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   CSPICE_PROP2B computes the state of a massless body at time t_0 + dt by
   applying the two-body force model to a given central mass and a given
   body state at time t_0.



      gm       the gravitational constant G times the mass M of the central

               [1,1] = size(gm); double = class(gm)

      pvinit   the state at some specified time relative to the central

               [6,1] = size(pvinit); double = class(pvinit)

               The mass of the object is assumed to be negligible when
               compared to the central mass.

      dt       an offset in time from the time of the initial state to which
               the two-body state should be propagated.

               [1,1] = size(dt); double = class(dt)

               (The units of time and distance must be the same in gm,
               pvinit, and dt).

   the call:

      [pvprop] = cspice_prop2b( gm, pvinit, dt )


      pvprop   the two-body propagation of the initial state dt units of
               time past the epoch of the initial state.

               [6,1] = size(pvprop); double = class(pvprop)




   Any numerical results shown for these examples may differ between
   platforms as the results depend on the SPICE kernels used as input
   and the machine specific arithmetic implementation.

   1) Use the two-body force model to propagate the state of a
      massless body orbiting the Earth at 100,000,000 km after half
      a period.

      In circular two-body motion, the orbital speed is

         s     = sqrt(mu/r)

      where mu is the central mass. After tau/2 = pi*r/s seconds
      (half period), the state should equal the negative of the
      original state.

      Example code begins here.

      function prop2b_ex1()

         % Initial values.
         mu     =  3.9860043543609598E+05;
         r      =  1.0e+08;
         speed  =  sqrt( mu / r );
         t      =  cspice_pi*r/speed;

         pvinit = [ 0.0, r/sqrt(2.0),      r/sqrt(2.0),    ...
                    0.0, -speed/sqrt(2.0), speed/sqrt(2.0) ]';

         % Calculate the state of the body at 0.5 period
         % after the epoch.
         [state] = cspice_prop2b( mu, pvinit, t );

         % The `state' vector should equal -pvinit
         fprintf( 'State at t0:\n' )
         fprintf( '   R   (km): %16.5f %16.5f %16.5f\n', ...
                         pvinit(1), pvinit(2), pvinit(3) )
         fprintf( '   V (km/s): %16.5f %16.5f %16.5f\n', ...
                         pvinit(4), pvinit(5), pvinit(6) )

         fprintf( '\n' )
         fprintf( 'State at tau/2:\n' )
         fprintf( '   R   (km): %16.5f %16.5f %16.5f\n', ...
                            state(1), state(2), state(3) )
         fprintf( '   V (km/s): %16.5f %16.5f %16.5f\n', ...
                            state(4), state(5), state(6) )

      When this program was executed on a Mac/Intel/Octave6.x/64-bit
      platform, the output was:

      State at t0:
         R   (km):          0.00000   70710678.11865   70710678.11865
         V (km/s):          0.00000         -0.04464          0.04464

      State at tau/2:
         R   (km):         -0.00000  -70710678.11865  -70710678.11865
         V (km/s):          0.00000          0.04464         -0.04464

   2) When the eccentricity of an orbit is near 1, and the epoch
      of classical elements is near the epoch of periapse, classical
      formulations that propagate a state from elements tend to
      lack robustness due to the finite precision of floating point
      machines. In those situations it is better to use a universal
      variables formulation to propagate the state.

      By using this routine, you need not go from a state to
      elements and back to a state. Instead, you can get the state
      from an initial state.

      If `pvinit' is your initial state and you want the state 3600
      seconds later, the following call will suffice.

         Look up gm somewhere

         dt       = 3600.0;

         [pvprop] = cspice_prop2b( gm, pvinit, dt );

      After the call, `pvprop' will contain the state of the
      object 3600 seconds after the time it had state `pvinit'.


   This routine uses a universal variables formulation for the
   two-body motion of an object in orbit about a central mass. It
   propagates an initial state to an epoch offset from the
   epoch of the initial state by time dt.

   This routine does not suffer from the finite precision
   problems of the machine that are inherent to classical
   formulations based on the solutions to Kepler's equation:

         n( t - T ) = E - e * sin(E)         elliptic case
         n( t - T ) = e * sinh(F) - F        hyperbolic case

   The derivation used to determine the propagated state is a
   slight variation of the derivation in Danby's book
   "Fundamentals of Celestial Mechanics" [1].


   1)  If `gm' is not positive, the error SPICE(NONPOSITIVEMASS) is
       signaled by a routine in the call tree of this routine.

   2)  If the position of the initial state is the zero vector, the
       error SPICE(ZEROPOSITION) is signaled by a routine in the call
       tree of this routine.

   3)  If the velocity of the initial state is the zero vector, the
       error SPICE(ZEROVELOCITY) is signaled by a routine in the call
       tree of this routine.

   4)  If the cross product of the position and velocity of `pvinit'
       has squared length of zero, the error SPICE(NONCONICMOTION)
       is signaled by a routine in the call tree of this routine.

   5)  If `dt' is so large that there is a danger of floating point
       overflow during computation, the error SPICE(DTOUTOFRANGE) is
       signaled by a routine in the call tree of this routine and a
       message is generated describing the problem. The value of `dt'
       must be "reasonable". In other words, `dt' should be less than
       10**20 seconds for realistic solar system orbits specified in
       the MKS system. (The actual bounds on `dt' are much greater but
       require substantial computation.) The "reasonableness" of `dt'
       is checked at run-time.

   6)  If any of the input arguments, `gm', `pvinit' or `dt', is
       undefined, an error is signaled by the Matlab error handling

   7)  If any of the input arguments, `gm', `pvinit' or `dt', is not
       of the expected type, or it does not have the expected
       dimensions and size, an error is signaled by the Mice




   1)  Users should be sure that `gm', `pvinit' and `dt' are all in the
       same system of units ( for example MKS ).




   [1]  J. Danby, "Fundamentals of Celestial Mechanics," 2nd Edition,
        pp 168-180, Willman-Bell, 1988.


   J. Diaz del Rio     (ODC Space)


   -Mice Version 1.0.0, 01-NOV-2021 (JDR)


   Propagate state vector using two-body force model

Fri Dec 31 18:44:26 2021