PDS_VERSION_ID = PDS3 RECORD_TYPE = STREAM OBJECT = TEXT INTERCHANGE_FORMAT = ASCII PUBLICATION_DATE = 2023-01-30 NOTE = "New Horizons DS-Kernel Information" END_OBJECT = TEXT END General Information About SPICE DS-Kernels ========================================== The purpose of the DS-kernel -- which stands for Digital Shape Kernel (DSK) -- is to allow various digital shape representations, such as triangular plate models or digital elevation models, to be combined under a common file format and accessed by a common set of subroutines. Starting with the SPICE Toolkit version N0066, DSKs can be accessed by subroutines that are part of the SPICE library, the major component of the SPICE Toolkit. For earlier Toolkits, before N0066, DSKs can be accessed by subroutines from a special library called DSKLIB. These subroutines can be integrated into user application programs. The SPICE system toolkit for a number of computer platforms or information regarding how it can be obtained is located in the ``/software'' subdirectory of the main directory of this data set. To use DS-kernels, Leapseconds (LSK), a Frame Definitions Kernel (FK), Planetary Constants Kernel (PcK), and possibly even C-Kernel (CK) files may also be required. Refer to the ``dsk.req'' document provided with the Toolkit to get more information on how to access DS-kernel data. New Horizons DS-kernels Contained in This Data Set ========================================== The following New Horizons DS-kernels are provided in this data set (only the name portion of the file name is shown; the extension of all file names is ``.bds''): Pluto Shape DSK Files: No Pluto Shape DSK Files are currently provided in this data set. Arrokoth Shape DSK Files: mu69_asp_ca04_06_icp_spice_v01 DSK of Kuiper Belt Object (KBO) 2014 MU69 (Arrokoth) with 33852 triangular faces. It has the best resolution surface terrain obtained of the illuminated spin-pole negative face of Arrokoth. The New Horizons LORRI and MVIC science teams produced this shape model using the Ames Stereo Pipeline (ASP) toolset. mu69_fr2kf_hipoly_spice_v01 High-polygon shape model of Kuiper Belt Object (KBO) 2014 MU69 (Arrokoth) with 100678 faces. The New Horizons LORRI and MVIC science teams produced this shape model using the Ames Stereo Pipeline (ASP) toolset. mu69_fr2kf_lopoly_spice_v01 Low-polygon shape model of Kuiper Belt Object (KBO) 2014 MU69 (Arrokoth) with 1962 faces. The New Horizons LORRI and MVIC science teams produced this shape model using the Ames Stereo Pipeline (ASP) toolset. mu69_merged_spice_v01 Shape model of Kuiper Belt Object (KBO) 2014 MU69 (Arrokoth) produced by merging the highest resolution shape information that only covers a portion of the spin pole negative side (as imaged by New Horizons) and the hipoly global shape model. The New Horizons LORRI and MVIC science teams produced this shape model using the Ames Stereo Pipeline (ASP) toolset. Kernel File Details =================== The most detailed description of the data in a binary DSK file is provided in metadata included inside the comment area of the file. This information can be viewed using utility programs COMMNT and SPACIT included into the NAIF Toolkit. Contact Information =================== Regarding New Horizons project specific information provided in this data set and for general information about SPICE system: Boris Semenov (818)-354-8136 Boris.Semenov@jpl.nasa.gov address: Navigation and Ancillary Information Facility (NAIF) Jet Propulsion Laboratory MS 301-125L 4800 Oak Grove Drive Pasadena CA 91109 USA