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   dasllc_c ( DAS, low-level close ) 

   void dasllc_c ( SpiceInt            handle )


   Close the DAS file associated with a given handle, without
   flushing buffered data or segregating the file.






   --------  ---  --------------------------------------------------
   handle     I   Handle of a DAS file to be closed.


   handle      is the handle of a previously opened DAS file.



   See -Particulars for a description of the effect of this routine.




   1)  If the specified handle does not belong to a DAS file that is
       currently open, this routine returns without signaling an


   See the description of the argument `handle' in -Detailed_Input.


   Normally, routines outside of CSPICE will not need to call this
   routine. Application programs should close DAS files by calling
   the CSPICE routine dascls_c. This routine is a lower-level
   routine that is called by dascls_c, but (obviously) does not have
   the full functionality of dascls_c.

   This routine closes a DAS file and updates the DAS file manager's
   bookkeeping information on open DAS files. Because the DAS file
   manager must keep track of which files are open at any given time,
   it is important that DAS files be closed only with dascls_c or
   dasllc_c, to prevent the remaining DAS routines from failing,
   sometimes mysteriously.

   Note that when a file is opened more than once for read or write
   access, dasopr_c returns the same handle each time it is re-opened.
   Each time the file is closed, dasllc_c checks to see if any other
   claims on the file are still active before physically closing
   the file.

   Unlike dascls_c, this routine does not force a write of updated,
   buffered records to the indicated file, nor does it segregate the
   data records in the file.


   The numerical results shown for this example may differ across
   platforms. The results depend on the SPICE kernels used as
   input, the compiler and supporting libraries, and the machine
   specific arithmetic implementation.

   1) Write a DAS file by adding data to it over multiple passes.
      Avoid spending time on file segregation between writes.

      Each pass opens the file, adds character, double precision,
      and integer data to the file, writes out buffered data by
      calling daswbr_c, and closes the file without segregating the
      data by calling dasllc_c.

      The program also checks the file: after the final write,
      the program reads the data and compares it to expected values.

      Note that most user-oriented applications should segregate a
      DAS file after writing it, since this greatly enhances file
      reading efficiency. The technique demonstrated here may be
      useful for cases in which a file will be written via many
      small data additions, and in which the file is read between
      write operations.

      Example code begins here.

         Program dasllc_ex1
      #include <stdio.h>
      #include <stdlib.h>
      #include <string.h>
      #include "SpiceUsr.h"

      int main( )

         Local parameters
         #define CHRLEN       50
         #define IBUFSZ       20
         #define DBUFSZ       30

         Local variables
         SpiceChar            chrbuf [CHRLEN];
         SpiceChar            chrstr [CHRLEN+1];
         SpiceChar            xchrbf [CHRLEN+1];

         SpiceDouble          dpbuf  [DBUFSZ];
         SpiceDouble          xdpbuf [DBUFSZ];

         SpiceInt             firstc;
         SpiceInt             firstd;
         SpiceInt             firsti;
         SpiceInt             handle;
         SpiceInt             i;
         SpiceInt             intbuf [IBUFSZ];
         SpiceInt             j;
         SpiceInt             lastc;
         SpiceInt             lastd;
         SpiceInt             lasti;
         SpiceInt             passno;
         SpiceInt             xintbf [IBUFSZ];

         Initial values
         ConstSpiceChar     * fname = "dasllc_ex1.das";
         ConstSpiceChar     * ftype = "ANG";
         SpiceInt             ncall = 1000;
         SpiceInt             ncomr = 10;
         SpiceInt             npass = 3;

         Open a new DAS file. We'll allocate `ncomr' records
         for comments. The file type is not one of the standard
         types recognized by SPICE; however it can be used to
         ensure the database file is of the correct type.

         We'll use the file name as the internal file name.
         dasonw_c ( fname, ftype, fname, ncomr, &handle );

         Add data of character, integer, and double precision
         types to the file in interleaved fashion. We'll add to
         the file over `npass' "passes," in each of which we close
         the file after writing.
         for ( passno = 1; passno <= npass; passno++ )
            if ( passno > 1 )
               printf( "Opening file for write access...\n" );

               dasopw_c ( fname, &handle );

            for ( i = 1; i <= ncall; i++ )

               Add string data to the file.
               strncpy( chrbuf, "Character value #", 18 );
               repmi_c ( chrbuf, "#", i, CHRLEN, chrbuf );

               dasadc_c ( handle, CHRLEN, 0, CHRLEN-1, CHRLEN, chrbuf );

               Add double precision data to the file.
               for ( j = 1; j <= DBUFSZ; j++ )
                  dpbuf[j-1] = (SpiceDouble)( 100000000*passno + 100*i + j );

               dasadd_c ( handle, DBUFSZ, dpbuf );

               Add integer data to the file.
               for ( j = 1; j <= IBUFSZ; j++ )
                  intbuf[j-1] = 100000000*passno  +  100 * i  +  j;

               dasadi_c ( handle, IBUFSZ, intbuf );

            Write buffered data to the file.
            printf( "Writing buffered data...\n" );
            daswbr_c ( handle );

            Close the file without segregating it.
            printf( "Closing DAS file...\n" );
            dasllc_c ( handle );

         printf( "File write is done.\n" );

         Check file contents.
         dasopr_c ( fname, &handle );

         Read data from the file; compare to expected values.

         Initialize end addresses.
         lastc = 0;
         lastd = 0;
         lasti = 0;

         for ( passno = 1; passno <= npass; passno++ )
            for ( i = 1; i <= ncall; i++ )

               Check string data.
               strncpy( xchrbf, "Character value #", 18 );
               repmi_c ( xchrbf, "#", i, CHRLEN+1, xchrbf );

               firstc = lastc + 1;
               lastc  = lastc + CHRLEN;

               dasrdc_c ( handle,   firstc, lastc, 0,
                          CHRLEN-1, CHRLEN, chrbuf   );

               if ( strncmp( chrbuf, xchrbf, CHRLEN ) )
                  Add null-terminating character to `chrbuf' in order to
                  print it to the screen.
                  strncpy( chrstr, chrbuf, CHRLEN );
                  chrstr[CHRLEN] = '\0';

                  printf( "Character data mismatch:\n" );
                  printf( "PASS     = %d\n", (int)passno );
                  printf( "I        = %d\n", (int)i );
                  printf( "Expected = %s\n", xchrbf );
                  printf( "Actual   = %s\n", chrstr );
                  exit( EXIT_FAILURE );

               Check double precision data.
               for ( j = 1; j <= DBUFSZ; j++ )
                  xdpbuf[j-1] = (SpiceDouble)( 100000000*passno + 100*i + j );

               firstd = lastd + 1;
               lastd  = lastd + DBUFSZ;

               dasrdd_c ( handle, firstd, lastd, dpbuf );

               for ( j = 0; j < DBUFSZ; j++ )
                  if ( dpbuf[j] != xdpbuf[j] )
                     printf( "Double precision data mismatch:\n" );
                     printf( "PASS     = %d\n", (int)passno );
                     printf( "I        = %d\n", (int)i );
                     printf( "J        = %d\n", (int)j );
                     printf( "Expected = %f\n", xdpbuf[j] );
                     printf( "Actual   = %f\n", dpbuf[j] );
                     exit( EXIT_FAILURE );

               Check integer data.
               for ( j = 1; j <= IBUFSZ; j++ )
                  xintbf[j-1] = 100000000*passno  +  100 * i  +  j;

               firsti = lasti + 1;
               lasti  = lasti + IBUFSZ;

               dasrdi_c ( handle, firsti, lasti, intbuf );

               for ( j = 0; j < IBUFSZ; j++ )
                  if ( intbuf[j] != xintbf[j] )
                     printf( "Integer data mismatch:\n" );
                     printf( "PASS     = %d\n", (int)passno );
                     printf( "I        = %d\n", (int)i );
                     printf( "J        = %d\n", (int)j );
                     printf( "Expected = %d\n", xintbf[j] );
                     printf( "Actual   = %d\n", intbuf[j] );
                     exit( EXIT_FAILURE );

         printf( "File check is done.\n" );

         Close the file.
         dascls_c ( handle );

         return ( 0 );

      When this program was executed on a Mac/Intel/cc/64-bit
      platform, the output was:

      Writing buffered data...
      Closing DAS file...
      Opening file for write access...
      Writing buffered data...
      Closing DAS file...
      Opening file for write access...
      Writing buffered data...
      Closing DAS file...
      File write is done.
      File check is done.

      Note that after run completion, a new DAS file exists in the
      output directory.






   J. Diaz del Rio     (ODC Space)


   -CSPICE Version 1.0.0, 23-FEB-2021 (JDR)


   close a DAS file
Fri Dec 31 18:41:03 2021