Binary "High Accuracy" Earth PCK File ===================================== Created by: NAIF/JPL Creation date: 2024-08-28T06:03:23 Program version: WRTPEM Version 7.0.0, 02-JUN-2023 Original file name: earth_620120_240827.bpc Data Sources Input EOP file: latest_long.eop Input LSK: naif0012.tls Coverage ET Start time: 1962 JAN 20 00:00:41.184 TDB ET Stop time: 2024 AUG 27 00:01:09.182 TDB UTC Epoch of last datum: 2024 AUG 27 00:00:00.000 UTC Particulars The body ID code used in this file for the Earth is 3000; this number indicates that the terrestrial frame used is ITRF93. This file is a "high-precision" PCK file giving the orientation of the Earth as a function of time for the interval shown above. The terrestrial frame is ITRF93; the inertial base frame is Ecliptic of J2000. Rotational effects included are: -Precession (1976 IAU model) -Nutation (1980 IAU model) -Rotation through true sidereal time -Polar motion -Nutation corrections Euler angles have been extracted from the Ecliptic-to-ITRF93 rotation matrix, and Chebyshev polynomials were fit to the Euler angles. The Chebyshev expansion degree was 49; the degree of the retained polynomials is 20. The coverage interval for each set of polynomials is 1 day or less. Usage This file may be used for applications requiring earth orientation accuracy of several microradians. Note that high accuracy transformation of station locations from terrestrial to inertial reference frames requires accounting for motion of the station relative to the terrestrial reference frame; such motion is not reflected by the rotation data in this file. ********************************************************************************