Index Page
Mice Required Reading

Table of Contents

   Mice Required Reading
         Mailing List
      Design Concept
         Mice Benefits
         Mice Functionality

         Build Problems
      Directory Structure

   Using Mice
      Preparing the Environment
      First Test of Mice Installation
         Documentation Conventions
      The Mice API
         Path names
         API Functionality
         Wrapper Types: mice_x.m, cspice_x.m
         Return of Integer Values as Double
      Use of Vectorized Arguments
         Vectorizing a Numeric Scalar
         Vectorizing a Numeric Vector
         Vectorizing a Structure
         Vectorizing a Numeric Matrix
         Vectorizing a String
      SPICE Windows, Planes, and Ellipses in Mice
         SPICE Windows in Mice
         SPICE Ellipses in Mice
         SPICE Planes in Mice
      Mice Implementation of the SPICE Exception Subsystem
         Error Response
         No Loaded leapseconds kernel
         No Loaded SPKs
         Error Response from Vectorized Routines
         Command Format Error
         Error Handling

   Correlation Between Mice and Matlab
      Matlab vs. CSPICE Functionality

   Use of Mice with Octave

   Common problems
      Persistence of Kernel Data
      Defining Kernel Names with Relative Paths
      Use on 32-bit vs 64-bit Platforms



Mice Required Reading

Last revised on 2013 FEB 04 by E. D. Wright (JPL)



Mice is the ANSI C based interface between the Matlab environment, a product of Mathworks, Inc. (, and the CSPICE library.



Developer contact: Ed Wright, Jet Propulsion Laboratory, 1-818-354-0371


Mailing List

NAIF provides a mailing list for Mice users. Register with the list at URL:


Design Concept

Simplistically, Mice serves as a threshold by which a user can access SPICE APIs from the Matlab environment. Matlab can then make use of SPICE ancillary data in space science mission activities such as mission evaluation, science observation planning, and science data analysis.

Mice uses the Matlab external interface functionality (MEX) to provide Matlab users access to selected CSPICE routines from within Matlab. A user need only install the interface library and the interface wrapper files to gain use of these functions.

Matlab interfaces exist for a subset of the CSPICE wrappers, those routines with name style "routine_c", with "routine" the name of the CSPICE module. The Mice interfaces tend to be the "commonly used" routines involved with kernel data access, time conversion, and geometry calculations. Refer to the CSPICE required reading document (cspice.req) for information concerning CSPICE.

Mice passes data from the Matlab environment to the CSPICE library, so a Mice interface call performs few operations other than recasting input from Matlab into CSPICE form and recasting CSPICE output to Matlab form for return. Conforming to Matlab norms, Mice uses base 1 array indices (as is logical).

NAIF employs the ANSI C standard when writing Matlab/CSPICE interface source code.

For each platform, Mice uses the same binary and text kernels as the Fortran, C, and IDL Toolkit for that platform.


Mice Benefits

    Mice operates as an extension to the Matlab environment.

    All Mice calls are functions regardless of the call format of the underlying CSPICE routine, returning Matlab native data types.

    Mice has some capabilities not available in CSPICE such as vectorization.

    CSPICE error messages return to Matlab in the form usable by the try...catch construct.


Mice Functionality

    Kernel (file): loaders

    SPK: readers

    Binary PCK: readers

    CK: readers, writers

    Text Kernel: readers

    Coordinate systems: translation between rectangular, cylindrical, latitudinal, geodetic, spherical, and right ascension declination systems.

    Body name/code translation

    Rotation functions

    Euler angle functions

    Quaternion functions

    Time conversion functions: convert between various time systems and representations

    Spacecraft clock functions: convert between spacecraft clock ticks and other time systems

    Ellipsoid functions: calculate near points, surface intercepts, normal vectors

    Constant functions: standard epochs, radian/degree ratios, speed of light

    Geometry functions: plane, ray, and ellipse

    SPICE Windows functions: intersection, union, element-of, relative comparisons

    Geometry Finder functions

Mice lacks interfaces to the CSPICE vector and matrix math routines since Matlab natively provides such functions.



NAIF offers Mice for several computing environments. These environments are listed on the NAIF website
and in the intro_to_toolkit tutorial also available from the NAIF website.



NAIF distributes Mice as a standalone package with compiled libraries and executables.

The Mice toolkit comprises the full CSPICE distribution (source, documentation, libraries, executables) plus the Mice source code, associated build files, and Mice documentation. A user without a Matlab installation cannot use the Mice interface. NAIF expects Matlab version 7.2 (R2006a) or later for Mice use.

Note: You do not need a C compiler to use Mice. You need a C compiler to rebuild Mice.



If the need develops to rebuild the Mice interface, realize the build requires access to Matlab support files not provided by NAIF. Builds on all platforms must access the mex.h file. Please consult the Matlab documentation for further information on the MEX mechanism. NAIF coded the build scripts supplied with Mice to use the "standard" Matlab installation directory structure when accessing support files.

The build system on Unix/Linux platforms uses the Mathworks supplied "mex" script and NAIF edited option file. The file defines the parameters used by the mex script to compile the library. This file must exist in the Mice source directory:

The build procedure on a Windows platform does not use a mexopts file.


Build Problems

When recompiling the mice.mex shared library, ensure the "mex" script uses the same compiler as used to compile the CSPICE toolkit. Mathworks supplies the 'lcc' compiler with the Microsoft Windows Matlab package. NAIF does not support CSPICE under this compiler; attempts to link lcc compiled code against Microsoft CSPICE library cspice.lib will fail.

Also ensure your path includes the Matlab "mex" script and not some other version of "mex."


Directory Structure

The package has the same directory structure as CSPICE, with name modifications and the additional files particular to Mice:

   data/   doc/   etc/   exe/   include/  lib/  src/  makeall.csh(.bat)
            |                               |      |
            |                               |      |
         html/  *.req  *. ug  ...           |    mice/  cspice/  ...
            |                               |      |
            |                               |      |
            |                               |  mice.c
        index.html  cspice/  mice/ ...      |  cspice_*.m
                                |           |  mice_*.m
                                |           |  *.h
                             index.html     |  *.c
                          cspice_*.html     |
                            mice_*.html     |
                              cspice.a  csupport.a  mice.mex*
The makeall.csh (makeall.bat) file is a master build script specific to the platform architecture.


Using Mice


Preparing the Environment

Use of Mice requires both the ``lib'' and Mice ``src'' directories exist in the Matlab search path.

The inclusion of the Mice directories to the Matlab search path can be done programmatically:

   >> addpath('/path_to_mice/mice/src/mice/')
   >> addpath('/path_to_mice/mice/lib/' )

   >> addpath('c:\path_to_mice\mice\src\mice\')
   >> addpath('c:\path_to_mice\mice\lib\' )
A user can also add the Mice directories to the Matlab search path by setting the MATLABPATH environment variable.

   setenv MATLABPATH /path_to_mice/mice/src/mice/
When a user invokes a call to a Mice function:

      1. Matlab calls ...
         2. the function's wrapper, which calls ...
            3. the Mice MEX shared object library, which
                performs its function then returns the result ...
                4. to the wrapper, which ...
                   5. returns the result to the user
A transparent procedure from the user's perspective.


First Test of Mice Installation

Ensure a proper setup - execute the Matlab command:

   >> which mice
Matlab should return the path to the mice.mex* file if the file exists within a directory searched by Matlab.

If Matlab outputs

   'mice' not found.
then the Matlab search path does not include the directory containing the mice.mex* file.

The Matlab command:

   >> cspice_tkvrsn('toolkit')
causes Matlab to display the string identifier for the CSPICE library version (N00XX) against which Mice linked.



Mice documentation includes an HTML based help facility that links the Mice API documentation set with the corresponding CSPICE API documentation set.

The index.html file in the


subdirectory is the Mice HTML documentation "homepage." The page provides links to the CSPICE and Mice API descriptions.


Documentation Conventions

   Argument type  Format        Example
   -------------  ----------    ----------------------------------------
   string         back ticks    cspice_furnsh( `file` )
   array of       (N)           [out1, out2] = cspice_function(arr(N))
     size NX1
   array of       (N,M)         [out1, out2] = cspice_function(arr(N,M))
     size NXM
   return an      ()            [values()] = cspice_bodvrd(`body`, ...
     Nx1 array                                             `item`, ...
     of arbitrary                                            maxn)
     size 'N'
   vectorized     underscore    [_et_] = cspice_str2et(_`str`_)
   optional       brackets      [ids] = cspice_spkobj( _`spk`_, ...
     input        deliminating                         size,  ...
                  input arg                            [ids_i] )


The Mice API

Matlab views all calls to MEX libraries as functions, that is a call has the form:

   output = name( inputs )
Those routines returning multiple arguments on output do so in the expected Matlab manner:

   [output1, output2, ...] = name( inputs )
A set of Matlab *.m wrapper files provides user access to the MEX library. The *.m files include Matlab specific versions of the corresponding CSPICE wrapper's header describing the use and implementation of the call. Theses headers also include example code.

The Matlab "help" command outputs the wrapper headers, e.g.:

   >> help cspice_spkezr
          CSPICE_SPKEZR returns the state (position and velocity) of
          a target body relative to an observing body, optionally
          corrected for light time (planetary aberration) and stellar


Path names

Pass file path names through Mice in the form native to the host operating system. The strings pass to the CSPICE library without modification.


API Functionality

Consistent with the Matlab norm, Mice calls do not explicitly return array dimensions. The user can obtain the dimensions of an array using the Matlab command "size":

   >> v = [ 1; 2; 3]
   v =
   >> size(v)
   ans =
        3     1
"size" shows 'v' as a 3x1 array.

Mice also checks the dimensionality of input vectors and matrices, i.e. an API expecting a double precision 3x1 array as input signals an error for any other data type or dimensionality.

   >> v = [ 1; 2; 3; 4]
   v =
   >> [r, lon, z] = cspice_reccyl(v)
   ??? MICE(BADARG): Input argument (`rectan') must be an 3x1 vector
   or a vectorized vector (3xN).


Wrapper Types: mice_x.m, cspice_x.m

Several CSPICE routines have two Matlab interfaces differing only in the output format. An interface prefixed with 'cspice_' retains essentially the same argument list as its CSPICE counterpart. An interface prefixed with 'mice_' returns a structure, with the fields of the structure corresponding to the output arguments of its CSPICE counterpart. For example the CSPICE call spkezr_c has the format:

   spkezr_c( targ, et, ref, abcorr, obs, state, &lt );
The corresponding cspice_spkezr call:

   [state, lt] = cspice_spkezr(targ, et, ref, abcorr, obs)
The corresponding mice_spkezr call:

   traj        = mice_spkezr(targ, et, ref, abcorr, obs)
The two calls return the same data with the cspice_spkezr version returning separate arguments, while the mice_spkezr returns a structure composed of two fields, "state" (traj.state) and "lt" (


Return of Integer Values as Double

The current Matlab convention for arithmetic involving both integers and doubles stated in the documentation (as of this writing):

   "For all binary operations in which one operand is an array of
   integer data type and the other is a scalar double, Matlab computes
   the operation using elementwise double-precision arithmetic, and
   then converts the result back to the original integer data type."
Due to this implementation, Mice interfaces return/cast as double those integer arguments a user might later include in a calculation.


Use of Vectorized Arguments

Most Mice interfaces allow use of vectorized input arguments (a capability not available in C or Fortran toolkits), e.g. routines with scalar time as an input argument accept a vector of times, resulting in vectorized output arguments. Let COUNT define the measure of vectorization.


Vectorizing a Numeric Scalar

Matlab defines a numeric scalar as a 1x1 array. For use in Mice, a vectorized numeric scalar has dimension 1xCOUNT.

   >> COUNT = 5;
   >> et = [1:COUNT] * cspice_spd * 5.
   et =
         432000      864000     1296000     1728000     2160000
   >> size( et )
   ans =
        1     5


Vectorizing a Numeric Vector

A vectorized numeric Nx1 array has dimension NxCOUNT.

   >> [state,lt] = cspice_spkezr( 'MOON',  ...
                                   et,     ...
                                  'J2000', ...
                                  'NONE' , ...
                                  'EARTH' );
   >> size( state )
   ans =
        6     5


Vectorizing a Structure

A vectorized structure has dimension 1xCOUNT.

   >> traj = mice_spkezr( 'MOON' , ...
                           et    , ...
                          'J2000', ...
                          'LT+S' , ...
                          'EARTH' );
   >> size(traj)
   ans =
        1     5


Vectorizing a Numeric Matrix

The scalar use of cspice_pxform returns a 3x3 array (note use of 'et(1)' a scalar element of the 1x5 'et' array).

   >> xform = cspice_pxform( 'J2000', 'IAU_MOON', et(1) );
   >> size(xform)
   ans =
        3     3
A vectorized numeric NxM array has dimension NxMxCOUNT.

   >> xform = cspice_pxform( 'J2000', 'IAU_MOON', et );
   >> size(xform)
   ans =
        3     3     5
In this case, vectorized use returns 5 3x3 transformation matrices. To access the ith matrix:

      xform_i = xform(:,:,i)


Vectorizing a String

a scalar string has dimension 1xLENGTH

   >> utc = cspice_et2utc( et(1), 'C', 5 )
   utc =
   2000 JAN 06 11:58:55.81593
   >> size( utc )
   ans =
        1    26
A vector of strings has dimension COUNTxLENGTH.

   >> utc = cspice_et2utc( et, 'C', 5 )
   utc =
   2000 JAN 06 11:58:55.81593
   2000 JAN 11 11:58:55.81578
   2000 JAN 16 11:58:55.81564
   2000 JAN 21 11:58:55.81550
   2000 JAN 26 11:58:55.81537
   >> size( utc )
   ans =
        5    26
   >> et1 = cspice_str2et( utc )
   et1 =
      1.0e+06 *
       0.4320    0.8640    1.2960    1.7280    2.1600
Mice string input arguments also accept a cell of strings. Note, all string outputs return as NxM character arrays.

   >> utc1 = cellstr( utc )
   utc1 =
       '2000 JAN 06 11:58:55.81593'
       '2000 JAN 11 11:58:55.81578'
       '2000 JAN 16 11:58:55.81564'
       '2000 JAN 21 11:58:55.81550'
       '2000 JAN 26 11:58:55.81537'
   >> size( utc1 )
   ans =
        5     1
   >> et2 = cspice_str2et( utc1 )
   et2 =
      1.0e+06 *
       0.4320    0.8640    1.2960    1.7280    2.1600
When processing vectorized input arguments, Mice confirms all vectorized inputs have the same measure of vectorization. Mice signals an error when inputs do not agree with regard to the measure.

   >> range = [ 1., 2., 3.  ]
   range =
        1     2     3
   >> dec   = [ 0., 0.1  ]
   dec =
            0    0.1000
   >> ra    = [ 0., 0.75, 1.5 ]
   ra =
            0    0.7500    1.5000
   >> rectan = cspice_radrec( range, ra, dec)
   ??? MICE(BADARG): Input argument 3 (`dec') must have same
   length as `range'
Please consult the API documentation for details on a particular routine's argument set.


SPICE Windows, Planes, and Ellipses in Mice


SPICE Windows in Mice

The Mice implementation of SPICE windows consists of double precision Nx1 arrays with N an even or zero value. Mice windows lack a constant size as the windows interfaces dynamically adjust window size before return, therefore the SPICE concept of window cardinality degenerates to window size.

Refer to the Windows Required Reading document, windows.req, for specific information on the implementation of windows in Mice.


SPICE Ellipses in Mice

A SPICE ellipse implementation in Mice is a structure with three fields:

   center:     {3x1 ARRAY, DOUBLE PRECISION}
   semiMajor:  {3x1 ARRAY, DOUBLE PRECISION}
   semiMinor:  {3x1 ARRAY, DOUBLE PRECISION}    = [ cnt1, cnt2, cnt3 ]';
   ellipse.semimajor = [ smj1, smj2, smj3 ]';
   ellipse.semiminor = [ smn1, smn2, smn3 ]';


SPICE Planes in Mice

A SPICE plane implementation in Mice is a structure with two fields:

   normal:     {3x1 ARRAY, DOUBLE PRECISION}
   plane.normal   = [ n1, n2, n3 ]';
   plane.constant = x;


Mice Implementation of the SPICE Exception Subsystem

By design, Mice lacks interfaces to the CSPICE exception handling subsystem. The interface code "catches" any CSPICE error, then passes the error description to the Matlab interpreter as a Matlab error message.


Error Response

Mice MEX library not loaded or present in search path

   ??? Undefined function or variable 'mice'.
SPICE programmers often encounter two errors, regardless of the programming language. Both errors result from the failure to load the needed SPICE kernels prior to an evaluation involving time conversion or a state look-up.


No Loaded leapseconds kernel

Call cspice_str2et without loading kernels:

   >> et = cspice_str2et( 'Jan 1, 2000' );
   ??? SPICE(NOLEAPSECONDS): [str2et_c->STR2ET->TTRANS] The variable
   that points to the leapseconds (DELTET/DELTA_AT) could not be
   located in the kernel pool.  It is likely that the leapseconds
   kernel has not been loaded via the routine FURNSH.


No Loaded SPKs

Call cspice_spkezr without loading SPKs:

   >> [state, ltime] = cspice_spkezr( 'MOON', 0., 'J2000', ...
                                      'NONE', 'EARTH' );
   ->SPKSFS] At least one SPK file needs to be loaded by SPKLEF
   before beginning a search.
All SPICE errors passed back to Matlab have the format shown: the SPICE(*) short error message; in brackets, the trace-back of the call sequence that led to the error; the long error message.


Error Response from Vectorized Routines

NAIF designed the Mice error system to handle vectorized functions. Consider the "Insufficient ephemeris data" error message from a cspice_spkezr call with a scalar 'et':

   >> et = cspice_str2et( '2050 JAN 30' );
   >> [state, ltime] = cspice_spkezr( 'MOON' , ...
                                       et    , ...
                                      'J2000', ...
                                      'LT+S' , ...
                                      'EARTH' )
   Insufficient ephemeris data has been loaded to compute the state of
   399 (EARTH) relative to 0 (SOLAR SYSTEM BARYCENTER) at the ephemeris
   epoch 2050 JAN 30 00:01:04.184.
The same error when using a vectorized 'et':

   >> et0 = cspice_str2et( '2049 DEC 30' );
   >> et  = [0:1000000] + et0;
   >> [state, ltime] = cspice_spkezr( 'MOON' , ...
                                       et    , ...
                                      'J2000', ...
                                      'LT+S' , ...
                                      'EARTH' )
   Insufficient ephemeris data has been loaded to compute the state of
   399 (EARTH) relative to 0 (SOLAR SYSTEM BARYCENTER) at the ephemeris
   epoch 2050 JAN 01 00:01:05.183. Failure occurred at input vector
   index 172800.
The "Failure occurred at input vector index ..." string appears only when using vectorized arguments. The element value refers to the vector index at which the failure occurred. In this case, the kernel system lacked data to perform the state evaluation at time value et(172800).


Command Format Error

When the Mice interface detects an error in the command format, it signals an error and outputs a usage string displaying the correct format. An example usage response:

   >> cspice_et2utc
   ??? Error using ==> cspice_et2utc
   Usage: [_`utcstr`_] = cspice_et2utc(_et_, `format`, prec)


Error Handling

Matlab includes a try...catch...end implementation usable to trap any CSPICE signaled error, e.g.:

   % Make a call to an interface function. Wrap the
   % call in a try/catch block.
      [output1, output2, ...] = cspice_function( input1, input2, ...)
      % If an error occurred, retrieve that string
      % from 'lasterr'. Output the error string.
      disp( lasterr )
Use of try...catch...end grants the user control over the error response from the CSPICE routines.


Attempt to return a state without loading kernels.

   % Wrap cspice_spkezr in a try...catch block.
      [state, ltime] = cspice_spkezr( 'MOON' , ...
                                       0.    , ...
                                      'J2000', ...
                                      'LT+S' , ...
                                      'EARTH' )
      % Check for an error response. Print the message if found.
      disp( lasterr )
   % Continue program execution.
The output displays the expected message:

   SPKSFS] At least one SPK file needs to be loaded by SPKLEF
   before beginning a search.


Correlation Between Mice and Matlab


Matlab vs. CSPICE Functionality

CSPICE matrix operations and their equivalent expression in Matlab code.

   CSPICE      Native Matlab       Description
   -------     ---------------     -----------
   mtxm_c      m1' * m2            Matrix transpose times matrix, 3x3
   mtxmg_c     m1' * m2            Matrix transpose times matrix
                                   (general dim.)
   mtxv_c      m1' * v1            Matrix transpose times vector, 3x3
   mtxvg_c     m1' * v1            Matrix transpose times vector
                                   (general dim.)
   mxm_c       m1 * m2             Matrix times matrix, 3x3
   mxmg_c      m1 * m2             Matrix times matrix (general dim.)
   mxmt_c      m1 * m2'            Matrix times matrix transpose, 3x3
   mxmtg_c     m1 * m2'            Matrix times matrix transpose
                                   (general dim.)
   mxv_c       m1 * v1             Matrix times vector, 3x3
   mxvg_c      m1 * v1             Matrix times vector (general dim.)
   vadd_c      v1 + v2             Vector addition, 3 dimensional
   vaddg_c     v1 + v2             Vector addition (general dim.)
   vcrss_c     cross(v1, v2)       Vector cross product, 3 dimensions
   vdist_c     norm(v1 - v2)       Vector distance
   vdistg_c    norm(v1 - v2)       Vector distance (general dim.)
   vdot_c      dot(v1, v2)         Vector dot product, 3 dimensions
   vdotg_c     dot(v1, v2)         Vector dot product (general dim.)
   vequ_c      v2 = v1             Vector equality, 3 dimensions
   vequg_c     v2 = v1             Vector equality (general dim.)
   vhat_c      v1/norm(v1)         "V-Hat", unit vector along V,
                                   3 dimensions
   vhatg_c     v1/norm(v1)         "V-Hat", unit vector along V
                                   (general dim.)
   vlcom3_c    a*v1 + b*v2 + c*v3  Vector linear combination,
                                   3 dimensions
   vlcom_c     a*v1 + b*v2         Vector linear combination,
                                   3 dimensions
   vlcomg_c    a*v1 + b*v2         Vector linear combination
                                   (general dim.)
   vminug_c    -v1                 Minus V, "-V" (general dim.)
   vminus_c    -v1                 Minus V, "-V", 3 dimensions
   vnorm_c     norm(v1)            Vector norm, 3 dimensions
   vnormg_c    norm(v1)            Vector norm (general dim.)
   vpack_c     v1 = [x, y, z]'     Pack three scalar components into a
   vscl_c      s * v1              Vector scaling, 3 dimensions
   vsclg_c     s * v1              Vector scaling (general dim.)
   vsub_c      v1 - v2             Vector subtraction, 3 dimensions
   vsubg_c     v1 - v2             Vector subtraction (general dim.)
   vtmv_c      v1' * m1 * v2       Vector transpose times matrix times
                                   vector, 3 dim
   vtmvg_c     v1' * m1 * v2       Vector transpose times matrix times
                                   vector (general dim.)
   vupack_c    x = v1(1)           Unpack three scalar components from
               y = v1(2)           a vector
               z = v1(3)
   vzero_c     all( v1 == 0 )      Is a vector the zero vector?
   vzerog_c    all( v2 == 0 )      Is a vector the zero vector?
                                   (general dim.)


Use of Mice with Octave

The Mice interface can be compiled against the Octave environment ( producing a CSPICE-octave interface analogous the CSPICE-Matlab interface. The following procedure applies only to Unix/Linux platforms using N0064 or later versions of Mice.

Note that use of Mice with a 32-bit Octave requires a 32-bit Mice Toolkit; the same for 64-bit.

To build the CSPICE-octave interface, several minor modifications are required to the cspice build script. Copy the mice/src/cspice/ mkprodct.csh script to mice/src/cspice/mkprodct_mix.csh.

For example, based on a 32-bit Mice for Linux or OS X, edit mkprodct_mix.csh:

Add the option -DMIX_C_AND_FORTRAN to the TKCOMPILEOPTIONS variable assignment, i.e.


set TKCOMPILEOPTIONS = "-c -ansi -Wall -O2 -fPIC -DNON_UNIX_STDIO -m32"



Do not otherwise change the option list assigned to TKCOMPILEOPTIONS.

Modify the LIBRARY assignment so that the script produces a library named "cspice_mix.a", i.e. change

set LIBRARY = "../../lib/"$item:t


set LIBRARY = "../../lib/"$item:t"_mix"

Once complete, set the script to executable, then execute (from the mice/src/cspice directory) the "mkprodct_mix.csh" script. The run should create "cspice_mix.a" in the "mice/lib" directory.

Create a subdirectory named "octave" in the mice/lib directory.

Create in the mice/src/mice directory a build script, "mkprodct_octave.csh". Copy the csh script listed below to "mkprodct_octave.csh". Edit the "OCTAVE" bin directory path as needed.

   #!/bin/csh -f
   echo Building octave interface to CSPICE using the NAIF Mice code
   echo base. Warning: this interface is experimental and not an
   echo official NAIF product.
   # Set the directory containing the "mkoctfile" executable (installed
   # with octave). This path is based on the octave install directory.
   set OCTAVE=/local/bin
   # -v     Verbose mode, output compile, link command (use if needed)
   # -c     Compile to object code
   # --mex  Compile code based on the Matlab environment MEX
   # Compile the Mice source files for octave use.
   $OCTAVE/mkoctfile --mex -c -I../../include mice.c -DOCTAVE
   $OCTAVE/mkoctfile --mex -c -I../../include zzmice.c
   $OCTAVE/mkoctfile --mex -c -I../../include zzmice_CreateIntScalar.c
   # Link the source files to an extension library. Use the "mixed"
   # version of the CSPICE library.
   $OCTAVE/mkoctfile --mex -o mice.mex  \
                              mice.o    \
                              zzmice.o  \
                              zzmice_CreateIntScalar.o \
   # Clean-up and move the library to the expected directory,
   # lib/octave.
   \rm *.o
   \mv mice.mex ../../lib/octave/mice.mex
Once complete, set the script to executable, then execute (from the mice/src/mice directory) the "mkprodct_octave.csh" script. The run should create "mice.mex" in the "mice/lib/octave" directory.

Octave command syntax and grammar matches Matlab (in most cases). Use the "addpath" command to access the interface from octave:

   addpath( '/path_to_mice/mice/lib/octave' )
   addpath( '/path_to_mice/mice/src/mice'   )


Common problems


Persistence of Kernel Data

A possible irritant exists when loading kernels using the cspice_furnsh function.

The CSPICE design supposes use in a single program run-time environment; the program accomplishes its function, then quits. With respect to Mice, consider the Matlab environment as a single program run. Since Mice functions as an extension to Matlab, loaded kernels and opened files remain in memory after a script runs unless explicitly unloaded or closed (a script is not the program, Matlab is the program).

Consequence: kernel data may be available to one of your scripts even though not intended to be so. You could get incorrect or unexpected results!

Two approaches mitigate this issue. Load all needed SPICE kernels for your Matlab session at the beginning of the session, paying careful attention to the files loaded and the loading order (loading order affects precedence).

Or, either unload unneeded kernels with cspice_unload, or clear all loaded kernels and kernel pool variables with cspice_kclear, at the end of the Matlab script to avoid both exceeding the maximum number of allowed loaded kernels and providing unintended access to kernel data.


Defining Kernel Names with Relative Paths

Users should understand a subtlety concerning the kernel load action for binary kernels in Matlab. A load provides access to the kernel for the Matlab process based on the path. If the path is defined relative to the active Matlab directory, changing the active directory after a load may (probably) cause an error signal from the CSPICE library. The signal, likely an IOSTAT=2 error, occurs because the kernel subsystem maintains a list of kernel names as passed to cspice_furnsh. Changing the active directory changes the resolved name for a kernel name defined with a relative path so any operation on such a kernel may fail after active directory changes. This behavior is specific to kernels defined with relative paths. Use of absolute paths in a kernel name prevents this problem.

Prevent this problem by:

    Define all kernels to load using absolute paths. NAIF recommends this practice.

    Do not alter your active directory after loading kernels, regardless of whether a direct load with @FURNSH or by a meta kernel.


Use on 32-bit vs 64-bit Platforms

NAIF provides Mice for several platforms in both 32 and 64-bit format. The Mice MEX functions only in the mode for which compiled. An attempt to use a Mice MEX incompatible with the platform architecture will cause an error message similar to:

   ??? Undefined function or method 'mice' for input arguments of ...



2013 FEB 04 by E. D. Wright (JPL)

Added procedure instructions to create a CSPICE interface to the Octave environment, based on the Mice source code.

2010 MAR 15 by E. D. Wright.

Previous edits.