copy_c |
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Procedurecopy_c ( Copy a SPICE cell ) void copy_c ( SpiceCell * cell, SpiceCell * copy ) AbstractCopy the contents of a SpiceCell of any data type to another cell of the same type. Required_ReadingCELLS KeywordsCELLS Brief_I/OVARIABLE I/O DESCRIPTION -------- --- -------------------------------------------------- cell I Cell to be copied. copy O New cell. Detailed_Inputcell is a SPICE cell of character, double precision, or integer data type. `cell' must be declared as a character, double precision or integer SpiceCell. CSPICE provides the following macros, which declare and initialize the cell SPICECHAR_CELL ( cell, CELLSZ, CELLMLEN ); SPICEDOUBLE_CELL ( cell, CELLSZ ); SPICEINT_CELL ( cell, CELLSZ ); where CELLSZ is the maximum capacity of `cell' and CELLMLEN is the maximum length of any member in the character cell. Detailed_Outputcopy is a SPICE cell which contains the same elements as the input cell, in the same order. `copy' must be declared as a SpiceCell of the same data type as `cell'. CSPICE provides the following macros, which declare and initialize the cell SPICECHAR_CELL ( copy, COPYSZ, COPYMLEN ); SPICEDOUBLE_CELL ( copy, COPYSZ ); SPICEINT_CELL ( copy, COPYSZ ); where COPYSZ is the maximum capacity of `copy' and COPYMLEN is the maximum length of any member in the character cell. ParametersNone. Exceptions1) If the output cell in not large enough to hold the elements of the input cell, the error SPICE(CELLTOOSMALL) is signaled by a routine in the call tree of this routine. 2) If the `cell' and `copy' cell arguments are of type SpiceChar and the length of the elements of the output cell is less than the length of the elements of the input cell, the error SPICE(INSUFFLEN) is signaled. 3) If the `cell' and `copy' cell arguments do not have identical data types, the error SPICE(TYPEMISMATCH) is signaled. 4) If any of the `cell' or `copy' cell arguments does not have a recognized data type, the error SPICE(NOTSUPPORTED) is signaled. 5) If the cell arguments are of type SpiceChar and the string length associated with any of them is non-positive or too short to be usable when constructing the equivalent SPICE character cells required by the wrapped SPICELIB routine, an error is signaled by a routine in the call tree of this routine. FilesNone. ParticularsThis routine is used primarily to manipulate working cells, since many routines that use cells (binary set routines, for instance) do not allow cells to be combined or manipulated in place. ExamplesIn the following example, copy_c is used to copy the result of the union of two character CSICE sets from a temporary working set back into the one of the original set. #include "SpiceUsr.h" . . . /. Declare the cell names with string length LNSIZE and maximum number of strings SIZE. ./ SPICECHAR_CELL ( bodies, SIZE, LNSIZE ); SPICECHAR_CELL ( planets, SIZE, LNSIZE ); SPICECHAR_CELL ( temp, SIZE, LNSIZE ); . . . union_c ( &bodies, &planets, &temp ); copy_c ( &temp, &bodies ); If the size of the temporary cell is greater than the size of the original set, the function failed_c should be checked to be sure that no overflow occurred. If bodies is at least as large as temp, no such check is necessary. RestrictionsNone. Literature_ReferencesNone. Author_and_InstitutionN.J. Bachman (JPL) C.A. Curzon (JPL) J. Diaz del Rio (ODC Space) W.L. Taber (JPL) I.M. Underwood (JPL) Version-CSPICE Version 1.0.1, 27-AUG-2021 (JDR) Edited the header to comply with NAIF standard. Extended description of arguments "cell" and "copy" to include type and preferred declaration method. Added entry #4 and #5 in -Exceptions section. -CSPICE Version 1.0.0, 08-AUG-2002 (NJB) (CAC) (WLT) (IMU) Index_Entriescopy a character cell |
Fri Dec 31 18:41:03 2021