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SPICE-enhanced Cosmographia Components

NAIF has tried to provide installer packages that will work in the indicated computing environments. But there may be compatibility issues in getting the tool to work on any given machine. You or your system administrator may need to install missing or different versions of system components on your machine in order to get Cosmographia to execute. Caution: these packages are rather large, as indicated.

These installers include options to allow downloading of the Cosmographia-SPICE User's Guide and associated catalog templates, and several real mission examples, consisting of catalog files and allied kernels.

The installers noted above include a set of generic SPICE kernels and corresponding catalog files that will be loaded into Cosmographia at start-up. These provide solar system body ephemerides and orientation spanning the period of 1950 to 2050.

The on-line Cosmographia User's Guide is available here.

The installers and release notes for the previous versions of the program are still available on the NAIF server and can be obtained from these locations: Version 2.0, Version 3.0, Version 4.0, Version 4.1.

The Cosmographia-SPICE User's Guide and associated catalog templates, and several Cosmographia examples (catalog files and SPICE kernels) are also available separately in the package noted below.

  • SPICE-enhanced Cosmographia_User's_Package consisting of:
    • The Cosmographia-SPICE User's Guide
    • The catalog template files mentioned in the User's Guide
    • A collection of example catalog files and corresponding SPICE meta-kernels, providing sample visualizations for several real missions
    • A "README" text file describing the contents of this package, and what additionally is needed.

IMPORTANT: This package DOES NOT contain the actual mission kernels for the examples; it contains only the appropriate meta-kernels. This is because the kernel collections can be quite large. To utilize any of these examples you must first download the SPICE archive for the mission(s) of interest to you. Carefully read the README file provided in the Cosmographia User's Package for details.

Also available is a stand-alone Java-based tool, jsongen, useful in preparing or editing the various catalog files needed to run Cosmographia. Both a GUI and a command-line version are included, but user's are recommended to stick with the GUI version. This tool was built as a summer project by a high-school student. The time available was not sufficient to make it as robust as we'd like, but it does work. Alternatively you could carefully use any text editor to prepare or revise a catalog file that could help you with creating or editing catalog files.

If you are having problems installing SPICE-enhanced Cosmographia and your SysAdmin is unable to fix the problem, contact Boris Semenov, NAIF Manager; possibly we can give some suggestions.

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