PDS_VERSION_ID = PDS3 RECORD_TYPE = STREAM OBJECT = TEXT NOTE = "Comments on the JUNO SPICE Archive" PUBLICATION_DATE = 2022-06-13 END_OBJECT = TEXT END COMMENTS ON THE JUNO SPICE DATA ARCHIVE ======================================= This document contains comments and errata concerning the JUNO SPICE Data Archive. 1. Text Kernel File Format -------------------------- All SPICE text kernel files (LSK, PCK, SCLK, IK, FK) provided in this data set have lines terminated by only (UNIX convention.) This is dictated by NAIF's archiving approach to include a consistent set of UNIX binary (IEEE architecture) and text ( only for end of line marker) kernels in the archived data sets. However, the format of the text kernels is specified in their associated labels as ASCII (INTERCHANGE_FORMAT = ASCII.) This is a violation of the PDS standard stating that lines in ASCII files must be delimited by the combination of . This line termination treatment is standard practice for SPICE data sets in the PDS. 2. Use of SPACECRAFT_NAME in the Labels --------------------------------------- PDS labels for SPICE kernels provided in this data set contain the deprecated keyword SPACECRAFT_NAME instead of the keyword INSTRUMENT_HOST_NAME. This is standard practice for SPICE data sets in the PDS and is dictated by NAIF's archiving approach to make SPICE archives for more recent missions consistent with SPICE archives for older missions, for which use of SPACECRAFT_NAME was legitimate. 3. Values of INSTRUMENT_NAME in the Labels ------------------------------------------ PDS labels for SPICE kernels provided in this data do not set the keyword INSTRUMENT_NAME to "SPICE KERNELS", that is the name of the instrument described by the instrument catalog file SPICE_INST.CAT provided in the data set. Instead this keyword is set to either "N/A" or the name(s) of the instrument(s) or structure(s), the geometric parameters of which a particular kernel file provides. While this error does prevent the individual data products from being associated with the "SPICE KERNELS" instrument, it does not affect usability of the SPICE data provided in this data set in any way because the SPICE Toolkit does not use any information from the PDS label to access the data. The other side of this error is that the data set does not include instrument catalog files for the following instruments named in the INSTRUMENT_NAME keyword in the PDS labels: "JUNO SPACECRAFT" "JOVIAN AURORAL PLASMA DISTRIBUTIONS EXPERIMENT" "JUPITER ENERGETIC PARTICLE DETECTOR INSTRUMENT" "JOVIAN INFRARED AURORAL MAPPER" "JUNO EPO CAMERA" "MAGNETOMETER" "MICROWAVE RADIOMETER" "GRAVITY SCIENCE INSTRUMENT" "ULTRAVIOLET SPECTROGRAPH" "WAVES" 4. Missing FILE_RECORDS Keyword in the Binary Kernel Labels ----------------------------------------------------------- All labels for binary SPICE kernels provided in this data set are missing the FILE_RECORDS keyword, which is required because these labels have the RECORD_TYPE keyword set to FIXED_LENGTH. While this error violates the PDS standards, it does not affect usability of the SPICE data provided in this data set in any way because the SPICE toolkit does not use any information from the PDS labels to access the data. 5. Unfinished Instrument Kernels (IK) Files ------------------------------------------- As of release 0001 IK files for JADE and JUNOCAM and for spacecraft structures include some unfinished sections and placeholder values marked with TBD. These IKs will be updated in the future and after which their new versions will be added to the archive. 6. Incorrect TLM and AVG CHU-D and MOB-IB CKs for PJ13 and PJ14 --------------------------------------------------------------- Due a change in CHU-D exposure settings causing an error in telemetered quaternion timing near perijoves 13 (2018 MAY 24 05:39:51) and 14 (2018 JUL 16 05:17:22), the CKs juno_chud_rec_180521_180527_v01.bc juno_chud_rec_180716_180722_v01.bc juno_mobib_rec_180521_180527_v01.bc juno_mobib_rec_180716_180722_v01.bc juno_chud_ali_180402_180717_avg_v01.bc juno_mobib_ali_180402_180717_avg_v01.bc added in release 0007, providing telemetry-based and averaged CHU-D and MOB-IB orientation have an error by ~0.007 radians and should not be used during these two periods: 2018-05-24T06:10 to 2018-05-24T07:09 2018-07-16T03:48 to 2018-07-16T06:48 These CKs were superseded by their corrected versions juno_chud_rec_180521_180527_v02.bc juno_chud_rec_180716_180722_v02.bc juno_mobib_rec_180521_180527_v02.bc juno_mobib_rec_180716_180722_v02.bc juno_chud_ali_180402_180717_avg_v02.bc juno_mobib_ali_180402_180717_avg_v02.bc added to the archive in release 0008. 7. Missing mission phase for some SPKs -------------------------------------- The labels of some SPKs, concretely: de436s.bsp de438s.bsp de440s.bsp jup310.bsp jup363.bsp juno_struct_v04.bsp miss the "EXTENDED MISSION" value in the MISSION_PHASE_NAME keyword because these labels were generated before the extended mission was defined. 7. Gaps in the averaged CHU and MOB alignment CK coverage --------------------------------------------------------- Starting with the CK set juno_*_ali_201110_210222_avg_v01.bc the averaged CHU and MOB alignment CKs no longer provide continuous coverage and have gaps both between the files and within the files. Some but not all of these gaps may be closed by re-processing and producing and adding new versions of these products in a future archive release. End.