KPLO/FK KPLO Frame Definitions Kernel ============================================================================== This frame kernel contains the KPLO spacecraft and science instrument frame definitions. This frame kernel also contains name - to - NAIF ID mappings for KPLO science instruments and s/c structures (see the last section of the file.) Version and Date -------------------------------------------------------- Version 20190828 (draft) -- August 28, 2019 -- Boris Semenov Corrected seconds axis in KPLO_LUTI1 and KPLO_LUTI2 definitions to match descriptions. Corrected angles in the KPLO_STA1 and KPLO_STA2 definitions to match descriptions. Adjusted LUTI and STA frames ASCII diagrams to match definitions. Version 20190808 (draft) -- August 08, 2019 -- Jo Ryeong Yim Updated the KPLO_LVLH followed by the KPLO reference frame definition. Updated the KPLO_LUTI1 and KPLO_LUTI2 rotation from body to be - 45 deg yaw in order to reflect the CCD direction and accordingly definitions for the -1.35 and +1.35 degree offset rotations to be X from Y. Updated KPLO_STA1 and KPLO_STA2 designation number changed and accordingly rotation angles so as to consider the CCD alignment Version 20190728 (draft) -- July 28, 2019 -- Boris Semenov Updated the KPLO_LUTI1 and KPLO_LUTI2 definitions to include +1.35 and -1.35 degree offset rotations about Y correspondingly. Updated the KPLO_POLCAM-L and KPLO_POLCAM-R definitions to have the second rotations about Z, to make the frames' +Y axes (boresights) look left and right and have frames' +X axes be across track. Removed DTNPL and GRA frames and name/ID mappings. Version 20190411 (draft) -- April 11, 2019 -- Boris Semenov Changed _ANGLES in the KPLO_LGA_B definition (160.0 -> 70.0) Changed _CENTER to -155 in the KPLO_HGA KPLO_SA1, and KPLO_SA2 definitions. Changed _ANGLES in the KPLO_SA2_ZERO definition (0.0,0.0,0.0 -> -90.0,0.0,0.0) Changed _ANGLES in the KPLO_SA1_ZERO definition (0.0,0.0,0.0 -> 90.0,0.0,0.0) Fixed _SPEC in the KPLO_KGRS definition ('MATRIX' -> 'ANGLES') Fixed keywords in the KPLO_SHC (TKFRAME_-155`50_SPEC -> TKFRAME_-155150_SPEC) and KPLO_LVLH (FRAME_-1552007_PRI_ABCORR -> FRAME_-155200_PRI_ABCORR) definitions Fixed _NAME in the POLCAM-R definition ('KPLO_POLCAM-L' -> 'KPLO_POLCAM-R') Fixed _AXES in the KPLO_GRA definition (1,2,3 -> 1,3,2) Reformatted/augmented all frame descriptions to look similar to each other. Added frame diagrams to most frame descriptions. Reformatted frame tree diagram to fit into 80 character page width and added POLCAM-L and POLCAM-R frames. Removed comment section describing star tracker mechanical, alignment, and measurement frames that are not defined in the FK. Removed PDS3 label from the beginning of the file. Filled in Versions section entries for this and all previous versions. Version 20190329 (draft) -- March 29, 2019 -- Jo Ryeong Yim Corrected s/c frame name (KPLO_SPACECRFT -> KPLO_SPACECRAFT). Version 20190328 (draft) -- March 28, 2019 -- Jo Ryeong Yim Added frame descriptions. Version 20180607 (draft) -- June 07, 2018 -- Jo Ryeong Yim Initial Release. Contains Euler angles from KPLO I-Kernel files. Does not contain a description for any of the frames. References -------------------------------------------------------- 1. C-kernel Required Reading 2. Kernel Pool Required Reading 3. Frames Required Reading 4. KPLO-OOM-010 KPLO Reference Frame and Coordinate System Definition_v0 (TBD) Contact Information -------------------------------------------------------- Jo Ryeong Yim, (82)-42-860-2874, Implementation Notes -------------------------------------------------------- This file is used by the SPICE system as follows: programs that make use of this frame kernel must ``load'' the kernel, normally during program initialization. The SPICELIB routine FURNSH loads a kernel file into the pool as shown below. CALL FURNSH ( 'frame_kernel_name; ) -- FORTRAN furnsh_c ( "frame_kernel_name" ); -- C cspice_furnsh, "frame_kernel_name" -- IDL cspice_furnsh ( 'frame_kernel_name' ); -- MATLAB This file was created and may be updated with a text editor or word processor. KPLO Frames ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- The following KPLO frames are defined in this kernel file: Frame Name Relative to Type NAIF ID ========================= ========================= ======= ======= Spacecraft Bus and Spacecraft Structure Frames: ----------------------------------------------- KPLO_SPACECRAFT J2000 CK -155000 KPLO_SA1 SA1_ZERO CK -155421 KPLO_SA1_ZERO KPLO_SPACECRAFT FIXED -155561 KPLO_SA2 SA2_ZERO CK -155422 KPLO_SA2_ZERO KPLO_SPACECRAFT FIXED -155562 KPLO_LGA_A KPLO_SPACECRAFT FIXED -155831 KPLO_LGA_B KPLO_SPACECRAFT FIXED -155832 KPLO_HGA HGA_ZERO CK -155191 KPLO_HGA_ZERO KPLO_SPACECRAFT FIXED -155190 KPLO_STA1 KPLO_SPACECRAFT FIXED -155501 KPLO_STA2 KPLO_SPACECRAFT FIXED -155502 Instrument Frames: ------------------ KPLO_LUTI KPLO_SPACECRAFT FIXED -155100 KPLO_LUTI1 KPLO_SPACECRAFT FIXED -155101 KPLO_LUTI2 KPLO_SPACECRAFT FIXED -155102 KPLO_POLCAM KPLO_SPACECRAFT FIXED -155110 KPLO_POLCAM-L KPLO_POLCAM FIXED -155111 KPLO_POLCAM-R KPLO_POLCAM FIXED -155112 KPLO_KMAG KPLO_SPACECRAFT FIXED -155120 KPLO_KGRS KPLO_SPACECRAFT FIXED -155130 KPLO_SHADOWCAM KPLO_SPACECRAFT FIXED -155150 Dynamic Frames: --------------- KPLO_LVLH J2000 DYNAMIC -155200 KPLO Frames Hierarchy -------------------------------------------------------- The diagram below shows KPLO frames hierarchy: "J2000" INERTIAL +--------------------------------------------+ | | | | <--ck |<--dyn | <--pck | | | | V V | "KPLO_LVLH" "IAU_EARTH" | ----------- EARTH BFR(*) | ------------ | | | | | | V "KPLO_SC_BUS" +---------------------------------------------------------------------+ | | | | | |<--fixed |<--fixed |<-fixed |<--fixed | | | | | | V V V V | "KPLO_KGRS" "KPLO_POLCAM" "KPLO_KMAG" "KPLO_SHADOWCAM" | ----------- +-----------+ ----------- ---------------- | | | | |<--fixed |<--fixed | | | | V V | "KPLO_POLCAM-L" "KPLO_POLCAM-R" | --------------- --------------- | | +---------------------------------------------------------------------+ | | | . | . | |<--fixed |<--fixed . |<--fixed . | | | . | . | V V . V . | "KPLO_LGA" "KPLO_HGA_ZERO" . "KPLO_LUTI" . | ---------- --------------- . +-------------+ . | | . | | . | |<--ck . |<--fixed | .<--fixed | | . | | . | V V V V V | "KPLO_HGA" "KPLO_LUTI1" "KPLO_LUTI2" | ---------- ------------ ------------ | +-------------------------------------------------------------+ | | | | |<--fixed |<--fixed |<--fixed |<--fixed V V V V "KPLO_STA1" "KPLO_STA2" "KPLO_SA1_ZERO" "KPLO_SA2_ZERO" ----------- ----------- --------------- --------------- | | |<--ck |<--ck | | V V "KPLO_SA1" "KPLO_SA1" ---------- ---------- KPLO Spacecraft Bus Reference Frame -------------------------------------------------------- It is a coordinate system fixed to the body of the spacecraft. The Spacecraft Bus Reference Frame is defined by the spacecraft design as follows: * The origin is placed at the center point of interface between the propulsion rail and top of the spacecraft adapter; * The +X axis includes the origin and it is the axis toward the opposite direction from the thruster module installed on the spacecraft; * The +Z axis includes the origin and is parallel to the axis with Optical camera and payload instruments facing vector; * The +Y axis completes the right-handed Cartesian system with X axis and Z axis; This diagram illustrates the spacecraft bus frame: +Z s/c side (science deck) view: -------------------------------- LGA-A | KMAG || __||_ _ ||| |/ \ _______________ _||| |\_/ _______________ | | \ | | / | | | | \ | | / | | | | `. | | .' | | | | | o| _ |o | | | | | .' | | ^+Xsc | `. | | | | / | | | | | \ | | |_____________|_/ | | | | | \_|_____________| +Y Solar Array |___|__|__|___| -Y Solar Array <-----o____| +Ysc +Zsc | +Zsc is out of LGA-B the page. +X s/c side (top) view: ----------------------- . / \ HGA ----- `-o-' _____/_\_____ | | | _ | | || || +Ysc | +Xsc|| || o===================o <-----o || ||o===================o +Y Solar Array | | | || || -Y Solar Array | | | || || |___|__|__||_|| |__V__| +Zsc | +Xsc is out of | the page. KMAG The Spacecraft bus attitude with respect to an inertial frame is provided by a C kernel (see [1] for more information). \begindata FRAME_KPLO_SPACECRAFT = -155000 FRAME_-155000_NAME = 'KPLO_SPACECRAFT' FRAME_-155000_CLASS = 3 FRAME_-155000_CLASS_ID = -155000 FRAME_-155000_CENTER = -155 CK_-155000_SCLK = -155 CK_-155000_SPK = -155 \begintext KPLO Local Vertical/Local Horizontal (KPLO_LVLH) Frame -------------------------------------------------------- According to [4] the Local Vertical/Local Horizontal (KPLO_LVLH) is defined as follows - The origin is placed at the satellite center of mass - The Z axis is the direction toward the planet center. (Anti-radial track) - The Y axis can be chosen as the vector perpendicular to the Z and satellite velocity direction. - The X axis completes the right-handed Cartesian system with Z and Y (Along track or In-track) The KPLO_LVLH is defined below as a dynamic frame. \begindata FRAME_KPLO_LVLH = -155200 FRAME_-155200_NAME = 'KPLO_LVLH' FRAME_-155200_CLASS = 5 FRAME_-155200_CLASS_ID = -155200 FRAME_-155200_CENTER = -155 FRAME_-155200_RELATIVE = 'J2000' FRAME_-155200_DEF_STYLE = 'PARAMETERIZED' FRAME_-155200_FAMILY = 'TWO-VECTOR' FRAME_-155200_PRI_AXIS = 'Z' FRAME_-155200_PRI_VECTOR_DEF = 'OBSERVER_TARGET_POSITION' FRAME_-155200_PRI_OBSERVER = 'KPLO' FRAME_-155200_PRI_TARGET = 'MOON' FRAME_-155200_PRI_ABCORR = 'NONE' FRAME_-155200_SEC_AXIS = 'X' FRAME_-155200_SEC_VECTOR_DEF = 'OBSERVER_TARGET_VELOCITY' FRAME_-155200_SEC_OBSERVER = 'MOON' FRAME_-155200_SEC_TARGET = 'KPLO' FRAME_-155200_SEC_ABCORR = 'NONE' FRAME_-155200_SEC_FRAME = 'J2000' \begintext KPLO Lunar Terrain Imager (LUTI) Frame -------------------------------------------------------- The LUTI instrument frame is defined by the instrument design as follows: * +Z axis is along the LUTI1 boresight; * +Y axis is parallel to the LUTI1 CCD lines; * +X axis completes the right handed frame; * the origin of this frame is at the instrument to spacecraft interface, at [982.0, 9.1, 484.4] in millimeters. Nominally, the LUTI frame is fixed with respect to and is rotated by -45 degrees about Z from the spacecraft frame: Mspacecraft->luti = [0]X [0]Y [-45]Z Vluti = Mspacecraft->luti * Vspacecraft This diagram illustrates the LUTI frame: +Z s/c side (science deck) view: -------------------------------- LGA-A | KMAG || __||_ +Yluti | +Xluti _______________ <. .>_ _______________ | | \ | `. .' | / | | | | \ | `o' | / | | | | `. | o | .' | | | | | o| _ |o | | | | | .' | | ^+Xsc | `. | | | | / | | | | | \ | | |_____________|_/ | | | | | \_|_____________| +Y Solar Array |___|__|__|___| -Y Solar Array <-----o____| +Ysc +Zsc | +Zsc and +Zluti are LGA-B out of the page. The angles provided in the frame definition below are the nominal values. Because SPICE fixed offset frame definitions provide the rotations from the fixed offset frame to its reference frame, in the definition below the order of axes is reversed and the angle signs are negated compared to what's specified in the description above. \begindata FRAME_KPLO_LUTI = -155100 FRAME_-155100_NAME = 'KPLO_LUTI' FRAME_-155100_CLASS = 4 FRAME_-155100_CLASS_ID = -155100 FRAME_-155100_CENTER = -155 TKFRAME_-155100_SPEC = 'ANGLES' TKFRAME_-155100_RELATIVE = 'KPLO_SPACECRAFT' TKFRAME_-155100_ANGLES = ( 45.0, 0.0, 0.0 ) TKFRAME_-155100_AXES = ( 3, 2, 1 ) TKFRAME_-155100_UNITS = 'DEGREES' \begintext KPLO Lunar Terrain Imager 1 and 2 (LUTI1, LUTI2) Frame -------------------------------------------------------- The LUTI1 and LUTI2 instrument frames are defined by the instrument design as follows: * +Z axis is along the camera boresight; * +Y axis is parallel to the camera CCD lines; * +X axis completes the right handed frame; * the origin of both frames is at the spacecraft to instrument interface, at [982.0, 9.1, 484.4] in millimeters. Nominally, the LUTI1 frames is fixed with respect to, and is first rotated by - 45 degrees about Z, then by -1.35 degrees about X from the spacecraft frame: Mspacecraft->luti1 = [0]Y [-1.35]X [-45]Z Vluti1 = Mspacecraft->luti1 * Vspacecraft Nominally, the LUTI2 frames is fixed with respect to, and is first rotated by +45 degrees about Z, then by -1.35 degrees about Y from the spacecraft frame: Mspacecraft->luti2 = [0]Y [+1.35]X [-45]Z Vluti2 = Mspacecraft->luti2 * Vspacecraft This diagram illustrates the LUTI1 and LUTI2 frames: +Z s/c side (science deck) view: -------------------------------- LGA-A | KMAG || __||_ +Yluti1 | | +Xluti1 _______________ <. .> ___________ | | \+Yluti2 <. .' .> +Xluti2 | | | \ | `o' .' | | | | `. | `o' | .' | | | | | o| _ |o | | | | | .' | | ^+Xsc | `. | | | | / | | | | | \ | | |_____________|_/ | | | | | \_|_____________| +Y Solar Array |___|__|__|___| -Y Solar Array <-----o____| +Ysc +Zsc | +Zsc, +Zluti1, and +Zluti2 LGA-B are out of the page. The angles provided in the frame definitions below are the nominal values. Because SPICE fixed offset frame definitions provide the rotations from the fixed offset frame to its reference frame, in the definition below the order of axes is reversed and the angle signs are negated compared to what's specified in the description above. \begindata FRAME_KPLO_LUTI1 = -155101 FRAME_-155101_NAME = 'KPLO_LUTI1' FRAME_-155101_CLASS = 4 FRAME_-155101_CLASS_ID = -155101 FRAME_-155101_CENTER = -155 TKFRAME_-155101_SPEC = 'ANGLES' TKFRAME_-155101_RELATIVE = 'KPLO_SPACECRAFT' TKFRAME_-155101_ANGLES = ( 45.0, 1.35, 0.0 ) TKFRAME_-155101_AXES = ( 3, 1, 2 ) TKFRAME_-155101_UNITS = 'DEGREES' FRAME_KPLO_LUTI2 = -155102 FRAME_-155102_NAME = 'KPLO_LUTI2' FRAME_-155102_CLASS = 4 FRAME_-155102_CLASS_ID = -155102 FRAME_-155102_CENTER = -155 TKFRAME_-155102_SPEC = 'ANGLES' TKFRAME_-155102_RELATIVE = 'KPLO_SPACECRAFT' TKFRAME_-155102_ANGLES = ( 45.0, -1.35, 0.0 ) TKFRAME_-155102_AXES = ( 3, 1, 2 ) TKFRAME_-155102_UNITS = 'DEGREES' \begintext KPLO Polarization Camera (PolCam) Frame -------------------------------------------------------- The PolCam instrument frame is defined by the instrument design as follows: * +X axis is nominally parallel to the spacecraft +X axis; * +Y axis is nominally parallel to the spacecraft +Z axis; * +Z axis completes the right-handed frame; * the origin of this frame is at the spacecraft to instrument interface, at [1301.7, -132.8, 446.3] in millimeters. Nominally, the PolCam frame is fixed with respect to, and is rotated by +90 degrees about X from the spacecraft frame: Mspacecraft-> polcam = [0]Z [0]Y [+90]X Vpolcam = Mspacecraft-polcam * Vspacecraft This diagram illustrates the PolCam frame: +Z s/c side (science deck) view: -------------------------------- +Xpolcam ___ ^ _ ||| ||/ \ _______________ _||| ||\_/ __________ | | \ | | | +Zpolcam | | | \ | o-----> | | | `. | | .' | | | | | o| _ |o | | | | | .' | | ^+Xsc | `. | | | | / | | | | | \ | | |_____________|_/ | | | | | \_|_____________| +Y Solar Array |___|__|__|___| -Y Solar Array <-----o____| +Ysc +Zsc | +Zsc and +Ypolcam are LGA-B out of the page. The angles provided in the frame definition below are the nominal values. Because SPICE fixed offset frame definitions provide the rotations from the fixed offset frame to its reference frame, in the definition below the order of axes is reversed and the angle signs are negated compared to what's specified in the description above. \begindata FRAME_KPLO_POLCAM = -155110 FRAME_-155110_NAME = 'KPLO_POLCAM' FRAME_-155110_CLASS = 4 FRAME_-155110_CLASS_ID = -155110 FRAME_-155110_CENTER = -155 TKFRAME_-155110_SPEC = 'ANGLES' TKFRAME_-155110_RELATIVE = 'KPLO_SPACECRAFT' TKFRAME_-155110_ANGLES = ( -90.0, 0.0, 0.0 ) TKFRAME_-155110_AXES = ( 1, 2, 3 ) TKFRAME_-155110_UNITS = 'DEGREES' \begintext KPLO Polarization Camera (PolCam-L, PolCam-R) Frames -------------------------------------------------------- The PolCam-L and PolCam-R instrument frames are defined by the instrument design as follows: * +Y axis is along the camera boresight; * +X axis is parallel to the camera CCD lines; * +Z axis completes the right handed frame; * the origin of this frame is at the spacecraft to instrument interface, at [1301.7, -132.8, 446.3] in millimeters. Nominally, the PolCam-L frame is fixed with respect to, and is rotated first by +45 degrees about Y, then by +45 degrees about Z from the PolCam frame: Mpolcam-> polcamL = [0]Z [+45]Z [+45]Y VpolcamL = Mpolcam->polcamL * Vpolcam Nominally, the PolCam-R frame is fixed with respect to, and is rotated first by +45 degrees about Y, then by -45 degrees about Z from the PolCam frame: Mpolcam-> polcamR = [0]Z [-45]Z [+45]Y VpolcamR = Mpolcam->polcamR * Vpolcam This diagram illustrates the PolCam-L and PolCam-R frames: +Z s/c side (science deck) view: -------------------------------- +Xpolcam ___ ^ +Zpolcamr +Ypolcamr | ^ +Zpolcaml _______________ ^. | .' ^ _ _____________ | | \ | `.|.' .' / | | | | \ | o-----> | | | `. | `o' | +Zpolcam | | | | o| _ `. | | | .' | | ^+Xsc v `. | | | | / | | | | +Ypolcaml | |_____________|_/ | | | | | \_|_____________| +Y Solar Array |___|__|__|___| -Y Solar Array <-----o____| +Ysc +Zsc | +Zsc and +Ypolcam are LGA-B out of the page. +Ypolcaml, +Ypolcamr and +Xpolcaml point 45 degrees above the page. +Xpolcamr points 45 degrees below the page. The angles provided in the frame definitions below are the nominal values. Because SPICE fixed offset frame definitions provide the rotations from the fixed offset frame to its reference frame, in the definition below the order of axes is reversed and the angle signs are negated compared to what's specified in the description above. \begindata FRAME_KPLO_POLCAM-L = -155111 FRAME_-155111_NAME = 'KPLO_POLCAM-L' FRAME_-155111_CLASS = 4 FRAME_-155111_CLASS_ID = -155111 FRAME_-155111_CENTER = -155 TKFRAME_-155111_SPEC = 'ANGLES' TKFRAME_-155111_RELATIVE = 'KPLO_POLCAM' TKFRAME_-155111_ANGLES = ( -45.0, -45.0, 0.0 ) TKFRAME_-155111_AXES = ( 2, 3, 1 ) TKFRAME_-155111_UNITS = 'DEGREES' FRAME_KPLO_POLCAM-R = -155112 FRAME_-155112_NAME = 'KPLO_POLCAM-R' FRAME_-155112_CLASS = 4 FRAME_-155112_CLASS_ID = -155112 FRAME_-155112_CENTER = -155 TKFRAME_-155112_SPEC = 'ANGLES' TKFRAME_-155112_RELATIVE = 'KPLO_POLCAM' TKFRAME_-155112_ANGLES = ( -45.0, 45.0, 0.0 ) TKFRAME_-155112_AXES = ( 2, 3, 1 ) TKFRAME_-155112_UNITS = 'DEGREES' \begintext KPLO Gamma-Ray Spectrometer (KGRS) Frame -------------------------------------------------------- The KGRS instrument frame is defined by the instrument design as follows: * +X axis is nominally aligned with the spacecraft +Z axis; * +Y axis is nominally aligned with the spacecraft +Y axis; * +Z axis completes the right handed frame; * the origin of this frame is at the spacecraft to instrument interface, at [1367.7, 139.5, 500.0] in millimeters. Nominally, the KGRS frame is fixed with respect to, and is rotated by -90 degrees about Y from the spacecraft frame: Mspacecraft-> kgrs = [0]Z [-90]Y [0]X Vkgrs = Mspacecraft->kgrs * Vspacecraft This diagram illustrates the KGRS frame: +Z s/c side (science deck) view: -------------------------------- LGA-A | KMAG || __||_ _ ||| |/ \ ___________ _| \_/ _______________ | +Ykgrs | +Xkgrs | / | | | <-----o | / | | | | . | | | .' | | | | | o| | |o | | | | | .' | | ^+Xsc | `. | | | | / v | | | \ | | |_____________|_/ +Zkgrs | | | \_|_____________| +Y Solar Array ___|__|__|___| -Y Solar Array <-----o____| +Ysc +Zsc | +Zsc and +Xkgrs are LGA-B out of the page. The angles provided in the frame definitions below are the nominal values. Because SPICE fixed offset frame definitions provide the rotations from the fixed offset frame to its reference frame, in the definition below the order of axes is reversed and the angle signs are negated compared to what's specified in the description above. \begindata FRAME_KPLO_KGRS = -155130 FRAME_-155130_NAME = 'KPLO_KGRS' FRAME_-155130_CLASS = 4 FRAME_-155130_CLASS_ID = -155130 FRAME_-155130_CENTER = -155 TKFRAME_-155130_SPEC = 'ANGLES' TKFRAME_-155130_RELATIVE = 'KPLO_SPACECRAFT' TKFRAME_-155130_SPEC = 'ANGLES' TKFRAME_-155130_ANGLES = ( 0.0, 90.0, 0.0 ) TKFRAME_-155130_AXES = ( 1, 2, 3 ) TKFRAME_-155130_UNITS = 'DEGREES' \begintext KPLO Magnetometer (KMAG) Frame -------------------------------------------------------- The KMAG instrument frame is defined by the instrument design as follows: * +X axis is nominally aligned with the spacecraft +X axis; * +Y axis is nominally aligned with the spacecraft +Y axis; * +Z axis completes the right handed frame; * the origin of this frame is at the instrument to spacecraft interface, at [1887.1, -24.5, 791.7] in millimeters. The KMAG frame is fixed with respect to, and is nominally co-aligned the spacecraft frame. This diagram illustrates the KMAG frame: +Z s/c side (science deck) view: -------------------------------- ^ +Xkmag | | +Ykmag | <-----o _ |+Zkmag/ \ _______________ _||| |\_/ _______________ | | \ | | / | | | | \ | | / | | | | `. | | .' | | | | | o| _ |o | | | | | .' | | ^+Xsc | `. | | | | / | | | | | \ | | |_____________|_/ | | | | | \_|_____________| +Y Solar Array |___|__|__|___| -Y Solar Array <-----o____| +Ysc +Zsc | +Zsc and +Zkmag are LGA-B out of the page. \begindata FRAME_KPLO_KMAG = -155120 FRAME_-155120_NAME = 'KPLO_KMAG' FRAME_-155120_CLASS = 4 FRAME_-155120_CLASS_ID = -155120 FRAME_-155120_CENTER = -155 TKFRAME_-155120_SPEC = 'ANGLES' TKFRAME_-155120_RELATIVE = 'KPLO_SPACECRAFT' TKFRAME_-155120_ANGLES = ( 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 ) TKFRAME_-155120_AXES = ( 3, 2, 1 ) TKFRAME_-155120_UNITS = 'DEGREES' \begintext KPLO SHADOWCAM (SHC) Frame -------------------------------------------------------- The SHC instrument frame is defined by the instrument design as follows: * +Z axis is along the SHC boresight; * +X axis is parallel to the SHC CCD lines; * +Y axis completes the right handed frame; * The SHC offset is identified as the distance from the spacecraft bus frame to the SHC reference cg point, at [1537.0, -520.0, -143.2] in millimeters. Nominally, the SHC frame is fixed with respect to, and is rotated by +45 degrees about Z from the spacecraft frame: Mspacecraft->shc = [0]X [0]Y [+45]Z Vshc = Mspacecraft->shc * Vspacecraft This diagram illustrates the SHC frame: +Z s/c side (science deck) view: -------------------------------- +Xshc <. ___ `. _+Zshc ||| `o\ _______________ _||| .'_/ _______________ | | \ | .' | / | | | | \ | < | / | | | | `. | +Yshc | .' | | | | | o| _ |o | | | | | .' | | ^+Xsc | `. | | | | / | | | | | \ | | |_____________|_/ | | | | | \_|_____________| +Y Solar Array |___|__|__|___| -Y Solar Array <-----o____| +Ysc +Zsc | +Zsc and +Zshc are LGA-B out of the page. The angles provided in the frame definition below are the nominal values. Because SPICE fixed offset frame definitions provide the rotations from the fixed offset frame to its reference frame, in the definition below the order of axes is reversed and the angle signs are negated compared to what's specified in the description above. \begindata FRAME_KPLO_SHC = -155150 FRAME_-155150_NAME = 'KPLO_SHC' FRAME_-155150_CLASS = 4 FRAME_-155150_CLASS_ID = -155150 FRAME_-155150_CENTER = -155 TKFRAME_-155150_SPEC = 'ANGLES' TKFRAME_-155150_RELATIVE = 'KPLO_SPACECRAFT' TKFRAME_-155150_ANGLES = ( -45.0, 0.0, 0.0 ) TKFRAME_-155150_AXES = ( 3, 2, 1 ) TKFRAME_-155150_UNITS = 'DEGREES' \begintext KPLO Star Tracker #1 (STA1) Frame -------------------------------------------------------- The Star Tracker #1 frame is defined by the instrument design as follows: * +Z axis is along the star tracker boresight; * +Y axis is nominally aligned with the spacecraft +Y axis; * +X axis completes the right-handed frame; * the origin of this frame is at the spacecraft to instrument interface, at [1538.8, 506.8, -61.8] in millimeters. Nominally, the Star Tracker #1 frame is fixed with respect to, and is rotated by +90 degree about Z, then +125 degree about Y, and then -90 degree about Z from the spacecraft frame: Mspacecraft->sta1 = [-90]Z [+125]Y [+90]Z Vsta1 = Mspacecraft->sta1 * Vspacecraft This diagram illustrates the Star Tracker #1 frame: +X s/c side (top) view: ----------------------- . HGA / \ ---- +Ysta1 +Zsta1 `-o ^ <. _/ / ____ | `. / | _ | `o || || +Ysc | +Xsc| || o===================o <-----o || ||o===================o +Y Solar Array | | | || || -Y Solar Array | | | || || |___|__|__||_|| |__V__| +Zsc | +Xsc and +Xsta1 are | out of the page. KMAG The angles provided in the frame definition below are the nominal values. Because SPICE fixed offset frame definitions provide the rotations from the fixed offset frame to its reference frame, in the definition below the order of axes is reversed and the angle signs are negated compared to what's specified in the description above. \begindata FRAME_KPLO_STA1 = -155501 FRAME_-155501_NAME = 'KPLO_STA1' FRAME_-155501_CLASS = 4 FRAME_-155501_CLASS_ID = -155501 FRAME_-155501_CENTER = -155 TKFRAME_-155501_SPEC = 'ANGLES' TKFRAME_-155501_RELATIVE = 'KPLO_SPACECRAFT' TKFRAME_-155501_ANGLES = ( -90.0, -125.0, +90.0 ) TKFRAME_-155501_AXES = ( 3, 2, 3 ) TKFRAME_-155501_UNITS = 'DEGREES' \begintext KPLO Star Tracker #2 (STA2) Frame -------------------------------------------------------- The Star Tracker #2 frame is defined by the instrument design as follows: * +Z axis is along the star tracker boresight; * +X axis is nominally aligned with the spacecraft +X axis; * +Y axis completes the right-handed frame; * the origin of this frame is at the spacecraft to instrument interface, at [1696.4, 39.1, -298.8] in millimeters. Nominally, the Star Tracker #2 frame is fixed with respect to, and is rotated by +125 degrees about Y and then +90 degree about Z from the spacecraft frame: Mspacecraft->sta2 = [+90]Z [+125]Y [0]Z Vsta2 = Mspacecraft->sta2 * Vspacecraft This diagram illustrates the Star Tracker #2 frame: +X s/c side (top) view: ----------------------- . / \ HGA ----- `-o-' +Zsta2 _ __/_\_____ | ^ | | _ | +Xsta2 | | | || || <-----o | +Xsc|| || o===================o|<|----o || ||o===================o +Y Solar Array +Ysc | | | || || -Y Solar Array | v | | || || Ysta2 _|__|__||_|| |__V__| +Zsc | +Xsc is out of the page. | KMAG +Zsta2 is 55 deg above the page +Ysta2 is 35 deg above the page The angles provided in the frame definition below are the nominal values. Because SPICE fixed offset frame definitions provide the rotations from the fixed offset frame to its reference frame, in the definition below the order of axes is reversed and the angle signs are negated compared to what's specified in the description above. \begindata FRAME_KPLO_STA2 = -155502 FRAME_-155502_NAME = 'KPLO_STA2' FRAME_-155502_CLASS = 4 FRAME_-155502_CLASS_ID = -155502 FRAME_-155502_CENTER = -155 TKFRAME_-155502_SPEC = 'ANGLES' TKFRAME_-155502_RELATIVE = 'KPLO_SPACECRAFT' TKFRAME_-155502_ANGLES = ( 0.0, -125.0, -90.0 ) TKFRAME_-155502_AXES = ( 3, 2, 3 ) TKFRAME_-155502_UNITS = 'DEGREES' \begintext KPLO High Gain Antenna Zero Position (HGA_ZERO) Frame -------------------------------------------------------- The HGA Zero Position frame is defined by the antenna design as follows: * +Z axis is nominally aligned with the -Z of the spacecraft; * +X axis is parallel to the (inner or outer) HGA gimbal axis; * +Y axis completes the right handed frame; * the origin of this frame is at the spacecraft to instrument interface, at [1282.0, -54.9, -1030.3] in millimeters. Nominally, the HGA Zero Position frame is fixed with respect to, and is rotated first by 180 degrees about X, then by -45 degrees about Z from the spacecraft frame: Mspacecraft->hga0 = [0]Y [-45]Z [180]X Vhga = Mspacecraft->hga0 * Vspacecraft This diagram illustrates the HGA Zero Position frame: -Z s/c side (HGA side) view: ---------------------------- KMAG | LGA-A || _||__ +Yhga0 | | +Xhga0 _______________ ^ | | ^ _______________ | | \ | `. .' | / | | | | \ | `. .' | / | | | | `. | o | .' | | | | | o|+Zhga0 |o | | | | | .' | ^+Xsc | `. | | | | / | | | \ | | |_____________|_/ | | | \_|_____________| -Y Solar Array |______|__ ___| +Y Solar Array |____x-----> +Zsc +Ysc | +Zsc is into LGA-B the page. +Zhga0 is out of the page. The angles provided in the frame definition below are the nominal values. Because SPICE fixed offset frame definitions provide the rotations from the fixed offset frame to its reference frame, in the definition below the order of axes is reversed and the angle signs are negated compared to what's specified in the description above. \begindata FRAME_KPLO_HGA_ZERO = -155190 FRAME_-155190_NAME = 'KPLO_HGA_ZERO' FRAME_-155190_CLASS = 4 FRAME_-155190_CLASS_ID = -155190 FRAME_-155190_CENTER = -155 TKFRAME_-155190_SPEC = 'ANGLES' TKFRAME_-155190_RELATIVE = 'KPLO_SPACECRAFT' TKFRAME_-155190_ANGLES = ( 180.0, 45.0, 0.0 ) TKFRAME_-155190_AXES = ( 1, 3, 2 ) TKFRAME_-155190_UNITS = 'DEGREES' \begintext KPLO High Gain Antenna (HGA) Frame -------------------------------------------------------- The HGA frame is defined by the antenna design as follows: * +Z axis is along the HGA boresight; * +Y axis is parallel to the (inner or outer) HGA gimbal axis; * +X axis completes the right handed frame; * the origin of this frame is at the spacecraft to instrument interface, at [1282.0, -54.9, -1030.3] in millimeters. Since the HGA frame rotates with respect to the HGA Zero Position frame, its orientation is provided in CK files. In zero gimbal position this frame is co-aligned with the HGA Zero Position frame. This diagram illustrates the HGA frame in zero position: -Z s/c side (HGA side) view: ---------------------------- KMAG | LGA-A || +Yhga _||__ +Xhga +Yhga0 | | +Xhga0 _______________ ^ | | ^ _______________ | | \ | `. .' | / | | | | \ | `. .' | / | | | | `. |+Zhga o | .' | | | | | o|+Zhga0 |o | | | | | .' | ^+Xsc | `. | | | | / | | | \ | | |_____________|_/ | | | \_|_____________| -Y Solar Array |______|__ ___| +Y Solar Array |____x-----> +Zsc +Ysc | +Zsc is into LGA-B the page. +Zhga0 and +Zhga are out of the page. The keywords below define the HGA frame as a CK-based frame. \begindata FRAME_KPLO_HGA = -155191 FRAME_-155191_NAME = 'KPLO_HGA' FRAME_-155191_CLASS = 3 FRAME_-155191_CLASS_ID = -155191 FRAME_-155191_CENTER = -155 CK_-155191_SCLK = -155 CK_-155191_SPK = -155 \begintext KPLO Solar Array #1 ZERO (SA1_ZERO) Frame -------------------------------------------------------- The SA1 Zero Position frame is defined by the array design as follows: * +Z axis is nominally along the spacecraft +Y axis and is parallel to the array rotation axis; * +X axis is nominally along the spacecraft +X axis; * +Y axis completes the right handed frame; * the origin of this frame is at the spacecraft to instrument interface, at [790.9, 634.9, 0.0] in millimeters. Nominally, the SA1 frame is fixed with respect to, and is rotated by -90 degrees about X from the spacecraft frame: Mspacecraft->sa1_0 = [-90]X [0]Y [0]Z Vsa1_0 = Mspacecraft->sa1_0 * Vspacecraft This diagram illustrates the SA1 Zero Position frame: +Z s/c side (science deck) view: -------------------------------- LGA-A | KMAG || __||_ _ +Xsa1_0 ||| |/ \ +Xsa2_0 ^ _||| |\_/ ^ || || || || +Y Solar Array || || -Y Solar Array o============ <-----x| _ |o-----> ============o +Zsa1_0 | | ^+Xsc | +Zsa2_0 | | | | | | | | | | |___|__|__|___| <-----o____| +Ysc +Zsc | +Zsc and +Ysa2_0 are LGA-B out of the page. +Ysa1_0 is into the page. The angles provided in the frame definition below are the nominal values. Because SPICE fixed offset frame definitions provide the rotations from the fixed offset frame to its reference frame, in the definition below the order of axes is reversed and the angle signs are negated compared to what's specified in the description above. \begindata FRAME_KPLO_SA1_ZERO = -155561 FRAME_-155561_NAME = 'KPLO_SA1_ZERO' FRAME_-155561_CLASS = 4 FRAME_-155561_CLASS_ID = -155561 FRAME_-155561_CENTER = -155 TKFRAME_-155561_SPEC = 'ANGLES' TKFRAME_-155561_RELATIVE = 'KPLO_SPACECRAFT' TKFRAME_-155561_ANGLES = ( 90.0, 0.0, 0.0 ) TKFRAME_-155561_AXES = ( 1, 2, 3 ) TKFRAME_-155561_UNITS = 'DEGREES' \begintext KPLO Solar Array #1 (SA1) Frame -------------------------------------------------------- The SA1 frame is defined by the array design as follows: * -X axis is along the normal on the solar array active cell side; * +Z axis is nominally along the spacecraft +Y axis and is parallel to the array rotation axis; * +Y axis completes the right handed frame; * the origin of this frame is at the spacecraft to instrument interface, at [790.9, 634.9, 0.0] in millimeters. Since the SA1 frame rotates with respect to the SA1 Zero Position frame, its orientation is provided in CK files. In zero gimbal position this frame is co-aligned with the SA1 Zero Position frame. This diagram illustrates the SA1 frame in zero position: +Z s/c side (science deck) view: -------------------------------- LGA-A | KMAG || __||_ _ +Xsa1_0 ||| |/ \ +Xsa2_0 +Xsa1 ^ _||| |\_/ ^+Xsa2 || || || || +Y Solar Array || || -Y Solar Array o============ <-----x| _ |o-----> ============o +Zsa1_0 | | ^+Xsc | +Zsa2_0 +Zsa1 | | | | | +Zsa2 | | | | | |___|__|__|___| <-----o____| +Ysc +Zsc | +Zsc, +Ysa2_0, and +Ysa2 LGA-B are out of the page. +Ysa1_0 and +Ysa1 are into the page. The keywords below define the SA1 frame as a CK-based frame. \begindata FRAME_KPLO_SA1 = -155421 FRAME_-155421_NAME = 'KPLO_SA1' FRAME_-155421_CLASS = 3 FRAME_-155421_CLASS_ID = -155421 FRAME_-155421_CENTER = -155 CK_-155421_SCLK = -155 CK_-155421_SPK = -155 \begintext KPLO Solar Array #2 ZERO (SA2_ZERO) Frame -------------------------------------------------------- The SA2 Zero Position frame is defined by the array design as follows: * +Z axis is nominally along the spacecraft -Y axis and is parallel to the array rotation axis; * +X axis is nominally along the spacecraft +X axis; * +Y axis completes the right handed frame; * the origin of this frame is at the spacecraft to instrument interface, at [790.9, -634.9, 0.0] in millimeters. Nominally, the SA2 frame is fixed with respect to, and is rotated by +90 degrees about X from the spacecraft frame: Mspacecraft->sa2_0 = [+90]X [0]Y [0]Z Vsa2_0 = Mspacecraft->sa2_0 * Vspacecraft This diagram illustrates the SA2 Zero Position frame: +Z s/c side (science deck) view: -------------------------------- LGA-A | KMAG || __||_ _ +Xsa1_0 ||| |/ \ +Xsa2_0 ^ _||| |\_/ ^ || || || || +Y Solar Array || || -Y Solar Array o============ <-----x| _ |o-----> ============o +Zsa1_0 | | ^+Xsc | +Zsa2_0 | | | | | | | | | | |___|__|__|___| <-----o____| +Ysc +Zsc | +Zsc and +Ysa2_0 are LGA-B out of the page. +Ysa1_0 is into the page. The angles provided in the frame definition below are the nominal values. Because SPICE fixed offset frame definitions provide the rotations from the fixed offset frame to its reference frame, in the definition below the order of axes is reversed and the angle signs are negated compared to what's specified in the description above. \begindata FRAME_KPLO_SA2_ZERO = -155562 FRAME_-155562_NAME = 'KPLO_SA2_ZERO' FRAME_-155562_CLASS = 4 FRAME_-155562_CLASS_ID = -155562 FRAME_-155562_CENTER = -155 TKFRAME_-155562_SPEC = 'ANGLES' TKFRAME_-155562_RELATIVE = 'KPLO_SPACECRAFT' TKFRAME_-155562_ANGLES = ( -90.0, 0.0, 0.0 ) TKFRAME_-155562_AXES = ( 1, 2, 3 ) TKFRAME_-155562_UNITS = 'DEGREES' \begintext KPLO Solar Array #2 (SA2) Frame -------------------------------------------------------- The SA2 frame is defined by the array design as follows: * -X axis is along the normal on the solar array active cell side; * +Z axis is nominally along the spacecraft -Y axis and is parallel to the array rotation axis; * +Y axis completes the right handed frame; * the origin of this frame is at the spacecraft to instrument interface, at [790.9, -634.9, 0.0] in millimeters. Since the SA2 frame rotates with respect to the SA2 Zero Position frame, its orientation is provided in CK files. In zero gimbal position this frame is co-aligned with the SA2 Zero Position frame. This diagram illustrates the SA2 frame in zero position: +Z s/c side (science deck) view: -------------------------------- LGA-A | KMAG || __||_ _ +Xsa1_0 ||| |/ \ +Xsa2_0 +Xsa1 ^ _||| |\_/ ^+Xsa2 || || || || +Y Solar Array || || -Y Solar Array o============ <-----x| _ |o-----> ============o +Zsa1_0 | | ^+Xsc | +Zsa2_0 +Zsa1 | | | | | +Zsa2 | | | | | |___|__|__|___| <-----o____| +Ysc +Zsc | +Zsc, +Ysa2_0, and +Ysa2 LGA-B are out of the page. +Ysa1_0 and +Ysa1 are into the page. The keywords below define the SA2 frame as a CK-based frame. \begindata FRAME_KPLO_SA2 = -155422 FRAME_-155422_NAME = 'KPLO_SA2' FRAME_-155422_CLASS = 3 FRAME_-155422_CLASS_ID = -155422 FRAME_-155422_CENTER = -155 CK_-155422_SCLK = -155 CK_-155422_SPK = -155 \begintext Low Gain Antenna Upper (LGA_A) Frame -------------------------------------------------------- The LGA upper (LGA_A) frame is defined by the antenna design as follows: * +Z axis is along the antenna boresight; * +Y axis is nominally parallel to the spacecraft +Y axis; * +X axis completes the right handed frame; * the origin of this frame is at the spacecraft to instrument interface, at [1939.1, -143.0, -270.2] in millimeters. Nominally, the LGA Upper frame is fixed with respect to, and is rotated by +110 degrees about Y from the spacecraft frame: Mspacecraft->lgaa = [0]X [+110]Y [0]Z Vlgaa = Mspacecraft->lgaa * Vspacecraft This diagram illustrates the LGA Upper frame: +Z s/c side (science deck) view: -------------------------------- +Zlgaa ^ | | <-----*| KMAG +Ylgaa || __||_ _ ||| |/ \ _______________ _||| |\_/ _______________ | | \ | | / | | | | \ | | / | | | | `. | | .' | | | | | o| _ |o | | | | | .' | | ^+Xsc | `. | | | | / | | | | | \ | | |_____________|_/ | | | | | \_|_____________| +Y Solar Array |___|__|__|___| -Y Solar Array <-----o____| +Ysc +Zsc | +Zsc is out of LGA-B the page. +Zlgaa points 20 deg below the page. The angles provided in the frame definition below are the nominal values. Because SPICE fixed offset frame definitions provide the rotations from the fixed offset frame to its reference frame, in the definition below the order of axes is reversed and the angle signs are negated compared to what's specified in the description above. \begindata FRAME_KPLO_LGA_A = -155831 FRAME_-155831_NAME = 'KPLO_LGA_A' FRAME_-155831_CLASS = 4 FRAME_-155831_CLASS_ID = -155831 FRAME_-155831_CENTER = -155 TKFRAME_-155831_SPEC = 'ANGLES' TKFRAME_-155831_RELATIVE = 'KPLO_SPACECRAFT' TKFRAME_-155831_ANGLES = ( 0.0, -110.0, 0.0 ) TKFRAME_-155831_AXES = ( 1, 2, 3 ) TKFRAME_-155831_UNITS = 'DEGREES' \begintext Low Gain Antenna Lower (LGA_B) Frame -------------------------------------------------------- The LGA Lower (LGA_B) frame is defined by the antenna design as follows: * +Z axis is along the antenna boresight; * +Y axis is nominally parallel to the spacecraft +Y axis; * +X axis completes the right handed frame; * the origin of this frame is at the spacecraft to instrument interface, at [-24.3, 0.0, 941.7] in millimeters. Nominally, the LGA Lower frame is fixed with respect to, and is rotated by -70 degrees about Y from the spacecraft frame: Mspacecraft->lgab = [0]X [-70]Y [0]Z Vlgab = Mspacecraft->lgab * Vspacecraft This diagram illustrates the LGA Lower frame: +Z s/c side (science deck) view: -------------------------------- LGA-A | KMAG || __||_ _ ||| |/ \ _______________ _||| |\_/ _______________ | | \ | | / | | | | \ | | / | | | | `. | | .' | | | | | o| _ |o | | | | | .' | | ^+Xsc | `. | | | | / | | | | | \ | | |_____________|_/ | | | | | \_|_____________| +Y Solar Array |___|__|__|___| -Y Solar Array <-----o____| +Ysc +Zsc | +Zsc is out of <-----* LGA-B the page. +Ylgab | | +Zlgaa points 20 deg v above the page. +Zlgab The angles provided in the frame definition below are the nominal values. Because SPICE fixed offset frame definitions provide the rotations from the fixed offset frame to its reference frame, in the definition below the order of axes is reversed and the angle signs are negated compared to what's specified in the description above. \begindata FRAME_KPLO_LGA_B = -155832 FRAME_-155832_NAME = 'KPLO_LGA_B' FRAME_-155832_CLASS = 4 FRAME_-155832_CLASS_ID = -155832 FRAME_-155832_CENTER = -155 TKFRAME_-155832_SPEC = 'ANGLES' TKFRAME_-155832_RELATIVE = 'KPLO_SPACECRAFT' TKFRAME_-155832_ANGLES = ( 0.0, 70.0, 0.0 ) TKFRAME_-155832_AXES = ( 1, 2, 3 ) TKFRAME_-155832_UNITS = 'DEGREES' \begintext KPLO NAIF ID Codes -- Definitions -------------------------------------------------------- This section contains name to NAIF ID mappings for the KPLO mission. Once the contents of this file is loaded into the KERNEL POOL, these mappings become available within SPICE, making it possible to use names instead of ID code in the high level SPICE routine calls. The set of codes below is not complete. Additional ID codes for some KPLO instruments are defined in the IK files. Spacecraft: ----------- KPLO -155 KOREA PATHFINDER LUNAR ORBITER -155 KPLO_SPACECRAFT -155000 KPLO_SC_BUS -155000 Spacecraft structures: ---------------------- KPLO_SA1 -155421 KPLO_SA1_ZERO -155561 KPLO_SA2 -155422 KPLO_SA2_ZERO -155562 KPLO_LGA_A -155831 KPLO_LGA_B -155832 KPLO_HGA -155191 KPLO_HGA_ZERO -155190 KPLO_STA1 -155501 KPLO_STA2 -155502 Science Instruments: -------------------- KPLO_LUTI -155100 KPLO_LUTI1 -155101 KPLO_LUTI2 -155102 KPLO_POLCAM -155110 KPLO_POLCAM-L -155111 KPLO_POLCAM-R -155112 KPLO_KGRS -155130 KPLO_KMAG -155120 KPLO_SHC -155150 The mappings summarized in this table are implemented by the keywords below. \begindata NAIF_BODY_NAME += ( 'KPLO' ) NAIF_BODY_CODE += ( -155 ) NAIF_BODY_NAME += ( 'KOREA PATHFINDER LUNAR ORBITER' ) NAIF_BODY_CODE += ( -155 ) NAIF_BODY_NAME += ( 'KPLO_SPACECRAFT' ) NAIF_BODY_CODE += ( -155000 ) NAIF_BODY_NAME += ( 'KPLO_SC_BUS' ) NAIF_BODY_CODE += ( -155000 ) NAIF_BODY_NAME += ( 'KPLO_SA1' ) NAIF_BODY_CODE += ( -155421 ) NAIF_BODY_NAME += ( 'KPLO_SA1_ZERO' ) NAIF_BODY_CODE += ( -155561 ) NAIF_BODY_NAME += ( 'KPLO_SA2' ) NAIF_BODY_CODE += ( -155422 ) NAIF_BODY_NAME += ( 'KPLO_SA2_ZERO' ) NAIF_BODY_CODE += ( -155562 ) NAIF_BODY_NAME += ( 'KPLO_LGA_A' ) NAIF_BODY_CODE += ( -155831 ) NAIF_BODY_NAME += ( 'KPLO_LGA_B' ) NAIF_BODY_CODE += ( -155832 ) NAIF_BODY_NAME += ( 'KPLO_HGA' ) NAIF_BODY_CODE += ( -155040 ) NAIF_BODY_NAME += ( 'KPLO_HGA' ) NAIF_BODY_CODE += ( -155191 ) NAIF_BODY_NAME += ( 'KPLO_HGA_ZERO' ) NAIF_BODY_CODE += ( -155190 ) NAIF_BODY_NAME += ( 'KPLO_STA1' ) NAIF_BODY_CODE += ( -155501 ) NAIF_BODY_NAME += ( 'KPLO_STA2' ) NAIF_BODY_CODE += ( -155502 ) NAIF_BODY_NAME += ( 'KPLO_LUTI' ) NAIF_BODY_CODE += ( -155100 ) NAIF_BODY_NAME += ( 'KPLO_LUTI1' ) NAIF_BODY_CODE += ( -155101 ) NAIF_BODY_NAME += ( 'KPLO_LUTI2' ) NAIF_BODY_CODE += ( -155102 ) NAIF_BODY_NAME += ( 'KPLO_POLCAM' ) NAIF_BODY_CODE += ( -155110 ) NAIF_BODY_NAME += ( 'KPLO_POLCAM-L' ) NAIF_BODY_CODE += ( -155111 ) NAIF_BODY_NAME += ( 'KPLO_POLCAM-R' ) NAIF_BODY_CODE += ( -155112 ) NAIF_BODY_NAME += ( 'KPLO_KGRS' ) NAIF_BODY_CODE += ( -155130 ) NAIF_BODY_NAME += ( 'KPLO_KMAG' ) NAIF_BODY_CODE += ( -155120 ) NAIF_BODY_NAME += ( 'KPLO_SHC' ) NAIF_BODY_CODE += ( -155150 ) \begintext End of FK file.