This directory contains the documentation for the Rosetta mission. Several PDF and TEXT files, and a HTML document are included, containing documentation about the SPICE kernels produced for the Rosetta mission, as well as information about the mission itself. Documents contained in this directory. ===================================== RL_PL_DLR_97002.PDF Rosetta Lander Project Plan. RO_DSS_TN_1081.PDF Coordinate Systems for Rosetta. RO_ESC_PL_5026.PDF Rosetta Mission Calendar. RO_ESC_RP_5500.PDF ROSETTA: Consolidated Report on Mission Analysis. RO_EST_AO_0001.PDF Announcement of Opportunity, Rosetta Orbiter Investigations. RO_EST_LI_5012.HTM Glossary of the Rosetta Project. RO_EST_PL_0001.PDF Rosetta Science Management Plan. RO_EST_PL_2010.PDF Rosetta Science Operations Centre Design Specification. RO_EST_PL_5011.PDF Archive Generation, Validation and Transfer Plan. RO_EST_RP_3226.PDF Mission Commissioning Results Review Spacecraft Performance Report. RO_EST_RP_3293.PDF Consolidated Rosetta Payload Report of the Mission Commissioning Results Review. RO_EST_RP_3318.PDF Payload Passive Checkout 0 Report. RO_EST_RP_3321.PDF Rosetta Earth-Swingby #1 Payload Operations Report. RO_EST_RP_3341.PDF Deep Impact Observations Payload Operations Report. RO_EST_RP_3342.PDF Rosetta Passive Payload Checkout 1 Report. RO_EST_TN_3165.PDF Time handling outline for the Rosetta project. RO_EST_TN_3305.PDF Payload Boresight Alignment Details. RO_EST_TN_3372.PDF ROSETTA Archive Conventions. RO_SWT2003APR03.PDF Recommendation, from the Rosetta SWT, on the selection of Churyumov-Gerasimenko as a new target for the mission. CKINFO.TXT Information about the CK kernels. EKINFO.TXT Information about the EK kernels. FKINFO.TXT Information about the FK kernels. IKINFO.TXT Information about the IK kernels. LSKINFO.TXT Information about the LSK kernels. PCKINFO.TXT Information about the PCK kernels. SCLKINFO.TXT Information about the SCLK kernels. SPKINFO.TXT Information about the SPK kernels. ONLABELS.TXT Description of the labels in this dataset. DOCINFO.TXT This file. *.LBL Detached PDS labels describing each one of the documents in this directory, including this file.