KPL/FK SPICE Lunar ME Reference Frame/Body Association Kernel ===================================================================== Original file name: Creation date: 2007 February 13 17:24 Created by: Nat Bachman (NAIF/JPL) Overview ===================================================================== In the SPICE system, the default body-fixed reference frame associated with the Moon is named IAU_MOON The IAU_MOON reference frame is implemented via approximate formulas provided by the IAU report [1] and is not suitable for high-accuracy work. This kernel directs the SPICE system to associate the lunar "mean Earth" reference frame MOON_ME with the Moon. When this kernel is loaded via FURNSH, the SPICE frame system routines CNMFRM and CIDFRM, which identify the reference frame associated with a specified body, will indicate that the MOON_ME frame is associated with the Moon. In addition, higher-level SPICE geometry routines that rely on the CNMFRM or CIDFRM routines will use the MOON_ME frame where applicable. As of the release date of this kernel, these SPICE routines are: ET2LST ILLUM SRFXPT SUBPT SUBSOL Finally, any code that calls these routines to obtain results involving lunar body-fixed frames are affected. Within SPICE, the only higher-level system that is affected is the dynamic frame system. Note: to direct SPICE to associate the lunar principal axis frame MOON_PA with the Moon, load the kernel rather than this one. Using this kernel ===================================================================== This kernel must be loaded together with a lunar frame specification kernel and a binary lunar PCK. Below an example meta-kernel that loads these files and a small program illustrating use of the kernel are shown. The names of the kernels used here are current as of the release date of this kernel, but should not be assumed to current at later dates. Example meta-kernel ------------------- To use the meta-kernel shown below, the '@' characters must be replaced with backslash '\' characters. Backslashes cannot be used in this comment block because they would confuse the SPICE text kernel parser. KPL/FK @begintext Kernels to load are: Lunar kernels ------------- Binary lunar PCK: moon_pa_de403_1950-2198.bpc Lunar FK: Frame association kernel: Additional kernels to support sub-point computation --------------------------------------------------- Text PCK for lunar radii: pck00008.tpc Leapseconds kernel (for time conversion): naif0008.tls Planetary ephemeris (for sub-Earth computation): de414.bsp @begindata KERNELS_TO_LOAD = ( 'moon_pa_de403_1950-2198.bpc' '' '' 'pck00008.tpc' 'naif0008.tls' 'de414.bsp' ) @begintext End of kernel Example code ------------ Find the geometric (without light time and stellar aberration corrections) sub-Earth point on the Moon at a given UTC time, using the MOON_ME reference frame. Display the name of the body-fixed lunar frame used for the computation. PROGRAM EX IMPLICIT NONE DOUBLE PRECISION DPR INTEGER FILEN PARAMETER ( FILEN = 255 ) INTEGER FRNMLN PARAMETER ( FRNMLN = 32 ) INTEGER TIMLEN PARAMETER ( TIMLEN = 50 ) CHARACTER*(FRNMLN) FRNAME CHARACTER*(FILEN) META CHARACTER*(TIMLEN) TIMSTR DOUBLE PRECISION ALT DOUBLE PRECISION ET DOUBLE PRECISION LAT DOUBLE PRECISION LON DOUBLE PRECISION RADIUS DOUBLE PRECISION SPOINT ( 3 ) INTEGER FRCODE LOGICAL FOUND C C Obtain name of meta-kernel; load kernel. C CALL PROMPT ( 'Enter meta-kernel name > ', META ) CALL FURNSH ( META ) C C Obtain input time and convert to seconds past J2000 TDB. C CALL PROMPT ( 'Enter observation time > ', TIMSTR ) CALL STR2ET ( TIMSTR, ET ) C C Find the closest point on the Moon to the center C of the Earth at ET. C CALL SUBPT ( 'Near point', 'MOON', ET, 'NONE', . 'EARTH', SPOINT, ALT ) . C C Express the sub-observer point in latitudinal C coordinates. C CALL RECLAT ( SPOINT, RADIUS, LON, LAT ) C C Look up the name of the lunar body-fixed frame. C CALL CNMFRM ( 'MOON', FRCODE, FRNAME, FOUND ) C C Always check the "found" flag. Signal an error if we C don't find a frame name. C IF ( .NOT. FOUND ) THEN CALL SETMSG ( 'No body-fixed frame found for the Moon.' ) CALL SIGERR ( 'SPICE(NOFRAME)' ) END IF WRITE(*,*) 'Lunar body-fixed frame is ', FRNAME WRITE(*,*) 'Sub-Earth planetocentric longitude (deg):', . LON*DPR() WRITE(*,*) 'Sub-Earth planetocentric latitude (deg):', . LAT*DPR() END Example program output ---------------------- Numeric results and output formatting shown below should be expected to differ somewhat across different computing platforms. When the above example program is run using the example meta-kernel, and the (arbitrary) date 2007 Feb 13 00:00:00 UTC is used as the observation time, the output will be: Lunar body-fixed frame is MOON_ME Sub-Earth planetocentric longitude (deg): -6.73726142 Sub-Earth planetocentric latitude (deg): 6.75680538 References ===================================================================== [1] Seidelmann, P.K., Abalakin, V.K., Bursa, M., Davies, M.E., Bergh, C. de, Lieske, J.H., Oberst, J., Simon, J.L., Standish, E.M., Stooke, P., and Thomas, P.C. (2002). "Report of the IAU/IAG Working Group on Cartographic Coordinates and Rotational Elements of the Planets and Satellites: 2000," Celestial Mechanics and Dynamical Astronomy, v.82, Issue 1, pp. 83-111. Data ===================================================================== The assignment below directs the SPICE system to associate the MOON_ME reference frame with the Moon. For further information, see the Frames Required Reading section titled "Connecting an Object to its Body-fixed Frame." \begindata OBJECT_MOON_FRAME = 'MOON_ME' \begintext End of kernel =====================================================================