In your publications and presentations consider giving appropriate credit to the teams or persons who have provided you the ancillary data and/or services used in producing your results. In this regard, be aware that some SPICE kernels are produced by solar system dynamicists, by project navigation/flight dynamics teams, by project spacecraft and instrument builders, and by still others. Some SPICE kernels are produced by NAIF using inputs provided by the groups mentioned above.
The SPICE system software, the SPICE server and some SPICE-based tools are provided by NAIF. Other SPICE-based tools are provided by various groups/persons around the world.
References for NAIF
Referencing your use of SPICE or NAIF/PDS resources in publications, tools and findings is encouraged; such community support will help ensure NASA will continue to fund the maintenance and further development of the SPICE system.
Acton, C.H.; "Ancillary Data Services of NASA's Navigation and
Ancillary Information Facility;" Planetary and Space Science,
Vol. 44, No. 1, pp. 65-70, 1996.
DOI 10.1016/0032-0633(95)00107-7
Charles Acton, Nathaniel Bachman, Boris Semenov, Edward Wright; A look
toward the future in the handling of space science mission geometry;
Planetary and Space Science (2017);
DOI 10.1016/j.pss.2017.02.013
References for SPICE PDS Archive Producers
References and DOIs for SPICE PDS archives can be obtained via the PDS Engineering Node DOI Search
using a SPICE PDS4 bundle, collection, or product LID or LIDVID (e.g. urn:nasa:pds:maven.spice), or a SPICE PDS3 data set ID (e.g. MRO-M-SPICE-6-V1.0).
References for Ancillary Data Providers
SPICE data are either produced by other-than-NAIF persons, or are made by NAIF staff using source data produced by others. All SPICE kernels contain internal comments—often called meta-data. These meta-data often indicate who produced the kernel and from where the source data came. The comments might even contain references to papers written by the data producers. You are encouraged to give credit to the data providers and to reference any papers describing the work done by these ancillary data producers.