brief BRIEF is a command-line utility program that displays a contents and time coverage summary for one or more binary SPK or binary PCK files. chronos CHRONOS is a command-line program that converts between several time systems and time formats. ckbrief CKBRIEF is a command-line utility program that displays a contents and time coverage summary for one or more binary CK files. commnt COMMNT is a command-line program that reads, adds, extracts, or deletes comments from SPICE binary kernel files. dskbrief DSKBRIEF is a command-line utility program that displays a summary of the spatial coverage and additional attributes of one or more binary Digital Shape Kernel (DSK) files. dskexp DSKEXP is a command-line program that exports data from DSK files to text files. frmdiff FRMDIFF is a program that samples orientation of a reference frame known to SPICE or computes differences between orientations of two reference frames known to SPICE, and either displays this orientation or these differences, or shows statistics about it or them. inspekt INSPEKT is an interactive program that examines the contents of an events component (ESQ) of an E-kernel. mkdsk MKDSK is a utility program that creates a SPICE Digital Shape Kernel (DSK) file from a text file containing shape data for an extended object. mkspk MKSPK is a program that creates an SPK file from a text file containing trajectory information. msopck MSOPCK is a command-line program that converts attitude data provided in a text file as UTC, SCLK, or ET-tagged quaternions, Euler angles, or matrices, optionally accompanied by angular velocities, into a type 1, 2, or 3 SPICE C-kernel. simple SIMPLE is a cookbook program that demonstrates how to use Toolkit routines to obtain state vectors. spacit SPACIT is an interactive program that converts kernels in transfer format to binary format, converts binary kernels to transfer format, and summarizes the contents of binary kernels. spkdiff SPKDIFF provides means for comparing the trajectories of two bodies or sampling the trajectory of a single body using data from SPICE kernels. spkmerge SPKMERGE is a program that subsets or merges one or more SPK files into a single SPK file. states STATES is a cookbook program that demonstrates how to use Toolkit routines to obtain state vectors. subpt SUBPT is a cookbook program that demonstrates how to use SPICE Toolkit routines to compute a sub-observer point. tictoc TICTOC is a cookbook program that demonstrates how to use Toolkit routines to convert between different time representations. tobin TOBIN is a command-line program that converts transfer format SPK, CK, PCK, DSK and EK files to binary format. toxfr TOXFR is a command-line program that converts binary format SPK, CK, PCK, DSK and EK files to transfer format. version VERSION is a command-line program that prints the current version number of the SPICE Toolkit.