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   ckopn_c ( CK, open new file. ) 

   void ckopn_c (  ConstSpiceChar   * fname,
                   ConstSpiceChar   * ifname,
                   SpiceInt           ncomch,
                   SpiceInt         * handle  )


   Open a new CK file, returning the handle of the opened file.






   --------  ---  --------------------------------------------------
   fname      I   The name of the CK file to be opened.
   ifname     I   The internal filename for the CK.
   ncomch     I   The number of characters to reserve for comments.
   handle     O   The handle of the opened CK file.


   fname       The name of the CK file to be opened.

   ifname      The internal filename for the CK file that is being
               created. The internal filename may be up to 60 characters
               long. If you do not have any conventions for tagging your
               files, an internal filename of "CK_file" is perfectly
               acceptable. You may also leave it blank if you like.

   ncomch      This is the space, measured in characters, to be
               initially set aside for the comment area when a new CK
               file is opened. The amount of space actually set aside
               may be greater than the amount requested, due to the
               manner in which comment records are allocated in an CK
               file. However, the amount of space set aside for comments
               will always be at least the amount that was requested.

               The value of ncomch should be greater than or equal to
               zero, i.e., 0 <= ncomch. A negative value, should one
               occur, will be assumed to be zero.


   handle      The handle of the opened CK file. If an error occurs the
               value of this variable will not represent a valid handle.




   1)  If the value of `ncomch' is negative, a value of zero (0) will
       be used for the number of comment characters to be set aside
       for comments.

   2)  If an error occurs while attempting to open a CK file the
       value of `handle' will not represent a valid file handle.

   3)  If any of the `fname' or `ifname' input string pointers is
       null, the error SPICE(NULLPOINTER) is signaled.

   4)  If any of the `fname' or `ifname' input strings has zero
       length, the error SPICE(EMPTYSTRING) is signaled.


   See fname and handle.


   Open a new CK file, reserving room for comments if requested.

   A ckcls_c call should balance every ckopn_c call.


   The numerical results shown for this example may differ across
   platforms. The results depend on the SPICE kernels used as
   input, the compiler and supporting libraries, and the machine
   specific arithmetic implementation.

   1) Create a CK type 3 segment; fill with data for a simple time
      dependent rotation and angular velocity, and reserve room in
      the CK comments area for 5000 characters.

      Example code begins here.

         Program ckopn_ex1
      #include "SpiceUsr.h"

      int main( )

         Local parameters.
         #define CK3          "ckopn_ex1.bc"
         #define SPTICK       0.001
         #define INST         -77703
         #define MAXREC       201

         Local variables.
         SpiceChar          * ref;
         SpiceChar          * ifname;
         SpiceChar          * segid;

         SpiceDouble          avvs   [MAXREC][3];
         SpiceDouble          begtim;
         SpiceDouble          endtim;
         SpiceDouble          quats  [MAXREC][4];
         SpiceDouble          rate;
         SpiceDouble          rwmat  [3][3];
         SpiceDouble          spaces;
         SpiceDouble          sclkdp [MAXREC];
         SpiceDouble          starts [MAXREC/2];
         SpiceDouble          sticks;
         SpiceDouble          theta;
         SpiceDouble          wmat   [3][3];
         SpiceDouble          wquat  [4];

         SpiceInt             handle;
         SpiceInt             i;
         SpiceInt             ncomch;
         SpiceInt             nints;

         SpiceBoolean         avflag;

         `ncomch' is the number of characters to reserve for the
         kernel's comment area. This example doesn't write
         comments, so set to zero.
         ncomch = 0;

         The base reference from for the rotation data.
         ref = "J2000";

         Time spacing in encoded ticks and in seconds
         sticks = 10.0;
         spaces = sticks * SPTICK;

         Declare an angular rate in radians per sec.
         rate = 1.e-2;

         Internal file name and segment ID.
         segid  = "Test type 3 CK segment";
         ifname = "Test CK type 3 segment created by ckw03_c";

         Open a new kernel.
         ckopn_c ( CK3, ifname, ncomch, &handle );

         Create a 3x3 double precision identity matrix.
         ident_c ( wmat );

         Convert the matrix to quaternion.
         m2q_c ( wmat, wquat );

         Copy the work quaternion to the first row of
         moved_c ( wquat, 4, quats[0] );

         Create an angular velocity vector. This vector is in the
         `ref' reference frame and indicates a constant rotation
         about the Z axis.
         vpack_c ( 0.0, 0.0, rate, avvs[0] );

         Set the initial value of the encoded ticks.
         sclkdp[0] = 1000.0;

         Fill the rest of the `avvs' and `quats' matrices
         with simple data.
         for ( i = 1; i < MAXREC; i++ )

            Create the corresponding encoded tick value in
            increments of `sticks' with an initial value of
            1000.0 ticks.
            sclkdp[i] = 1000.0 + i * sticks;

            Create the transformation matrix for a rotation of
            `theta' about the Z axis. Calculate `theta' from the
            constant angular rate `rate' at increments of `spaces'.
            theta = i * rate * spaces;
            rotmat_c ( wmat, theta, 3, rwmat );

            Convert the `rwmat' matrix to SPICE type quaternion.
            m2q_c ( rwmat, wquat );

            Store the quaternion in the `quats' matrix.
            Store angular velocity in `avvs'.
            moved_c ( wquat, 4, quats[i] );
            vpack_c ( 0.0, 0.0, rate, avvs[i] );


         Create an array start times for the interpolation
         intervals. The end time for a particular interval is
         determined as the time of the final data value prior in
          time to the next start time.
         nints = MAXREC/2;
         for ( i = 0; i < nints; i++ )

            starts[i] = sclkdp[i*2];


         Set the segment boundaries equal to the first and last
         time for the data arrays.
         begtim = sclkdp[0];
         endtim = sclkdp[MAXREC-1];

         This segment contains angular velocity.
         avflag = SPICETRUE;

         All information ready to write. Write to a CK type 3
         segment to the file indicated by `handle'.
         ckw03_c ( handle, begtim, endtim, INST, ref,   avflag, segid,
                   MAXREC, sclkdp, quats,  avvs, nints, starts       );

         SAFELY close the file.
         ckcls_c ( handle );

         return ( 0 );

      When this program is executed, no output is presented on
      screen. After run completion, a new CK file exists in the
      output directory.






   N.J. Bachman        (JPL)
   J. Diaz del Rio     (ODC Space)
   K.R. Gehringer      (JPL)


   -CSPICE Version 1.1.2, 10-AUG-2021 (JDR)

       Updated -Examples section to comply with NAIF standard. Added
       complete code example based on existing fragment.

       Extended -Parameters section. Re-ordered header sections.

   -CSPICE Version 1.1.1, 09-NOV-2006 (NJB)

       Header comments indicating that `ncomch' is ignored have
       been deleted.

   -CSPICE Version 1.1.0, 08-FEB-1998 (NJB)

       References to C2F_CreateStr_Sig were removed; code was
       cleaned up accordingly. String checks are now done using
       the macro CHKFSTR.

   -CSPICE Version 1.0.0, 25-OCT-1997 (NJB) (KRG)

      Based on SPICELIB Version 1.0.0, 26-JAN-1995 (KRG)


   open a new CK file
Fri Dec 31 18:41:02 2021