KPL/SCLK \beginlabel PDS_VERSION_ID = PDS3 RECORD_TYPE = STREAM RECORD_BYTES = "N/A" ^SPICE_KERNEL = "clem_nom.tsc" MISSION_NAME = "DEEP SPACE PROGRAM SCIENCE EXPERIMENT" SPACECRAFT_NAME = "CLEMENTINE 1" DATA_SET_ID = "CLEM1-L-SPICE-6-V1.0" KERNEL_TYPE_ID = SCLK PRODUCT_ID = "clem_nom.tsc" PRODUCT_CREATION_TIME = 2007-06-13T12:27:04 PRODUCER_ID = "NAIF/JPL" MISSION_PHASE_NAME = "N/A" PRODUCT_VERSION_TYPE = PREDICT PLATFORM_OR_MOUNTING_NAME = "N/A" START_TIME = "N/A" STOP_TIME = "N/A" SPACECRAFT_CLOCK_START_COUNT = "N/A" SPACECRAFT_CLOCK_STOP_COUNT = "N/A" TARGET_NAME = MOON INSTRUMENT_NAME = "N/A" NAIF_INSTRUMENT_ID = "N/A" SOURCE_PRODUCT_ID = "N/A" NOTE = "See comments in the file for details" OBJECT = SPICE_KERNEL INTERCHANGE_FORMAT = ASCII KERNEL_TYPE = CLOCK_COEFFICIENTS DESCRIPTION = "Clementine SPICE SCLK file providing nominal correlation data for the Clementine on-board clock, created by NAIF, JPL. " END_OBJECT = SPICE_KERNEL \endlabel CLEMENTINE SPICE SCLK Kernel =========================================================================== This file contains the data necessary to convert between Deep Space Program Science Experiment (DSPSE), a.k.a. CLEMENTINE, spacecraft clock time (SCLK) and ephemeris time. Version -------------------------------------------------------- The clock correlation data in this file are version 1, released 18-JAN-1994, by NAIF. The original file was called ``dspse002.tsc''. The comments were edited on March 13, 2007 by Boris Semenov, NAIF/JPL in preparation for archiving of this file in the CLEMENTINE SPICE PDS data set. Usage -------------------------------------------------------- This file must be loaded into the user's program by a call to the FURNSH subroutine CALL FURNSH( 'this_kernel_name' ) in FORTRAN furnsh_c ( "this_kernel_name" ); in C cspice_furnsh, "this_kernel_name" in IDL in order to use the SPICE SCLK family of routines to convert CLEMENTINE spacecraft on-board clock to ET and vice versa. Clock Correlation -------------------------------------------------------- This SCLK kernel provides correlation data for the nominal CLEMENTINE on-board clock. Nominally the CLEMENTINE clock zero count occurred at 1-JAN-1950/00:00:00 UTC and the clock advanced with the UTC time. To account for leapseconds prior to the launch of the spacecraft, the begin time in the data section below was set to 1-JAN-1950/00:00:19.000. The granularity of the clock -- the nominal duration of the clock tick -- is 1/8 of a millisecond. Clock Format -------------------------------------------------------- The on-board clock, the conversion for which is provided by this SCLK file, consists of three fields: AAAAA.BBBBB.CCCCC where: AAAAA -- count of days since 1-JAN-1950/00:00:00, ranging from 0 to 65535 (for the CLEMENTINE mission duration -- from 16095 to 16197) BBBBB -- count of 8.192 second intervals since the beginning of the current day, ranging from 0 to 10546 CCCCC -- count of 1/8 of a millisecond intervals since the beginning of the current 8.192 second interval, ranging from 0 to 65535 References -------------------------------------------------------- 1. SCLK system SCLK required reading 2. Time systems and conversion TIME required reading 3. Kernel pool KERNEL required reading Kernel Data -------------------------------------------------------- \begindata SCLK_KERNEL_ID = ( @1994-01-18 ) SCLK_DATA_TYPE_40 = ( 1 ) SCLK01_TIME_SYSTEM_40 = ( 2 ) SCLK01_N_FIELDS_40 = ( 3 ) SCLK01_MODULI_40 = ( 65536 10546.875 65536 ) SCLK01_OFFSETS_40 = ( 0 0 0 ) SCLK01_OUTPUT_DELIM_40 = ( 1 ) SCLK_PARTITION_START_40 = ( 0.0000000000000E+00 ) SCLK_PARTITION_END_40 = ( 4.5298483199999E+13 ) SCLK01_COEFFICIENTS_40 = ( 0.0000000000000E+00 -1.5778799398160E+09 8.6400000000000E+04 ) \begintext