KPL/FK \beginlabel PDS_VERSION_ID = PDS3 RECORD_TYPE = STREAM RECORD_BYTES = "N/A" ^SPICE_KERNEL = "" MISSION_NAME = MARS_PATHFINDER SPACECRAFT_NAME = MARS_PATHFINDER_LANDER DATA_SET_ID = "MPFL-M-SPICE-6-FK-V1.0" KERNEL_TYPE_ID = FK PRODUCT_ID = "" PRODUCT_CREATION_TIME = 1998-02-19T14:36:03 PRODUCER_ID = "Boris Semenov, NAIF, JPL" MISSION_PHASE_NAME = ALL PRODUCT_VERSION_TYPE = ACTUAL PLATFORM_OR_MOUNTING_NAME = "N/A" START_TIME = "N/A" STOP_TIME = "N/A" SPACECRAFT_CLOCK_START_COUNT = "N/A" SPACECRAFT_CLOCK_STOP_COUNT = "N/A" TARGET_NAME = MARS INSTRUMENT_NAME = "N/A" NAIF_INSTRUMENT_ID = "N/A" SOURCE_PRODUCT_ID = "MPF Project Documentation" NOTE = "See descriptive information in the file for details." OBJECT = SPICE_KERNEL INTERCHANGE_FORMAT = ASCII KERNEL_TYPE = FRAMES DESCRIPTION = "This file is a SPICE Frame Definitions kernel specifying type and origin and orientation information source for various MPF frames used during the mission." END_OBJECT = SPICE_KERNEL \endlabel Mars Pathfinder Frame Definitions Kernel File =============================================================================== Created by Boris Semenov, NAIF/JPL February 19, 1998. Revisions ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1998-02-19, by BVS (NAIF/JPL) Separate MPF Frame Definitions Kernel file (this file) was created. 1996..1997, by BVS (NAIF/JPL) MPF Frame definitions were stored in MPF SCLK file. Status ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ This file contains definitions for the following frames used during the mission: Local level frame ('MPF_LOCAL_LEVEL') Surface fixed frame ('MPF_SURFACE_FIXED') Lander Frame ('MPF_LANDER') IMP camera head frame ('MPF_IMP') See Frame Definitions section of the file for details. Usage ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ This file must be loaded into user's program so that the frame definitions may be utilized by various SPICELIB subroutines. Inquiries ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ If you have any questions regarding this file contact Boris Semenov, NAIF/JPL (818) 354-8136 Frame Definitions Section =============================================================================== MPF Lander Frame ('MPF_LANDER') ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The MPF lander coordinate frame is rigidly attached to the lander hardware. The Mars Pathfinder lander is a tetrahedral structure. One of its faces is called the base petal and houses most of the lander equipment. The other three faces, or petals, open after surface impact to expose the systems in the base petal. The rover is mounted to one of these "outer" petals. The lander coordinate system has the lander base petal as its reference plane and its origin (center) coincident with the geometric center of the base petal. The Y-axis lies in the plane of the base petal and passes through the geometric center of the rover petal. The Z-axis is normal to the base petal; when the lander is upright on the surface of Mars, the Z-axis is directed positively downward to the ground. The X-axis completes a right-handed coordinate system. The orientation of the lander frame relative to the Mars body-fixed frame depends on the local topography at the landing site and the random position of the lander petals after deployment on the surface. This orientation is derived from measurements of the landing site location in the Mars body-fixed frame and a combination of accelerometer measurements giving the direction of the local gravity vector, which is assume to be coincident with the radius vector to the landing site, and sun-search images that establish the local east and north directions relative to the rover petal's direction (Y-axis of lander coordinates). The location the origin of the lander frame is provided in the lander SPK file relative to the surface fixed frame. The orientation of the frame is provided in the lander CK file relative to the Mars body-fixed frame. \begindata FRAME_MPF_LANDER = -53000 FRAME_-53000_NAME = 'MPF_LANDER' FRAME_-53000_CLASS = 3 FRAME_-53000_CLASS_ID = -53000 FRAME_-53000_CENTER = -53 \begintext IMP Camera Head Frame ('MPF_IMP') ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The IMP Camera Head frame is rigidly attached to the rotating IMP camera cylinder. It's origin is at the intersection of the camera azimuth and elevation axes. The X axis of this frame is the IMP camera central look vector defined as a unit vector perpendicular to the elevation axis. coplanar to the left camera look vector and intersecting the azimuth axis. The Y axis of this frame parallel to the elevation axis. When the camera is pointing at azimuth 0 and elevation 0, all axes of this frame are parallel to the corresponding axes of the MPF lander frame, It follows that for any orientation of the IMP Camera head frame it's rotated from MPF lander frame by azimuth and elevation. The location the origin of the IMP camera head frame is provided in the lander structures SPK file and/or IMP IK file relative to the lander frame. The orientation of the frame is provided in the IMP CK file(s) relative to the lander frame. \begindata FRAME_MPF_IMP = -53001 FRAME_-53001_NAME = 'MPF_IMP' FRAME_-53001_CLASS = 3 FRAME_-53001_CLASS_ID = -53001 FRAME_-53001_CENTER = -53001 \begintext MPF Local Level Frame ('MPF_LOCAL_LEVEL') ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The MPF local level coordinate frame is a function of the landing site location in the Mars body-fixed frame. The rotation between these 2 frame is fixed for a given landing site and does not vary with time. The origin (center) of the local level frame is a fixed point on the Mars Pathfinder lander; this point may move locally over the surface of Mars during the mission. However, any translations of the lander from the initial landing site are assumed to be small - much smaller than the uncertainty in the measurement of the landing site location in the Mars body-fixed frame. The location the origin of the local frame is the same as the origin of the lander frame and it is provided in the lander SPK file relative to the surface fixed frame. The Z-axis of the local level system is aligned with the radius vector - the vector from the center of Mars to the landing site - but points in the opposite direction downward from the lander towards the center of the planet. The X-axis points along the longitude meridian containing the landing site towards the Martian north pole (the Z-axis of the Mars body-fixed frame). The Y-axis completes a right-handed system and points along the latitude circle containing the landing site eastward in the direction of Mars' rotation. This frame is thus a North, East, Nadir frame. The orientation of the is frame is provided in the local level CK file relative to the Mars body-fixed frame. \begindata FRAME_MPF_LOCAL_LEVEL = -53999 FRAME_-53999_NAME = 'MPF_LOCAL_LEVEL' FRAME_-53999_CLASS = 3 FRAME_-53999_CLASS_ID = -53999 FRAME_-53999_CENTER = -53 \begintext MPF Surface Fixed Frame ('MPF_SURFACE_FIXED') ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The MPF surface fixed coordinate frame is a function of the landing site location in the Mars body-fixed frame. The rotation between these 2 frames is fixed for a given landing site and does not vary with time. The origin (center) of the surface fixed frame is a fixed point on the surface of Mars; this frame IS NOT attached to the Pathfinder lander. The origin is defined to be coincident with the landing site location expressed as areocentric radius, latitude and longitude. The location of the origin of the surface fixed frame is provided in the landing site SPK file relative to the center of Mars. The Z-axis of the surface fixed system is aligned with the radius vector - the vector from the center of Mars to the landing site - but points in the opposite direction downward from the lander towards the center of the planet. The X-axis points along the longitude meridian containing the landing site towards the Martian north pole (the Z-axis of the Mars body-fixed frame). The Y-axis completes a right-handed system and points along the latitude circle containing the landing site eastward in the direction of Mars' rotation. This frame is thus a North, East, Nadir frame. The orientation of the is frame is provided in the surface fixed CK file relative to the Mars body-fixed frame. \begindata FRAME_MPF_SURFACE_FIXED = -53998 FRAME_-53998_NAME = 'MPF_SURFACE_FIXED' FRAME_-53998_CLASS = 3 FRAME_-53998_CLASS_ID = -53998 FRAME_-53998_CENTER = -53998