KPL/FK \beginlabel PDS_VERSION_ID = PDS3 RECORD_TYPE = STREAM RECORD_BYTES = "N/A" ^SPICE_KERNEL = "" MISSION_NAME = "CASSINI-HUYGENS" SPACECRAFT_NAME = "CASSINI ORBITER" DATA_SET_ID = "CO-S/J/E/V-SPICE-6-V1.0" KERNEL_TYPE_ID = FK PRODUCT_ID = "" PRODUCT_CREATION_TIME = 2009-06-29T11:35:09 PRODUCER_ID = "CASSINI_IO/JPL" MISSION_PHASE_NAME = "N/A" PRODUCT_VERSION_TYPE = ACTUAL PLATFORM_OR_MOUNTING_NAME = "N/A" START_TIME = "N/A" STOP_TIME = "N/A" SPACECRAFT_CLOCK_START_COUNT = "N/A" SPACECRAFT_CLOCK_STOP_COUNT = "N/A" TARGET_NAME = "N/A" INSTRUMENT_NAME = "N/A" NAIF_INSTRUMENT_ID = "N/A" SOURCE_PRODUCT_ID = "N/A" NOTE = "See comments in the file for details" OBJECT = SPICE_KERNEL INTERCHANGE_FORMAT = ASCII KERNEL_TYPE = FRAMES DESCRIPTION = "Cassini Frame Kernel containing constants that define the frames for small satellites (rocks) of Saturn. " END_OBJECT = SPICE_KERNEL \endlabel Cassini Spacecraft Frame Kernel for small satellites =============================================================== This frame kernel contains the constants defining the frames for small satellites (rocks) of Saturn. Version and Date ---------------------------------------------------------- The TEXT_KERNEL_ID stores version information of loaded project text kernels. Each entry associated with the keyword is a string that consists of four parts: the kernel name, version, entry date, and type. For example, the ISS I-kernel might have an entry as follows: TEXT_KERNEL_ID += 'IAU_ISS V0.0 29-SEPTEMBER-1999 IK' | | | | | | | | KERNEL NAME <-------+ | | | | | V VERSION <-------+ | KERNEL TYPE | V ENTRY DATE Cassini Small Satellites Frame Kernel Version: \begindata TEXT_KERNEL_ID += 'ROCKS V14.0 25-AUGUST-2008 FK' \begintext Version 1.0 -- May 21, 2003 -- Lee Elson -- Initial Release. Version 2.0 - November 5, 2003 - Diane Conner -- Included IAU approved names. Version 3.0 - April 27, 2004 - Diane Conner -- Changed keyword "FRAME_IAU_ ERRIAPO" to "FRAME_IAU_ERRIAPO" Version 4.0 - November 30, 2004 - Diane Conner -- Added new body names S1_2004, S2_2004 & S5_2004. Version 5.0 - December 22, 2004 - Diane Conner -- Corrected typos in definitions for S1, S2, & S5 2004. Version 6.0 - April 8, 2005 - Added names for S1, S2, & S5 2004. Also changed the mapping of ids to match spk 050407AP_RE_04002_09011. Version 7.0 - December 13, 2005 - Adrian Tinio -- Added new body name DAPHNIS (S1_2005). Version 8.0 - February 27, 2006 - Adrian Tinio -- Added new bodies: NARVI S07-S18 2004. Version 9.0 - December 5, 2006 - Elmain Martinez -- Added new bodies: S19 2004 S01-S08_2006 Version 10.0 - April 19, 2007 - Elmain Martinez -- Added new bodies: Aegir Bebhionn Bergelmir Bestla Farbauti Fenrir Fornjot Hati Hyrokkin Kari Loge Skoll Surtur Version 11.0 - August 16, 2007 - Elmain Martinez -- Added new body: K07S4 Version 12.0 - October 1, 2007 - Elmain Martinez -- Removed duplicate 'S' entries (official names already specified) Version 13.0 - August 21, 2008 - Adrian Tinio -- Added new body: ANTHE Version 14.0 - August 25, 2008 - Adrian Tinio -- Removed definition for body 65060 -- Replaced by Anthe References ---------------------------------------------------------- 1. ``Kernel Pool Required Reading'' 2. ``Frames Required Reading'' 3. Email from Diane Conner regarding targeting small satellites, or rocks, of Saturn. 4. Sky & Telescope Magazine,(25th General Assembly of the International Astronomical Union, held from July 13-26 in Sydney, Australia) Contact Information ---------------------------------------------------------- Direct questions, comments, or concerns about the contents of this kernel to: Lee Elson, NAIF/JPL, (818)354-4223, Diane Conner, Cassini Science Data Engineering Lead (818)354-8586, Introduction ---------------------------------------------------------- This file defines body fixed frames for the small satellites of Saturn. Body fixed frames are reference frames that do not move with respect to ``surface'' features of an object. Note that body fixed frames do move with respect to inertial frames. Information about how these frames are changing with respect to inertial frames is stored in the corresponding SPICE PCK file. Implementation Notes ---------------------------------------------------------- This file is used by the SPICE system as follows: programs that make use of this frame kernel must `load' the kernel, normally during program initialization. Loading the kernel associates data items with their names in a data structure called the `kernel pool'. The SPICELIB routine LDPOOL loads a kernel file into the pool as shown below: CALL LDPOOL ( frame_kernel_name ) In order for a program or subroutine to extract data from the pool, the SPICELIB routines GDPOOL and GIPOOL are used. See [2] for more details. This file was created and may be updated with a text editor or word processor. Assumptions ---------------------------------------------------------- This file assigns frame names to the satellites that are defined by the corresponding PCK file. Any changes to this file must be consistent with the PCK file. Use ---------------------------------------------------------- Several user-level SPICE routines require that the user supply the name of a reference frame as one of the inputs to the routine. The most important of these are the routines SPKEZ and SPKEZR. These routines return the state (position and velocity) of one object relative to another in a user specified reference frame. The choice of reference frame often makes a big difference in the usefulness of a returned state. If the state is relative to a suitable reference frame, computations involving that state can be much simpler than if the state were returned relative to some other reference frame. The SPICE frame subsystem allows you to easily transform states from one reference frame to another. Usually this can be done without needing to know all of the details of how the transformation is carried out. This allows you to concentrate on questions more closely related to the problem you are trying to solve instead of the details of how to get information in the frame of interest. NAIF requests that you update the `by line' and date if you modify this file. YMIR ---------------------------------------------------------- \begindata FRAME_IAU_YMIR = 619 FRAME_619_NAME = 'IAU_YMIR' FRAME_619_CLASS = 2 FRAME_619_CLASS_ID = 619 FRAME_619_CENTER = 619 OBJECT_619_FRAME = 'IAU_YMIR' \begintext PAALIAQ ---------------------------------------------------------- \begindata FRAME_IAU_PAALIAQ = 620 FRAME_620_NAME = 'IAU_PAALIAQ' FRAME_620_CLASS = 2 FRAME_620_CLASS_ID = 620 FRAME_620_CENTER = 620 OBJECT_620_FRAME = 'IAU_PAALIAQ' \begintext TARVOS ---------------------------------------------------------- \begindata FRAME_IAU_TARVOS = 621 FRAME_621_NAME = 'IAU_TARVOS' FRAME_621_CLASS = 2 FRAME_621_CLASS_ID = 621 FRAME_621_CENTER = 621 OBJECT_621_FRAME = 'IAU_TARVOS' \begintext IJIRAQ ---------------------------------------------------------- \begindata FRAME_IAU_IJIRAQ = 622 FRAME_622_NAME = 'IAU_IJIRAQ' FRAME_622_CLASS = 2 FRAME_622_CLASS_ID = 622 FRAME_622_CENTER = 622 OBJECT_622_FRAME = 'IAU_IJIRAQ' \begintext SUTTUNG ---------------------------------------------------------- \begindata FRAME_IAU_SUTTUNG = 623 FRAME_623_NAME = 'IAU_SUTTUNG' FRAME_623_CLASS = 2 FRAME_623_CLASS_ID = 623 FRAME_623_CENTER = 623 OBJECT_623_FRAME = 'IAU_SUTTUNG' \begintext KIVIUQ ---------------------------------------------------------- \begindata FRAME_IAU_KIVIUQ = 624 FRAME_624_NAME = 'IAU_KIVIUQ' FRAME_624_CLASS = 2 FRAME_624_CLASS_ID = 624 FRAME_624_CENTER = 624 OBJECT_624_FRAME = 'IAU_KIVIUQ' \begintext MUNDILFARI ---------------------------------------------------------- \begindata FRAME_IAU_MUNDILFARI = 625 FRAME_625_NAME = 'IAU_MUNDILFARI' FRAME_625_CLASS = 2 FRAME_625_CLASS_ID = 625 FRAME_625_CENTER = 625 OBJECT_625_FRAME = 'IAU_MUNDILFARI' \begintext ALBIORIX ---------------------------------------------------------- \begindata FRAME_IAU_ALBIORIX = 626 FRAME_626_NAME = 'IAU_ALBIORIX' FRAME_626_CLASS = 2 FRAME_626_CLASS_ID = 626 FRAME_626_CENTER = 626 OBJECT_626_FRAME = 'IAU_ALBIORIX' \begintext SKADI ---------------------------------------------------------- \begindata FRAME_IAU_SKADI = 627 FRAME_627_NAME = 'IAU_SKADI' FRAME_627_CLASS = 2 FRAME_627_CLASS_ID = 627 FRAME_627_CENTER = 627 OBJECT_627_FRAME = 'IAU_SKADI' \begintext ERRIAPO ---------------------------------------------------------- \begindata FRAME_IAU_ERRIAPO = 628 FRAME_628_NAME = 'IAU_ERRIAPO' FRAME_628_CLASS = 2 FRAME_628_CLASS_ID = 628 FRAME_628_CENTER = 628 OBJECT_628_FRAME = 'IAU_ERRIAPO' \begintext SIARNAQ ---------------------------------------------------------- \begindata FRAME_IAU_SIARNAQ = 629 FRAME_629_NAME = 'IAU_SIARNAQ' FRAME_629_CLASS = 2 FRAME_629_CLASS_ID = 629 FRAME_629_CENTER = 629 OBJECT_629_FRAME = 'IAU_SIARNAQ' \begintext THRYM ---------------------------------------------------------- \begindata FRAME_IAU_THRYM = 630 FRAME_630_NAME = 'IAU_THRYM' FRAME_630_CLASS = 2 FRAME_630_CLASS_ID = 630 FRAME_630_CENTER = 630 OBJECT_630_FRAME = 'IAU_THRYM' \begintext NARVI ---------------------------------------------------------- \begindata FRAME_IAU_NARVI = 631 FRAME_631_NAME = 'IAU_NARVI' FRAME_631_CLASS = 2 FRAME_631_CLASS_ID = 631 FRAME_631_CENTER = 631 OBJECT_631_FRAME = 'IAU_NARVI' \begintext METHONE (S1_2004) ---------------------------------------------------------- \begindata FRAME_IAU_METHONE = 632 FRAME_632_NAME ='IAU_METHONE' FRAME_632_CLASS = 2 FRAME_632_CLASS_ID = 632 FRAME_632_CENTER = 632 OBJECT_632_FRAME = 'IAU_METHONE' \begintext PALLENE (S2_2004) ---------------------------------------------------------- \begindata FRAME_IAU_PALLENE = 633 FRAME_633_NAME = 'IAU_PALLENE' FRAME_633_CLASS = 2 FRAME_633_CLASS_ID = 633 FRAME_633_CENTER = 633 OBJECT_633_FRAME = 'IAU_PALLENE' \begintext POLYDEUCES (S5_2004) ---------------------------------------------------------- \begindata FRAME_IAU_POLYDEUCES = 634 FRAME_634_NAME = 'IAU_POLYDEUCES' FRAME_634_CLASS = 2 FRAME_634_CLASS_ID = 634 FRAME_634_CENTER = 634 OBJECT_634_FRAME = 'IAU_POLYDEUCES' \begintext DAPHNIS (S1_2005) ---------------------------------------------------------- \begindata FRAME_IAU_DAPHNIS = 635 FRAME_635_NAME = 'IAU_DAPHNIS' FRAME_635_CLASS = 2 FRAME_635_CLASS_ID = 635 FRAME_635_CENTER = 635 OBJECT_635_FRAME = 'IAU_DAPHNIS' \begintext AEGIR ---------------------------------------------------------- \begindata FRAME_IAU_AEGIR = 636 FRAME_636_NAME = 'IAU_AEGIR' FRAME_636_CLASS = 2 FRAME_636_CLASS_ID = 636 FRAME_636_CENTER = 636 OBJECT_636_FRAME = 'IAU_AEGIR' \begintext BEBHIONN ---------------------------------------------------------- \begindata FRAME_IAU_BEBHIONN = 637 FRAME_637_NAME = 'IAU_BEBHIONN' FRAME_637_CLASS = 2 FRAME_637_CLASS_ID = 637 FRAME_637_CENTER = 637 OBJECT_637_FRAME = 'IAU_BEBHIONN' \begintext BERGELMIR ---------------------------------------------------------- \begindata FRAME_IAU_BERGELMIR = 638 FRAME_638_NAME = 'IAU_BERGELMIR' FRAME_638_CLASS = 2 FRAME_638_CLASS_ID = 638 FRAME_638_CENTER = 638 OBJECT_638_FRAME = 'IAU_BERGELMIR' \begintext BESTLA ---------------------------------------------------------- \begindata FRAME_IAU_BESTLA = 639 FRAME_639_NAME = 'IAU_BESTLA' FRAME_639_CLASS = 2 FRAME_639_CLASS_ID = 639 FRAME_639_CENTER = 639 OBJECT_639_FRAME = 'IAU_BESTLA' \begintext FARBAUTI ---------------------------------------------------------- \begindata FRAME_IAU_FARBAUTI = 640 FRAME_640_NAME = 'IAU_FARBAUTI' FRAME_640_CLASS = 2 FRAME_640_CLASS_ID = 640 FRAME_640_CENTER = 640 OBJECT_640_FRAME = 'IAU_FARBAUTI' \begintext FENRIR ---------------------------------------------------------- \begindata FRAME_IAU_FENRIR = 641 FRAME_641_NAME = 'IAU_FENRIR' FRAME_641_CLASS = 2 FRAME_641_CLASS_ID = 641 FRAME_641_CENTER = 641 OBJECT_641_FRAME = 'IAU_FENRIR' \begintext FORNJOT ---------------------------------------------------------- \begindata FRAME_IAU_FORNJOT = 642 FRAME_642_NAME = 'IAU_FORNJOT' FRAME_642_CLASS = 2 FRAME_642_CLASS_ID = 642 FRAME_642_CENTER = 642 OBJECT_642_FRAME = 'IAU_FORNJOT' \begintext HATI ---------------------------------------------------------- \begindata FRAME_IAU_HATI = 643 FRAME_643_NAME = 'IAU_HATI' FRAME_643_CLASS = 2 FRAME_643_CLASS_ID = 643 FRAME_643_CENTER = 643 OBJECT_643_FRAME = 'IAU_HATI' \begintext HYROKKIN ---------------------------------------------------------- \begindata FRAME_IAU_HYROKKIN = 644 FRAME_644_NAME = 'IAU_HYROKKIN' FRAME_644_CLASS = 2 FRAME_644_CLASS_ID = 644 FRAME_644_CENTER = 644 OBJECT_644_FRAME = 'IAU_HYROKKIN' \begintext KARI ---------------------------------------------------------- \begindata FRAME_IAU_KARI = 645 FRAME_645_NAME = 'IAU_KARI' FRAME_645_CLASS = 2 FRAME_645_CLASS_ID = 645 FRAME_645_CENTER = 645 OBJECT_645_FRAME = 'IAU_KARI' \begintext LOGE ---------------------------------------------------------- \begindata FRAME_IAU_LOGE = 646 FRAME_646_NAME = 'IAU_LOGE' FRAME_646_CLASS = 2 FRAME_646_CLASS_ID = 646 FRAME_646_CENTER = 646 OBJECT_646_FRAME = 'IAU_LOGE' \begintext SKOLL ---------------------------------------------------------- \begindata FRAME_IAU_SKOLL = 647 FRAME_647_NAME = 'IAU_SKOLL' FRAME_647_CLASS = 2 FRAME_647_CLASS_ID = 647 FRAME_647_CENTER = 647 OBJECT_647_FRAME = 'IAU_SKOLL' \begintext SURTUR ---------------------------------------------------------- \begindata FRAME_IAU_SURTUR = 648 FRAME_648_NAME = 'IAU_SURTUR' FRAME_648_CLASS = 2 FRAME_648_CLASS_ID = 648 FRAME_648_CENTER = 648 OBJECT_648_FRAME = 'IAU_SURTUR' \begintext ANTHE ---------------------------------------------------------- \begindata FRAME_IAU_ANTHE = 649 FRAME_649_NAME = 'IAU_ANTHE' FRAME_649_CLASS = 2 FRAME_649_CLASS_ID = 649 FRAME_649_CENTER = 649 OBJECT_649_FRAME = 'IAU_ANTHE' \begintext S7_2004 ---------------------------------------------------------- \begindata FRAME_IAU_S7_2004 = 65035 FRAME_65035_NAME = 'IAU_S7_2004' FRAME_65035_CLASS = 2 FRAME_65035_CLASS_ID = 65035 FRAME_65035_CENTER = 65035 OBJECT_65035_FRAME = 'IAU_S7_2004' \begintext S12_2004 ---------------------------------------------------------- \begindata FRAME_IAU_S12_2004 = 65040 FRAME_65040_NAME = 'IAU_S12_2004' FRAME_65040_CLASS = 2 FRAME_65040_CLASS_ID = 65040 FRAME_65040_CENTER = 65040 OBJECT_65040_FRAME = 'IAU_S12_2004' \begintext S13_2004 ---------------------------------------------------------- \begindata FRAME_IAU_S13_2004 = 65041 FRAME_65041_NAME = 'IAU_S13_2004' FRAME_65041_CLASS = 2 FRAME_65041_CLASS_ID = 65041 FRAME_65041_CENTER = 65041 OBJECT_65041_FRAME = 'IAU_S13_2004' \begintext S17_2004 ---------------------------------------------------------- \begindata FRAME_IAU_S17_2004 = 65045 FRAME_65045_NAME = 'IAU_S17_2004' FRAME_65045_CLASS = 2 FRAME_65045_CLASS_ID = 65045 FRAME_65045_CENTER = 65045 OBJECT_65045_FRAME = 'IAU_S17_2004' \begintext S01_2006 ---------------------------------------------------------- \begindata FRAME_IAU_S01_2006 = 65048 FRAME_65048_NAME = 'IAU_S01_2006' FRAME_65048_CLASS = 2 FRAME_65048_CLASS_ID = 65048 FRAME_65048_CENTER = 65048 OBJECT_65048_FRAME = 'IAU_S01_2006' \begintext S03_2006 ---------------------------------------------------------- \begindata FRAME_IAU_S03_2006 = 65050 FRAME_65050_NAME = 'IAU_S03_2006' FRAME_65050_CLASS = 2 FRAME_65050_CLASS_ID = 65050 FRAME_65050_CENTER = 65050 OBJECT_65050_FRAME = 'IAU_S03_2006' \begintext S04_2006 ---------------------------------------------------------- \begindata FRAME_IAU_S04_2006 = 65051 FRAME_65051_NAME = 'IAU_S04_2006' FRAME_65051_CLASS = 2 FRAME_65051_CLASS_ID = 65051 FRAME_65051_CENTER = 65051 OBJECT_65051_FRAME = 'IAU_S04_2006' \begintext S06_2006 ---------------------------------------------------------- \begindata FRAME_IAU_S06_2006 = 65053 FRAME_65053_NAME = 'IAU_S06_2006' FRAME_65053_CLASS = 2 FRAME_65053_CLASS_ID = 65053 FRAME_65053_CENTER = 65053 OBJECT_65053_FRAME = 'IAU_S06_2006' \begintext