Index Page
Icy Required Reading

Table of Contents

   Icy Required Reading
         Mailing List
      Design Concept
         Icy Benefits
         Icy Functionality

         Build problems
      Directory Structure

   Using Icy
      Preparing the Environment
         Use of Icy based IDL scripts
      First Test of Icy Installation
         Documentation Conventions
      The Icy API
         Path names
         API functionality
      Use of Vectorized Arguments
         Vectorizing a scalar.
         Vectorizing a vector.
         Vectorizing a matrix.
      SPICE Windows, Planes, and Ellipses in Icy
         SPICE Ellipses in Icy
         SPICE Planes in Icy
         SPICE Cells in Icy
         SPICE Windows in Icy
      Icy Implementation of the SPICE Exception Subsystem
         Error Response
         No loaded leapseconds kernel
         No loaded SPKs
         Error Response from Vectorized Routines
         Command Format Error
         Error Handling

   Correlation Between Icy and IDL
      IDL vs. CSPICE Functionality
         Equivalent math, matrix, vector operations
         Equivalent string operations

   Matrix Operations
      Matrix Properties
      Comparison of Icy and IDL matrix operations
      Extracting matrix elements
      Direct input of a matrix by elements for use by CSPICE.

   Common problems
      Use of 'lt' as a Variable NAME
      Persistence of Kernel Data
      Defining Kernel Names with Relative Paths
      Floating Underflow
      Null pointer error
      IDL Script Compile Errors
      Sensitivity to float/double variable type
      Icy Outputs Restricted to Named Variables
      Use on 32-bit vs 64-bit Platforms
      dlm_register, script compile order

         2015 SEP 20 by E. D. Wright.
         2013 FEB 04 by E. D. Wright.
         2010 APR 28 by E. D. Wright.
         2004 FEB 24 by E. D. Wright.


Icy Required Reading

Last revised on 2015 SEP 20 by E. D. Wright (JPL)



Icy is the ANSI C based interface between the Interactive Data Language (IDL), a product of Exelis Visual Information Solutions (, and the CSPICE library.



Developer contact: Ed Wright, Jet Propulsion Laboratory, 1-818-354-0371


Mailing List

NAIF provides a mailing list for Icy users. Register with the list at URL:


Design Concept

Icy uses the IDL dynamic linked module (DLM) functionality to provide an IDL programmer access to selected CSPICE routines from within the IDL environment. A user need only install the interface files in the appropriate directories to gain use of these functions.

Simplistically, Icy serves as a threshold by which a user can access any available high level SPICE function call from the IDL environment. IDL can then act as an engine for data visualization or numerical analysis involving SPICE ancillary data with science instrument or other data.

Icy interfaces exist for a subset of the CSPICE wrapper routines, those routines with name style "routine_c", with "routine" the name of the CSPICE module. Refer to the CSPICE required reading document (cspice.req) for additional information concerning CSPICE.

Icy passes data from the IDL environment to the CSPICE library, so an Icy interface call performs few operations other than recasting data input from IDL into CSPICE form and recasting CSPICE variables to IDL form for return.

NAIF employs the ANSI C standard when writing IDL/CSPICE interface source code.

For each platform, Icy uses the same binary and text kernels as the C or FORTRAN SPICE Toolkit for that platform.

As of release Icy 1.2 (CSPICE N0059), the kernel pool readers (cspice_ldpool, cspice_furnsh) have the capability to read non platform-native text kernels, i.e. read a DOS native text file on a Unix platform and vice-versa. This capability does not exist in the Fortran toolkit.


Icy Benefits

    Ease of use: Icy operates as an extension to the IDL environment.

    Icy calls usually correspond to the call format of the underlying CSPICE routine, returning IDL native data types.

    Icy has some capability not available in CSPICE such as vectorization.

    CSPICE error messages return to IDL in a form usable by the catch error handler construct.


Icy Functionality

    Kernel (file): loaders

    SPK: readers, writers

    Binary PCK: readers

    CK: readers, writers

    EK: readers, writers

    Text Kernel: reader routines

    Coordinate systems: translation between rectangular, cylindrical, latitudinal, geodetic, spherical, and right ascension declination systems.

    Body name/code translation

    Matrix and vector functions

    Rotation functions

    Euler angle functions

    Quaternion functions

    Time conversion functions: convert between various time representations

    Spacecraft clock functions: convert between spacecraft clock ticks and other time representations

    Ellipsoid functions: calculate near points, surface intercepts, normal vectors

    Plane geometry functions

    Constant functions: standard epochs, radian/degree conversion, speed of light

    Set, Cell, and Windows functions

    Geometry finder functions



NAIF offers Icy for several computing environments. These environments are listed on the NAIF website
and in the "intro_to_toolkit" tutorial also available from the NAIF website.



The Icy toolkit comprises the full CSPICE distribution plus the Icy source code, associated build files, and Icy documentation. A user without an IDL installation cannot use the Icy interface.



NAIF distributes Icy as a standalone package with compiled libraries and executables.

The Icy toolkit comprises the full CSPICE distribution (source, documentation, libraries, executables) plus the Icy source code, associated build files, and Icy documentation. A user without a IDL installation cannot use the Icy interface.

Note: You do not need a C compiler to use Icy. You need a C compiler to rebuild Icy.



NAIF distributes the Icy package with all libraries and executables. If you must rebuild the Icy interface, recognize the build requires IDL support files not provided by NAIF. Builds on all platforms need the export.h file; the Windows build also requires linking against stub libraries. Please consult the IDL External Development Guide for information describing compiling and linking dynamically loaded modules. NAIF coded the build scripts supplied with Icy to use the "standard" ITT installation directory structure when including IDL support files.

Once built, the Icy interface consists of two files: a shared object library, (icy.dll on Windows OS), and a text definition file, icy.dlm. These files must be stored in the same directory for the interface to function.


Build problems

An error occurring during an Icy build is often the result of the user's IDL distribution installed in a location different from the default path coded into Icy's mkprodct build script.

For Unix/Linux users, mkprodct.csh uses an IDL install path:

XX indicates the IDL version number.

For Windows, mkprodct.bat uses:

Building an Icy distribution requires the user to ensure the mkprodct script (in icy/src/icy) uses the correct path for the IDL system - edit the script if needed to refer to the proper path.

Windows users may need to edit the file:

with regards to the IDL installation path.

You should note the mkprodct.bat build file is a DOS batch file executed by the DOS shell. Depending on your version of DOS, it may be necessary to use eight element character strings within the pathnames.


An IDL installation directory:

   c:\Program Files\ITT\idl...
However, you may need to set the path in mkprodct.bat to:

Please note:

    The IDL 6.3 Windows installation renamed a library required to link external routines (Icy) to IDL. The Icy 1.3 Windows mkprodct.bat script contains the proper library name, but Icy 1.2 version and earlier will not build against IDL 6.3 without edits to the mkprodct.bat script.

    The IDL 6.4 distribution reflects the acquisition of Research Systems Inc. by ITT Corporation. As a result IDL root directories pre IDL 6.4 with the string "rsi" may now have the string "itt." This situation may require user edits to the mkprodct.csh build scripts.


Directory Structure

An Icy package includes all CSPICE products plus Icy specific items.

The package directory structure matches CSPICE, but with name modifications and the Icy file additions:

   data/   doc/   etc/   exe/   include/   lib/   src/   makeall
             |                               |      |
             |                               |      |
             |                               |      |
           html/                             |    icy/ icycook/ ...
             |                               |
       index.html  cspice/  icy/ ...         |
                          cspice.a  csupport.a  icy.dlm
The file ``makeall'' is a master build script specific to the platform architecture.


Using Icy


Preparing the Environment

Use of Icy requires registration of the Icy DLM with IDL to access the interface routines. Several means exist to do so:

    1. On Unix/Linux, start IDL from the directory containing icy.dlm and

    2. Programmatically from the IDL interpreter (or from a command script), execute the dlm_register command, e.g.

   IDL> dlm_register, '/naif/icy/lib/icy.dlm'
   IDL> dlm_register, 'c:\naif\icy\lib\icy.dlm'
    3. Copy icy.dlm and (or icy.dll) to IDL's binary directory {The IDL install directory}/bin/bin.<your_arch>, e.g.:

   C:\Program Files\ITT\IDL\IDL81\bin\bin.x86_64\
    4. Set the IDL_DLM_PATH environment variable to a directory containing icy.dlm and (or icy.dll), use the <IDL_DEFAULT> tag when setting the variable to retain the default DLM path, e.g.:

   setenv IDL_DLM_PATH '/naif/icy/lib:<IDL_DEFAULT>'
A restriction exists on running IDL from a command line when intending to use Icy. Do not run IDL from the Icy "src" directory

since this directory contains the "icy.dlm" file but lacks the "" library.

When a user invokes a call to a DLM routine:

      1. IDL calls ...
         2. the interface routine in the shared object
            library, linked against ...
            3. CSPICE, which performs its function and
               returns the result ...
               4. to IDL ...
A transparent procedure from the user's perspective.


Use of Icy based IDL scripts

A user may need to use IDL scripts that increases the functionality of Icy. Such scripts may define constant expressions (similar to include or header files) or alter the capabilities of an interface routine. As with DLM registration, several means exist to adjust the IDL search path.

    1. Programmatically from the IDL environment (or from a command script), the command:

   IDL> pref_set, 'IDL_PATH', '/naif/icy/src/icy:<IDL_DEFAULT>', /COMMIT
   IDL> pref_set, 'IDL_PATH', 'c:\naif\icy\src\icy:<IDL_DEFAULT>', $
extends the search path to include the Icy source directory.

    2. Copy the Icy *.pro files to IDL's library directory {The IDL install directory}/lib e.g.:

   C:\Program Files\ITT\IDL\IDL\lib
    3. Set the IDL_PATH environment variable to a directory containing the Icy *.pro files; use the <IDL_DEFAULT> tag when setting the variable to retain the default DLM path, e.g.:

   setenv IDL_PATH '/path/to/icy/src/icy:<IDL_DEFAULT>'


First Test of Icy Installation

The IDL command:

   help, 'icy', /dlm
returns an information string if IDL successfully loaded the dlm package.

   ** Icy - IDL interface to CSPICE toolkit from JPL/NAIF
   (not loaded)
   Version: x.y, Build Date: year-mon-day,
   Path: /path/to/wherever/you/installed/it/
The IDL command:

   print, cspice_tkvrsn( 'TOOLKIT' )
causes IDL to display the string identifier for the CSPICE library version (N00XX) against which Icy linked.

Failure of either command indicates an improper installation of the Icy system.



Icy documentation includes an HTML based help facility that links Icy APIs with the corresponding CSPICE APIs.

The index.html file in the


subdirectory is the Icy html documentation "homepage." The page provides links to the CSPICE and Icy API descriptions.


Documentation Conventions

The index page for the Icy HTML Reference Guide follows certain conventions to indicate I/O state and type of argument.

   Argument type    Format        Example
   -------------    ----------    -------------------
   input            lower case    CSPICE_TSETYR, year
   output           uppercase     CSPICE_EKNTAB, N
   string           back ticks    CSPICE_FURNSH, `file`
   declare an       parentheses   CSPICE_WNFILD, small, (WINDOW)
     argument        surround
     before use      argument
   vectorized       underscore    CSPICE_STR2ET, _`str`_, _ET_
   vector of        [N]           CSPICE_MXV, m1[3,3], vin[3], VOUT[3]
     size N
   input or         []            CSPICE_UNORMG, v1[], VOUT[], VMAG
     return a
     vector of


The Icy API

In hopes of creating an easy to use product, IDL calls to CSPICE routines closely match the argument form of the native CSPICE routines, with some exceptions. A few CSPICE routines require explicit declaration of memory size for arrays or strings whereas IDL handles many of the memory allocation procedures. So, several Icy calls need not include those parameters.

The IDL language includes a complete set of I/O functions so Icy lacks interfaces to those CSPICE routines that involve direct input or output, e.g. prompt_c. Such functionality is best handled by native IDL functions.

Given a CSPICE wrapper routine "routine_c", the corresponding IDL call is "cspice_routine". The "cspice_" string indicates the source library for the function. If additional libraries are added to Icy, the functions from those libraries will also have a unique identification prefix. This convention prevents symbol name collision.


Path names

Pass file path names through Icy in the form native to the host operating system. The strings pass to the CSPICE library without modification.


API functionality

All Icy APIs share certain characteristics.

    The APIs confirm the proper variable type for all inputs: vector to vector, scalar to scalar, matrix to matrix, structure to structure. The API signals an error if the expected and actual input types do not match.

    With regards to integers and doubles, Icy performs automatic type conversion when needed (int to double), before a call to a CSPICE routine.

    Icy also checks the dimensionality of input vectors and matrices, e.g. an API expecting a double precision 3-vector as input signals an error for any other data type or dimensionality. Most CSPICE vector/matrix routines accept only 3-vectors and 3x3 matrices as input arguments.

    Consistent with the IDL norm, Icy calls do not explicitly return array dimensions. The user can obtain the dimensionality of an array using the IDL construct:

   array_dim      = size ( array, /dimension )
   IDL> array = [ [1,2,3], [3,4,5] ]
   IDL> help, array
   ARRAY           INT       = Array[3, 2]
   IDL> print, size(array, /dimension)
             3           2
    To obtain the number of elements in an array:

   array_size = n_elements ( array )
   IDL> print, n_elements(array)
    When processing vectorized input arguments, Icy confirms all vectorized inputs have the same measure of vectorization (all interfaces include a description of the size of inputs if known). Icy signals an error when inputs do not agree with regards to this measure.

   IDL> range = [ 1.d, 2.d  , 3.d  ]
   IDL> ra    = [ 0.d, 0.75d, 1.5d ]
   IDL> dec   = [ 0.d, 0.1d ]
   IDL> cspice_radrec, range, ra, dec, rectan
   % CSPICE_RADREC: ICY(BADARG): Argument 3 (`dec` = DEC) must have the
                    same measure of vectorization as `range'. Required
                    measure 3, argument has measure 2. {VEC}


Use of Vectorized Arguments

The IDL design philosophy includes the option to use a scalar or vector as a function argument, i.e. a particular argument may be a scalar or a vector. Given a scalar input, a routine returns a scalar; given vector input, the same routine returns a vector. This dual use capability goes by the name vectorization. Vectorization provides the means to eliminate the use of explicit loops in IDL by performing the loop operations in interface C code.

Icy version 1.1, (CSPICE N0058) introduced interfaces permitting use of vectorized arguments. The HTML Icy Reference guide signifies vectorized arguments by bounding the arguments with the underscore character "_" as described in the "Documentation Conventions" section of this document.


Vectorizing a scalar.

A vectorizable scalar argument can pass either a scalar or an N-vector.


Vectorizing a vector.

A vectorizable vector argument can pass either an M-vector or an MxN array.

For those situations where the nominal argument is an M-vector, but used in a vectorized fashion, the argument returns as a MxN array.

   ;; Create an array of 1000000 ephemeris times starting
   ;; at et0 and ending at et1.
   IDL> cspice_str2et, 'Jan 1 2005', et0
   IDL> cspice_str2et, 'Jan 1 2025', et1
   IDL> step = (et1 - et0)/1000000.d
   IDL> et   = et0 + dindgen(1000000L)*step
   IDL> help, et
   ET              DOUBLE    = Array[1000000]
   ;; Look-up states corresponding to each element of 'et'.
   IDL> cspice_spkezr, 'MARS', et, 'J2000', 'LT+S', 'EARTH', $
                       state , ltime
   IDL> help, state
   STATE           DOUBLE    = Array[6, 1000000]
Note, cspice_spkezr nominally returns 'state' as a 6-vector, but the output corresponding to the 1000000 element 'et' vector returns 'state' as a 6x1000000 array.

To extract the i'th state 6-vector from the 'state' array:

   state_i = state[*,i]


Vectorizing a matrix.

A vectorizable matrix argument can pass either an LxM-matrix or an LxMxN array.

For those situations where the nominal argument returns a LxM-matrix, but used in a vectorized fashion, the argument returns as a LxMxN array.

   ;; Use the same 'et' vector as in previous example,
   ;; return an array of transformation matrices from
   ;; IAU_EARTH to J2000 corresponding to each element
   ;; of 'et'.
   IDL> cspice_pxform, 'IAU_EARTH', 'J2000', et, mat
   IDL> help, mat
   MAT             DOUBLE    = Array[3, 3, 1000000]
Note, cspice_pxform nominally returns 'mat' as 3x3 array, but the output corresponding to the 1000000 element 'et' vector returns 'mat' as a 3x3x1000000 array.

To extract the i'th 3x3 transformation matrix from the 'mat' array:

   matrix_i = mat[*,*,i]


SPICE Windows, Planes, and Ellipses in Icy


SPICE Ellipses in Icy

In most situations, you create CSPICE_ELLIPSE structures by providing the correct input to a routine that converts one representation of an ellipse to a CSPICE_ELLIPSE.

If needed, you can create in IDL code a CSPICE_ELLIPSE structure and populate the structure by direct assignment. Define the structure:

   struct  = {CSPICE_ELLIPSE, center:dblarr(3),    $
                              semimajor:dblarr(3), $
                              semiminor:dblarr(3) }
Note: the structure must have the name 'CSPICE_ELLIPSE', and must include the members 'center', 'semiMajor', and 'semiMinor' dimensioned as double precision 3-vectors.

Create a variable as a CSPICE_ELLIPSE then assign member values:

   ellipse           = {CSPICE_ELLIPSE}    = [ cnt1, cnt2, cnt3 ]
   ellipse.semimajor = [ smj1, smj2, smj3 ]
   ellipse.semiminor = [ smn1, smn2, smn3 ]


SPICE Planes in Icy

Similarly, you can directly create a CSPICE_PLANE structure. Define the structure:

   struct = {CSPICE_PLANE, normal:dblarr(3), $
                           constant:0.d    }
Note: the structure must have the name 'CSPICE_PLANE', and must include the members 'normal', dimensioned as a double precision 3-vector, and 'constant', dimensioned as a double precision scalar.

Create a variable as a CSPICE_PLANE then assign member values:

   plane          = {CSPICE_PLANE}
   plane.normal   = [ n1, n2, n3 ]
   plane.constant = x


SPICE Cells in Icy

Create a double precision or integer cell where SIZE defines the number of elements available in the cell's data array.


   cell = cspice_celli( SIZE )
Double Precision

   cell = cspice_celld( SIZE )
Refer to the headers of cspice_celld and cspice_celli for specific information on the implementation of cells in Icy.


SPICE Windows in Icy

Icy defines windows as double precision cells . Creation of a window begins with a conventional cspice_celld(SIZE) call, after which one uses the cspice_wn* routines to manipulate the window data.

Refer to the Windows Required Reading document, windows.req, for specific information on the implementation of windows in Icy.


Icy Implementation of the SPICE Exception Subsystem

By design, Icy lacks interfaces to the CSPICE exception handling subsystem. The interface code "catches" any CSPICE error, then passes the error description to the IDL interpreter as a IDL error message.

All SPICE errors passed back to IDL have the format: the name of the routine that failed; the SPICE(*) short error message; in brackets, the trace-back of the call sequence that led to the error; the long error message.

Icy signals two error code types: ICY_M_SPICE_ERROR and ICY_M_BAD_IDL_ARGS. Any SPICE error causes an ICY_M_SPICE_ERROR error signal. Any argument error causes and ICY_M_BAD_IDL_ARGS error signal.

    The "!" variable holds the error code: ICY_M_SPICE_ERROR or ICY_M_BAD_IDL_ARGS.

    The "!error_state.msg" variable holds the SPICE short and long error messages (long is an explanation of the short message), plus the SPICE call traceback.


Error Response

SPICE programmers often encounter two errors, regardless of the programming language. Both errors result from the failure to load the needed SPICE kernels prior to an evaluation involving time conversion or a state look-up.


No loaded leapseconds kernel

   IDL> cspice_str2et, 'Jan 1, 2000', et
                    The variable that points to the leapseconds
                    (DELTET/DELTA_AT) could not be located in the
                    kernel pool.  It is likely that the leapseconds
                    kernel has not been loaded via the routine


No loaded SPKs

   IDL> cspice_spkezr, 'MOON', 0.D, 'J2000', 'NONE', 'EARTH', $
                        state, ltime
                    ->SPKSSB->SPKGEO->SPKSFS] At least one SPK file
                    needs to be loaded by SPKLEF before beginning
                    a search.


Error Response from Vectorized Routines

NAIF modified the Icy error system to handle vectorized functions. Consider the "Insufficient ephemeris data" error message from a cspice_spkezr call with a scalar 'et':

   IDL> cspice_str2et, '2050 JAN 30', et
   IDL> cspice_spkezr, 'MOON', et, 'J2000', 'LT+S', 'EARTH', $
                        state, ltime
                    ->SPKACS->SPKLTC->SPKGEO] Insufficient ephemeris
                    data has been loaded to compute the state of 399
                    (EARTH) relative to 0 (SOLAR SYSTEM BARYCENTER)
                    at the ephemeris epoch 2050 JAN 30 00:01:05.184.
The same error when using a vectorized 'et':

   IDL> cspice_str2et, '2049 DEC 30', et0
   IDL> et = dindgen(1000000) + et0
   IDL> cspice_spkezr, 'MOON', et, 'J2000', 'LT+S', 'EARTH', $
                        state, ltime
                    ->SPKACS->SPKGEO] Insufficient ephemeris data
                    has been loaded to compute the state of 399 (EARTH)
                    relative to 0 (SOLAR SYSTEM BARYCENTER) at the
                    ephemeris epoch 2050 JAN 01 00:01:05.183. Failure
                    occurred at input vector index 172799.
The "Failure occurred at input..." string appears only when using vectorized arguments. The element value refers to the vector index at which the failure occurred. In this case, the kernel system lacked data to perform the state evaluation at time value et[172799].


Command Format Error

When the Icy system detects an error in the command format, it signals an error and outputs a usage string, displaying the correct format. An example usage response:

   %  Usage:  CSPICE_SPKEZR, `target`, epoch, `frame`, `abcorr`,
              `observer`, STATE[6], LTIME
This error sets ! to the IDL error value IDL_M_GENERIC.


Error Handling

CSPICE errors can pass from the CSPICE library to IDL without halting the IDL application via the "catch" mechanism. A simple application of the mechanism wraps a single call:

   catch, error
   if error eq 0 then "function call"
   catch, /cancel
The variable 'error' has value 0 after the catch command. If Icy signals an error, the value resets to non-zero then program execution continues at the first executable line after the catch, i.e. catch, /cancel.

A more elaborate use of catch traps errors from any of a series of function calls:

   ;; Establish an error catch 'error'
   catch, error
   ;; The new error handler 'error' initially
   ;; has a zero value.
   if error ne 0 then begin
      ;; Cancel the error catch
      catch, /cancel
      ...perhaps output error message to the user, dependent on need...
      print, !
      print, !error_state.msg
   ;; Code to execute. If any routine signals an error
   ;; during execution, the program flow returns to the
   ;; first line after the catch invocation, i.e.
   ;;   if error ne 0 then begin
   ;; since 'error' now has a non-zero value, program
   ;; execution flows into the if block.
   "function call"
   "function call"
   "function call"
   ;; No error signaled, cancel the error handler.
   catch, /cancel
Use of 'catch' grants the user control over the error response from the CSPICE routines.


Attempt to return a state without loading kernels.

   ;; Wrap cspice_spkezr in a catch block.
   catch, error
   if error eq 0 then $
      cspice_spkezr, 'Moon',  0.d,   'J2000', 'LT+S', $
                     'EARTH', state, ltime
   catch, /cancel
   ;; Check for an error response. Print the name and message if
   ;; found.
   if error ne 0 then begin
      print, !
      print, !error_state.msg
The output displays for the ! system variable:

indicating an error occurred while executing a SPICE routine.

The output displays for the !error_state.msg system variable:

                    SPKEZ->SPKSSB->SPKGEO->SPKSFS] At least
                    one SPK file needs to be loaded by SPKLEF
                    before beginning a search.


Correlation Between Icy and IDL


IDL vs. CSPICE Functionality

Several CSPICE functions equate to intrinsic IDL functions. A user can choose to use an Icy call or a corresponding IDL call to accomplish the same operation.


Equivalent math, matrix, vector operations

All vectors passed from a cspice routine to IDL return as row vectors regardless of the orthodoxy of vector mechanics. In the same sense:


   Icy vs IDL calls         Output object     Type of routine
   -----------------        -------------     ---------------
   a = cspice_det(b)        scalar double     Icy
   a = determ(b)            scalar double     IDL native
   a = la_determ(b)         scalar double     IDL native
   cspice_invert, a, b      3x3 matrix        Icy
   b = invert(a)            3x3 matrix        IDL native
   b = la_invert(a)         3x3 matrix        IDL native
   cspice_mxm, a, b, c      3x3 matrix        Icy
   c = a ## b               3x3 matrix        IDL native
   cspice_mtxm, a, b, c     3x3 matrix        Icy
   c = transpose(a) ## b    3x3 matrix        IDL native
   cspice_mxv, a, b, c      row-3 vec         Icy
   c = a ## b               column-3 vec      IDL native
   c = transpose(a) # b     row-3 vec         IDL native
   cspice_mtxv, a, b, c     row-3 vec         Icy
   c = transpose(a) ## b    column-3 vec      IDL native
   c = a # b                row-3 vec         IDL native
   cspice_xpose, a, b       3x3 matrix        Icy
   b = transpose( a )       3x3 matrix        IDL native
   cspice_vpack, a,b,c,v    row-3 vec         Icy
   v = [a, b, c]            row-3 vec         IDL native
   cspice_vadd , a, b, c    row-3 vec         Icy
   c = a + b                row-3 vec         IDL native
   cspice_vaddg, a, b, c    row-n vec         Icy
   c = a + b                row-n vec         IDL native
   cspice_vsub , a, b, c    row-3 vec         Icy
   c = a - b                row-3 vec         IDL native
   cspice_vsubg, a, b, c    row-n vec         Icy
   c = a - b                row-n vec         IDL native
   cspice_vcrss, a, b, c    row-3 vec         Icy
   c = crossp( a, b )       row-3 vec         IDL native
   c = cspice_vdot (a,b)    scalar            Icy
   c = transpose(a) # b     scalar            IDL native
   c = b ## transpose(a)    scalar            IDL native
   c = a ## transpose(b)    scalar            IDL native
   c = cspice_vdotg(a,b)    scalar            Icy
   c = transpose(a) # b     scalar            IDL native
   c = b ## transpose(a)    scalar            IDL native
   c = a ## transpose(b)    scalar            IDL native
   d = cspice_vtmv(a,b,c)   scalar            Icy
   d = a ## ( b ## c )      scalar            IDL native
   b = cspice_vnorm(a)      row-3 vec         Icy
   b = norm(a)              row-3 vec         IDL native
   b = cspice_vnormg(a)     row-n vec         Icy
   b = norm(a)              row-n vec         IDL native
   b = cspice_trace(a)      scalar            Icy
   b = trace(a)             scalar            IDL native
   cspice_rquad, a,b,c, $
             root1, root2   two 2-vectors     Icy
   fz_roots([c,b,a])        complex 2-vector  IDL native


Equivalent string operations

Assume all string arguments as scalar unless otherwise noted.

cspice_lparse equates to strsplit using the /EXTRACT flag:

   cspice_lparse, string, delimin,  n_max, items
   items = strsplit ( string, delimin, /EXTRACT )
cspice_ucase equates to strupcase:

   cspice_ucase, string, upper
   upper = strupcase ( string )
cspice_lcase equates to strlowcase:

   cspice_lcase, string, low
   low = strlowcase( string )
cspice_eqstr equates to strcmp with the /FOLD_CASE flag:

Note: strcmp accepts vector arguments.

   cspice_eqstr( string1, string2 )
   strcmp( string1, string2, /FOLD_CASE )
cspice_cmprss equates to two expressions of strcompress with regards to blank space:

Note: strcompress accepts vector arguments.

Remove all instances of blank spaces.

   cspice_cmprss, ' ', 0, string, comp
   comp = strcompress( string, /REMOVE_ALL )
Remove all instance of consecutive blank spaces, replace with a single space.

   cspice_cmprss, ' ', 1, string, comp
   comp = strcompress( string )


Matrix Operations

A user must understand the details of matrix math and the structure of a matrix as defined by both CSPICE and IDL.


Matrix Properties

Here, we discuss matrix row/column issues between CSPICE and IDL. When told "Matrix X has dimensions 4X2" do you envision a structure of the form:

      x(0,0)  x(0,1)
      x(1,0)  x(1,1)
      x(2,0)  x(2,1)
      x(3,0)  x(3,1)

      x(0,0)  x(1,0)  x(2,0)  x(3,0)
      x(0,1)  x(1,1)  x(2,1)  x(3,1)
one being the transpose of the other. What does IDL produce? What does C produce?

The IDL Case

   mat = dblarr(4,2)
produces a matrix of the form:

   mat[0,0]  mat[1,0]  mat[2,0]  mat[3,0]
   mat[0,1]  mat[1,1]  mat[2,1]  mat[3,1]
But if accessing the elements of mat as a vector, the index represents a row based structure

   mat[0]  mat[1]  mat[2]  mat[3]
   mat[4]  mat[5]  mat[6]  mat[7]
   mat[0] == mat[0,0], mat[1] == mat[1,0], mat[4] == mat[0,1], etc.
Creation of an IDL matrix via assignment:

   IDL> matrix = [ [a, b, c, d ], [e, f, g, h], [i, j, k, l] ]
On output:

   IDL> print, matrix
        a  b  c  d
        e  f  g  h
        i  j  k  l
shows the expected form. Recall how IDL indexes matrices, so the components are:

      matrix[0,0] == a, matrix[0,1] == e, matrix[0,2] == i, ...,
      matrix[3,1] == h, etc.
The C Language Case

A native C language matrix (4,2), with four rows, and two columns:

      mat[0][0]   mat[0][1]
      mat[1][0]   mat[1][1]
      mat[2][0]   mat[2][1]
      mat[3][0]   mat[3][1}
Matrices returned from CSPICE routines have the standard C matrix form. Please note,

Yet, when displaying a matrix returned from a CSPICE routine with the IDL 'print' command, the output will display the conventional mathematical form, i.e. the row by column form.


Comparison of Icy and IDL matrix operations

Define a simple 3x3 matrix.

   IDL> mat = [ [1d,2,3], [ 4,5,6], [7,8,9] ]
   IDL> print, mat
          1.0000000       2.0000000       3.0000000
          4.0000000       5.0000000       6.0000000
          7.0000000       8.0000000       9.0000000
   IDL> print, mat[*]
          1.0000000       2.0000000       3.0000000       4.0000000
          5.0000000       6.0000000       7.0000000       8.0000000
Now define a 3-vector. Mathematically, this defines a 3x1 column matrix.

   IDL> vec = [ 5.d, 1, 2 ]
   IDL> print, vec
          5.0000000       1.0000000       2.0000000
   IDL> help, vec
   VEC             DOUBLE    = Array[3]
IDL considers this a 3-vector (3 cols x 1 row), though the vector mechanic identification is a 1x3 array (1 row x 3 cols). The "Array" designation indicates an IDL vector.

If you visualize a matrix times vector operation:

      | 1.     2.     3. |  | 5. |    | 13. |
      | 4.     5.     6. |  | 1. | =  | 37. |
      | 7.     8.     9. |  | 2. |    | 61. |
considering 'vec' as a column vector, the operation creates a column vector.

Perform the operation using the CSPICE routine mxv_c.

   IDL> cspice_mxv, mat, vec, vecout1
   IDL> print, vecout1
          13.000000       37.000000       61.000000
The routine returns an IDL row vector with input integer values converted to doubles prior to computation. The computation returns doubles.

Perform the same operation with the IDL native operator:

   IDL> vecout2 = mat ## vec
   IDL> print, vecout2
   IDL> help, vecout2
   VECOUT2         DOUBLE    = Array[1, 3]
The operation properly returns a column vector but note the dimensionality of the vector, a 1x3 matrix. This dimensionality is consistent with the IDL matrix notation.

Transpose 'vec', then output.

   IDL> vectranspose = transpose( vec)
   IDL> print, vectranspose
   IDL> help, vectranspose
   VECTRANSPOSE    DOUBLE    = Array[1, 3]
Now try the vector multiplication.

   IDL> vecout4 = mat ## vectranspose
   IDL> print, vecout4
As is shown, IDL's native operator

performs the same operation on the transpose of the vector as with the standard row vector.

However, the IDL native operator

does not behave in this way.

   IDL> print,  mat # vectranspose
   % Operands of matrix multiply have incompatible dimensions: MAT,
   % Execution halted at: $MAIN$
Perform the calculation with the IDL native operator:

   IDL> vecout3 = transpose(mat) # vec
   IDL> print, vecout3
          13.000000       37.000000       61.000000
This operation returns a row vector in the standard IDL vector form.

IDL identifies vectranspose as a 1x3 matrix. If passing vectranspose to an Icy interface expecting a vector:

   IDL> cspice_mxv, mat, vectranspose, vecout5
   % CSPICE_MXV: ICY(BADARG): Argument 2 (`vin` = VECTRANSPOSE)
                 incorrect array dimensions. Argument should have
                 1 dimension(s), found to have 2. {DIM}
   % Execution halted at: $MAIN$
Don't assume the above example implies an operation equivalence between the use of the

   ## and #
operators, and the Icy vector/matrix routines. The Icy routines promote the input values to double precision and return doubles. The IDL operators preserve the input type, returning the same type (if possible).


Extracting matrix elements

Load a PCK containing target body orientation information.

   IDL> cspice_furnsh, '/kernels/gen/pck/pck00008.tpc'
Calculate the matrix to rotate a position vector from J2000 to the Saturn (699) body-fixed frame.

   IDL> cspice_pxform, 'J2000', 'IAU_SATURN', 0.d0, TIPM
Print the matrix. The output has the form expected by mathematicians.

   IDL> print, TIPM
        -0.98018926      0.18502086     0.070684507
        -0.17866837     -0.98000194     0.087600270
        0.085478832     0.073235758      0.99364475
Extract the direction of the rotation pole of Saturn, the Z axis, from the matrix in the J2000 frame. As the matrix transforms a position 3-vector from J2000 to the Saturn-fixed frame, the bottom row of the displayed matrix defines the Z axis in J2000.

   IDL> Z = TIPM[ 6:8 ]
   IDL> print, Z
        0.085478832     0.073235758      0.99364475
Another technique to obtain the required data, extract the final elements in each column as displayed above. Recall the IDL indexing convention.

   IDL> Z = [ TIPM[*,2 ] ]
   IDL> print, Z
        0.085478832     0.073235758      0.99364475


Direct input of a matrix by elements for use by CSPICE.

   IDL> mat = [ [ a,b,c], [d,e,f], [g,h,i] ]
   IDL> print, mat
       a  b  c
       d  e  f
       g  h  i
   IDL> vec = [ x, y, z ]
   IDL> cspice_mxv, mat, vec, out
'out' contains the vector as expected if you consider 'mat' as a standard matrix, namely:

      out  = | a  b  c | | x |
             | d  e  f | | y |
             | g  h  i | | z |

      out  = | a x  +  b y  +  c z |
             | d x  +  e y  +  f z |
             | g x  +  h y  +  i z |

   IDL> out = mat ## vec


Common problems


Use of 'lt' as a Variable NAME

CSPICE documentation and source code uniformly uses the variable name 'lt' to designate the light-time between an observer and target. IDL uses 'lt' as the less-than numeric comparison operator and so does not allow 'lt' as a variable name. Therefore, Icy documentation uses the name 'ltime' for the light-time value.


Persistence of Kernel Data

A possible irritant exists when loading kernels using the cspice_furnsh function.

The CSPICE design supposes use in a single program run-time environment; the program accomplishes its function, then quits. With respect to Icy, consider the IDL environment as a single program run. Since Icy functions as an extension to IDL, loaded kernels and opened files remain in memory after a script runs unless explicitly unloaded or closed (a script is not the program, IDL is the program).

Consequence: kernel data may be available to one of your scripts even though not intended to be so. You could get incorrect or unexpected results!

Two approaches mitigate this issue. Load all needed SPICE kernels for your IDL session at the beginning of the session, paying careful attention to the files loaded and the loading order (loading order affects precedence).

Or, either unload unneeded kernels with cspice_unload, or clear all loaded kernels and kernel pool variables with cspice_kclear, at the end of the IDL script to avoid both exceeding the maximum number of allowed loaded kernels and providing unintended access to kernel data.


Defining Kernel Names with Relative Paths

Users should understand a subtlety concerning the kernel load action for binary kernels in IDL. A load provides access to the kernel for the IDL process based on the path. If the path is defined relative to the active IDL directory, changing the active directory after a load may (probably) cause an error signal from the CSPICE library. The signal, likely an IOSTAT=2 error, occurs because the kernel subsystem maintains a list of kernel names as passed to cspice_furnsh. Changing the active directory changes the resolved name for a kernel name defined with a relative path so any operation on such a kernel may fail after active directory changes. This behavior is specific to kernels defined with relative paths. Use of absolute paths in a kernel name prevents this problem.

Prevent this problem by:

    Define all kernels to load using absolute paths. NAIF recommends this practice.

    Do not alter your active directory after loading kernels, regardless of whether a direct load with @FURNSH or by a meta kernel.


Floating Underflow

A user may occasionally encounter an IDL math exception:

   % Program caused arithmetic error: Floating underflow
This warning occurs most often as a consequence of CSPICE math operations.

In all known cases, the SIGFPE exceptions caused by CSPICE can be ignored. CSPICE assumes numeric underflow as zero. A user can adjust IDL's response to math exceptions by setting the !EXCEPT variable:

    !EXCEPT = 0 suppresses the SIGFPE messages, and even more (e.g. a fatal error).

    !EXCEPT = 1, the default, reports math exceptions on return to the interactive prompt. NAIF recommends this be used.

    !EXCEPT = 2 reports exceptions immediately after executing the command.


Null pointer error

As an interface to IDL, Icy's functioning depends on the way IDL passes argument lists to a shared library. An IDL distribution includes a file, export.h, that defines the various macros and variables needed to pass data. Always compile Icy ( against the export.h file included with the IDL application that calls the Icy shared library, i.e. if using Icy with IDL X.1, compile Icy with the external.h header distributed with IDL X.1.

The most common symptom of an Icy/IDL mismatch is an error signal from Icy when attempting to pass strings to a CSPICE routine.


   % CSPICE_FURNSH: Pointer "file" is null; a non-null
     pointer is required.
   % Execution halted at:  $MAIN$  7 /path/to/procedure
A recompile of the Icy source in icy/src/icy should correct the problem. The build script in the Icy source directory expects the external directory to exist in the default location; ensure the build script uses the correct path name for the directory.

This problem usually occurs when using Icy after an IDL upgrade.


Given two 'external' directories

Edit the build script (mkprodct) in icy/src/icy to use the correct 'external' path for the IDL executable you run.


IDL Script Compile Errors

IDL may signal a syntax error for no understandable reason during compiles of IDL code that include Icy calls. Example:

   lon_arr[i] = lon * cspice_dpr()
   % Syntax error.
The statement seems reasonable, yet a "% Syntax error" occurred. This results from compiling the code with Icy calls before loading the Icy dlm to IDL. Use either the "dlm_register" command to load Icy, or place the Icy dlm files in the appropriate IDL directory for loading on start-up.


Sensitivity to float/double variable type

All Icy routines and functions expect real input values as doubles, and return doubles for reals on output. IDL recognizes both single (float) and double precision representations for reals. An issue exists concerning the IDL representation of real values. In some circumstances, an IDL float passed to an Icy routine produces an output different from that if the value had type double.

Assign a double precision value as a float variable, then output the value of the variable.


   IDL> xf = 123456.78901234567
   IDL> print, format='(f20.10)', xf
Assign the same double precision value as a double variable, then output the value of the variable.

   IDL> xd = 123456.78901234567d
   IDL> print, format='(f20.10)', xd
Notice the difference in output.

Assign a second double precision value as a float, use a value four orders of magnitude larger than the previous example.

   IDL> xf = 1234567890.1234567
   IDL> print, format='(f23.7)', xf
Now assign the value as a double precision value.

   IDL> xd = 1234567890.1234567d
   IDL> print, format='(f23.7)', xd
Again, notice the difference between the single precision and double precision representations of the same value.


Solve a system of the form Ax=b using a mixture of integer and double declared variables...

   IDL> A = [[ 4, 16000, 17000 ], $
   IDL>      [ 2, 5    , 8     ], $
   IDL>      [ 3, 6    , 10    ]  ]
   IDL> b = [ 100.1d, 0.1, .01 ]
...and using an LAPACK algorithm:

   IDL> x = la_linear_equation( A, b )
   IDL> print, x
       -0.397432    -0.334865     0.321148
Use an Icy call to compute a 'b' vector from 'A' and the solution vector 'x'. How does the result compare with the declared 'b'?

   IDL> cspice_mxv, A, x, b_calc1
   IDL> print, b_calc1
          100.09967     0.099999875    0.0099998713
Difference the original 'b' vector and the calculated 'b_calc1' to determine the order of round-off error:

   IDL> print, b - b_calc1
      0.00033078194   1.2665987e-07   1.2852252e-07
Now calculate a 'b' vector using the IDL native operator:

   IDL> b_calc2 = a ## x
   IDL> print, b_calc2
Difference the known (input) vector from the calculated vector:

   IDL> print, b - transpose (b_calc2)
      9.3078613e-05   9.6857548e-08   1.2852252e-07
Solve the same system, this time with the 'A' matrix explicitly defined as double:

   IDL> A = [[ 4d, 16000, 17000 ], $
   IDL>      [ 2,  5,     8     ], $
   IDL>      [ 3,  6,     10    ]  ]
   IDL> b = [ 100.1d, .1, .01 ]
   IDL> x = la_linear_equation( A, b )
Again, use an Icy call to compute a 'b' vector from 'A' and the solution vector 'x'. Now, how does the result compare with the declared 'b'?

   IDL> cspice_mxv, A, x, b_calc3
Difference the known (input) vector from the calculated vector:

   IDL> print, b - b_calc3
      1.9895197e-13       0.0000000  -1.1102230e-16
Note the magnitude of the difference vector b-bcalc3, ~10**(-13) compared to the same calculation performed on the mixed integer-double data values b-bcalc1, ~10**(-4).


Icy Outputs Restricted to Named Variables

Inputs to Icy routines may be variables, constants, or function calls.


   cspice_subroutine, input, output
   output_vec[0] = output
   cspice_subroutine, input1, input2, cspice_func(), input3, output1
Not permitted:

   cspice_subroutine, input, output_vec[0]


Use on 32-bit vs 64-bit Platforms

NAIF provides Icy for several platforms in both 32 and 64-bit format. The Icy DLM functions only in the mode for which compiled.

It may be possible to run IDL in 32-bit mode on a 64-bit platform so as to use a 32-bit compiled Icy. If so, the user must explicitly invoke the 32-bit version of IDL (default on 64-bit platforms is to run 64-bit IDL).

To run IDL from the command line in 32-bit mode:

   $ idl -32
Or use the applications (names may differ based on platform and IDL version):

The error message returned when running a 64-bit IDL bit with the 32-bit Icy DLM appears similar to:

   % CSPICE_ICY: Error loading sharable executable.
                 Symbol: IDL_Load, File = /Applications/icy/lib/
                 dlopen(/Applications/icy/lib/, 1): no suitable
                 image found.  Did find: /naif/icy/lib/, but
                 wrong architecture
A similar error returns when running IDL 32-bit with the 64-bit Icy DLM. The error message will mention a "wrong architecture" and/or "no suitable image found."


dlm_register, script compile order

Scripts using the Icy interface may signal errors if compiled prior to registering the Icy DLM with the IDL environment.

The register operation must always precede compile operations.


   IDL> icy_src = '/Users/naif/icy/src/'
   IDL> pref_set, 'IDL_PATH', icy_src + ':<IDL_DEFAULT>', /COMMIT
   IDL> .compile
   % Compiled module: SPK__DEFINE.
   % Compiled module: SPK::INIT.
   % Compiled module: SPK::KERNEL_SUMMARY.
   % Compiled module: SPK::VALUE.
   % Compiled module: SPK::HELP.
   % Compiled module: ERR_OUT.
   IDL> dlm_register, '/Users/naif/icy/lib/icy.dlm'
   IDL> spk = obj_new( 'SPK', '/kernels/gen/spk/de422.bsp' )
   Unexpected error detected.
   Attempt to call undefined procedure/function: 'CSPICE_DAFOPR'.
Compiling again, after the dlm_register call, eliminates the error.




2015 SEP 20 by E. D. Wright.

Edits to clarify the dlm_register, script compiler order requirement.


2013 FEB 04 by E. D. Wright.

Edits to text for clarity and completeness. Removed unneeded comments.


2010 APR 28 by E. D. Wright.

Previous edits.


2004 FEB 24 by E. D. Wright.

Initial release.