PDS_VERSION_ID = PDS3 RECORD_TYPE = STREAM OBJECT = TEXT INTERCHANGE_FORMAT = ASCII PUBLICATION_DATE = 2008-11-10 NOTE = "Generic and VO specific SPICE Documents" END_OBJECT = TEXT END Generic and VO specific SPICE documentation =========================================== The complete set of generic SPICE documentation describing SPICE Kernel file formats and the ways data in the kernels can be accessed using SPICE System Toolkit is distributed with the toolkit. Refer to the ``softinfo.txt'' document in the /software directory for more information regarding obtaining SPICE Toolkit. The VO data specific documentation is included within actual data files -- in the description area of the SPICE text kernel files (LSK, SCLK, text PCK, FK) or in the comments area of the SPICE binary kernel files (SPK, CK, binary PCK, EK) -- and can be viewed using any text editor (for text files) or COMMNT/SPACIT utility programs distributed with SPICE System toolkit (for binary files.) The following documents providing additional information about VO SPICE data are included in this directory: lblinfo.txt ASCII text document describing location and naming of the PDS labels in this data set; onlabels.txt ASCII text document describing the keywords and values found in the PDS labels; vo_spks.asc ASCII text document comparing of the ``original'' SEDR (Supplemental Experiment Data Record) trajectory data with the orbit reconstructed by A. Konopliv, JPL; vo1spk.jpg figures accompanying ``vo_spks.asc'' document, JPEG vo2spk.jpg image files; vo_spks.lbl PDS label for ``vo_spks.asc'' document and accompanying figures; vo_time.asc ASCII text document describing the collection of VO image time tags used by science groups involved in VO image cartographic application, and problems with and differences between these tags; vo_time.lbl PDS label for ``vo_time.asc'' document; vo_trec.asc ASCII text document describing the results of VO image time tags accuracy and reliability analysis, including an attempt to correct some of these tags; vo1_0550.jpg figures accompanying ``vo_trec.asc'' document, JPEG vo1_1165.jpg image files; vo1fsc.jpg vo1fsc_a.jpg vo2fsc.jpg vo2fsc_a.jpg vo_trec.lbl PDS label for ``vo_trec.asc'' document and accompanying figures; Contact Information =================== Regarding VO project specific information provided in this data set and for general information about SPICE system: Charles H. Acton, Jr, (818)-354-3869, Chuck.Acton@jpl.nasa.gov, or Boris Semenov (818)-354-8136 Boris.Semenov@jpl.nasa.gov address: Navigation and Ancillary Information Facility (NAIF) Jet Propulsion Laboratory MS 301-125L 4800 Oak Grove Drive Pasadena CA 91109 USA