Preliminary SPK for DSN Station DSS 59 ===================================================================== Original file name: dss_59_prelim_itrf93_220921.bsp Creation date: 2022-09-21 14:30 Created by: Nat Bachman (NAIF/JPL) Introduction ===================================================================== This file provides geocentric states---position and velocity---as a slowly varying function of time for the DSN station DSS 59. Station position vectors point from the earth's barycenter to the station; the vectors are expressed in the ITRF93 terrestrial reference frame. Station velocities are estimates of the derivative with respect to time of these vectors; in this file, velocity is constant. The station velocity has magnitude on the order of a few cm/year. States obtained from this file are given relative to the terrestrial reference frame ITRF93. Using this kernel ===================================================================== Kernel loading -------------- In order for a SPICE-based program to make use of this kernel, the kernel must be loaded via the SPICE routine FURNSH. If you are running application software created by a third party, see the documentation for that software for instructions on kernel management. See also "Associated frame kernels" and "Associated PCK files" below. Associated PCK files -------------------- This kernel should be used together with a binary Earth PCK file. NAIF produces these kernels on a regular basis; they can be obtained via anonymous ftp from the NAIF server The PCK is located in the path pub/naif/generic_kernels/pck The file name is of the form earth_000101_yymmdd_yymmdd.bpc The first two dates are the file's start and stop times; the third is the epoch of the last datum in the EOP file: data from this epoch forward are predicted. The file's coverage starts at a fixed date (currently chosen to be 2000 Jan. 1) and extends to the end of the predict region, which has a duration of roughly 3 months. NAIF also provides a low-accuracy, long-term predict binary Earth PCK file. See the path cited above for this file and accompanying documentation. Associated frame kernels ------------------------ The frame kernel having (original) file name defines a topocentric reference frame associated with the station covered by this file. That kernel supports computations such as finding the azimuth and elevation of a target as seen from the DSS-59 station. Data sources ===================================================================== The data provided here were provided in an email from Connie Dang (JPL), received 2022-09-13. Data from that message are shown below. Frame epoch x(m) y(m) z(m) Vx(m/yr) Vy(m/yr) Vz(m/yr) JPL93 2003 4086899.547 -370740.405 4866534.033 -0.0142 0.0220 0.0127 PINPOINT inputs ===================================================================== begindata SITES += 'DSS-59' DSS-59_FRAME = 'ITRF93' DSS-59_CENTER = 399 DSS-59_IDCODE = 399059 DSS-59_EPOCH = @2003-JAN-01/00:00 DSS-59_BOUNDS = ( @1950-JAN-01/00:00, @2050-JAN-01/00:00 ) DSS-59_XYZ = ( 4086.899547 -370.740405 4866.534033 ) DSS-59_TOPO_EPOCH = @2022-SEP-21/00:00 DSS-59_UP = 'Z' DSS-59_NORTH = 'X' DSS-59_DXYZ = ( -0.0142 0.0220 0.0127 ) begintext