KPL/MK This meta-kernel lists the M2020 SPICE kernels needed for the CHRONOS time conversion application. All of the kernels listed below are archived in the PDS M2020 SPICE kernel archive. This set of files and the order in which they are listed were picked to provide the best available data and the most complete coverage based on the information about the kernels available at the time this meta-kernel was made. For detailed information about the kernels listed below refer to the internal comments included in the kernels and the documentation accompanying the M2020 SPICE kernel archive. This meta-kernel also includes keywords setting the SPICE CHRONOS utility configuration parameters (spacecraft ID, planet ID, landing UTC, landing SOL index, and Sun GM). It is recommended that users make a local copy of this file and modify the value of the PATH_VALUES keyword to point to the actual location of the M2020 SPICE data set's ``data'' directory on their system. Replacing ``/'' with ``\'' and converting line terminators to the format native to the user's system may also be required if this meta-kernel is to be used on a non-UNIX workstation. This file was created on August 19, 2021 by Marc Costa Sitja, NAIF/JPL. The original name of this file was \begindata PATH_VALUES = ( '..' ) PATH_SYMBOLS = ( 'KERNELS' ) KERNELS_TO_LOAD = ( '$KERNELS/lsk/naif0012.tls' '$KERNELS/sclk/m2020_168_sclkscet_00007.tsc' '$KERNELS/sclk/m2020_lmst_ops210303_v1.tsc' '$KERNELS/pck/pck00010.tpc' '$KERNELS/spk/de438s.bsp' '$KERNELS/spk/mar097.bsp' '$KERNELS/spk/m2020_cruise_od138_v1.bsp' '$KERNELS/spk/m2020_edl_v01.bsp' '$KERNELS/spk/m2020_ls_ops210303_iau2000_v1.bsp' '$KERNELS/spk/m2020_atls_ops210303_v1.bsp' '$KERNELS/fk/' ) SPACECRAFT_ID = -168 CENTER_ID = 499 LANDING_TIME = '2021-02-18T20:43:48.8175' LANDING_SOL_INDEX = 0 BODY10_GM = 132712440041.9394 \begintext End of MK file.