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   phaseq_c ( Phase angle quantity between bodies centers ) 

   SpiceDouble phaseq_c ( SpiceDouble       et,
                          ConstSpiceChar  * target,
                          ConstSpiceChar  * illmn,
                          ConstSpiceChar  * obsrvr,
                          ConstSpiceChar  * abcorr )


   Compute the apparent phase angle for a target, observer,
   illuminator set of ephemeris objects.






   --------  ---  --------------------------------------------------
   et         I   Ephemeris seconds past J2000 TDB.
   target     I   Target body name.
   illmn      I   Illuminating body name.
   obsrvr     I   Observer body.
   abcorr     I   Aberration correction flag.

   The function returns the value of phase angle.


   et          the time in ephemeris seconds past J2000 TDB at which
               to compute the phase angle.

   target      the name of the target body. Optionally, you may
               supply a string containing the integer ID code
               for the object. For example both "MOON" and "301"
               are legitimate strings that indicate the Moon is the
               target body. The `target' string lack sensitivity to
               case, leading and trailing blanks.

   illmn       the name of the illuminating body. Optionally, you may
               supply a string containing the integer ID code
               for the object. For example both "SUN" and "10"
               are legitimate strings that indicate the sun is the
               illuminating body. The `illmn' string lack sensitivity
               to case, leading and trailing blanks.

               In most cases, `illmn' is the sun.

   obsrvr      the name of the observer body. Optionally, you may
               supply a string containing the integer ID code
               for the object. For example both "MOON" and "301"
               are legitimate strings that indicate the Moon is the
               observer body. The `obsrvr' string lack sensitivity
               to case, leading and trailing blanks.

   abcorr      the string description of the aberration corrections to
               apply to the state evaluations to account for one-way
               light time and stellar aberration. The `abcorr' string
               lack sensitivity to case, leading and trailing blanks.

               This routine accepts only reception mode aberration
               corrections. See the header of spkezr_c for a detailed
               description of the aberration correction options.
               For convenience, the appropriate aberration options are
               listed below:

                  "NONE"     Apply no correction. Returns the "true"
                             geometric state.

                  "LT"       "Reception" case: correct for
                             one-way light time using a Newtonian

                  "LT+S"     "Reception" case: correct for
                             one-way light time and stellar
                             aberration using a Newtonian

                  "CN"       "Reception" case: converged
                             Newtonian light time correction.

                  "CN+S"     "Reception" case: converged
                             Newtonian light time and stellar
                             aberration corrections.


   The function returns the optionally light-time corrected phase
   angle between `target' and `illmn' as observed from `obsrvr'.

   The range of the phase angle is [0, pi].




   1)  If the body name to SPICE ID look-up fails for any of the
       `target', `illmn', or `obsrvr' names, the error
       SPICE(IDCODENOTFOUND) is signaled by a routine in the call
       tree of this routine.

   2)  If the aberration correct, `abcorr', indicates a transmission
       based correction, the error SPICE(INVALIDOPTION) is signaled
       by a routine in the call tree of this routine.

   3)  If the `target', `illmn', and `obsrvr' are not unique, the error
       SPICE(BODIESNOTDISTINCT) is signaled by a routine in the call
       tree of this routine.

   4)  If any of the `target', `illmn', `obsrvr' or `abcorr' input
       string pointers is null, the error SPICE(NULLPOINTER) is
       signaled. The function returns the value retval.

   5)  If any of the `target', `illmn', `obsrvr' or `abcorr' input
       strings has zero length, the error SPICE(EMPTYSTRING) is
       signaled. The function returns the value retval.




   This routine returns the phase angle using the location of the
   bodies (if point objects) or the centers of the bodies (if finite

                     illmn     obsrvr
     illmn as seen      ^       /
     from target at     |      /
     et - lt.           |     /
                       >|..../< phase angle
                        |   /
                      . |  /
                    .   | /
                   .    |v        target as seen from obsrvr
             sep   .  target      at et
                    .  /

      pi = sep + phase


      phase = pi - sep


   The numerical results shown for this example may differ across
   platforms. The results depend on the SPICE kernels used as
   input, the compiler and supporting libraries, and the machine
   specific arithmetic implementation.

   1) Determine the time intervals from December 1, 2006 UTC to
      January 31, 2007 UTC for which the sun-moon-earth configuration
      phase angle satisfies the relation conditions with respect to a
      reference value of .57598845 radians (the phase angle at
      January 1, 2007 00:00:00.000 UTC, 33.001707 degrees). Also
      determine the time intervals corresponding to the local maximum and
      minimum phase angles, and the absolute maximum and minimum phase
      angles during the search interval. The configuration defines the
      sun as the illuminator, the moon as the target, and the earth as
      the observer.

      Use the meta-kernel shown below to load the required SPICE


         File name:

         This meta-kernel is intended to support operation of SPICE
         example programs. The kernels shown here should not be
         assumed to contain adequate or correct versions of data
         required by SPICE-based user applications.

         In order for an application to use this meta-kernel, the
         kernels referenced here must be present in the user's
         current working directory.

         The names and contents of the kernels referenced
         by this meta-kernel are as follows:

            File name                     Contents
            ---------                     --------
            de421.bsp                     Planetary ephemeris
            pck00009.tpc                  Planet orientation and
            naif0009.tls                  Leapseconds


            KERNELS_TO_LOAD = ( 'de421.bsp',
                                'naif0009.tls'  )


         End of meta-kernel

      Example code begins here.

         Program phaseq_ex1

      #include <stdio.h>
      #include "SpiceUsr.h"

      #define  TIMFMT  "YYYY MON DD HR:MN:SC.###"
      #define  NINTVL  5000
      #define  TIMLEN  41
      #define  NLOOPS  7

      int main()

         Local variables
         SpiceChar               begstr [ TIMLEN ];
         SpiceChar               endstr [ TIMLEN ];

         SPICEDOUBLE_CELL      ( cnfine, 2 );
         SPICEDOUBLE_CELL      ( result, NINTVL*2 );

         SpiceDouble             adjust;
         SpiceDouble             et0;
         SpiceDouble             et1;
         SpiceDouble             phaseq;
         SpiceDouble             refval;
         SpiceDouble             start;
         SpiceDouble             step;
         SpiceDouble             stop;
         SpiceInt                i;
         SpiceInt                j;

         Define the values for target, observer, illuminator, and
         aberration correction.

         ConstSpiceChar * target = "moon";
         ConstSpiceChar * illmn = "sun";
         ConstSpiceChar * abcorr = "lt+s";
         ConstSpiceChar * obsrvr = "earth";

         ConstSpiceChar * relate [NLOOPS] = { "=",
                                              "ABSMAX" };

         Load kernels.
         furnsh_c ( "" );

         Store the time bounds of our search interval in
         the confinement window.
         str2et_c ( "2006 DEC 01", &et0 );
         str2et_c ( "2007 JAN 31", &et1 );

         wninsd_c ( et0, et1, &cnfine );

         Search using a step size of 1 day (in units of seconds).
         The reference value is 0.57598845 radians. We're not using the
         adjustment feature, so we set ADJUST to zero.
         step   = spd_c();
         refval = 0.57598845;
         adjust = 0.0;

         for ( j = 0;  j < NLOOPS;  j++ )

            printf ( "Relation condition: %s\n",  relate[j] );

            Perform the search. The SPICE window `result' contains
            the set of times when the condition is met.
            gfpa_c ( target,    illmn,  abcorr, obsrvr,
                     relate[j], refval,  adjust, step,
                     NINTVL,    &cnfine, &result        );

            Display the results.
            if ( wncard_c(&result) == 0 )
               printf ( "Result window is empty.\n\n" );

               for ( i = 0;  i < wncard_c(&result);  i++ )

                  Fetch the endpoints of the Ith interval
                  of the result window.
                  wnfetd_c ( &result, i, &start, &stop );

                  phaseq = phaseq_c ( start, target, illmn, obsrvr, abcorr );

                  timout_c ( start, TIMFMT, TIMLEN, begstr );
                  printf ( "Start time = %s %16.9f\n", begstr, phaseq );

                  phaseq = phaseq_c ( stop, target, illmn, obsrvr, abcorr );

                  timout_c ( stop, TIMFMT, TIMLEN, endstr );
                  printf ( "Stop time  = %s %16.9f\n", endstr, phaseq );




         return ( 0 );

      When this program was executed on a Mac/Intel/cc/64-bit
      platform, the output was:

      Relation condition: =
      Start time = 2006 DEC 02 13:31:34.414      0.575988450
      Stop time  = 2006 DEC 02 13:31:34.414      0.575988450
      Start time = 2006 DEC 07 14:07:55.470      0.575988450
      Stop time  = 2006 DEC 07 14:07:55.470      0.575988450
      Start time = 2006 DEC 31 23:59:59.997      0.575988450
      Stop time  = 2006 DEC 31 23:59:59.997      0.575988450
      Start time = 2007 JAN 06 08:16:25.512      0.575988450
      Stop time  = 2007 JAN 06 08:16:25.512      0.575988450
      Start time = 2007 JAN 30 11:41:32.557      0.575988450
      Stop time  = 2007 JAN 30 11:41:32.557      0.575988450

      Relation condition: <
      Start time = 2006 DEC 02 13:31:34.414      0.575988450
      Stop time  = 2006 DEC 07 14:07:55.470      0.575988450
      Start time = 2006 DEC 31 23:59:59.997      0.575988450
      Stop time  = 2007 JAN 06 08:16:25.512      0.575988450
      Start time = 2007 JAN 30 11:41:32.557      0.575988450
      Stop time  = 2007 JAN 31 00:00:00.000      0.468279091

      Relation condition: >
      Start time = 2006 DEC 01 00:00:00.000      0.940714974
      Stop time  = 2006 DEC 02 13:31:34.414      0.575988450
      Start time = 2006 DEC 07 14:07:55.470      0.575988450
      Stop time  = 2006 DEC 31 23:59:59.997      0.575988450
      Start time = 2007 JAN 06 08:16:25.512      0.575988450
      Stop time  = 2007 JAN 30 11:41:32.557      0.575988450

      Relation condition: LOCMIN
      Start time = 2006 DEC 05 00:16:50.317      0.086121423
      Stop time  = 2006 DEC 05 00:16:50.317      0.086121423
      Start time = 2007 JAN 03 14:18:31.977      0.079899769
      Stop time  = 2007 JAN 03 14:18:31.977      0.079899769

      Relation condition: ABSMIN
      Start time = 2007 JAN 03 14:18:31.977      0.079899769
      Stop time  = 2007 JAN 03 14:18:31.977      0.079899769

      Relation condition: LOCMAX
      Start time = 2006 DEC 20 14:09:10.392      3.055062862
      Stop time  = 2006 DEC 20 14:09:10.392      3.055062862
      Start time = 2007 JAN 19 04:27:54.600      3.074603891
      Stop time  = 2007 JAN 19 04:27:54.600      3.074603891

      Relation condition: ABSMAX
      Start time = 2007 JAN 19 04:27:54.600      3.074603891
      Stop time  = 2007 JAN 19 04:27:54.600      3.074603891






   J. Diaz del Rio     (ODC Space)
   B.V. Semenov        (JPL)
   E.D. Wright         (JPL)


   -CSPICE Version 1.0.2, 04-AUG-2021 (JDR)

       Edited the header to comply with NAIF standard. Renamed
       example's meta-kernel. Corrected minor formatting issues in
       code example.

       Added entries #4 and #5 to -Exceptions section.

   -CSPICE Version 1.0.1, 02-FEB-2017 (BVS)

       Shortened permutted index entry.

   -CSPICE Version 1.0.0, 08-MAR-2012 (EDW)


   compute phase angle for arbitrary illumination source
Fri Dec 31 18:41:10 2021