Table of Contents
FRMDIFF User's Guide
If You Are in a Hurry
To Check if Two CK Files Provide Identical Data
To Assess Difference Between Two CK Files
To Sample Quaternions from a CK File
To Compute Transformation Between Two Frames
Kernel Files
Primary Kernel Files
Additional Kernel Files
Comparison Runs vs. Sampling Runs
Runs with Two, One, and No Primary Kernel File(s)
Runs with Two Primary Kernel Files
Runs with One Primary Kernel File
Runs Without Primary Kernel Files
``From'', ``To'', and ``Coverage'' Frames
``From'' Frames
``To'' Frames
``Coverage'' Frames
Times for Comparison/Sampling
Coverage Window
Times within Coverage Window
Angular Velocities
Overview of Report Types
Time Tag Format for ``dump*'' Reports
Numeric Format for ``dump*'' Reports
Angle Units for ``dumpaa'' and ``dumpea'' Reports
Report Header
Report Header for Comparing Two Orientations
Report Header for Coverage/Gaps for Two Orientations
Report Header for Sampling an Orientation
Report Header for Coverage/Gaps for An Orientation
Report Formats
Basic Report (no ``-t'' or ``-t basic'')
Statistics Report (``-t stats'')
Angle and Axis Dump Report (``-t dumpaa'')
Matrix Dump Report (``-t dumpm'')
SPICE-Style Quaternion Dump Report (``-t dumpqs'')
``Other''-Style Quaternion Dump Report (``-t dumpqo'')
Euler Angles Dump Report (``-t dumpea'')
Coverage Intervals Dump Report (``-t dumpc''):
Coverage Gaps Dump Report (``-t dumpg'')
Checking if Two CKs Provide the Same Orientation
Comparing Predicted and Reconstructed CKs
Comparing Orientations from a CK Read Using Different SCLKs
Comparing Binary and Text PCKs
Comparing Two Text PCKs
Sampling Orientation from a CK
Sampling Orientation of a Built-in Frame
Sampling Orientation of a Dynamic Frame
Sampling Orientation With Two Different ``Coverage'' Frames
Displaying Overlap in Coverage between Two CKs
Displaying Gaps in a CK File
Miscellaneous Things to Consider
``Apples vs. Oranges''
Using Euler Angles for Small Rotation Differences
Single Epoch
Appendix 1: Comparison, Sampling and Report Quantity Algorithms
Computing Rotation and Angular Velocity Difference
Sampling Rotation and Angular Velocity
Converting Rotation to Angle/Axis
Converting Rotation to SPICE-Style Quaternion
Converting Rotation to ``Other''-Style quaternion
Converting Rotation to Euler Angles
FRMDIFF User's Guide
Last revised on 2014 JAN 21 by B. V. Semenov.
FRMDIFF is a program that samples orientation of a reference frame known
to SPICE or computes differences between orientations of two reference
frames known to SPICE, and either displays this orientation or these
differences, or shows statistics about it or them.
FRMDIFF provides means for sampling orientation of a single reference
frame, or for comparing orientations of two reference frames known to
SPICE and supported by data from SPICE kernels.
To sample orientation of a single frame the program computes a set of
transformations from one frame (the ``from'' frame) to another frame
(the ``to'' frame) over an interval of time with fixed or variable time
step, using a given set of kernel files. Then, depending on the
requested type of output report, it prints to the screen a table
containing these transformations expressed as total rotation angles and
axes, quaternions, matrices or Euler angles and angular velocities, or
only magnitude of the maximum rotation and angular velocity, or results
of a simple statistical analysis of rotations.
To compare orientations of two frames the program computes a set of
transformations from one frame (the ``from'' frame) to another frame
(the ``to'' frame) over an interval of time with a fixed or variable
time step using one set of kernels, computes a set of transformations
for the same or a different ``from''-``to'' frame combination at the
same times using the same or a different set of kernels, and then
computes the difference in rotation and angular velocity between the
corresponding transformations. Depending on the requested type of output
report the program prints to the screen only maximum differences in
rotation and angular velocity, or a complete table of rotation and
angular velocity differences expressed as total rotation angles and
axes, matrices, quaternions, or Euler angles, or results of a simple
statistical analysis of the rotation differences.
If You Are in a Hurry
This section shows four very common FRMDIFF usage scenarios with just
enough explanations to get you going. An extensive set of detailed
examples is provided at the end of this User's Guide.
To Check if Two CK Files Provide Identical Data
To check if two CK files containing orientation for the same structure
with respect to the same reference frame provide identical data, run
FRMDIFF as follows:
% frmdiff -k <lsk> <sclk> <fk> -s <step> <ck1> <ck2>
where ``<lsk>'', ``<sclk>'', ``<fk>'', ``<ck1>''
and ``<ck2>'' are the names of LSK, SCLK, FK, and two CK files
(all five are required), and ``step'' is the time step, in seconds. If
the maximum rotation angle in the output is zero (or close to zero,
accounting for round off), then the CKs contain the same data. To
include angular velocities in comparison, add ``-a yes'' before ``-s'',
like this:
% frmdiff -k <lsk> <sclk> <fk> -a yes -s <step> <ck1> <ck2>
To Assess Difference Between Two CK Files
To assess the difference between two CK files containing orientation for
the same structure with respect to the same reference frame as a
function of time, run FRMDIFF as follows:
% frmdiff -k <lsk> <sclk> <fk> -t dumpaa -s <step> <ck1> <ck2>
where ``<lsk>'', ``<sclk>'', ``<fk>'', ``<ck1>''
and ``<ck2>'' are the names of LSK, SCLK, FK, and two CK files
(all five are required); ``-t dumpaa'' sets the output format to the
rotation angle and axis dump; and ``step'' is the time step, in seconds.
The program's output, which can be rather lengthy, can be re-directed to
a file using the ``>'' pipe. Using the data captured in the file the
total rotation angle (column 2) can be plotted against TDB seconds
(column 1) to analyze the difference. To print output time tags as UTC
in ISO date format instead of TDB seconds, add
before ``-k''. To use the Euler angle dump output instead of the
rotation angle and axis dump output, replace ``dumpaa'' with ``dumpea''.
To include angular velocities in the comparison, add ``-a yes'' before
``-s'', like this (the command line below is wrapped to fit the page
% frmdiff -k <lsk> <sclk> <fk> -t dumpaa -a yes -s <step>
<ck1> <ck2>
To Sample Quaternions from a CK File
To sample orientation provided in a CK file and print it as SPICE-style
quaternions, run FRMDIFF as follows:
% frmdiff -k <lsk> <sclk> <fk> -t dumpqs -s <step> <ck>
where ``<lsk>'', ``<sclk>'', ``<fk>'', and
``<ck>'' are the names of LSK, SCLK, FK, and CK files (all four
are required); ``-t dumpqs'' sets the output format to the SPICE-style
quaternion dump; and ``step'' is the time step, in seconds. The
program's output can be re-directed to a file using the ``>'' pipe.
To print output time tags as UTC in ISO date format, add
before ``-k''. To use the ``other''-style quaternion dump instead of the
SPICE-style quaternion dump, replace ``dumpqs'' with ``dumpqo''. To
include angular velocities, add ``-a yes'' before ``-s''; to print
angular velocities in the structure frame rather than the base frame,
also add ``-m to'', like this (the command line below is wrapped to fit
the page width):
% frmdiff -k <lsk> <sclk> <fk> -t dumpqo -a yes -m to
-s <step> <ck>
To Compute Transformation Between Two Frames
To compute transformation from one frame known to SPICE to another frame
known to SPICE and display this transformation as Euler angles, run
FRMDIFF as follows (the command line below is wrapped to fit the page
% frmdiff -k <kernels> -t dumpea
-b <begintime> -e <endtime> -s <step>
-f1 <from_frame> -t1 <to_frame>
where ``<kernels>'' are the names of kernel files needed to
compute the transformation (an LSK must be included); ``-t dumpea'' sets
the output format to the Euler angles dump; ``<begintime>'' and
``<endtime>'' set the begin and end time, as UTC, for the period
of interest; ``step'' is the time step, in seconds; and
``<from_frame>'' and ``<to_frame>'' are the names of the
frames from which and to which the transformation can be computed. For
lengthy reports the program's output should be re-directed to a file
using the ``>'' pipe.
Note that if the ``<to_frame>'' is a CK-based (Class 3) or
PCK-based (Class 2) frame, the list of kernels (``<kernels>'')
includes CKs or binary PCKs providing data for that frame, and ``-b
<begintime> -e <endtime>'' are omitted, the program will
automatically determine the ``<to_frame>''s data availability time
window and will compute transformations with specified step over that
whole window.
FRMDIFF is a command line program with the following usage:
% frmdiff [options] <first kernel> <second kernel>
% frmdiff [options] <kernel>
% frmdiff [options]
where either of the kernels can be a CK, a PCK, an FK, or any other
SPICE kernel. The options are:
-k <supporting kernel(s) name(s)>
-f1 <first ``from'' frame, name or ID>
-t1 <first ``to'' frame, name or ID>
-c1 <first frame for coverage look up, name or ID>
-k1 <additional supporting kernel(s) for first file>
-f2 <second ``from'' frame, name or ID>
-t2 <second ``to'' frame, name or ID>
-c2 <second frame for coverage look up, name or ID>
-k2 <additional supporting kernel(s) for second file>
-a <compare angular velocities, yes|no (default: no)>
-m <frame for angular velocities, from|to (default: from)
-b <interval start time>
-e <interval stop time>
-n <number of points: 1 to 1000000 (default: 1000)>
-s <time step in seconds>
-f <time format, et|sclk|sclkd|ticks|picture_for_TIMOUT>
(default: et)>
-t <report: basic|stats|dumpaa|dumpm|dumpqs|dumpqo|dumpea
-o <rotation axes order (default: z y x)>
-x <units for output angles>
-d <number of significant digits: 6 to 17 (default: 14)>
The order of options and case of the option keys are not significant.
The values provided after the option keys must be separated from keys by
one or more spaces. Un-recognized options are not specifically checked
for; instead they are treated as continuation of the value provided
using the preceding recognized option.
Kernel file names and control parameters are provided to the program
using the following command line options (only a brief description of
each option is given in the list below; details, defaults, and
dependencies are discussed later in this document):
<first kernel>
is the name of the first primary kernel. When two primary kernels are
provided to the program this name must be the second to last item on
the command line.
<second kernel>
is the name of the second primary kernel. When two primary kernels are
provided to the program this name must be the last item on the command
is the name of the only primary kernel. When only one primary kernel is
provided to the program this name must be the last item on the command
-k <kernels>
is used to specify the list of additional kernels that should be used
for both frame transformations to be computed. Kernel names following
``-k'' must be separated by spaces.
-f1 <frame>
is used to specify the ``from'' frame for the first (or only) frame
transformation to be computed. This frame must be known to SPICE and
can be specified using the frame name, ID, or class ID.
-t1 <frame>
is used to specify the ``to'' frame for the first (or only) frame
transformation to be computed. This frame must be known to SPICE and
can be specified using the frame name, ID, or class ID.
-c1 <frame>
is used to specify the ``coverage'' frame to be used to look up the
first coverage window. This frame must be known to SPICE and must be
either a PCK-based (Class 2) or CK-based (Class 3) frame. It can be
specified using the frame name, frame ID, or, if the first (or only)
primary kernel is a CK or a binary PCK, class ID. If the first (or
only) primary kernel file is a CK or a binary PCK, it must contain data
for this frame.
-k1 <kernels>
is used to specify the list of additional kernels that should be used
only for the first frame transformation to be computed. Kernel names
following ``-k1'' must be separated by spaces.
-f2 <frame>
is used to specify the ``from'' frame for the second (or only) frame
transformation to be computed. This frame must be known to SPICE and
can be specified using the frame name, ID, or class ID.
-t2 <frame>
is used to specify the ``to'' frame for the second (or only) frame
transformation to be computed. This frame must be known to SPICE and
can be specified using the name, ID, or class ID.
-c2 <frame>
is used to specify the ``coverage'' frame to be used to look up the
second coverage window. This frame must be known to SPICE and must be
either a PCK-based (Class 2) or CK-based (Class 3) frame. It can be
specified using the frame name, frame ID, or, if the second (or only)
primary kernel is a CK or a binary PCK, class ID. If the second (or
only) primary kernel file is a CK or a binary PCK, it must contain data
for this frame.
-k2 <kernels>
is used to specify the list of additional kernels that should be used
only for the second frame transformation to be computed. Kernel names
following ``-k2'' must be separated by spaces.
-b <time>
is used to specify the coverage window begin time. This option must be
provided when no primary kernels and ``coverage'' frames are specified.
The time string provided using this option can be in any form accepted
by SPICE's cspice_str2et function.
-e <time>
is used to specify the coverage window end time. This option must be
provided when no primary kernels and ``coverage'' frames are specified.
The time string provided using this option can be in any form accepted
by SPICE's cspice_str2et function.
-n <number>
is used to specify the number of points within the coverage window, for
which the frame transformation(s) must be computed. The number must be
an integer between 1 and 1,000,000. The default value is 1000.
-s <step>
is used to specify the step, in seconds, for determining points within
the coverage window, for which the frame transformation(s) must be
computed. The step must be greater than 1E-8. This option supersedes
-t <report_type>
is used specify the type of report that the program should display:
basic to display only the maximum
rotation angle and angular
velocity (AV) magnitude (default)
stats to display statistics on rotation
angles and AVs
dumpaa to display a table of rotation
angles and axes
dumpm to display a table of matrices
dumpqs to display a table of SPICE-style
dumpqo to display a table of ``other''-
style quaternions
dumpea to display a table of Euler angles
dumpc to display a table of coverage
dumpg to display a table of coverage
-a <av_flag>
is used to tell the program whether angular velocities should be
computed along with rotations:
no to compute only rotations
yes to compute rotations and
angular velocities
-m <av_frame>
is used to tell the program in which frame angular velocities should be
from to output angular velocities in
``from'' frame (default)
to to output angular velocities in
``to'' frame
-f <time_type>
is used to specify the type of time tag to be used in tabular reports
(``-t'' with ``dumpm'', ``dumpqs'', ``dumpqo'', ``dumpea'', ``dumpc'',
or ``dumpg''):
et to display times as TDB seconds
past J2000 (default)
sclk to display times as string SCLKs
sclkd to display times as decimal SCLKs
ticks to display times as encoded SCLK
<PICT> any time format picture accepted
by the @TIMOUT @routine (for
example ``YYYY-MM-DDTHR:MN:SC.###
::RND'' for time tags for be
displayed as UTCs in ISO date
-o <axes>
is used to specify the list of axes determining the order of rotations
used for converting rotation matrices to Euler angles. The value must
be a space-delimited list of three axes from the set of ``X'', ``Y'',
``Z'' (case-insensitive). The second axis must differ from the first
and third axes. The default order is ``Z Y X''.
-x <units>
is used to specify the units for the angles in the rotation angle and
axis dump (``-t dumpaa'') and Euler angle dump (``-t dumpea'') reports;
ignored for all other report types. Supported units are:
radians (default)
-d <number>
is used to specify the number of significant digits in the output
numeric times (TDB seconds past J2000, decimal SCLKs and encoded SCLK
ticks) and rotation component values or rotation difference component
values included in the dump, coverage and coverage gap reports. The
number must be an integer between 6 and 17. The default value is 14.
causes the program to display only the version line. This option
overrides all other options.
causes the program to display the usage message. This option overrides
all other options except ``-v''.
causes the program to display a brief help message. This option
overrides all other options except ``-v'' and ``-u''.
For a successful run the program must be supplied with kernel files
providing sufficient data to compute the frame transformation(s) of
interest, and with control parameters clearly specifying, together with
default values determined from the kernels, what transformations should
be computed and at what times. Both the kernels and the control
parameters are provided to the program using command line options.
Kernel Files
In most cases one or more kernel files must be provided to the program
to perform comparison or sampling of frame orientations. Depending on
how the kernel files are provided, they fall into one of two categories
-- primary kernel files and additional kernel files.
Primary kernel files -- two, one, or none -- are provided at the end of
the command line without any command line keys. Normally these kernel
files contain orientations that differ (for example, predicted and
reconstructed CKs for the same frame and time period, two versions of an
FK with different alignment data for the same frame, etc.), or contain
orientation to be sampled. These kernel files are also examined by the
program to determine the default values for the ``from'', ``to'', and
``cov'' frames, and to determine the coverage window boundaries. Note
that becasue the program slightly contracts coverage windows determined
from CK files to compensate for roundoff occuring in SCLK to ET time
conversions, in general FRMDIFF cannot be used to sample or compare CKs
with discrete data, e.g. Type 1 CKs or Type 3 CKs with singleton
intervals. For additional discussion of this limitation see the
``Coverage Window'' section below.
Additional kernel files -- none, or as many as needed -- are provided
anywhere on the command line (except at the very end) using the ``-k'',
``-k1'', and ``-k2'' keys. Normally these kernel files contain
additional SPICE data needed to compute requested orientations (for
example, LSK and SCLK files providing supporting time conversion data,
FK files providing frame definitions needed by SPICE to recognize
specified frames, etc).
Primary Kernel Files
The primary kernels can be of any type -- CK, PCK, FK, SCLK, LSK or even
SPK -- and are provided as the last or the last two items on the command
line. Since the primary kernel files do not require specific command
line keys, the program determines if they were given by examining the
last two words on the command line as follows:
-- If the last word on the command line is not the name of an existing file,
the program assumes that no primary kernel files were given.
-- If the last word on the command line is the name of an existing file but
the second to last word is not, the program assumes that only one primary
kernel was given.
-- If both last two words are names of existing files, the program assumes
that it was given two primary kernel files
Due to the parsing approach described above, misspelling a primary
kernel name leads to the program deciding that it either runs with no
primary kernel files (if the last file name is misspelled) or that it
runs with one primary kernel instead of two (if the second to last file
name is misspelled). In either case, the misspelled file name(s) is(are)
treated as a part of the value of the command line option immediately
preceding it(them) causing the program to signal an error indicating an
incorrect option value.
On the other hand, if any of the options for specifying additional
kernel files (``-k'', ``-k1'', ``-k2'') followed by actual files names
is provided at the end of the command line (for the case of no primary
kernels) or immediately preceding the only primary file (for one primary
kernel case), the last one or the last two additional kernels are
mistakenly picked as the primary kernel(s). In this situation the
program usually signals an error indicating that orientation could not
be computed because insufficient data was loaded.
Additional Kernel Files
As for primary kernels, additional kernels can also be of any type --
CK, PCK, FK, SCLK, LSK or even SPK. Unlike primary kernels, additional
kernels are specified using the dedicated ``-k'', ``-k1'', and ``-k2''
keys. Any number of additional kernels can be provided using any of the
three keys, with kernel file names listed in any order, separated by
blanks. While in some rare cases no additional kernel files are
required, in most cases at least an LSK file and an SCLK file containing
time correlation data and an FK file containing frame definitions should
be specified using these keys. The additional kernels are used by the
program as follows:
-- All additional kernel files provided using the ``-k'' are loaded and used
for both ``from''-``to'' frame combinations.
-- All additional kernel files provided using ``-k1'' are loaded and used only
for the first ``from''-``to'' frame combination.
-- All additional kernel files provided using ``-k2'' are loaded and used only
for the second ``from''-``to'' frame combination.
Neither the combined set of additional kernel files given using
``-k''/``-k1'' nor the combined set of additional kernel files given
using ``-k''/``-k2'' can contain enough data to compute corresponding
orientations at any time in the time buffer without loading the
corresponding primary file(s). If they do, the program signals an error.
The two exceptions from this requirement are:
-- when no primary kernel files are specified the additional kernel files
given using ``-k''/``-k1'' and ``-k''/``-k2'' should contain enough data to
compute the corresponding orientations
-- when both ``from'' and ``to'' frames in one or both``from''-``to'' frame
pairs are built-in frames, the check for inability to compute orientations
without loading primary kernel files is skipped
Comparison Runs vs. Sampling Runs
The program automatically decides whether it should compare two
orientations or sample one orientation, based on the primary kernels
provided at the end of the command line, additional kernel files
provided using the ``-k1'' and ``-k2'' keys, and on the ``from'' and
``to'' frames specified on the command line using the ``-f1'', ``-t1'',
``-f2'', and ``-t2'' keys and/or determined from the primary kernel
To run the program in comparison mode, it is enough to satisfy any of
the following guidelines for specifying inputs that tell the program to
compute two different orientations:
-- provide two different primary kernels
-- provide two different sets of orientation-specific additional kernels using
``-k1'' and ``-k2''
-- specify two different ``from'' frames using ``-f1'' and ``-f2''
-- specify two different ``to'' frames using ``-t1'' and ``-t2''
To run the program in sampling mode, it is required to satisfy all of
the following guidelines telling the program to compute a single
-- provide only one primary kernel or no primary kernels
-- provide no orientation-specific additional kernels using ``-k1'' and
-- specify only one ``from'' frame using either ``-f1'' or ``-f2'' or no
``from'' frames
-- specify only one ``to'' frame using either ``-t1'' or ``-t2'' or no ``to''
There are only two cases when the program runs in sampling mode after
being given two primary kernels and/or two orientation-specific
additional kernel sets. These cases are:
-- When run with two primary kernel files, the program samples orientation
only if these kernel files are the same file and additional kernel files
provided using the ``-k1''/``-k2'' keys are the same files listed the same
order and ``from'' frames provided using the ``-f1''/``-f2'' keys or
determined automatically are the same and ``to'' frames provided using the
``-t1''/``-t2'' keys or determined automatically are the same.
-- When run with one primary kernel file or no primary kernel files but with
some orientation-specific additional kernels, the program will sample
orientation only if additional kernel files provided using the
``-k1''/``-k2'' keys are the same files listed in the same order and the
``from'' frames provided using the ``-f1''/``-f2'' keys or determined
automatically are the same frames and the ``to'' frames provided using the
``-t1''/``-t2'' keys or determined automatically are the same frames.
Runs with Two, One, and No Primary Kernel File(s)
The number and types of primary kernel files and the mode in which the
program is run (``comparing'' vs. ``sampling'') directly affect the
requirements in regards to which command line options must be provided,
approaches for determining default values for omitted options, and ways
in which kernels are loaded and orientations are computed. The three
subsections below discuss specifics of runs with two, one, and no
primary kernel files.
Runs with Two Primary Kernel Files
When two primary kernel files are provided on the command line:
-- All ``-*1'' and ``-*2'' options, and ``-b'' and ``-e'' options can be
omitted if one of the primary files (or both primary files) are a CK or a
binary PCK, for which defaults for these options can be picked from the
-- ``-f1'' or ``-f2'' or both, ``-t1'' or ``-t2'' or both, and sufficient
coverage information (e.g. a sufficient combination of ``-b'', ``-e'',
``-c1'', and ``-c2'') must be specified if neither of the primary files is
a CK or binary PCK because the program has no way of picking defaults for
the ``from'' frame(s), ``to'' frame(s), and time boundaries for any other
types of primary kernels.
-- If the program is run in comparison mode, the first primary file and the
additional kernel files given using ``-k'' and ``-k1'' are loaded and
orientations for the first default/specified ``from''-``to'' frame
combination are computed at times within the default/specified time window,
then the second primary file and the additional kernel files given using
``-k'' and ``-k2'' are loaded and orientations for the second
default/specified ``from''-``to'' frame combination are computed at the
same times within the default/specified time window, then the differences
between the corresponding orientations are computed and printed in the
specified format.
-- If the program is run in sampling mode, the first primary file and the
additional kernel files given using ``-k'' and ``-k1'' are loaded and
orientations for the first default/specified ``from''-``to'' frame
combination are computed at times within the default/specified time window
and printed in the specified format.
Runs with One Primary Kernel File
When one primary kernel file is provided on the command line:
-- All ``-*1'' and ``-*2'' options, and ``-b'' and ``-e'' options can be
omitted if the primary file is a CK or a binary PCK, for which defaults for
these options can be picked from the file.
-- ``-f1'' or ``-f2'' or both, ``-t1'' or ``-t2'' or both, and sufficient
coverage information (e.g. a sufficient combination of ``-b'', ``-e'',
``-c1'', and ``-c2'') must be specified if the primary file is not a CK or
a binary PCK because the program has no way of picking defaults for the
``from'' frame(s), ``to'' frame(s) and time boundaries for any other types
of primary kernels.
-- If the program is run in comparison mode, the primary file and the
additional kernel files given using ``-k'' and ``-k1'' are loaded and
orientations for the first ``from''-``to'' frame combination are computed
at times within the default/specified time window, then the primary file
and the additional kernel files given using ``-k'' and ``-k2'' are loaded
and orientations for the second ``from''-``to'' frame combination are
computed at the same times within the default/specified time window, then
the differences between corresponding orientations are computed and printed
in the specified format.
-- If the program is run in sampling mode, the primary file and the additional
kernel files given using ``-k'' and ``-k1'' are loaded and orientations for
the first ``from''-``to'' frame combination are computed at times within
the default/specified time window and then printed in the specified format.
Runs Without Primary Kernel Files
When no primary kernel files are specified on the command line:
-- ``-f1'' or ``-f2'' or both, ``-t1'' or ``-t2'' or both, and sufficient
coverage information (e.g. a sufficient combination of ``-b'', ``-e'',
``-c1'', and ``-c2'') must be specified because the program has no way of
picking defaults for the ``from'' frame(s), ``to'' frame(s), and time
boundaries when it is not given any primary kernel(s) to examine.
-- If the program is run in comparison mode, the additional kernel files given
using ``-k'' and ``-k1'' are loaded and orientations for the first
``from''-``to'' frame combination are computed at times within the
default/specified time window, then the additional kernel files given using
``-k'' and ``-k2'' are loaded and orientations for the second
``from''-``to'' frame combination are computed at the same times within the
default/specified time window, then the differences between corresponding
orientations are computed and printed in the specified format.
-- If the program is run in sampling mode, the additional kernel files given
using ``-k'' and ``-k1'' are loaded and orientations for the first
``from''-``to'' frame combination are computed at times within the
default/specified time window and then printed in the specified format.
``From'', ``To'', and ``Coverage'' Frames
The program has six command line keys -- ``-f1'', ``-t1'', ``-c1'',
``-f2'', ``-t2'', and ``-c2'' -- to specify frames to be used to compute
rotations (``-f*'' and ``-t*'' keys) and to determine coverage from
primary or additional CK or binary PCK files (``-c*'' keys). A single
frame can be specified using each of these keys using the frame name,
frame ID, or frame class ID (only for runs with primary kernel files
that are CKs or binary PCKs).
Whether the frame is specified by the name, ID, or class ID, it must be
known to SPICE, i.e. it must either be a built-in frame or one of the
frames defined in the FK file(s) provided as primary or additional
kernels. If the frame name, ID, or class ID specified on the command
line or picked from the primary file is not recognized after loading the
kernel files provided using ``-k''/``-k1'' and the first primary file
for the ``-*1'' frames, or provided using ``-k''/``-k2'' and the second
primary file for the ``-*2'' frames, the program signals an error.
Not all six frames have to be specified for every program run. In fact
in many cases only one, two, or even no frames can be given and the
program will set the rest to default values based on the other frames
that are provided and/or by examining the primary kernel files. The
three subsections below discuss specifying and picking defaults for the
``from'', ``to'', and ``coverage'' frames.
``From'' Frames
The following rules apply to specifying and picking defaults for the
``from'' frames:
-- If both ``-f1'' and ``-f2'' are specified, orientations are computed with
respect to these ``from'' frames.
-- If only ``-f1'' or only ``-f2'' is specified, the specified ``from'' frame
is used for both ``from'' frames.
-- If neither ``-f1'' nor ``-f2'' is specified and only one of the primary
kernel files is a CK or a binary PCK, the ``from'' frame from the last
segment of this CK or PCK file is used for both ``from'' frames.
-- If neither ``-f1'' nor ``-f2'' is specified and both primary kernel files
are CKs or binary PCKs, the ``from'' frame from the last segment of the
first primary CK or PCK file is used for both ``from'' frames.
-- If neither ``-f1'' nor ``-f2'' is specified and no primary files are given
or neither of the primary files is a CK or binary PCK, the program signals
an error.
``To'' Frames
The following rules apply to specifying and picking defaults for the
``to'' frames:
-- If ``-t1'' and ``-t2'' are specified, orientations are computed for these
``to'' frames.
-- If only ``-t1'' or only ``-t2'' is specified, the specified ``to'' frame is
used for both ``to'' frames.
-- If neither ``-t1'' nor ``-t2'' is specified and only one of the primary
kernel files is a CK or a binary PCK, the frame from the last segment of
this CK or PCK is used for both ``to'' frames.
-- If neither ``-t1'' nor ``-t2'' is specified and both primary kernel files
are CKs or binary PCKs, the frame from the last segment of the first CK or
PCK is used for both ``to'' frames.
-- If neither ``-t1'' nor ``-t2'' is specified and no primary files are given
or neither of the primary files is a CK or binary PCK, the program signals
an error.
``Coverage'' Frames
The following rules apply to specifying and picking defaults for the
``coverage'' frames:
-- Only PCK-based (Class 2) or CK-based (Class 3) frames can be specified
using ``-c1'' and ``-c2''. Specifying frames of any other class using these
keys is an error.
-- If ``-c1'' is not specified and the first ``to'' frame is a PCK-based
(Class 2) or CK-based (Class 3) specified using ``-t1'' or picked by
default, the first ``coverage'' frame is set to the first ``to'' frame.
Similarly, if ``-c2'' is not specified and the second ``to'' frame is a
PCK-based (Class 2) or CK-based (Class 3) specified using ``-t2'' or picked
by default, the second ``coverage'' frame is set to the second ``to''
-- If ``-c1'' is specified or set by default to the first ``to'' frame, and
the first (or only) primary kernel is a CK or binary PCK file containing
data for this frame, then this frame is used to look up the first coverage
window from this primary file. Similarly, if ``-c2'' is specified or set by
default to the second ``to'' frame, and the second (or only) primary kernel
is a CK or binary PCK file containing data for this frame, then this frame
is used to look up the second coverage window from this primary file.
-- If ``-c1'' is specified and the first (or only) primary kernel is a CK or
binary PCK file that does not contains data for this frame, then the
program signals an error. Similarly, if ``-c2'' is specified and the second
(or only) primary kernel is a CK or binary PCK file that does not contains
data for this frame, then the program signals an error.
-- If ``-c1'' is set by default to the first ``to'' frame and the first (or
only) primary kernel is a CK or binary PCK file that does not contains data
for this frame, then the program does not attempt to determine the first
coverage window for this frame based on the primary or additional kernels.
Similarly, if ``-c2'' is set by default to the second ``to'' frame and the
second (or only) primary kernel is a CK or binary PCK file that does not
contains data for this frame, then the program does not attempt to
determine the second coverage window for this frame based on the primary or
additional kernels.
-- If ``-c1'' is specified or set by default to the first ``to'' frame, and
the first (or only) primary kernel is not a CK or binary PCK file, then
this frame is used to look up the first coverage window from the kernels
specified using ``-k'' and ``-k1''. Similarly, if ``-c2'' is specified or
set by default to the second ``to'' frame, and the second (or only) primary
kernel is not a CK or binary PCK file, then this frame is used to look up
the second coverage window from the kernels specified using ``-k'' and
-- If ``-c1'' is specified or set by default to the first ``to'' frame and no
primary kernels are given, then this frame is used to look up the first
coverage window from the kernels specified using ``-k'' and ``-k1''.
Similarly, if ``-c2'' is specified or set by default to the second ``to''
frame, and no primary kernels are given, then this frame is used to look up
the second coverage window from the kernels specified using ``-k'' and
Times for Comparison/Sampling
The program picks times at which orientation(s) are computed based on
the coverage window determined by examining the primary or additional
files(s) and/or specified using the ``-b'' and ``-e'' keys, and on
either the number of points within that window specified using the
``-n'' key or the time step specified using the ``-s'' key''.
The coverage window begin and end times specified using the ``-b'' and
``-e'' options can be in any format accepted by SPICE's cspice_str2et
function (see cspice_str2et header for details). If one or both of these
times are provided, an LSK file must be provided as one of the
additional or primary kernels.
The number of points specified using the ``-n'' key must be an integer
between 1 to 1,000,000 while the step specified using the ``-s'' key
must be in seconds and be greater than 1.0E-8. If both ``-n'' and ``-s''
are specified, ``-s'' takes precedence.
The coverage window determined by examining the primary or additional
kernels -- especially if these kernels are CK files, which frequently
have gaps in coverage -- may consist of many intervals, some of which
may be singletons (with the interval begin time equal to the interval
end time). Whether the coverage window consists of only one interval or
of many intervals, the program computes times within the window in such
a way that the interval ends are always included in the set of points.
The rest of times are distributed within the intervals, stepping from
the beginning of each interval with the specified step. If the number of
points is given instead of the step, the step is computed using the
measure of the coverage window (the sum of the lengths of the individual
intervals) and the specified number of points.
Not all of the keys controlling selection of points have to be specified
for every program run. In some cases none of these options are required;
in the other cases ``-b'', ``-e'', ``-c1'', and/or ``-c2'' must be
specified. The two subsections below discuss specifics of providing and
picking defaults for the coverage window and step or number of points.
Coverage Window
The program determines the coverage window either by examining the
primary or additional kernels (resulting in the ``default coverage
window''), or by using the begin and end times specified using the
``-b'' and ``-e'' keys, or as a combination of both.
The default coverage window can be determined only from the primary or
additional kernel files that are binary PCK files (using SPICE's
cspice_pckcov function) or CK files (using SPICE's cspice_ckcov
function) and only if these kernels contain data for the ``coverage''
frames either specified using the ``-c1''/``-c2'' keys or set to default
values as described earlier in this document. When both ``coverage''
frames are specified or set to default values, the program determines
the frame-specific coverage window for each of them using the
corresponding primary or additional kernels and sets the default
coverage window to the intersection of these two frame-specific coverage
windows. When only one ``coverage'' frame is specified or set to the
default value, the program determines the frame-specific coverage window
for that frame using corresponding primary or additional kernels and
sets the default coverage window to that frame-specific coverage window.
In cases when a frame-specific coverage window is obtained from the
corresponding primary kernel, the program examines only that primary
kernel to construct the desired frame-specific coverage window. In cases
when a frame-specific coverage window is obtained from additional
kernels, the program examines all kernels of a particular type -- all
CKs if the ``coverage'' frame is a CK-based frame or all binary PCKs if
the ``coverage'' frame is a PCK-based frame -- listed explicitly with
the ``-k''/``-k1'' or ``-k''/``-k2'' keys or included in meta-kernels
provided with these keys and constructs the frame-specific coverage
window as the union of coverages obtained from individual additional
When the program determines the coverage window for a CK file it
slightly contracts the actual coverage window given by the CK data to
compensate for roundoff occuring in SCLK-ET time conversions. The
contraction is done by adjusting inward the window interval boundary
times by three times the amout of maximum roundoff that was determined
by converting all boundary times from SCLK to ET then back to SCLK. This
adjustment is done to ensure that the program is able to compute
orientation at any time within the comparison or sampling time domain
using the high level SPICE frames routines (cspice_pxform and
cspice_sxform). While this contraction does not have any noticable
effect when the program is run with CKs containing continuous data, it
makes the program unuseable with CKs containing disrete data -- Type 1
CKs and Type 3 CKs with singleton intervals -- because such contraction
eliminates all singleton intervals corresponding to the discrete time
point from the comparison window. The error messages that the program
would display in such cases say that CK files do not provide any
roundoff-adjusted coverage for a particular CK-based frame. An exception
to this limitation is the rare ciscumstance when SCLK-ET time
conversions have no round off; in such cases the program will work on
CKs containing discrete data.
If the default coverage window was determined from primary or additional
kernel file(s) and either ``-b'' or ``-e'', or both ``-b'' and ``-e''
were specified, it is truncated according to these begin and end times.
If the time specified using ``-b'' is before the start of the default
window, this time is ignored. If the time specified using ``-b'' is
after the end of the default coverage window, the program signals an
error. If the time specified using ``-e'' is after the end of the
default window, this time is ignored. If the time specified using ``-e''
is before the start of the default coverage window, the program signals
an error.
If no ``coverage'' frames are specified or set by default, or if one or
both ``coverage'' frames are given but corresponding primary or
additional kernels don't contain any data for them, both the coverage
window begin time and the coverage window end time must be specified
using the ``-b'' and ``-e'' keys because the program has no way to
determining the default coverage window. If either ``-b'' or ``-e'' is
not provided in such cases, the program signals an error.
Times within Coverage Window
The program picks times within the coverage window based on the number
of points specified using the ``-n'' key or the time step specified
using the ``-s'' key''.
When neither the number of points is specified using ``-n'' nor the step
is specified using ``-s'', the number of points is set to a default
value determined by examining the coverage window. If the total number
of endpoints -- 2 for each non-singleton interval, 1 for each singleton
interval -- for all intervals in the coverage window is greater than
1000, the number of points is set to the number of endpoints and the
step is not computed. Otherwise it is set to 1000 or a number less than
but close to 1000 (the actual number is determined at run-time based on
the lengths of the intervals) and the step is computed by dividing the
measure of the coverage window by the number of points minus the number
of endpoints.
When the number of points is specified using ``-n'' but this number is
less than the number of the coverage window interval endpoints, the
value given using ``-n'' is ignored and the number of points is set to
the number of interval endpoints and the step is not computed. Otherwise
the number of points is set to the value provided using ``-n'' or a
number less than but close to this value (the actual number is
determined at run time based on the lengths of the intervals) and the
step is computed by dividing the measure of the coverage window by the
number of points minus the number of endpoints.
When step is specified using ``-s'', the number of points is computed by
adding the number of interval endpoints to the total of the numbers of
points that can fit within each non-singleton interval when it's stepped
through with this step. If the resultant number of points is greater
than 1,000,000, the program signals an error.
Whether the step was provided or computed using the provided or default
number of points, the set of times at which orientation is computed
includes all interval ends -- 2 for each non-singleton interval, 1 for
each singleton interval -- plus additional points computed by stepping
with this step within each non-singleton interval starting from the
interval start time. The last point within each non-singleton interval
is computed such that it always lies inside the 1.5*step to 0.5*step
range off the interval end.
Care should be taken when picking the step using ``-s'' or specifying
the number of points using ``-n''. Picking a very small step for a large
time window, or very many points for any window, leads to very long run
times. In some cases the number of points computed using the step may
even be greater that 1,000,000, preventing the program from running
because its buffers are not large enough to deal with so many points. On
the other hand, picking a large step or too few points prevents the
program from doing a thorough comparison.
Angular Velocities
The ``-a'' key is used to tell the program to compute angular velocities
in addition to orientations. When the value provided using ``-a'' is
``yes'', the program computes angular velocities and reports them or
their differences along with the orientation or orientation differences.
If the key is omitted or set to ``no'', the program does not compute
angular velocities. For any value other than ``yes'' or ``no'' the
program reports an error.
If the program samples or compares angular velocities (``-a yes''), the
``-m'' key is used to specify whether they or their differences should
be reported in the ``from'' frame(s) or the ``to'' frame(s). When the
value provided using the ``-m'' key is ``to'', the program reports
angular velocities or their differences in the ``to'' frames. If the key
is omitted or set to ``from'', the program reports angular velocities or
their differences in the ``from'' frames. For any value other than
``to'' or ``from'' the program reports an error.
In order for the program to compute angular velocities the data provided
to it must support this computation. This is not an issue for any frames
except for CK-based frames. Therefore, when using CK files, whether as
primary or as additional kernels, it's important to make sure that these
CKs include angular velocities before requesting the program to compute
angular velocities.
In a successful run the program prints to the screen a report consisting
of the report header and report data. The report header provides the
complete information about kernels and control parameters used by the
program. The report data provides information about the orientation and
angular velocity differences (for comparison runs) or orientations and
angular velocities (for sampling reports) in a variety of ways, called
report types. The algorithms used to compute orientations and angular
velocities and their differences and to convert them to various
representations used in the reports are shown in ``Appendix 1''.
Overview of Report Types
The report data can be of one of the following types depending on the
value provided using the ``-t'' key:
the basic report including only the maximum and the average rotation
angle difference (for comparison runs) or rotation angle (for sampling
runs) and, if requested, the maximum and the average angular velocity
magnitude difference (for comparison runs) or angular velocity
magnitude (for sampling runs). This is the default report displayed
when ``-t'' is omitted.
the statistics report including a small set of statistical information
on the difference between two frame orientations (for comparison runs)
or statistics on a single orientation (for sampling runs). In addition
to the items from the basic report (maximums and averages), this report
includes RMS of the rotation angle difference/angle and angular
velocity difference/angular velocity and the times when the maximum
value of the rotation angle difference/angle and the angular velocity
difference/angular velocity were found.
the angle and axis dump report containing a table listing the
orientation difference (for comparison runs) or orientation (for
sampling runs) expressed as the rotation angle and axis and, if
requested, the components and the magnitude of the angular velocity
difference (for comparison runs) or angular velocity (for sampling
runs), along with the time, for each of the times at which the
orientations were computed.
the matrix dump report containing a table listing the orientation
difference (for comparison runs) or orientation (for sampling runs)
expressed as a 3x3 rotation matrix and, if requested, the components of
the angular velocity difference (for comparison runs) or angular
velocity (for sampling runs), along with the time, for each of the
times at which the orientations were computed.
the SPICE-style quaternion dump report containing a table listing the
orientation difference (for comparison runs) or orientation (for
sampling runs) expressed as a SPICE-style quaternion and, if requested,
the components of the angular velocity difference (for comparison runs)
or angular velocity (for sampling runs), along with the time, for each
of the times at which the orientations were computed.
produces the ``other''-style quaternion dump report containing a table
listing the orientation difference (for comparison runs) or orientation
(for sampling runs) expressed as SPICE-style quaternion and, if
requested, the components of the angular velocity difference (for
comparison runs) or angular velocity (for sampling runs), along with
the time, for each of the times at which the orientations were
the Euler angle dump report containing a table listing the orientation
difference (for comparison runs) or orientation (for sampling runs)
expressed as three Euler angles and, if requested, the components of
the angular velocity difference (for comparison runs) or angular
velocity (for sampling runs), along with the time, for each of the
times at which the orientations were computed.
the coverage intervals dump report containing a table listing the start
and stop times and durations for the intervals inside the coverage
window, during which orientation(s) can be computed.
the coverage gaps dump report containing a table listing the start and
stop times and duration for the gaps inside the coverage window, during
which orientation(s) cannot be computed.
The ``basic'' and ``stats'' report are useful for quick assessment of
whether and by how much two frame transformations differ (for comparison
runs) or of the maximum/average magnitude of one frame transformation
(for sampling runs). The ``dumpaa'', ``dumpm'', ``dumpqs'', ``dumpqo'',
and ``dumpea'' are useful to capture detailed information about
differences of two transformations (in comparison runs) or information
about a single transformation (for sampling runs) in various formats as
a function of time, for analysis or use in other applications. The
``dumpc'' and ``dumpg'' reports are useful for CK or binary PCK coverage
overlap analysis.
All reports have rigid formats. The only items in the reports that can
be altered by command line options are:
-- the format of time tags in all ``dump*'' reports; the time format is
changed using the ``-f'' key
-- the number of significant digits in the output numeric times (TDB seconds
past J2000, decimal SCLKs and encoded SCLK ticks) and rotation component
values or rotation difference component values included in all ``dump*''
reports; the number of significant digits is changed using the ``-d'' key
-- units for the angles in the dump reports that include angles (``dumpaa''
and ``dumpea''); the units are changed using the ``-x'' key
-- the order of rotations in the Euler angles dump report (``dumpea''); the
order is changed using the ``-o'' key
-- absence or presence of angular velocities in all non-coverage related dump
reports (``dumpaa'', ``dumpm'', ``dumpqs'', ``dumpqo'', and ``dumpea'');
whether angular velocities are included or not is controlled by the ``-a''
key as discussed earlier in this document.
Time Tag Format for ``dump*'' Reports
The format of the time tags in the ``dump*'' reports is controlled using
the ``-f'' key. The following values can be provided using ``-f'':
to display times as TDB seconds past J2000 (default format when ``-f''
is omitted)
to display times as string SCLKs
to display times as decimal SCLKs
to display times as encoded SCLK ticks
a time format picture acceptable for cspice_timout function. For
JULIAND.######### ::TDB for Julian day TDB
When one of the SCLK formats (``sclk'', ``sclkd'', ``ticks'') is
specified, TDB times used internally by the program are converted to
SCLK times using the SCLK ID associated with one of the ``to'' or
``coverage'' CK-based frames in the following priority order (from
highest to lowest): first ``to'' frame, first ``coverage'' frame, second
``to'' frame, second ``coverage'' frame. If neither of the ``to'' or
``coverage'' frames is a CK frame, the program signals an error.
When decimal SCLK tags are requested, the SCLK string returned by
SPICE's cspice_sce2s function is converted to ``decimal'' SCLK by
stripping off the partition, using the left field as the integer part
and converting the rest of the fields to the decimal fraction of the
left field using the SCLK field values from the string SCLK and SCLK
moduli and offsets from the SCLK kernel file. For example, the SCLK
string ``1/883612839.255'' that has seconds in the left field and a
count of ticks having duration of 1/256 of a second in the right field
is converted to this DP SCLK 883612839.996094. This conversion is
supported only for type 1 clocks.
When one of the numeric formats (``et'', ``sclkd'', ``ticks'') is
specified, times are displayed in the scientific format with 14
significant digits (e.g. +1.2345678901234E+01), unless ``-d'' is used to
specify a different number of significant digits.
``-f'' does not apply to times in the report header and the statistics
report, in which the times are always displayed as TDBs in calendar and
seconds past J2000 numeric (in scientific format with 14 significant
digits) formats.
Numeric Format for ``dump*'' Reports
The default format of numeric time tags (TDB seconds past J2000, decimal
SCLKs and encoded SCLK ticks), rotation and angular velocity component
values, and rotation and angular velocity difference component values in
all ``dump*'' reports is the scientific format with 14 significant
digits (e.g. +1.2345678901234E+01). A different number of significant
digits can be specified using the ``-d'' option as an integer in the
range from 6 to 17. If specified, the number of significant digits is
used for all numeric items in the ``dump*'' report data part (table) but
is not used for any numbers in the table header or in the data part of
the non-``dump*'' (``basic'' and ``stats'') reports.
The default format, with 14 significant digits, is usually adequate for
output from all comparison runs and from all sampling runs that are
intended to produce tables of rotations or rotation differences for
plotting but, due to round off, it may not be adequate for sampling runs
that are intended to generate tables of quaternions, angles, or matrices
for subsequent interpolation or packaging into CK files. For such
outputs the number of significant digits should be increased to 16 -- if
output rotations are planned to be packaged into an CK file using the
MSOPCK program that employs a custom parser to ingest input numeric data
-- or 17 -- if output rotations will read by an application that uses
language-native means to parse input numeric data.
Angle Units for ``dumpaa'' and ``dumpea'' Reports
The angles in the ``dumpaa'' and ``dumpea'' reports can be displayed
using one of the following units depending on the value provided using
the ``-x'' key:
radians (default)
``-f'' applies neither to the angles in the basic and statistics reports
(in which the angles are always displayed in radians) nor to angular
velocities in any reports (which are always displayed in radians per
Report Header
The top portion of each report generated by the program is occupied by
the report header providing complete information about the kernels and
control parameters used by the program. The format and the set of
information provided in the report header depends on
-- the type of run (comparison vs. sampling)
-- the type of report (data dump, coverage dump, etc.)
-- the set of kernels that were provided
-- whether angular velocities were computed
-- and various miscellaneous control parameters.
All lines in the report header have
as the first character. This allows common plotting programs, such as
GNUPLOT, to skip these header lines when plotting the ``dump''-type
reports generated by the program.
Report Header for Comparing Two Orientations
For runs comparing two orientations the report header has the following
format (the line numbers given on the left are not present in the actual
report; they are provided for referencing purposes only):
1 #
2 # Comparison of N rotations
3 #
4 # from 'FROM1NAME' (FROM1ID) to 'TO1NAME' (TO1ID)
5 # computed using
6 #
8 # -K1/KERNEL1 -K1/KERNEL2 ... -K1/KERNELm
10 #
11 # with N rotations
12 #
13 # from 'FROM2NAME' (FROM2ID) to 'TO2NAME' (TO2ID)
14 # computed using
15 #
17 # -K2/KERNEL1 -K2/KERNEL2 ... -K2/KERNELm
19 #
20 # with a S second (DDDAYS:HR:MN:SC.MSECND) step size
21 # within the continuous time period
22 #
23 # from 'YYYY MON DD HR:MN:SC.### TDB' (SSS.###### TDB seconds)
24 # to 'YYYY MON DD HR:MN:SC.### TDB' (SSS.###### TDB seconds)
25 #
26 # including differences in AVs relative to the FRAME frames.
27 #
29 #
-- on lines 2 and 11 ``N'' is replaced with the actual number of comparison
-- on lines 4 and 13 ``FROM1NAME'', ``FROM1ID'', ``TO1NAME'', ``TO1ID'',
``FROM2NAME'', ``FROM2ID'', ``TO2NAME'', and ``TO2ID'' are replaced with
the actual names/IDs used to compute transformations for comparison
-- lines 7, 8, 9, 16, 17, and 18 contain lists of additional kernels provided
using the ``-k'', ``-k1'', and ``-k2'' keys and primary kernels provided at
the end of the command line, listed in the order in which they were loaded
by the program. These lines are present only when corresponding kernel
files are given on the command line.
-- on line 20 the actual step replaces ``S'' and ``DDDAYS:HR:MN:SC.MSECND''
(step expressed as days, hours, minutes, seconds). If transformations are
computed only at the interval endpoints, the whole line is replaced with
the following string: ``at continuous coverage intervals' endpoints''
-- line 21 has the form shown above when there are no gaps in coverage window.
Otherwise the whole line is replaced with the following string: ``within
the non-continuous (with M gaps) time period'' where ``M'' is replaced with
the actual number of gaps.
-- on lines 23 and 24 times are replaced with the first and last times from
the set of times for which the comparison was made.
-- lines 26 and 27 are displayed only when angular velocities are compared.
The FRAME is set to ``from'' or ``to'' depending on the frame in which the
angular velocity difference is reported.
-- line 28 and 29 are displayed for all report types except ``basic'' and
``stats''. Depending on the output time type specified using the ``-f'' key
TIMESPEC is replaced with one of the following strings:
-f et ``Times are TDB seconds past J2000.''
-f sclk ``Times are SCLKs computed using SCLK
ID <nnn>.''
-f sclkd ``Times are decimal SCLKs computed using
SCLK ID <nnn>.''
-f ticks ``Times are SCLK ticks computed using
SCLK ID <nnn>.''
-f PICTURE ``Times were generated by TIMOUT using
'<format>' format.''
where ``nnn'' is replaced with the SCLK ID used to convert TDB to SCLK.
Report Header for Coverage/Gaps for Two Orientations
For runs displaying coverage or gaps in coverage for two orientations
the report header has the following format (the line numbers given on
the left are not present in the actual report; they are provided only
for referencing purposes):
1 #
2 # Coverage overlap for rotation
3 #
4 # from 'FROM1NAME' (FROM1ID) to 'TO1NAME' (TO1ID)
5 # computed using
6 #
8 # -K1/KERNEL1 -K1/KERNEL2 ... -K1/KERNELm
10 #
11 # and rotation
12 #
13 # from 'FROM2NAME' (FROM2ID) to 'TO2NAME' (TO2ID)
14 # computed using
15 #
17 # -K2/KERNEL1 -K2/KERNEL2 ... -K2/KERNELm
19 #
20 # with a S second (DDDAYS:HR:MN:SC.MSECND) step size
21 # within the continuous time period
22 #
23 # from 'YYYY MON DD HR:MN:SC.### TDB' (SSS.###### TDB seconds)
24 # to 'YYYY MON DD HR:MN:SC.### TDB' (SSS.###### TDB seconds)
25 #
27 #
-- on lines 4 and 13 ``FROM1NAME'', ``FROM1ID'', ``TO1NAME'', ``TO1ID'',
``FROM2NAME'', ``FROM2ID'', ``TO2NAME'', and ``TO2ID'' are replaced with
the actual names/IDs used to compute transformations for comparison
-- lines 7, 8, 9, 16, 17, and 18 contain lists of additional kernels provided
using the ``-k'', ``-k1'', and ``-k2'' keys and primary kernels provided at
the end of the command line, listed in the order in which they were loaded
by the program. These lines are present only when corresponding kernel
files are given on the command line.
-- on line 20 the actual step replaces ``S'' and ``DDDAYS:HR:MN:SC.MSECND''
(step expressed as days, hours, minutes, seconds). If transformation is
computed only at the interval endpoints, the whole line is replaced with
the following string: ``at continuous coverage intervals' endpoints''.
-- line 21 has the form shown above when there are no gaps in the coverage
window. Otherwise the whole line is replaced with the following string:
``within the non-continuous (with M gaps) time period'' where ``M'' is
replaced with the actual number of gaps.
-- on lines 23 and 24 times are replaced with the first and last times from
the set of times for which the comparison was made.
-- on line 26, depending on the output time type specified using the ``-f''
key, ``TIMESPEC'' is replaced with one of the following strings:
-f et ``Times are TDB seconds past J2000.''
-f sclk ``Times are SCLKs computed using SCLK
ID <nnn>.''
-f sclkd ``Times are decimal SCLKs computed using
SCLK ID <nnn>.''
-f ticks ``Times are SCLK ticks computed using
SCLK ID <nnn>.''
-f PICTURE ``Times were generated by TIMOUT using
'<format>' format.''
where ``nnn'' is replaced with the SCLK ID used to convert TDB to SCLK.
Report Header for Sampling an Orientation
For runs sampling an orientation the report header has the following
format (the line numbers given on the left are not present in the actual
report; they are provided for referencing purposes only):
1 #
2 # Sampling of N rotations
3 #
5 # computed using
6 #
8 # -K1/KERNEL1 -K1/KERNEL2 ... -K1/KERNELm
10 #
11 # with a S second (DDDAYS:HR:MN:SC.MSECND) step size
12 # within the continuous time period
13 #
14 # from 'YYYY MON DD HR:MN:SC.### TDB' (SSS.###### TDB seconds)
15 # to 'YYYY MON DD HR:MN:SC.### TDB' (SSS.###### TDB seconds)
16 #
17 # including angular velocities relative to the FRAME frame.
18 #
20 #
-- on line 2 ``N'' is replaced with the actual number of comparison points
-- on line 4 ``FROMNAME'', ``FROMID'', ``TONAME'', and ``TOID'' are replaced
with the actual names/IDs used to compute transformations
-- lines 7, 8, and 9 contain lists of additional kernels provided using ``-k''
and ``-k1'' (or ``-k2'') keys and the primary kernel provided at the end of
the command line, listed in the order in which they were loaded by the
program. These lines are present only when the corresponding kernel files
are given on the command line.
-- on line 11 the actual step replaces ``S'' and ``DDDAYS:HR:MN:SC.MSECND''
(step expressed as days, hours, minutes, seconds). If transformation is
computed only at the interval endpoints, the whole line is replaced with
the following string: ``at continuous coverage intervals' endpoints''
-- line 12 has the form shown above when there are no gaps in the coverage
window. Otherwise the whole line is replaced with the following string:
``within the non-continuous (with M gaps) time period'' where ``M'' is
replaced with the actual number of gaps.
-- on lines 14 and 15 times are replaced with the first and last times from
the set of times for which transformation was computed.
-- lines 17 and 18 are displayed only when angular velocities are computed.
The FRAME is set to ``from'' or ``to'' depending on the frame in which the
angular velocity is reported.
-- line 19 and 20 are displayed for all report types except ``basic'' and
``stats''. Depending on the output time type specified using the ``-f'' key
TIMESPEC is replaced with one of the following strings:
-f et ``Times are TDB seconds past J2000.''
-f sclk ``Times are SCLKs computed using SCLK
ID <nnn>.''
-f sclkd ``Times are decimal SCLKs computed using
SCLK ID <nnn>.''
-f ticks ``Times are SCLK ticks computed using
SCLK ID <nnn>.''
-f PICTURE ``Times were generated by TIMOUT using
'<format>' format.''
where ``nnn'' is replaced with the SCLK ID used to convert TDB to SCLK.
Report Header for Coverage/Gaps for An Orientation
For runs displaying coverage or gaps in coverage for an orientation the
report header has the following format (the line numbers given on the
left are not present in the actual report; they are provided for
referencing purposes only):
1 #
2 # Coverage for rotation
3 #
5 # computed using
6 #
8 # -K1/KERNEL1 -K1/KERNEL2 ... -K1/KERNELm
10 #
11 # with a S second (DDDAYS:HR:MN:SC.MSECND) step size
12 # within the continuous time period
13 #
14 # from 'YYYY MON DD HR:MN:SC.### TDB' (SSS.###### TDB seconds)
15 # to 'YYYY MON DD HR:MN:SC.### TDB' (SSS.###### TDB seconds)
16 #
18 #
-- on line 4 ``FROMNAME'', ``FROMID'', ``TONAME'', and ``TOID'' are replaced
with the actual names/IDs used to compute transformations.
-- lines 7, 8, and 9 contain lists of additional kernels provided using the
``-k'' and ``-k1'' (or ``-k2'') keys and the primary kernel provided at the
end of the command line, listed in the order in which they were loaded by
the program. These lines are present only when the corresponding the kernel
files are given on the command line.
-- on line 11 the actual step replaces ``S'' and ``DDDAYS:HR:MN:SC.MSECND''
(step expressed as days, hours, minutes, seconds). If transformation is
computed only at the interval endpoints, the whole line is replaced with
the following string: ``at continuous coverage intervals' endpoints''
-- line 12 has the form shown above when there are no gaps in the coverage
window. Otherwise the whole line is replaced with the following string:
``within the non-continuous (with M gaps) time period'' where ``M'' is
replaced with the actual number of gaps.
-- on lines 14 and 15 times are replaced with the first and last times from
the set of times for which transformation was computed.
-- on line 17, depending on the output time type specified using the ``-f''
key TIMESPEC is replaced with one of the following strings:
-f et ``Times are TDB seconds past J2000.''
-f sclk ``Times are SCLKs computed using SCLK
ID <nnn>.''
-f sclkd ``Times are decimal SCLKs computed using
SCLK ID <nnn>.''
-f ticks ``Times are SCLK ticks computed using
SCLK ID <nnn>.''
-f PICTURE ``Times were generated by TIMOUT using
'<format>' format.''
where ``nnn'' is replaced with the SCLK ID used to convert TDB to SCLK.
Report Formats
Basic Report (no ``-t'' or ``-t basic'')
The basic report indicates if the two frame transformations are
different, or if a single transformation is a non-zero transformation,
by displaying only the maximum and the average rotation angle difference
(for comparison runs) or rotation angle (for sampling runs) and, if
requested using the ``-a'' key, the maximum and the average angular
velocity magnitude difference (for comparison runs) or angular velocity
magnitude (for sampling runs).
The basic report has the following format:
Absolute difference magnitudes:
maximum average
Angular Velocity (rad/s): MAX_RATE AVERAGE_RATE
maximum and average rotation angle difference (for comparison runs) or
angle (for sampling runs) and angular velocity difference (for comparison
runs) or angular velocity magnitude (for sampling runs) determined for the
set of frame transformation differences or frame transformations computed
by the program within the coverage window.
-- The word ``difference'' is omitted from the ``Absolute difference
magnitudes:'' line when the program is run in sampling mode.
-- The line ``Angular Velocity ...'' is omitted when AVs are not
compared/sampled (no ``-a'' or ``-a no'').
-- All ``*ANGLE'' and ``*RATE'' values are printed in the
``x.xxxxxxxxxxxxxE+xx'' format.
-- All ``*ANGLE'' values are always printed in radians (i.e. units specified
using the ``-x'' key have no effect on the values in this report).
-- All ``*RATE'' values are always printed in radians per second.
-- Neither the custom time format specified using ``-f'' nor the number of
significant digits specified using ``-d'' apply to this report.
Statistics Report (``-t stats'')
The statistics report provides a small set of statistical information on
the difference of two frame transformations (for comparison runs) or a
single transformation (for sampling runs). It includes the same items as
the basic report (maximums and averages) plus a few additional
parameters such as RMS of the rotation angle difference/angle and
angular velocity difference/angular velocity and the times when the
maximum value of the rotation angle difference/angle and angular
velocity difference/angular velocity were found.
The statistics report has the following format:
1) Average difference
1a) Rotation (rad): AVERAGE_ANGLE
1b) Angular velocity (rad/s): AVERAGE_RATE
2) RMS of difference
2a) Rotation (rad): RMS_OF_ANGLE
2b) Angular velocity (rad/s): RMS_OF_RATE
3) Maximum rotation difference
3a) Rotation (rad): MAX_ANGLE
3b) Epoch (TDB, seconds past J2000): TDB_SECONDS
3c) Epoch (TDB, calendar format): YYYY-MON-DD-HR:MN:SC.MMM
4) Maximum angular velocity difference
4a) Angular velocity (rad/s): MAX_RATE
4b) Epoch (TDB, seconds past J2000): TDB_SECONDS
4c) Epoch (TDB, calendar format): YYYY-MON-DD-HR:MN:SC.MMM
``AVERAGE_RATE'', ``RMS_OF_RATE'' are the maximum, average, and RMS of
rotation angle difference (for comparison runs) or angle (for sampling
runs) and angular velocity difference (for comparison runs) or angular
velocity magnitude (for sampling runs) determined for the set of frame
transformation differences or frame transformations computed by the program
within the coverage window. ``TDB_SECONDS'' and
``YYYY-MON-DD-HR:MN:SC.MMM'' are the times, as TDB seconds past J2000 and
TDB in calendar date format, when the maximums were found.
-- The word ``difference'' is omitted from the lines starting with ``1)'',
``2)'', ``3)'', and ``4)'' when the program is run in sampling mode.
-- All lines pertaining to angular velocity are omitted when AVs are not
compared/sampled (no ``-a'' or ``-a no'').
-- All ``*ANGLE'' and ``*RATE'' values are printed in ``x.xxxxxxxxxxxxxE+xx''
-- All ``*ANGLE'' values are always printed in radians (i.e. units specified
using the ``-x'' key have no effect on the values in this report).
-- All ``*RATE'' values are always printed in radians per second.
-- ``TDB_SECONDS'' are printed in the ``xxxxxxxxxx.xxxxxx'' format.
-- Neither the custom time format specified using ``-f'' nor the number of
significant digits specified using ``-d'' apply to this report.
Angle and Axis Dump Report (``-t dumpaa'')
The angle and axis dump report displays the orientation difference (for
comparison runs) or orientation (for sampling runs) expressed as the
rotation angle and axis and, if requested using the ``-a'' key, the
components and the magnitude of the angular velocity difference (for
comparison runs) or angular velocity (for sampling runs), along with the
time, for each of the times at which the frame transformations were
computed. The angle is displayed in units specified using the ``-x'' key
-- ``radians'' (default), ``degrees'', ``arcminutes'', ``arcseconds'',
``hourangle'', ``minuteangle'', or ``secondangle''. The time tags are
displayed in the format specified using the ``-f'' key, discussed
earlier in this document.
The angle and axis dump report has the following format:
# angle is shown in UNITS.
# time, angle, axis_x, axis_y, axis_z, av_x, av_y, av_z, av_magnitude
-- Items on each data line are separated by spaces.
-- All items except TIME are printed in the ``+x.xxxxxxxxxxxxxE+xx'' format,
either with the default 14 significant digits or with the number of
significant digits specified using the ``-d'' option. TIME is displayed in
the format specified using the ``-f'' key.
-- The ANGLE is displayed in units specified using the ``-x'' key. The AV
components and magnitude are always displayed in radians per second.
-- The AV difference/AV components and the corresponding labels in the table
header line are omitted when AVs are not compared/sampled (no ``-a'' or
``-a no'').
-- UNITS is replaced with the units used to display the angles.
Matrix Dump Report (``-t dumpm'')
The matrix dump report displays the orientation difference (for
comparison runs) or orientation (for sampling runs) expressed as a 3x3
rotation matrix and, if requested using the ``-a'' key, the components
of the angular velocity difference (for comparison runs) or angular
velocity (for sampling runs), along with the time, for each of the times
at which the frame transformations were computed. The time tags are
displayed in the format specified using the ``-f'' key, discussed
earlier in this document.
The matrix dump report has the following format:
# time, m11, m12, m13, m21, m22, m23, m31, m32, m33, av_x, av_y, av_z
TIME M11 M12 M13 M21 M22 M23 M31 M32 M33 AV(1) AV(2) AV(3)
TIME M11 M12 M13 M21 M22 M23 M31 M32 M33 AV(1) AV(2) AV(3)
-- Items on each data line are separated by spaces.
-- All items except TIME are printed in the ``+x.xxxxxxxxxxxxxE+xx'' format,
either with the default 14 significant digits or with the number of
significant digits specified using the ``-d'' option. TIME is displayed in
the format specified using the ``-f'' key.
-- The AV components are always displayed in radians per second.
-- The AV difference/AV components and the corresponding labels in the table
header line are omitted when AVs are not compared/sampled (no ``-a'' or
``-a no'').
SPICE-Style Quaternion Dump Report (``-t dumpqs'')
The SPICE-style quaternion dump report displays the orientation
difference (for comparison runs) or orientation (for sampling runs)
expressed as a SPICE-style quaternion and, if requested using the ``-a''
key, the components of the angular velocity difference (for comparison
runs) or angular velocity (for sampling runs), along with the time, for
each of the times at which the frame transformations were computed. The
time tag is displayed in the format specified using the ``-f'' key,
discussed earlier in this document.
The SPICE-style quaternion dump report has the following format:
# time, q_cos, q_sin1, q_sin2, q_sin3, av_x, av_y, av_z
TIME QS(1) QS(2) QS(3) QS(4) AV(1) AV(2) AV(3)
TIME QS(1) QS(2) QS(3) QS(4) AV(1) AV(2) AV(3)
-- Items on each data line are separated by spaces.
-- All items except TIME are printed in the ``+x.xxxxxxxxxxxxxE+xx'' format,
either with the default 14 significant digits or with the number of
significant digits specified using the ``-d'' option. TIME is displayed in
the format specified using the ``-f'' key.
-- The AV components are always displayed in radians per second.
-- The AV difference/AV components and the corresponding labels in the table
header line are omitted when AVs are not compared/sampled (no ``-a'' or
``-a no'').
``Other''-Style Quaternion Dump Report (``-t dumpqo'')
The ``other''-style quaternion dump report displays the orientation
difference (for comparison runs) or orientation (for sampling runs)
expressed as the ``other''-style (or engineering-style) quaternion and,
if requested using the ``-a'' key, the components of the angular
velocity difference (for comparison runs) or angular velocity (for
sampling reports), along with the time, for each of the times at which
frame transformations were computed. The time tags are displayed in the
format specified using the ``-f'' key, discussed earlier in the
The ``other''-style quaternion dump report has the following format:
# time, q_sin1, q_sin2, q_sin3, q_cos, av_x, av_y, av_z
TIME QO(1) QO(2) QO(3) QO(4) AV(1) AV(2) AV(3)
TIME QO(1) QO(2) QO(3) QO(4) AV(1) AV(2) AV(3)
-- Items on each data line are separated by spaces.
-- All items except TIME are printed in the ``+x.xxxxxxxxxxxxxE+xx'' format,
either with the default 14 significant digits or with the number of
significant digits specified using the ``-d'' option. TIME is displayed in
the format specified using the ``-f'' key.
-- The AV components are always displayed in radians per second.
-- The AV difference/AV components and the corresponding labels in the table
header line are omitted when AVs are not compared/sampled (no ``-a'' or
``-a no'').
Euler Angles Dump Report (``-t dumpea'')
The Euler angles dump report displays the orientation difference (for
comparison runs) or orientation (for sampling runs) expressed as three
Euler angles and, if requested using the ``-a'' key, the components of
the angular velocity difference (for comparison runs) or angular
velocity (for sampling runs), along with the time, for each of the times
at which frame transformations were computed. The order of rotations is
specified using the ``-o'' key as sequence of three axes from the set of
``X'', ``Y'', ``Z'' (case-insensitive), separated by spaces. The second
axis in the sequence must differ from the first and third axes. When
``-o'' is not provided, the default order is set to ``Z Y X''. The
angles are displayed in the units specified using the ``-x'' key --
``radians'' (default), ``degrees'', ``arcminutes'', ``arcseconds'',
``hourangle'', ``minuteangle'', or ``secondangle''. The time tags are
displayed in the format specified using the ``-f'' key, discussed
earlier in this document.
The Euler angles dump report has the following format:
# angles are shown in UNITS
# time, angle_AXIS3, angle_AXIS2, angle_AXIS1, av_x, av_y, av_z
-- Items on each data line are separated by spaces.
-- All items except TIME are printed in the ``+x.xxxxxxxxxxxxxE+xx'' format,
either with the default 14 significant digits or with the number of
significant digits specified using the ``-d'' option. TIME is displayed in
the format specified using the ``-f'' key.
-- The ANGLEs are displayed in the units specified using the ``-x'' key. The
AV components are always displayed in radians per second.
-- The AV difference/AV components and the corresponding labels in the table
header line are omitted when AVs are not compared/sampled (no ``-a'' or
``-a no'').
-- UNITS is replaced with the units used to display angles.
-- ``AXIS1'', ``AXIS2'', ``AXIS3'' are replaced with the corresponding axis
labels (X,Y, or Z).
Coverage Intervals Dump Report (``-t dumpc''):
The coverage intervals dump report displays the start and stop times for
the intervals inside the coverage window, during which frame
transformations can be computed. The time tags are displayed in the
format specified using the ``-f'' key, discussed earlier in the
The coverage intervals dump report has the following format:
# int_start_time, int_end_time, int_duration_sec, int_duration_string
-- Items on each data line are separated by spaces.
-- The interval durations are printed as seconds in the
``xxxxxxxxxxxx.xxxxxx'' format (replaces SECONDS) and in days, hours,
minutes, seconds format (replaces DAYS:HR:MN:SC.MMMMMM). The STARTTIMEs and
STOPTIMEs are displayed in the format specified using the ``-f'' key.
Coverage Gaps Dump Report (``-t dumpg'')
The coverage gaps dump report displays the start and stop times for the
gaps inside the coverage window, during which frame transformations
cannot be computed. The time tags are displayed in the format specified
using the ``-f'' key, discussed earlier in this document.
The coverage gaps dump report has the following format:
# gap_start_time, gap_end_time, gap_duration_sec, gap_duration_string
-- Items on each data line are separated by spaces.
-- The gap durations are printed as seconds in the ``xxxxxxxxxxxx.xxxxxx''
format (replaces SECONDS) and in days, hours, minutes, seconds format
(replaces DAYS:HR:MN:SC.MMMMMM). The STARTTIMEs and STOPTIMEs are displayed
in the format specified using the ``-f'' key.
-- If the coverage window has no gaps, the string ``There are no gaps in
coverage.'' is printed instead of the data records.
The examples below illustrate some of the common FRMDIFF usage
scenarios. In all examples the files are assumed to be in the current
directory, the FRMDIFF command lines, which usually occupy a single
line, span multiple lines and use the UNIX shell style continuation
character (backslash), and the report lines are truncated to fit the
width of the page (``...'' at the end of a line indicates that it was
Checking if Two CKs Provide the Same Orientation
In this example the program is run to check if the daily reconstructed
MRO CK ``mro_sc_2009-01-26.bc'' and the weekly reconstructed MRO CK
``mro_sc_psp_090120_090126.bc'' provide the same data. The CK files are
provided as primary kernels to make the program run in comparison mode.
The LSK ``naif0009.tls'' and SCLK ``MRO_SCLKSCET.00027.tsc'', required
to support time conversions, and the FK ``'', required because
it defines the MRO spacecraft frame and the frame used as the base frame
in the CKs, apply to both CKs and, therefore, are provided using the
``-k'' key. To make sure the comparison is thorough the step is set to 1
second using the ``-s'' key. No other options need to be specified
because the primary kernels are CKs, which the program can examine to
automatically pick the ``from'' and ``to'' frames and the coverage
window. The basic report displaying the maximum difference will suffice
for this case; therefore, there is no need to specify the ``-t'' option.
% frmdiff -k naif0009.tls MRO_SCLKSCET.00027.tsc \
-s 1 \
mro_sc_2009-01-26.bc mro_sc_psp_090120_090126.bc
# int_start_time, int_end_time, int_duration_sec, int_duration_string
# Comparison of 86401 rotations
# from 'MRO_MME_OF_DATE' (-74900) to 'MRO_SPACECRAFT' (-74000)
# computed using
# naif0009.tls MRO_SCLKSCET.00027.tsc
# mro_sc_2009-01-26.bc
# with 86401 rotations
# from 'MRO_MME_OF_DATE' (-74900) to 'MRO_SPACECRAFT' (-74000)
# computed using
# naif0009.tls MRO_SCLKSCET.00027.tsc
# mro_sc_psp_090120_090126.bc
# with a 1.0000000000000 second (0:00:00:01.000000) step size
# within the continuous time period
# from '2009 JAN 26 00:01:06.261' TDB (286200066.26113 TDB seco...
# to '2009 JAN 27 00:01:06.024' TDB (286286466.02413 TDB seco...
Absolute difference magnitudes:
maximum avera...
Rotation (rad): +0.0000000000000E+00 +0.0000000...
The zero maximum rotation difference indicates that these two CKs
provide the same data.
Comparing Predicted and Reconstructed CKs
In this example the program is run to assess, for a specified period of
time, the difference of the spacecraft orientation provided by the
predicted CASSINI spacecraft CK ``09009_09025pa_fsiv_lud2.bc'' and the
reconstructed CASSINI spacecraft CK ``09006_09011ra.bc''. The CK files
are provided as primary kernels to make the program run in comparison
mode. The LSK ``naif0009.tls'' and the SCLK ``cas00130.tsc'', required
to support time conversions, and the FK ``'', required because
it defines the CASSINI spacecraft frame, apply to both CKs and,
therefore, are provided using the ``-k'' key. The angle and axis dump
report is requested using ``-t dumpaa'' and the step is set to 10
seconds using ``-s 10''. The time boundaries for the period of interest
are specified using ``-b'' and ``-e''. No other options need to be
specified because the primary kernels are CKs, which the program can
examine to automatically pick the ``from'' and ``to'' frames and the
default coverage window (which is intersected with the window of
interest specified using ``-b'' and ``-e''). The program's output is
re-directed to the file ``output.txt'' using the ``>'' shell pipe,
with the contents of the file shown using the UNIX ``cat'' command.
% frmdiff -k naif0009.tls cas00130.tsc \
-s 10 -b 2009-JAN-09 00:00 -e 2009-JAN-10 00:00 -t dumpaa \
09009_09025pa_fsiv_lud2.bc 09006_09011ra.bc \
> output.txt
% cat output.txt
# Comparison of 3143 rotations
# from 'J2000' (1) to 'CASSINI_SC_COORD' (-82000)
# computed using
# naif0009.tls cas00130.tsc
# 09009_09025pa_fsiv_lud2.bc
# with 3143 rotations
# from 'J2000' (1) to 'CASSINI_SC_COORD' (-82000)
# computed using
# naif0009.tls cas00130.tsc
# 09006_09011ra.bc
# with a 10.000000000000 second (0:00:00:10.000000) step size
# within the non-continuous (with 1 gaps) time period
# from '2009 JAN 09 15:17:06.359' TDB (284786226.35996 TDB seco...
# to '2009 JAN 10 00:01:06.184' TDB (284817666.18419 TDB seco...
# Times are TDB seconds past J2000.
# angle is shown in radians.
# time, angle, axis_x, axis_y, axis_z
+2.8478622635996E+08 +5.4958832051797E-05 +8.2101753099566E-01 +4....
+2.8478623635996E+08 +5.4931030131424E-05 +8.2046010733260E-01 +4....
+2.8478624635996E+08 +5.4903290577181E-05 +8.1990116349661E-01 +4....
+2.8481765833081E+08 +2.3714852496640E-05 +4.7607884330795E-01 -8....
+2.8481766618419E+08 +1.7506382825421E-05 -3.3218433215999E-01 -6....
The orientation difference expressed as the rotation angle (column 2)
can be plotted against TDB seconds (column 1) for analysis.
Note that the time window shown in the report header is different from
the requested window specified using the ``-b'' and ``-e'' options. The
reason for that is the lack of coverage for the requested windows in one
of the CKs (``09009_09025pa_fsiv_lud2.bc'').
To find out when the difference between two orientations is the greatest
without plotting the difference as suggested above, the program can be
re-run with the same options to generate a statistics report (``-t
stats''). For such a run it makes sense to also decrease the time step
in order to determine the time of interest more accurately, for example
by setting the step to 1 second (``-s 1'').
% frmdiff -k naif0009.tls cas00130.tsc \
-s 1 -b 2009-JAN-09 00:00 -e 2009-JAN-10 00:00 -t stats \
09009_09025pa_fsiv_lud2.bc 09006_09011ra.bc
# Comparison of 31414 rotations
# from 'J2000' (1) to 'CASSINI_SC_COORD' (-82000)
# computed using
# naif0009.tls cas00130.tsc
# 09009_09025pa_fsiv_lud2.bc
# with 31414 rotations
# from 'J2000' (1) to 'CASSINI_SC_COORD' (-82000)
# computed using
# naif0009.tls cas00130.tsc
# 09006_09011ra.bc
# with a 1.0000000000000 second (0:00:00:01.000000) step size
# within the non-continuous (with 1 gaps) time period
# from '2009 JAN 09 15:17:06.359' TDB (284786226.35996 TDB seco...
# to '2009 JAN 10 00:01:06.184' TDB (284817666.18419 TDB seco...
1) Average difference
1a) Rotation (rad): 0.00007738559...
2) RMS of difference
2a) Rotation (rad): 0.00016380723...
3) Maximum rotation difference
3a) Rotation (rad): 0.00098956656...
3b) Epoch (TDB, seconds past J2000): 284788762.33081
3c) Epoch (TDB, calendar format): 2009-JAN-09-15:59:22.330
As seen in the report the maximum difference between orientations
provided by these CKs between 2009-JAN-09 15:17:06 TDB and 2009-JAN-10
00:01:06 TDB is about 1 milliradian near 2009-JAN-09 15:59:22 TDB.
Comparing Orientations from a CK Read Using Different SCLKs
In this example the program is run to assess the effect that using an
out-of-date SCLK kernel has on the 2001 Mars Odyssey spacecraft
orientation computed from the M01 CK file ``m01_sc_2009-01-27.bc''. To
make the program run in comparison mode, the current SCLK
``ORB1_SCLKSCET.00157.tsc'' and the out-of-date SCLK
``ORB1_SCLKSCET.00147.tsc'' are provided using the ``-k1'' and ``-k2''
keys while the CK is provided as the only primary kernel.
(Alternatively, the SCLK kernels could be provided as two primary
kernels while the CK could be provided using the ``-k'' key, in which
case the ``from'' and ``to'' frames and the coverage boundaries would
have to be specified because the program would not be able to determine
defaults from the SCLK kernels.) The LSK ``naif0009.tls'', required to
support time conversions, and the FK ``'', required because it
defines the M01 spacecraft frame, are provided using the ``-k'' key. The
angle and axis dump report is requested using ``-t dumpaa'' and the step
size is set to 10 seconds using ``-s 10''. No other options need to be
specified because the primary kernel is a CK, which the program can
examine to automatically pick the ``from'' and ``to'' frames and the
default coverage window. The program's output is re-directed to the file
``output.txt'' using the ``>'' shell pipe, with the contents of the
file shown using the UNIX ``cat'' command.
% frmdiff -k naif0009.tls \
-k1 ORB1_SCLKSCET.00157.tsc \
-k2 ORB1_SCLKSCET.00147.tsc \
-s 10 -t dumpaa \
m01_sc_2009-01-27.bc \
> output.txt
% cat output.txt
# Comparison of 8283 rotations
# from 'MARSIAU' (16) to 'M01_SPACECRAFT' (-53000)
# computed using
# naif0009.tls
# ORB1_SCLKSCET.00157.tsc
# m01_sc_2009-01-27.bc
# with 8283 rotations
# from 'MARSIAU' (16) to 'M01_SPACECRAFT' (-53000)
# computed using
# naif0009.tls
# ORB1_SCLKSCET.00147.tsc
# m01_sc_2009-01-27.bc
# with a 10.000000000000 second (0:00:00:10.000000) step size
# within the non-continuous (with 2 gaps) time period
# from '2009 JAN 27 00:01:07.301' TDB (286286467.30114 TDB seco...
# to '2009 JAN 28 00:01:03.083' TDB (286372863.08345 TDB seco...
# Times are TDB seconds past J2000.
# angle is shown in radians.
# time, angle, axis_x, axis_y, axis_z
+2.8628646730114E+08 +1.6811778261922E-04 -1.6518133891799E-03 -1....
+2.8628647730114E+08 +1.6807590586987E-04 -2.5417591048513E-03 -9....
+2.8637285336657E+08 +1.5490156847677E-04 -1.0767849826583E-03 -1....
+2.8637286308345E+08 +1.5459290844816E-04 +5.3342008940173E-05 +1....
The orientation difference expressed as rotation angle (column 2) can be
plotted against TDB seconds (column 1) for analysis.
Comparing Binary and Text PCKs
In this example the program is run to compare Earth orientations
provided by the high precision Earth orientation binary PCK file
``earth_000101_090421_090128.bpc'' and the low precision Earth
orientation text PCK file ``pck00008.tpc''. The PCK files are specified
as two primary kernels to make the program run in comparison mode. For
this run both ``to'' frames must be specified because the frame
associated with the high precision orientation -- ``ITRF93'' -- is
different from the frame associated with the low precision orientation
-- ``IAU_EARTH''. These two frames are provided using the ``-t1'' and
``-t2'' keys. Note that neither the coverage boundaries nor the ``from''
frames need to be specified because the program can set them to default
values obtained by examining the binary PCK. The step is set to 1 hour
(``-s 3600'') and the report type is picked to be the Euler angle dump
(``-t dumpea'') with the rotation axis order Z,Y,X (``-o z y x'').
Reporting differences as Euler angles might be desirable in this case
because the angles will show how much of the difference is in the pole
tilt (combination of angles about X and Y) and how much of it is in the
rotation about the pole (angle about Z). The ``-x'' option used to
report angles in degrees (``-x degrees''). The program's output is
re-directed to the file ``output.txt'' using the ``>'' shell pipe,
with the contents of the file shown using the UNIX ``cat'' command.
% frmdiff -t1 ITRF93 -t2 IAU_EARTH \
-s 3600 -t dumpea -o Z Y X -x degrees \
earth_000101_090421_090128.bpc pck00008.tpc \
> output.txt
% cat output.txt
# Comparison of 81553 rotations
# from 'ECLIPJ2000' (17) to 'ITRF93' (13000)
# computed using
# earth_000101_090421_090128.bpc
# with 81553 rotations
# from 'ECLIPJ2000' (17) to 'IAU_EARTH' (10013)
# computed using
# pck00008.tpc
# with a 3600.0000000000 second (0:01:00:00.000000) step size
# within the continuous time period
# from '2000 JAN 01 00:01:04.183' TDB (-43135.816087188 TDB sec...
# to '2009 APR 21 00:01:06.185' TDB (293544066.18557 TDB seco...
# Times are TDB seconds past J2000.
# angles are shown in degrees.
# time, ang3_about_Z, ang2_about_Y, ang1_about_X
-4.3135816087188E+04 +4.6935841900452E-02 -1.3237283886873E-03 -1....
-3.9535816087188E+04 +4.6935945731300E-02 -8.1268845525487E-04 -2....
+2.9354046418391E+08 +5.9885369786058E-02 -1.7263299596662E-03 +1....
+2.9354406618557E+08 +5.9885381660130E-02 -1.9758128919827E-03 +5....
The Euler angles about Z, Y, and X (column 2, 3, 4) can be plotted
against TDB seconds (column 1) for analysis.
Comparing Two Text PCKs
In this example the program is run to compare Mars orientations provided
by the text PCK file ``pck00006.tpc'' containing 1994 IAU constants and
the text PCK ``pck00008.tpc'' containing IAU 2000 constants. The PCK
files are specified as two primary kernels to make the program run in
comparison mode. Since both files are neither CKs nor binary PCKs, the
``from'' and ``to'' frames and the time boundaries for coverage window
must be specified using the ``-t1'' (or ``-t2''), ``-f1'' (or ``-f2''),
and ``-b'' and ``-e'' keys. Since the time boundaries are provided on
the command line, the LSK ``naif0009.tls'' required for time conversions
must be provided using ``-k'' (either ``-k1'' or ``-k2'' can also be
used). The step is set to 1 hour (``-s 3600'') and the report type is
picked to be the Euler angles dump (``-t dumpea'') with the rotation
axis order Z,Y,X (``-o z y x''). Reporting differences as Euler angles
might be desirable in this case because the angles will show how much of
the difference is in the pole tilt (combination of angles about X and Y)
and how much of it is in the rotation about the pole (angle about Z).
The ``-x'' option is used to report angles in degrees (``-x degrees'').
The ``-f'' option is used to print times as UTC in ISO date format (``-f
YYYY-MM-DDTHR:MN:SC ::RND''). The program's output is re-directed to the
file ``output.txt'' using the ``>'' shell pipe, with the contents of
the file shown using the UNIX ``cat'' command.
% frmdiff -k naif0009.tls -f1 J2000 -t1 IAU_MARS \
-b 2005-01-01 -e 2006-01-01 \
-t dumpea -o z y x -x degrees \
-f YYYY-MM-DDTHR:MN:SC ::RND -s 3600 \
pck00006.tpc pck00008.tpc \
> output.txt
% cat output.txt
# Comparison of 8761 rotations
# from 'J2000' (1) to 'IAU_MARS' (10014)
# computed using
# naif0009.tls
# pck00006.tpc
# with 8761 rotations
# from 'J2000' (1) to 'IAU_MARS' (10014)
# computed using
# naif0009.tls
# pck00008.tpc
# with a 3600.0000000000 second (0:01:00:00.000000) step size
# within the continuous time period
# from '2005 JAN 01 00:01:04.183' TDB (157809664.18393 TDB seco...
# to '2006 JAN 01 00:01:05.183' TDB (189345665.18393 TDB seco...
# Times were generated by TIMOUT using 'YYYY-MM-DDTHR:MN:SC ::RND'...
# angles are shown in degrees.
# time, ang3_about_Z, ang2_about_Y, ang1_about_X
2005-01-01T00:00:00 +2.7193295981800E-01 +4.3458477098658E-04 +4.0...
2005-01-01T01:00:00 +2.7193298908895E-01 +3.1750496671468E-04 +5.0...
2005-12-31T23:00:00 +2.7218789688912E-01 +3.4616175147429E-04 -4.9...
2006-01-01T00:00:00 +2.7218792598016E-01 +4.5965878416891E-04 -3.9...
The Euler angles about Z, Y, and X (column 2, 3, 4) can be plotted
against UTC (column 1) for analysis.
Sampling Orientation from a CK
In this example the program is run to sample the orientation and angular
velocity of Deep Impact Flyby (DIF) spacecraft from the daily CK
``dif_sc_2009-01-27.bc'' every five seconds over the whole period
covered by the file and and print the orientation as engineering style
quaternions and angular velocities expressed in the spacecraft frame,
tagged with DP SCLKs. In addition to the CK file the LSK
``naif0009.tls'' and SCLK ``DIF_SCLKSCET.00036.tsc'', required to
support time conversions, and the FK ``'', required because it
defines the DIF spacecraft frame, must be provided to the program. The
CK file is provided as the only primary kernel and all other kernels are
provided using ``-k'' to make the program run in sampling mode. The step
is set to 5 seconds using ``-s 5''. The report type is set to the
``other''-style quaternion dump using ``-t dumpqo''. The output time
format is set to DP SCLK using ``-f sclkd''. ``-a yes'' and ``-m to''
are specified to add angular velocities rotated to the spacecraft frame
(the ``to'' frame) to the output. No other options need to be specified
because the primary kernel is a CK, which the program can examine to
automatically pick the ``from'' and ``to'' frames and the coverage
window. The program's output is re-directed to the file ``output.txt''
using the ``>'' shell pipe, with the contents of the file shown using
the UNIX ``cat'' command.
% frmdiff -k naif0009.tls DIF_SCLKSCET.00036.tsc \
-s 5 -t dumpqo -f sclkd -a yes -m to \
dif_sc_2009-01-27.bc \
> output.txt
% cat output.txt
# Sampling of 16864 rotations
# from 'J2000' (1) to 'DIF_SPACECRAFT' (-140000)
# computed using
# naif0009.tls DIF_SCLKSCET.00036.tsc
# dif_sc_2009-01-27.bc
# with a 5.0000000000000 second (0:00:00:05.000000) step size
# within the non-continuous (with 2 gaps) time period
# from '2009 JAN 27 00:01:06.713' TDB (286286466.71354 TDB seco...
# to '2009 JAN 28 00:01:05.346' TDB (286372865.34683 TDB seco...
# including angular velocities relative to 'to' frame.
# Times are decimal SCLKs computed using SCLK ID -140.
# time, q_sin1, q_sin2, q_sin3, q_cos, av_x, av_y, av_z
2.8628543276953E+08 +6.9350853049532E-01 +3.7594179111024E-01 -6.1...
2.8628543776953E+08 +6.9350851552324E-01 +3.7594215798843E-01 -6.1...
2.8637182501172E+08 +6.9259444035804E-01 +3.8202205741497E-01 -6.0...
2.8637183010156E+08 +6.9259433874053E-01 +3.8202240378948E-01 -6.0...
Sampling Orientation of a Built-in Frame
In this example the program is run to print the rotation from the
``J2000'' frame to the ``ECLIPJ2000'' frame, both of which are built-in
frames. To get this rotation, ``J2000'' is specified using ``-f1'' and
``ECLIPJ2000'' is specified using ``-t1''. While it may seem that no
kernels would be needed in this case, it is not true. An LSK must be
provided to the program because the time at which the orientation should
be computed must be provided on the command line twice using the ``-b''
and ``-e'' keys and this time has to be converted to TDB inside the
program. Therefore the program is given the LSK ``naif0009.tls'' using
the ``-k'' option and an arbitrary time (``2000-01-01'') twice using the
``-b'' and ``-e'' options. The Euler angle dump report is picked using
``-t dump'' with the axis order X,Y,Z picked using ``-o x y z''. The
angles are requested to be printed in degrees using ``-x degrees''.
% frmdiff -k naif0009.tls \
-f1 J2000 -t1 ECLIPJ2000 \
-b 2000-01-01 -e 2000-01-01 \
-t dumpea -o x y z -x degrees
# Sampling of 1 rotations
# from 'J2000' (1) to 'ECLIPJ2000' (17)
# computed using
# naif0009.tls
# at continuous coverage intervals' endpoints
# within the continuous time period
# from '2000 JAN 01 00:01:04.183' TDB (-43135.816087188 TDB sec...
# to '2000 JAN 01 00:01:04.183' TDB (-43135.816087188 TDB sec...
# Times are TDB seconds past J2000.
# angles are shown in degrees.
# time, ang3_about_X, ang2_about_Y, ang1_about_Z
-4.3135816087188E+04 +2.3439291111111E+01 +0.0000000000000E+00 +0....
Sampling Orientation of a Dynamic Frame
In this example the program is run to sample orientation of the
Geocentric Solar Ecliptic frame (``GSE''), a dynamic frame defined in
the FK ``RSSD0002.TF'', relative to the ``J2000'' inertial frame and
print this orientation as Euler angles tagged with Julian day TDB. The
frames are specified using ``-f1'' and ``-t1''. All kernels needed to
compute this transformation and convert times -- the FK, LSK
``NAIF0009.TLS'' and SPK ``DE405.BSP'' -- are listed using the ``-k''
key. Since there are no primary kernels, the default coverage window
cannot be picked automatically. Therefore the coverage window boundaries
are specified using ``-b'' and ``-e''. The step is set to 1 day using
``-s 86400''. The Euler angles dump report is requested using ``-t
dumpea''. The time format for output is set to be the Julian day TDB
-f 'JULIAND.######### ::TDB''
The program's output is re-directed to the file ``output.txt'' using the
``>'' shell pipe, with the contents of the file shown using the UNIX
``cat'' command.
% frmdiff -k RSSD0002.TF NAIF0009.TLS DE405.BSP \
-f1 J2000 -t1 GSE \
-b 2008-01-01 -e 2009-01-01 -s 86400 \
-t dumpea -f 'YYYY-MM-DD HR:MN:SC.### ::RND ::TDB' \
> output.txt
% cat output.txt
# Sampling of 367 rotations
# from 'J2000' (1) to 'GSE' (1500399)
# computed using
# RSSD0002.TF ../lsk/NAIF0009.TLS ../spk/DE405.BSP
# with a 86400.000000000 second (1:00:00:00.000000) step size
# within the continuous time period
# from '2008 JAN 01 00:01:05.183' TDB (252417665.18391 TDB seco...
# to '2009 JAN 01 00:01:06.183' TDB (284040066.18393 TDB seco...
# Times were generated by TIMOUT using 'JULIAND.######### ::TDB' f...
# angles are shown in radians.
# time, ang3_about_Z, ang2_about_Y, ang1_about_X
2454466.500754400 -1.3994266054604E+00 +1.6337747151270E-06 +4.090...
2454467.500754400 -1.3816355414305E+00 +1.6343360047251E-06 +4.090...
2454831.500754400 -1.4039978657128E+00 +1.8387392674578E-06 +4.090...
2454832.500766000 -1.3862038203964E+00 +1.8393010792771E-06 +4.090...
Sampling Orientation With Two Different ``Coverage'' Frames
In this example the program is run to sample orientation of the MGS MAG
+Y sensor frame, ``MGS_MAG_+Y_SENSOR'', relative to the ``J2000''
inertial frame over two hour period from 2006-04-01 11:00 to 2006-04-01
13:00 (given using ``-b'' and ``-e'') and print this orientation as
Euler angles tagged with UTC in ISO-date format. The ``from'' and ``to''
frames are specified using ``-f1'' and ``-t1''. All kernels needed to
compute this transformation and convert times are listed in the
meta-kernel ``'' from the MGS SPICE PDS data set,
specified using the ``-k'' key. Because computing this orientation
requires data from MGS solar array CKs and spacecraft CKs, both of which
have gaps in coverage, ``-c1'' and ``-c2'' are used to tell the program
to look up available coverages for the frames ``MGS_LEFT_SOLAR_ARRAY''
and ``MGS_SPACECRAFT'' associated with data in these CKs and intersect
this available coverage with the requested two hour interval to
guarantee that the program won't stop from not being able to compute
orientation in one of the gaps. The step is set to 1 minute using ``-s
60''. The Euler angles dump report is requested using ``-t dumpea''. The
time format for output is set to be the UTC in ISO-date format using
The program's output is re-directed to the file ``output.txt'' using the
``>'' shell pipe, with the contents of the file shown using the UNIX
``cat'' command.
% frmdiff -k \
-f1 J2000 \
-t dumpea \
-f 'YYYY-MM-DDTHR:MN:SC.### ::RND' \
-b 2006-04-01 11:00 \
-e 2006-04-01 13:00 \
-s 60 \
> output.txt
% cat output.txt
# Sampling of 121 rotations
# from 'J2000' (1) to 'MGS_MAG_+Y_SENSOR' (-94051)
# computed using
# with a 60.000000000000 second (0:00:01:00.000000) step size
# within the non-continuous (with 1 gaps) time period
# from '2006 APR 01 11:01:05.185' TDB (197161265.18566 TDB seco...
# to '2006 APR 01 13:01:05.185' TDB (197168465.18566 TDB seco...
# Times were generated by TIMOUT using 'YYYY-MM-DDTHR:MN:SC.### ::...
# angles are shown in radians.
# time, ang3_about_Z, ang2_about_Y, ang1_about_X
2006-04-01T11:00:00.000 +1.1187945929621E+00 -1.7969108686644E-01 ...
2006-04-01T11:01:00.000 +1.1187852723628E+00 -1.7931962082645E-01 ...
2006-04-01T11:02:00.000 +1.1186582180859E+00 -1.7869508126719E-01 ...
2006-04-01T12:57:55.804 +1.1175120633959E+00 -1.7734256227094E-01 ...
2006-04-01T12:58:55.804 +1.1174237423840E+00 -1.7692771707569E-01 ...
2006-04-01T13:00:00.000 +1.1173605546240E+00 -1.7633741045076E-01 ...
Displaying Overlap in Coverage between Two CKs
In this example the program is run to determine the time intervals when
both the MRO spacecraft CK ``mro_sc_psp_080408_080414.bc'' and MRO CRISM
instrument CK ``mro_crm_psp_080413_080430.bc'' provide coverage and to
display the boundaries of these intervals as UTC in ISO DOY format. The
CKs are provided as the two primary kernels with other kernels -- the
LSK ``naif0009.tls'' and the SCLK ``MRO_SCLKSCET.00027.65536.tsc'',
required for time conversions, and the MRO FK ``'', defining
frames used in the CKs, -- provided using ``-k''. The report is set to
the coverage intervals dump using ``-t dumpc'' and the output time
format is set to UTC in ISO DOY format using
For runs like this usually both ``from'' frames and both ``to'' frames
should be specified using ``-f1'', ``-f2'', ``-t1'', and ``-t2'' and
these frames should match the base and structure frames from the CK
files (the names of the base and structure frames can be seen in the CK
summary produced by the ``BRIEF'' utility program run using the ``-rel
-n'' options).
% frmdiff -k naif0009.tls MRO_SCLKSCET.00027.65536.tsc \
-t dumpc -f 'YYYY-DOYTHR:MN:SC.### ::RND' \
mro_sc_psp_080408_080414.bc mro_crm_psp_080413_080430.bc
# Coverage overlap for rotation
# from 'MRO_MME_OF_DATE' (-74900) to 'MRO_SPACECRAFT' (-74000)
# computed using
# naif0009.tls MRO_SCLKSCET.00027.65536.tsc
# mro_sc_psp_080408_080414.bc
# and rotation
# from 'MRO_CRISM_BASE' (-74011) to 'MRO_CRISM_ART' (-74012)
# computed using
# naif0009.tls MRO_SCLKSCET.00027.65536.tsc
# mro_crm_psp_080413_080430.bc
# with a 0.56599156324219 second (0:00:00:00.565992) step size
# within the non-continuous (with 22 gaps) time period
# from '2008 APR 13 00:29:16.745' TDB (261318556.74553 TDB seco...
# to '2008 APR 13 01:12:03.742' TDB (261321123.74222 TDB seco...
# Times were generated by TIMOUT using 'YYYY-DOYTHR:MN:SC.### ::RN...
# interval_start, interval_stop, interval_duration_sec, interval_d...
2008-104T00:28:11.560 2008-104T00:31:11.564 180.003858 ...
2008-104T00:43:10.558 2008-104T00:43:14.559 4.001042 ...
2008-104T01:10:08.423 2008-104T01:10:12.424 4.000950 ...
2008-104T01:10:54.556 2008-104T01:10:58.557 4.001042 ...
Displaying Gaps in a CK File
In this example the program is run to display the gaps in the CASSINI CK
``09006_09011ra.bc''. The CK is given as the only primary kernel, with
all other kernels -- the LSK ``naif0009.tls'' and the SCLK
``cas00130.tsc'', required for time conversions, and the CASSINI FK
``'', defining frames used in the CK, -- provided using
``-k''. The report type is set to the coverage gaps dump using ``-t
dumpg'' and the output time format is set to UTC in ISO date format
There is no need to specify the ``to'' and ``from'' frames because the
program will pick them automatically by examining the CK file.
% frmdiff -k naif0009.tls cas00130.tsc \
-t dumpg -f 'YYYY-MM-DDTHR:MN:SC.### ::RND' \
# Coverage for rotation
# from 'J2000' (1) to 'CASSINI_SC_COORD' (-82000)
# computed using
# naif0009.tls cas00130.tsc
# 09006_09011ra.bc
# with a 439.60863577834 second (0:00:07:19.608636) step size
# within the non-continuous (with 8 gaps) time period
# from '2009 JAN 06 00:01:08.565' TDB (284472068.56521 TDB seco...
# to '2009 JAN 11 00:01:05.243' TDB (284904065.24341 TDB seco...
# Times were generated by TIMOUT using 'YYYY-MM-DDTHR:MN:SC.### ::...
# gap_start, gap_stop, gap_duration_sec, gap_duration_string
2009-01-06T13:45:49.779 2009-01-06T13:46:10.029 20.249856...
2009-01-06T15:15:49.740 2009-01-06T15:16:49.990 60.249572...
2009-01-09T15:16:43.897 2009-01-09T15:17:12.147 28.249799...
2009-01-10T17:18:27.481 2009-01-10T17:18:55.480 27.999801...
Miscellaneous Things to Consider
``Apples vs. Oranges''
Even though the program has the flexibility to compare any two
transformations -- for example the transformation from the ``J2000''
frame to the ``IAU_MARS'' frame with the transformation from the
``MRO_SPACECRAFT'' frame to the ``MRO_CTX'' frame -- it doesn't mean
that such comparisons make sense. In general, it makes sense to compare
only transformations that are close to each other and have the same
``from'' frame.
Using Euler Angles for Small Rotation Differences
While Euler angles included in the Euler angles dump report (``-t
dumpea'') may be one of the more intuitive representations of rotations,
in many cases, depending on the rotation order, the angle magnitudes can
be large and not representative of the small rotation differences. The
total rotation angle provided in the rotation angle and axis report
(``-t dumpaa'') is a much more reliable indicator of the difference of
two rotations.
Single Epoch
Due to the algorithm which the program uses to determine the coverage
window, when orientations must be compared at, or an orientation must be
sampled at, a certain epoch this epoch must be provided on the command
line twice, once using the ``-b'' key and once using the ``-e'' key.
2. CK Required Reading (ck.req)
angular velocity
Ephemeris Time (synonymous to TDB)
Spacecraft CLocK time
Barycentric Dynamical Time (synonymous to ET)
Appendix 1: Comparison, Sampling and Report Quantity Algorithms
Computing Rotation and Angular Velocity Difference
When run in comparison mode the program uses the following SPICE
routines to compute the rotation and angular velocity differences at
each of the times:
-- if only rotations (without angular velocities) are to be compared:
M1 = cspice_pxform ( FROM1, TO1, ET )
M2 = cspice_pxform ( FROM2, TO2, ET )
MDIFF = M1 * M2'
-- if rotations and angular velocities in the ``from'' frames are to be
X1 = cspice_sxform ( FROM1, TO1, ET )
[ M1, AV1 ] = cspice_xf2rav ( X1 )
X2 = cspice_sxform ( FROM2, TO2, ET )
[ M2, AV2 ] = cspice_xf2rav ( X2 )
MDIFF = M1 * M2'
-- if rotations and angular velocities in the ``to'' frames are to be
X1 = cspice_sxform ( FROM1, TO1, ET )
[ M1, AV1 ] = cspice_xf2rav ( X1 )
X2 = cspice_sxform ( FROM2, TO2, ET )
[ M2, AV2 ] = cspice_xf2rav ( X2 )
MDIFF = M1 * M2'
where FROM1, FROM2, TO1, TO2, and ET are the ``from'' and ``to'' frames
of interest and time, MDIFF and AVDIFF are the rotation and angular
velocity differences to be reported.
Sampling Rotation and Angular Velocity
When run in sampling mode the program uses the following SPICE routines
to compute the rotation and angular velocity at each of the times:
-- if only rotation (without angular) velocity is to be sampled:
MDIFF = cspice_pxform ( FROM, TO, ET )
-- if rotation and angular velocity in the ``from'' frame is to be sampled:
X = cspice_sxform ( FROM, TO, ET )
[ MDIFF, AVDIFF ] = cspice_xf2rav ( X )
-- if rotation and angular velocity in the ``to'' frame is to be sampled:
X = cspice_sxform ( FROM, TO, ET )
[ MDIFF, AV ] = cspice_xf2rav ( X )
where FROM, TO, and ET are the ``from'' and ``to'' frames of interest
and time, MDIFF and AVDIFF are the rotation and angular velocity to be
Converting Rotation to Angle/Axis
If no ``-t'' is specified, or if ``-t basic'', ``-t stats'', or ``-t
dumpaa'' is specified, the program converts MDIFF to the rotation angle
and axis using
[ AXIS, ANGLE ] = cspice_raxisa ( MDIFF )
Converting Rotation to SPICE-Style Quaternion
If ``-t dumpqs'' is specified, the program converts MDIFF to the
SPICE-style quaternion using
QS = cspice_m2q ( MDIFF )
Converting Rotation to ``Other''-Style quaternion
If ``-t dumpqo'' is specified, the program converts MDIFF to the
``other''-style quaternion using
QS = cspice_m2q ( MDIFF )
QO(1) = -QS(2)
QO(2) = -QS(3)
QO(3) = -QS(4)
QO(4) = QS(1)
Converting Rotation to Euler Angles
If ``-t'' dumpea is specified, the program converts MDIFF to Euler
angles using
[ANG3, ANG2, ANG1] = ...
cspice_m2eul( MDIFF, AXIS3, AXIS2, AXIS1 )
where AXIS1-3 are either defaults (``Z Y X'') or the axes specified
using the ``-o'' key. The axes are ``passed'' as input to M2EUL in the
same order as they are listed using ``-o''. For example, for ``-o X Z
Y'' M2EUL is called with ``( MDIFF, 1, 3, 2, ...)''.