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   CSPICE_HX2DP converts a string representing a double precision number in
   a base 16 "scientific notation" into its equivalent double precision



      string   a character string containing a base 16 "scientific notation"
               representation of a double precision number which is to be
               converted to a double precision number.

               help, string
                  STRING = Scalar

               Examples of such a string are:

                  '2A^3' = ( 2/16 + 10/( 16^2 ) ) * 16^3 = 672.0D0


                  '-B^1' = - ( 11/16 ) * 16^1            = -11.0D0

               The following table describes the character set used to
               represent the hexadecimal digits and their corresponding

                  Character     Value         Character     Value
                  ---------    -------        ---------    -------
                     '0'         0.0D0           '8'         8.0D0
                     '1'         1.0D0           '9'         9.0D0
                     '2'         2.0D0         'A','a'      10.0D0
                     '3'         3.0D0         'B','b'      11.0D0
                     '4'         4.0D0         'C','c'      12.0D0
                     '5'         5.0D0         'D','d'      13.0D0
                     '6'         6.0D0         'E','e'      14.0D0
                     '7'         7.0D0         'F','f'      15.0D0

               The caret, or hat, character, '^', is used to
               distinguish the exponent.

               The plus sign, '+', and the minus sign, '-', are used,
               and they have their usual meanings.

               A base 16 "scientific notation" character string which
               is to be parsed by this routine should consist of a sign,
               '+' or '-' (the plus sign is optional for nonnegative
               numbers), followed immediately by a contiguous sequence
               of hexadecimal digits, the exponent character, and a
               signed hexadecimal exponent. The exponent is required,
               but the sign is optional for a nonnegative exponent.

               A number in base 16 "scientific notation" consists of
               a contiguous sequence of characters with one of the
               following formats:

                  (1)   h h h h  ... h ^H H  ... H
                         1 2 3 4      n  1 2      m

                  (2)   +h h h h  ... h ^H H  ... H
                          1 2 3 4      n  1 2      m

                  (3)   -h h h h  ... h ^H H  ... H
                          1 2 3 4      n  1 2      m

                  (4)    h h h h  ... h ^+H H  ... H
                          1 2 3 4      n   1 2      m

                  (5)   +h h h h  ... h ^+H H  ... H
                          1 2 3 4      n   1 2      m

                  (6)   -h h h h  ... h ^+H H  ... H
                          1 2 3 4      n   1 2      m

                  (7)   h h h h  ... h ^-H H  ... H
                         1 2 3 4      n   1 2      m

                  (8)   +h h h h  ... h ^-H H  ... H
                          1 2 3 4      n   1 2      m

                  (9)   -h h h h  ... h ^-H H  ... H
                          1 2 3 4      n   1 2      m


                  h  and H  denote hexadecimal digits;
                   i      j

                  ^         denotes exponentiation;


                  + and - have their usual interpretations.

               `string' may have leading and trailing blanks, but blanks
               embedded within the significant portion of the input
               string are not allowed.

   the call:

      cspice_hx2dp, string, number, error, errmsg


      number   the double precision value to be returned.

               help, number
                  DOUBLE = Scalar

               The value of this argument is not changed if an error occurs
               while parsing the input string.

      error    a logical flag which indicates whether an error occurred while
               attempting to parse `number' from the input character string

               help, error
                  BOOLEAN = Scalar

               `error' will have the value True if an error occurs. It will
               have the value False otherwise.

      errmsg   a descriptive error message if an error occurs while attempting
               to parse the number `number' from the hexadecimal character
               string `string', blank otherwise.

               help, errmsg
                  STRING = Scalar


   MAXMAN      is the maximum number of digits in a hexadecimal
               mantissa. The value of MAXMAN is 31.

               The current value of MAXMAN is more than sufficient for
               most double precision implementations, providing almost
               twice as many digits as can actually be produced. This
               value may be changed when a greater precision is known
               to exist among all of the supported platforms.


   Any numerical results shown for this example may differ between
   platforms as the results depend on the SPICE kernels used as input
   and the machine specific arithmetic implementation.

   1) Convert a set of character strings containing a base 16
      "scientific notation" representation of a double precision
      number, to their double precision values.

      Example code begins here.

      PRO hx2dp_ex1

         ;; Assign an array of strings representing, in base 16
         ;; "scientific notation", double precision numbers.
         ;; Not all of them are valid representations.
         number = [ '89705F4136B4A6^-7', '12357898765X34',                   $
                    '1^1',               '-1^1',                             $
                    '4^3',               '-4^3',                             $
                    '7F5EB^5',           '7F5eb^5',                          $
                    '1B^2',              '+1B^2',                            $
                    '+1B^+2',            '0^0',                              $
                    ' ',                 '-ab238z^2',                        $
                    '234ABC',            '234ABC^']

         ;; Loop over the `number' array, call cspice_hx2dp for each
         ;; element of `number'.
         print, format='(A)', 'string             number'
         print, format='(A)', '-----------------  ----------------'

         for i=0L, 15L do begin

            cspice_hx2dp, number[i], value, error, errmsg

            if ( error ) then begin

               print, format='(A17,2X,A)', number[i], errmsg

            endif else begin

               print, format='(A17,X,E17.9)', number[i], value



         ;; Finally, try with a number that has too many digits in
         ;; the mantissa.
         cspice_hx2dp, '4ABC123AB346523BDC568798C2473678^1',                 $
                       value, error, errmsg

         print, 'String 4ABC123AB346523BDC568798C2473678^1 produces:'
         print, '   ', errmsg


      When this program was executed on a Mac/Intel/IDL8.x/64-bit
      platform, the output was:

      string             number
      -----------------  ----------------
      89705F4136B4A6^-7   2.000000000E-09
         12357898765X34  ERROR: Illegal character 'X' encountered.
                    1^1   1.000000000E+00
                   -1^1  -1.000000000E+00
                    4^3   1.024000000E+03
                   -4^3  -1.024000000E+03
                7F5EB^5   5.217070000E+05
                7F5eb^5   5.217070000E+05
                   1B^2   2.700000000E+01
                  +1B^2   2.700000000E+01
                 +1B^+2   2.700000000E+01
                    0^0   0.000000000E+00
                         ERROR: A blank input string is not allowed.
              -ab238z^2  ERROR: Illegal character 'z' encountered.
                 234ABC  ERROR: Missing exponent.
                234ABC^  ERROR: Missing exponent.

      String 4ABC123AB346523BDC568798C2473678^1 produces:
         ERROR: Too many digits in the mantissa (> 31).

      Note: The hat or caret, '^', signals an exponent.


   This routine will convert a character string containing a number
   in base 16 "scientific notation" into its equivalent double
   precision number.

   This routine is one of a pair of routines which are used to
   perform conversions between double precision numbers and
   an equivalent base 16 "scientific notation" character string

         cspice_dp2hx  -- Convert a double precision number into a base 16
                          "scientific notation" character string.

         cspice_hx2dp  -- Convert a base 16 "scientific notation"
                          character string into a double precision number.


   1)  If an unexpected character is encountered, an appropriate
       error message will be set, and the routine will exit. The
       value of `number' will be unchanged.

   2)  If the input string represents a number that is larger in
       absolute magnitude than the maximum representable
       double precision number an appropriate error message
       will be set, and the routine will exit. The value of
       `number' will be unchanged.

   3)  If the input string is blank, an appropriate error message
       will be set, and the routine will exit. The value of
       `number' will be unchanged.

   4)  If the string has too many digits in the mantissa, then an
       appropriate error message will be set, and the routine will
       exit. The value of `number' will be unchanged.

   5)  This routine does NOT check for underflow errors when
       constructing a double precision number.

   6)  If the input argument `string' is undefined, an error is
       signaled by the IDL error handling system.

   7)  If the input argument `string' is not of the expected type, or
       it does not have the expected dimensions and size, an error is
       signaled by the Icy interface.

   8)  If any of the output arguments, `number', `error' or `errmsg',
       is not a named variable, an error is signaled by the Icy




   1)  The current value of MAXMAN is more than sufficient for most
       double precision implementations, providing almost twice as
       many digits as can actually be produced.






   J. Diaz del Rio     (ODC Space)
   E.D. Wright         (JPL)


   -Icy Version 1.0.1, 01-JUN-2021 (JDR)

       Edited the header to comply with NAIF standard. Added complete
       code example based on existing example.

       Added -Parameters, -Exceptions, -Files, -Restrictions,
       -Literature_References and -Author_and_Institution sections.

       Removed reference to the routine's corresponding CSPICE header from
       -Abstract section.

       Added arguments' type and size information in the -I/O section.

   -Icy Version 1.0.0, 29-APR-2009 (EDW)


   convert signed normalized hexadecimal string to d.p.
   convert encoded d.p. number to d.p. number
   convert base 16 scientific notation d.p. number

Fri Dec 31 18:43:05 2021