KPL/PCK \beginlabel PDS_VERSION_ID = PDS3 RECORD_TYPE = STREAM RECORD_BYTES = "N/A" ^SPICE_KERNEL = "sdu_annefrank_v01.tpc" MISSION_NAME = STARDUST SPACECRAFT_NAME = STARDUST DATA_SET_ID = "SDU-C-SPICE-6-V1.0" KERNEL_TYPE_ID = PCK PRODUCT_ID = "sdu_annefrank_v01.tpc" PRODUCT_CREATION_TIME = 2005-03-07T13:08:56 PRODUCER_ID = "NAIF/JPL" MISSION_PHASE_NAME = "ANNEFRANK ENCOUNTER" PRODUCT_VERSION_TYPE = ACTUAL PLATFORM_OR_MOUNTING_NAME = "N/A" START_TIME = "N/A" STOP_TIME = "N/A" SPACECRAFT_CLOCK_START_COUNT = "N/A" SPACECRAFT_CLOCK_STOP_COUNT = "N/A" TARGET_NAME = "5535 ANNEFRANK" INSTRUMENT_NAME = "N/A" NAIF_INSTRUMENT_ID = "N/A" SOURCE_PRODUCT_ID = "N/A" NOTE = "See comments in the file for details" OBJECT = SPICE_KERNEL INTERCHANGE_FORMAT = ASCII KERNEL_TYPE = TARGET_CONSTANTS DESCRIPTION = "SPICE Planetary Constants Kernel (PCK) file containing size and shape data for asteroid Annefrank. " END_OBJECT = SPICE_KERNEL \endlabel P_constants (PcK) SPICE kernel file for asteroid Annefrank =========================================================================== By: Boris Semenov (NAIF) 04-MAR-2005 Organization -------------------------------------------------------- The sections of this file are as follows. Introductory Information: -- Version description -- Disclaimer -- Sources Pck Data: -- Radii for Asteroid Annefrank Version description -------------------------------------------------------- This file was created on March 4, 2005 for archiving as part of the Stardust SPICE PDS archive. Disclaimer -------------------------------------------------------- This constants file may not contain the parameter values that you prefer. Note that this file may be readily modified by you or anyone else. NAIF suggests that you inspect this file visually before proceeding with any critical or extended data processing. NAIF requests that you update the `by line' and date if you modify the file. Sources -------------------------------------------------------- The sources for the constants listed in this file are: 1) Duxbury, T.C, et al (2004). Asteroid 5535 Annefrank size, shape, and orientation: Stardust first results. JGR, Vol 109, 2004. Orientation constants for Asteroid Annefrank -------------------------------------------------------- The NAIF integer code for Annefrank is 2005535. See the NAIF_IDs required reading for further information on NAIF integer codes. According to [1] rotation rate and spin axis direction could not be determined from Stardust flyby data because images of the asteroid were taken over too short period of time. Thus no rotation constants for Annefrank are provided in PCK file. BODY2005535_POLE_RA = ( ) BODY2005535_POLE_DEC = ( ) BODY2005535_PM = ( ) Radii for Asteroid Annefrank -------------------------------------------------------- According to [1], Annefrank radii are a/b/c = 3.3km/2.5km/1.7km. These radii are provided in the keyword below. \begindata BODY2005535_RADII = ( 3.3 2.5 1.7 ) \begintext