lparse_c |
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Procedurelparse_c ( Parse items from a list ) void lparse_c ( ConstSpiceChar * list, ConstSpiceChar * delim, SpiceInt nmax, SpiceInt itemln, SpiceInt * n, void * items ) AbstractParse a list of items delimited by a single character. Required_ReadingNone. KeywordsCHARACTER LIST PARSING STRING Brief_I/OVARIABLE I/O DESCRIPTION -------- --- -------------------------------------------------- list I List of items delimited by delim. delim I Single character used to delimit items. nmax I Maximum number of items to return. itemln I Length of strings in item array. n O Number of items in the list. items O Items in the list, left justified. Detailed_Inputlist is a string containing a list of items delimited by the single character delim. Consecutive delimiters, and delimiters at the beginning and end of the list, are considered to delimit empty items. A blank or empty list is considered to contain a single (empty) item. delim is the character delimiting the items in the list. This may be any ASCII character, including a blank. However, by definition, consecutive blanks are NOT considered to be consecutive delimiters. In addition, leading and trailing blanks are ignored. nmax is the maximum number of items to be returned from the list. This allows the user to guard against overflow from a list containing more items than expected. itemln is the declared length of the strings in the string array items. This length must include room for the terminating null character in each string. Detailed_Outputn is the number of items in the list. `n' may be any number between one and `nmax'. `n' is always the number of delimiters plus one. items is an array of strings containing the items in the list, left justified. Any item in the list too long to fit into an element of items is truncated on the right. Empty (null) or blank items in the input string are mapped to empty strings on output. items should be declared by the caller as: SpiceCharitem [nmax][itemln] ParametersNone. Exceptions1) If the string length of `items' is too short to accommodate an item, the item will be truncated on the right. 2) If `nmax' is less than one, then `n' will be set to zero, and no items will be returned. This case is not an error. 3) If the input `list' string is empty, the routine will return a single, empty output string in `items'. This case is not an error. 4) If any of the `list', `delim' or `list' input string pointers is null, the error SPICE(NULLPOINTER) is signaled. 5) If any of the `list' or `delim' input strings has zero length, the error SPICE(EMPTYSTRING) is signaled. 6) If the `items' output string pointer is null, the error SPICE(NULLPOINTER) is signaled. 7) If the `items' output string has length less than two characters, the error SPICE(STRINGTOOSHORT) is signaled, since the output string is too short to contain one character of output data plus a null terminator. FilesNone. ParticularsNone. ExamplesThe numerical results shown for these examples may differ across platforms. The results depend on the SPICE kernels used as input, the compiler and supporting libraries, and the machine specific arithmetic implementation. 1) Parse a character string to retrieve the words contained within. Example code begins here. /. Program lparse_ex1 ./ #include <stdio.h> #include "SpiceUsr.h" int main( ) { /. Local constants. ./ #define NMAX 25 #define STRLEN 256 /. Local variables. ./ SpiceChar * delim; SpiceChar items [NMAX][STRLEN]; SpiceChar * list; SpiceInt i; SpiceInt n; /. Define the list of delimited items. Think of a sentence as a list delimited by a space. `delim' is assigned to a space. ./ list = "Run and find out."; delim = " "; /. Parse the items from `list'. ./ lparse_c ( list, delim, NMAX, STRLEN, &n, items ); /. Output the `items'. ./ for ( i = 0; i < n; i++ ) { printf( "Item %2d: %s\n", i, items[i] ); } return ( 0 ); } When this program was executed on a Mac/Intel/cc/64-bit platform, the output was: Item 0: Run Item 1: and Item 2: find Item 3: out. 2) Repeat the previous example with different character delimiting the items in the list and different maximum number of items to return. Example code begins here. /. Program lparse_ex2 ./ #include <stdio.h> #include <string.h> #include "SpiceUsr.h" int main( ) { /. Local constants. ./ #define NCASES 2 #define NMAXT 25 #define STRLEN 255 /. Local variables. ./ SpiceChar delim [NCASES][2]; SpiceChar items [NMAXT][STRLEN]; SpiceChar list [NCASES][STRLEN]; SpiceInt i; SpiceInt j; SpiceInt n; SpiceInt nmax [NCASES]; /. Define the lists of delimited items, the delimiting character and the maximum number of items to return. ./ strcpy( list[0], "//option1//option2/ //" ); strcpy( delim[0], "/" ); nmax[0] = 20; strcpy( list[1], " ,bob, carol,, ted, alice" ); strcpy( delim[1], "," ); nmax[1] = 4; for ( i = 0; i < NCASES; i++ ) { printf( "Case %d:\n", i ); printf( " String: \"%s\"\n", list[i] ); printf( " DELIM : \"%s\"\n", delim[i] ); printf( " NMAX : %2d\n", nmax[i] ); printf( " Output items:\n" ); /. Parse the items from `list'. ./ lparse_c ( list[i], delim[i], nmax[i], STRLEN, &n, items ); /. Output the `items'. ./ for ( j = 0; j < n; j++ ) { printf( " Item %2d: \"%s\"\n", j, items[j] ); } } return ( 0 ); } When this program was executed on a Mac/Intel/cc/64-bit platform, the output was: Case 0: String: "//option1//option2/ //" DELIM : "/" NMAX : 20 Output items: Item 0: "" Item 1: "" Item 2: "option1" Item 3: "" Item 4: "option2" Item 5: "" Item 6: "" Item 7: "" Case 1: String: " ,bob, carol,, ted, alice" DELIM : "," NMAX : 4 Output items: Item 0: "" Item 1: "bob" Item 2: "carol" Item 3: "" RestrictionsNone. Literature_ReferencesNone. Author_and_InstitutionN.J. Bachman (JPL) J. Diaz del Rio (ODC Space) W.L. Taber (JPL) Version-CSPICE Version 2.3.0, 04-AUG-2021 (JDR) Changed input argument name "lenout" to "itemln" for consistency with other routines. Edited the header to comply with NAIF standard. Added complete code example. -CSPICE Version 2.2.0, 18-MAY-2001 (WLT) Added a cast to (char *) in the call to F2C_ConvertTrStrArr -CSPICE Version 2.1.0, 20-APR-2000 (NJB) Bug fix: set n to zero for nmax < 1. -CSPICE Version 2.0.0, 25-MAR-2000 (NJB) Updated header to accurately describe treatment of null tokens. Updated code to handle the case of an empty input string or nmax < 1. Changed typedef SpiceVoid to void. -CSPICE Version 1.0.0, 09-FEB-1998 (NJB) Index_Entriesparse items from a list |
Fri Dec 31 18:41:09 2021