Generic Trans-Neptunian Object (TNO) Ephemeris Files B. Semenov -- October 20, 2022 This folder contains SPICE format (SPK) versions of the most recent TNO ephemeris files produced by JPL's Solar System Dynamics Group. The naming schema for these files is usually tnosat_vVVVx_IIIIIIII_jplSSS_YYYYMMDD.bsp where: tnosat indicates a TNO satellite system ephemeris file. VVV is the TNO satellite solution version. x is an optional sub-version of the solution. IIIIIIII is the 8-digit NAIF ID of the TNO system barycenter. SSS is the TNO system barycenter solution version. YYYYMMDD is the file release date. Each TNO satellite SPK includes data for the system barycenter, the main body and its satellites. The NAIF IDs for all bodies are formed following the 8/9 digit extended asteroid NAIF ID schema: NAIF's SPK tutorial provides more information about barycenters, and about how to use (read) SPK files. That tutorial is found here: Each of these SPKs contains some meta-data in the comment area. Typically the meta-data are those provided by the person who generated the source file from which the SPK was made. (The Solar System Dynamics Group uses a local, internal format for their ephemeris files.) You may view those meta-data by reading the comment area, using the "commnt" utility available in each Toolkit. Those same comments are often available in this folder, in files having a "cmt" extension. The file named "aa_summaries" provides a convenient summary of the contents (which satellites are included) and time coverage for every SPK file available in this folder. Older versions of satellite SPK files are found one level down, in the "a_old_version" folder.