BFF User's Guide =========================================================================== Last revised on 2008 JAN 16 by B. V. Semenov. Abstract -------------------------------------------------------- BFF is a command line program that displays the binary file format ID for one or more binary kernel files. Summary -------------------------------------------------------- BFF -- ``Binary File Format'' -- is a command line program that displays the binary file format ID for one or more binary kernel files specified on the command line. Usage -------------------------------------------------------- The program usage is: % bff [ .... ] When the program is run with a single file name on the command line it displays only the binary file format ID for that file: When the program is run with two or more file names on the command line it displays the binary file format ID followed by the file name for each of the input files on a separate line: ... The binary file format ID, , is 'BIG-IEEE', 'LTL-IEEE', 'VAX-GFLT', 'VAX-DFLT' or 'UNK' for binary DAF and DAS files or 'N/A' for all other types of files. If the command line is blank or contains the '-h', '-help', '-u', or -usage' keys, the program displays usage. Examples -------------------------------------------------------- In this example the program is run to display the binary file format ID for a single SPK file in the current directory: % bff mer2_surf_rover.bsp BIG-IEEE % In this example the program is run to display the binary file format ID for all CK, SPK, FK, and transfer SPK files in the current directory: % bff ./*.bc ./*.bsp ./*.tf ./*.xsp BIG-IEEE ./MRO_PHX_EDL_07260_PASS1_sc_20070917181502.bc LTL-IEEE ./070416BP_IRRE_00256_14363.bsp LTL-IEEE ./mars_north.bsp BIG-IEEE ./mer2_surf_rover.bsp LTL-IEEE ./sb406-20pb.bsp LTL-IEEE ./zero_offset.bsp N/A ./ N/A ./mgn06127.xsp %