While the main
focus of SPICE software is the API (subroutine) library, a number of utility and
application programs are also available from NAIF. Some of these—those most generally useful—
are included in each copy of the SPICE Toolkit. Those and others are also available individually under the Utilities link of this website.
Most programs have a User's Guide. The document name is the
same as the program name, with ".ug" as the extension.
Text-format versions of User Guides are located in the /doc subdirectory within each Toolkit package. HTML-formatted versions
may be accessed from the /doc/html/index.html file contained in every Toolkit, and from the documentation
pages of this website.
Many of the User Guides contain working examples of how to prepare program
directives and input data.
A small number of utility programs do not have a separate
User's Guide but do offer on-line help: execute the program with
no command-line options supplied and a help panel will be displayed.
Some programs have both a User's Guide and on-line help.