PDS_VERSION_ID = PDS3 RECORD_TYPE = STREAM OBJECT = TEXT PUBLICATION_DATE = 2006-03-01 NOTE = "PDS Catalog Objects Supporting disp_1000" END_OBJECT = TEXT END PDS Catalog Objects Supporting disp_1000 The "catalog" subdirectory contains data object files that provide high-level descriptions of the Deep Impact mission, spacecraft and target, as well as of the SPICE data set contained on this volume. The descriptions are organized into the following catalog objects: DATA SET (spiceds.cat) INSTRUMENT (spice_inst.cat) HOUSEKEEPING (spice_hsk.cat) RELEASE (release.cat) MISSION (mission.cat) INSTRUMENT HOST (dif.cat and dii.cat) REFERENCE (ref.cat) PERSONNEL (person.cat) TARGET (1867g1.cat) and this file, catinfo.txt. The DATA SET object describes the SPICE data represented on this volume. It provides a data set overview and descriptions of SPICE kernels and the software used to manipulate kernel data. The INSTRUMENT HOST objects describe the Deep Impact Flyby and Impactor spacecraft. The INSTRUMENT object describes SPICE kernels. The HOUSEKEEPING object provides browser and URL information. The MISSION object describes the Deep Impact mission. The PERSONNEL object lists the Deep Impact SPICE data producers. The RELEASE object lists the Deep Impact SPICE data set release dates and IDs. The REFERENCE object contains bibliographic citations for reference works cited in other catalog objects. The TARGET catalog object describes the primary mission target comet 9P/TEMPEL 1 (1867 G1).