SPICE(INVALIDINDEX) is
signaled by a routine in the call tree of this routine and `found' is
returned false.
3) If the input argument `row' is less than 1 or greater than the
number of rows matching the query, the error
SPICE(INVALIDINDEX) is signaled by a routine in the call tree
of this routine and `found' is returned false.
4) If the specified column does not have character type, the
error SPICE(INVALIDTYPE) is signaled by a routine in the call
tree of this routine.
5) If this routine is called when no E-kernels have been loaded,
the error SPICE(NOLOADEDFILES) is signaled by a routine in the
call tree of this routine.
6) If any of the input arguments, `selidx', `row', `elment' or
`cdatln', is undefined, an error is signaled by the Matlab
error handling system.
7) If any of the input arguments, `selidx', `row', `elment' or
`cdatln', is not of the expected type, or it does not have the
expected dimensions and size, an error is signaled by the Mice
This routine reads binary "sequence component" EK files.
In order for a binary EK file to be accessible to this routine,
the file must be "loaded" via a call to the routine cspice_furnsh.
Text format EK files cannot be used by this routine; they must
first be converted by binary format by the NAIF Toolkit utility
J. Diaz del Rio (ODC Space)
E.D. Wright (JPL)
-Mice Version 1.3.0, 10-AUG-2021 (EDW) (JDR)
Changed the input argument name "lenout" to "cdatln" for consistency
with other routines.
Edited the -Examples section to comply with NAIF standard. Added
example's problem statement and and example's EK. Updated example
code to work with provided EK.
Added -Parameters, -Exceptions, -Files, -Restrictions,
-Literature_References and -Author_and_Institution sections.
Eliminated use of "lasterror" in rethrow.
Removed reference to the function's corresponding CSPICE header from
-Required_Reading section.
-Mice Version 1.2.1, 03-NOV-2014 (EDW)
Edited -I/O section to conform to NAIF standard for Mice
-Mice Version 1.2.0, 10-MAY-2011 (EDW)
"logical" call replaced with "zzmice_logical."
-Mice Version 1.0.0, 10-APR-2010 (EDW)
fetch element from character column entry