The New Horizons SPICE Data Archive


   This document provides an overview of the New Horizons SPICE Data
   Archive, including a description of the directory structure.
   Additional documents included in this data set provide more details,
   especially the "" data set description and the various
   kernel-specific "/data/*/*info.txt" files.

   This volume contains navigation and related observation geometry and
   other ancillary data in the form of SPICE System kernel files for
   the New Horizons spacecraft. See the file "" in the "/catalog"
   directory for a description of the New Horizons mission and the file
   "" same directory for a description of the spacecraft.

   The SPICE kernel files contain geometric and other ancillary
   information needed to recover the full value of science instrument
   data. Data in the SPICE kernel files must be accessed using the NAIF
   (Navigation and Ancillary Information Facility) software called the
   SPICE Toolkit. See the file "softinfo.txt" in the "/software"
   directory for instructions on how to obtain this software.

   This data set is contained on a single virtual volume, NHSP_1000,
   including data from all mission phases and covering from launch,
   2006 JAN 19, through the end time of the latest spacecraft
   trajectory file supplied in the data set. Until the end of the
   spacecraft lifespan this data set will be accumulating with new data
   added approximately six months after completion of each major
   mission phase.

File Formats

   All text documents and other meta information files such as
   descriptions, PDS object definitions and detached PDS labels are
   stream format files, with a carriage return (ASCII 13) and a line
   feed character (ASCII 10) at the end of the record.  This allows the
   files to be read by MS-DOS/Windows, Unix and MacOS operating

   The data files on this version of the disk were prepared to be used
   under a UNIX environment. While some of the data files on
   this volume can be used 'as is', converting the files to binary or
   text format native to the user's computer may be required. Refer to
   the documentation provided with the SPICE Toolkit to find out
   whether conversion is needed in each specific case.

   NAIF provides a tool (BINGO) that can convert either binary or text
   kernels from one format to another. This means that text files can
   have their line terminator changed and binary files can be converted
   to the native format of the platform of interest. For access to this
   tool, see the reference to the NAIF utilities website in the file
   "/software/softinfo.txt". In addition, the SPICE Toolkit contains a
   pair of command line programs (TOBIN and TOXFR) that will convert
   binary files.

Volume Contents

   Files on this volume are organized into a set of subdirectories
   below the top-level directory. The following table shows the
   structure and content of these directories. In this table, directory
   names are enclosed in square brackets ([]). See the "*info.txt"
   files in each directory for specific information on the files in the
   directory, including naming schemes.

   |-- aareadme.txt        text version of the aareadme file.
   |-- aareadme.htm        html version of the aareadme file.
   |-- aareadme.lbl        PDS label for both aareadme files.
   |--         Description of the contents of this volume.
   |-- errata.txt          Comments and errata on this volume.
   |--[catalog]            Directory containing PDS catalog objects.
   |  |
   |  |-- catinfo.txt     Description of files in the catalog directory.
   |  |--    Description of the NH spacecraft.
   |  |--     Description of the mission.
   |  |--      References for personnel who created this volume.
   |  |--         List of publications mentioned in *.cat files.
   |  |--     Description of data releases in this volume.
   |  |--     Description of the SPICE data set.
   |  |--   Description of housekeeping (browser) information.
   |  +--  Instrument catalog file for this data set.
   |--[data]               Directory containing SPICE data files (kernels.)
   |  |
   |  |--[ck]              Directory containing CK files.
   |  |  |
   |  |  |-- ckinfo.txt    Description of files in the data/ck directory
   |  |  |-- *.bc          CK files.
   |  |  +-- *.lbl         PDS labels for CK files.
   |  |
   |  |--[dsk]              Directory containing DSK files.
   |  |  |
   |  |  +-- dskinfo.txt    Description of files in the data/dsk directory
   |  |
   |  |--[ek]              Directory containing EK files.
   |  |  |
   |  |  +-- ekinfo.txt    Description of files in the data/ek directory
   |  |
   |  |--[fk]              Directory containing FK file(s).
   |  |  |
   |  |  |-- fkinfo.txt    Description of files in the data/fk directory.
   |  |  |-- *.tf          FK file(s).
   |  |  +-- *.lbl         PDS labels for FK files.
   |  |
   |  |--[ik]              Directory containing IK files.
   |  |  |
   |  |  |-- ikinfo.txt    Description of files in the data/ik directory.
   |  |  |-- *.ti          IK files.
   |  |  +-- *.lbl         PDS labels for IK files.
   |  |
   |  |--[lsk]             Directory containing LSK files.
   |  |  |
   |  |  |-- lskinfo.txt   Description of files in the data/lsk directory.
   |  |  |-- *.tls         LSK file(s).
   |  |  +-- *.lbl         PDS labels for LSK files.
   |  |
   |  |--[pck]             Directory containing PCK file(s).
   |  |  |
   |  |  |-- pckinfo.txt   Description of files in the data/pck directory.
   |  |  |-- *.tpc         PCK file(s).
   |  |  +-- *.lbl         PDS labels for PCK files.
   |  |
   |  |--[sclk]            Directory containing SCLK file(s).
   |  |  |
   |  |  |-- sclkinfo.txt  Description of files in the data/sclk directory.
   |  |  |-- *.tsc         SCLK file(s).
   |  |  +-- *.lbl         PDS labels for SCLK files.
   |  |
   |  +--[spk]             Directory containing SPK files.
   |     |
   |     |-- spkinfo.txt   Description of files in the data/spk directory.
   |     |-- *.bsp         SPK files.
   |     +-- *.lbl         PDS labels for SPK files.
   |--[document]           Directory containing volume related documents.
   |  |
   |  |-- docinfo.txt      Description of files in the document directory.
   |  |-- onlabels.txt     Description of PDS labels for SPICE kernels.
   |  +-- lblinfo.txt      Description of PDS label location in this volume.
   |  |
   |  +--[spinstate]       Directory containing spin state history.
   |  |  |
   |  |  +-- nh_spin_state.*   Files containing spin state history.
   |--[extras]             Directory containing extra data elements.
   |  |
   |  |-- extrinfo.txt     Description of files and directories in extras.
   |  |
   |  +--[mk]              Directory containing meta-kernels.
   |     |
   |     |--mkinfo.txt     Description of meta-kernel files.
   |     +-- *.tm          Meta-kernel files.
   |--[index]              Directory containing index files.
   |  |
   |  |-- checksum.lbl     PDS label for
   |  |--     ASCII table of MD5 checksums for files in this vol.
   |  |-- indxinfo.txt     Description of files in the index directory.
   |  |--        Index table of SPICE kernels on this volume.
   |  +-- index.lbl        PDS label for file.
      +-- softinfo.txt     Instructions on how to obtain SPICE system software.

Whom to Contact for Information

   New Horizons Science Operations Center (SOC)
   Southwest Research Institute
   1301 Walnut Street
   Boulder, CO, 80303

Cognizant Persons

   This volume was designed and produced by Andrew Steffl, Southwest Research
   Institute, Department of Space Studies, Boulder, Colorado, USA.

   Releases 0002, 0003, and 0004 were produced by Brian Carcich, under
   contract to the Southwest Research Institute.

   Releases 0005, 0006, and 0007 were produced by Brian Enke, Southwest
   Research Institute, Solar System Science & Exploration Division,
   Boulder, Colorado, USA.